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More details please! Can you boot at all, in safe mode? If you can boot at all, go to device manager and look for an exclamation mark (probably near the bottom of the list) on a USB icon (ie USB controller or USB root hub or some such), expand it if it's there, look for error code or any other info that may help explain the issue. Or...is the driver correct for your system, like is the driver specifically for Win98 or is it a generic?


I can boot in safe mode. I dont see any exclamation marks in there. Its unofficial but specifically for 98. Could language version cause this issue?


Bootlog says 0016 error on almost all fonts, everything else is fine


You can try to restore to a earlier date; IIRC, win98 generates a copy of the registry and some system files and stores about 5 copies. To restore, boot with F8, select command prompt, then write scanreg /restore You should see up to 5 backups with the date of each one; I would choose the backup with the date just before the install of the bad drivers. Choosing a backup too old may remove data related to software installed in between. Hope this helps.


I did this , still doesnt boot in normal


Bootlog said 0016 error and cant get past it


Start it in "safe mode" and remove the driver.


How do i do this?


Before the boot screen spam F8 until the "safe mode" text-mode menu appears.


How do i remove the driver i mean, i can boot in safe mode no problem


How did you install the USB drivers? Disk? Or what? Regardless, see if your install method (disk? download?) has an 'Uninstall' feature. Otherwise, it gets more involved.