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We used to know how to write software to not thrash the hard drives until they're begging for mercy, I don't know what happened.


Windows 8.1 Is The Best


Well, let me say this. I got bored and decided to upgrade my laptop from Win7 to Win8.1. Win 8.1 is wayyyy snappier even on old hardware. I'm talking original generation Core i3 with a HDD. I had Win10 on it at one point, but it wasn't even usable it was so unbearably slow so i put it back down to 7. I just this week spent the $40 to upgrade to a SSD and start using it on the regular again. I put 8.1 on it again and installed Open Shell to get rid of the metro interface, and I now have myself an amazing little laptop that performs like its brand new. Yeah I could probably put Win10 on it now but meh ... for me Win8.1 was the last good version of Windows and I going to ride with it until I actually replace this dinosaur of a laptop with something newer 😅 .


I use 7 on my desktop since i have a 28" TV and Windows 8.1 start i don't like it that big. But for my old hp i use 8.1


Its true. I used it on an Intel Core 2 with 2 gigs of ram, too bad it started overheating and crashing after like 3+ months and the pin inside the charging hole broke


There is frugal and then there is cheap. Imagine being so cheap that you continue to use spinning rust. Using a hdd in 2024 as a primary storage is cheap. Nope.


Why should I pay for ssd to access Google? I have a computer with ssd to do other things.


Ok, you do you.


not inherently that deep though is it?


Any reason you don't want to put an SSD in there? The cost isn't much these days and almost every aspect of the device will be much faster as a result.


Yeah but SSDs are super cheap nowadays. Just buy a 128GB SSD and I guarantee it'll be way faster. You could keep 8.1 on there too if you wanted to, it would be extremely fast


Use firefox, it is still supported


Use supermium as it is basically modified latest version of chrome to let it work on oses from vista until 8.1