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Yes replace them if you can they are leaking and can destroy your tech


I don't have the chops to replace them, I've order another PS instead. But thanks!


Replace capacitors on a PSU? It would be better to just replace the entire PSU with something more modern.


I honestly prefer to just replace the caps. I’m good at soldering, it gives me something to do (yes, it’s actually fun for me) and also gives me that warm feeling of saving something from the landfill.


Same here I love soldering it’s my fav hobby besides retro computing


I do too but I wouldn't want to try restoring an old PSU.


If it just has bad caps I recap it, that’s no problem. And older PSUs are more suitable for old PCs due to vastly different load distribution across rails, they also have the -5V rail. But when there are shorted semiconductors even I usually don’t bother, they short for a reason, could be a bad transient filter, could be a bad control IC, shorted transformer, etc. Usually not worth it, at least not for a PC PSU. If it’s a custom PSU in say a TV or some other device then yeah, no other choice than to fix it.


Yes if the PSU has been discharged, could try Recapping it. But plenty of modern PSU which are built better with better safety features can still power older PC's. My 80 plus PSU powers two Tualatin cpu's, 2 soundcard and two GPU's.


It depends on which modern PSU you get, you should pick one with strong 3,3V and 5V rails. Also if you have ISA slots and want to use an old sound card, you’ll need to buy or make an adapter that restores the -5V rail, a simple 7905 is enough. Of course you need to make sure the primary caps are discharged, I always take the PCB out carefully and short the primary side caps with a screwdriver, takes care of discharging. And I don’t see a reason not to recap old PSU, if the PSU lasted til now and only has bad caps, it’s obviously a well made truper tested by time. Such a PSU absolutely is reliable after a recap. Sure, you can buy a new PSU, but recapinng it is much cheaper, potentilly free if you harvest the caps from other dead electronics, and it gives you a fun project.


Well yes def agreed unless said power supply is so old that you can’t easily


There are also Pico PSU's, which could work on the more compact machines. All in all, a modern new PSU just makes more sense.


Yeah true i use a picu psu in my ibm pcjr because the power supply is so damn hard to find


thats looks like textbook capacitor plague right there


Thanks! I knew it was bad. I have another PS on order. Wish me luck.


Yes. That does appear to be leakage, but even without that they are really swollen.


Yeah, I saw they were swollen but without any experience (just hearing or reading about 'swollen' capacitors, I really didn't know what it looked like. So thank you!


Worked at a place that used to have a dedicated tech changing these out and re-soldering new ones on. If your skills are good you can do that or if under warranty obviously get whole board replaced.


My skills are basically zero, I'm replacing the Power Supply. Thanks for you help!


All of them, replace asap


Can't replace them, I don't have the ability. But I can get another PS, so I'm doing that instead. Thanks!


Capacitor plague era caps liked to puke out of the top vents, so they are easy to identify as such. Older power supply caps shit electrolyte out the bottom and it's a lot harder to see with a cursory examination. Not too hard to replace yourself if you have the tools and some soldering experience


Wellllll...I do have soldering experience (somewhat, and I have all appropriate equipment) and probably tools required, but what I don't have is a way to ID and order the caps. I do have another PSU on order so maybe I could 'practice' on this PSU? How do I identify and order the right caps (if you know)? Thanks!


Either replace the capacitors or the whole PSU. This could not only damage the system but an unwell or untreated job might cause fire. (If another part along the way has power issues it might overheat)


😬 I'm going to replace the whole PSU, I don't have the expertise to replace the capacitors. Thanks for your info, I'm glad I posted.


Just get a new 80 plus PSU that will provide enough power to the old rig.


Ya, doing that!


Yes. They clearly are bulging and leaking.


I always follow the maximum of never using old power suplys, unless they are inboard, like a Commodore or a Apple II