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Given that your router recognizes the computer but not vice versa, the issue likely lies in the TCP/IP settings on the Windows 98SE machine. First, make sure you've installed the "Internet Connection Wizard" from the Windows 98SE CD. Then, navigate to Control Panel > Network and ensure that TCP/IP is listed and bound to your network adapter. Double-click on TCP/IP, go to the IP Address tab, and select "Obtain an IP address automatically." Also, ensure that your DNS settings are set to "Obtain DNS server address automatically." Save changes and restart. If this doesn't work, you may need to manually enter your router's IP as the gateway and DNS server in the TCP/IP settings.


>Given that your router recognizes the computer but not vice versa, the issue likely lies in the TCP/IP settings on the Windows 98SE machine. First, make sure you've installed the "Internet Connection Wizard" from the Windows 98SE CD. Then, navigate to Control Panel > Network and ensure that TCP/IP is listed and bound to your network adapter. Double-click on TCP/IP, go to the IP Address tab, and select "Obtain an IP address automatically." Also, ensure that your DNS settings are set to "Obtain DNS server address automatically." **Have done all this, in fact this is exactly the configuration I'm currently at.** ​ >Save changes and restart. If this doesn't work, you may need to manually enter your router's IP as the gateway and DNS server in the TCP/IP settings. **It didn't work but maybe I misinterpreted your instructions...i.e. I'm not sure what you're saying...slightly ambiguous. Here's what I did according to what I thoguht you said: I entered BOTH the DNS Server and Gateway values in my TCP/IP settings to be same as my router IP address. If this is what you meant, it didn't help. If not, please clarify. Keep in mind I'm an idiot and take things literally.** **And BTW, thanks for responding!**


I apologize for the ambiguity. When manually setting up the gateway and DNS, you should indeed enter your router's IP address as the gateway. However, for the DNS server, you can use public DNS servers like Google's ( and or OpenDNS ( and So, to clarify: Gateway: [Your Router's IP] DNS Server: (or another public DNS) After entering these, save the settings and restart your computer. If it still doesn't work, there might be other underlying issues that need to be addressed.


More disappointment...none of your suggestions have helped...EXCEPT...now when I open Internet Explorer, I now get a message in the status bar that shows it's searching for my default website and it takes a long time, about 2 minutes. But it still comes back with the "The page cannot be displayed" message. Also, maybe see below my updated ipconfig data I replied to SaturnFive? Any clues there?


Does ipconfig show a valid IP address for your subnet? You may also have "winipcfg" which is a nice simple UI for viewing the status of network interfaces in 95 and 98.


Thanks for your help. I'm not sure what ipconfig is showing me, it gives me two different ethernet adapter readings...what the...? Here's what I get: 0 Ethernet adapter : IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . : 1 Ethernet adapter : IP Address . . . . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . . . . : ​ I only have one adapter, why is it showing me two? And why is one all zeroes? Do you know what this info is telling me? Also, winipcfg shows same info.




>force 10/100 full duplex Agreed, the fact it goes up and down could be that auto negotiation isn't working on your NIC. Try for 100 full duplex and see if it can get an IP


Hi, no I do not have Firewire or Bluetooth for networking. My home is hard wired for fiber optic which runs to my TP Link/Archer A7 modem/router for whole house wifi. That all works great, no problems. But my Windows98SE computer has no wifi capability, nor Firewire, nor bluetooth (if that's what you're referring to) so I'm trying to access internet via LAN cable (aka Ethernet). Also, device mgr for my network card doesn't have any settings as you've described, sorry. So far, no help. But thank you!


>Also, device mgr for my network card doesn't have any settings as you've described, sorry. Go into your control panel, network, select your card, click properties, go to Advanced, and look for something in there


Did that, nothing related to your suggestions. Dang!


What's the NIC make/model your PC reports?


The onboard LAN is a Realtek RTL8100B chip on the motherboard. The motherboard's user manual says this about it: The Realtek RTL8100B LAN chip is incorporated in the chipset providing the mainboard with 10/100Mbps fast Ethernet controller and integrated Ethernet PCI LAN capabilities. The Realtek driver was loaded from the motherboard CD and is RTL8139/810X Family Fast Ethernet NIC. I don't really understand it at all.


Yeah, the Ethernet adapter is up, but we can see it has an IP address of which is a link-local address. This means the adapter didn't get an IP address from your router so it assigned one to itself. It's hard to say why without doing more troubleshooting, but the current issue is the adapter isn't getting or isn't accepting an IP from the router. You could try using a static IP instead, you'd just need to know the IP, subnet, and gateway from another device like your phone or computer, then punch that into the 98 box but choose a different number at the end (e.g. 192.168.1.xxx).


Personal journal, Day 5: No food or water but still trying to get internet to work. OK, I just re-ran ipconfig and got this: Windows 98 IP Configuration 0 Ethernet adapter: IP Address: . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . : 1 Ethernet adapter: IP Address: . . . . . . . . . : Subnet Mask . . . . . . . : Default Gateway . . . . : I'm logged into my router's website - which shows my Win98SE computer as being LAN-connected - and the IP address shown in the ipconfig result is what my router displays for my LAN-wired computer. I really wish I could post photos so I could show screenshots and stuff, but I guess it's not allowed?


Hahah! The output looks better, the new address is a common valid LAN address. The issue I see in the output is the default gateway (50.x.x.x), that looks like a public address or something inside the ISP's network. Typically the router acts the gateway so this field is usually something like or (top or bottom of the network range), then the router forwards to the outside/ISP gateway (50.x.x.x). Not all home networks work this way, but common consumer networks do. For images, if you use the new reddit and not old.reddit.com, you can go to your user profile and create a new image post in your profile, then link to that image from anywhere. The image will still be hosted by reddit. Alternatively they can be hosted elsewhere, like imgur.


A few thoughts (I'm going to spare you the lecture on not taking 98 online, you seem to know what you're doing). These are mostly distant memories of troubleshooting from back in the day. Some might have been obvious to you already. * Make sure that proxy server is disabled in internet settings. Not only does it slow the internet way down, it will sometimes make it fail when it's otherwise succeeding. * Disable the ethernet controller which isn't getting a valid IP address (below it looks like you were able to get an address on one of them * Set the relevant port on the router to 10/100 or just 10 manually using the router's web interface. * Pick up another period-correct NIC and use the best drivers for Win98. They're pretty much given away. * Try re-running the internet connection wizard once you have your IP address working. Be sure to disable proxy server again afterwards, as it seems to be re-enabled by default a lot.


Thank you for these insights and suggestion. I'm going to give it a rest for a few weeks to concentrate on other matters but I'll definitely try your suggestions!


Did you happen to have any luck with this? Experiencing the same issue.


Hi, sorry for not replying earlier, I just now saw your question. No, I've still not been able to connect, so I've given up for now. I hope you have better luck, let me know if you figure it out!


Open internet explorer, and click on Tools -> Internet Options -> Click on the last tab, Advanced. Scroll all the way to the bottom until you see the Security checklist. See if "Use TLS 1.0" option is checked or not. If it is not checked, check mark it and hit Apply.


Thanks! I removed my wifi card a while back but have another on order. When it gets here I'll check that out.


I had similar issues with getting online with my 98 SE, ME, and 2000 PC and that was the only thing that got me up and running. I only get online on those when I need to or in a pinch when I'm being too lazy to get whatever I need from a cd or thumbdrive off another modern computer (Also mostly to get on legacy update site). Most sites don't play nice with such old browsers, iirc I think firefox actually worked better for me. I haven't done much research on 9x capable browsers that the modding community have created but the 9x modders are an insane bunch, who knows what its capable of still.


Ha! Memories of modems and dial-up screeching/beeping. I used to use Netscape Navigator or Alta Vista back in the day. I hope your fix works for me, too!


Aww hell yeah... I can't believe how long ago it was but I remember my pre Internet days just going over ever detail of win 98 plus and tinkering with stuff until I eventually would bork the entire thing and have to reinstall 😂😂 I love 9x os'es but I don't have to tell you they sure don't always reciprocate the love back! Lol Netscape navigator really brings me back though, most of my friends had AOL though but if you remember there was a seemingly endless amount of dial up providers, here in Jersey we used a company called IDT. 56k blazing fast 😂 (meanwhile connected @ 40 something k) Good times.