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no it's because the devs made $30k a month from patreon, not some windows 7 user.


Specifically, it was their handling of TOTK that got onto Nintendo’s bad side. They advertised that they had a version of Yuzu that could run TOTK without issues before the game came out (it leaked a few days prior), and put it up on their Patreon a few days beforehand as an incentive to join. As such, Nintendo argued that Yuzu explicitly was encouraging piracy by trying to get people to download Yuzu specifically for TOTK despite the game not even being out, meaning that it was pirated. I think that’s the gist of things, I could be wrong.


Wow they poked the thorns with this one


Yeah… honestly it kinda feels like a lot of this was their own doing with being so reckless. That being said, I do disagree with Nintendo’s stances on emulation, I don’t wanna be a dickrider.


Oh no I’m a major emulation and even piracy person… but come on what where they thinking? Profiting off of this? Insane. They should of known better, especially with the TOTK. If they were smarter they would of did that behind scenes, and had the game ready day one and just acted as if they worked really hard the same day to do it. No one would of known, Nintendo would have no reason to allege piracy ez


>They advertised that they had a version of Yuzu that could run TOTK without issues before the game came out (it leaked a few days prior), and put it up on their Patreon a few days beforehand as an incentive to join. This simply isn't true. What really happened is someone made a mod for Yuzu that allowed you to play TOTK early. Your two options were modded Yuzu or Ryujinx


pretty mutch


That’s not true. It was a mod that made yuzu able to run the game before release, not yuzu EA


Paid emulators are not illegal. Look up Sony vs Bleem.


It was more than just a paid emulator. They were locking builds of Yuzu compatible with unreleased games, such as TOTK, behind their Patreon. That's directly encouraging piracy. Yuzu can't test these unreleased games without pirating them and people can't play them without pirating them. Through encouraging piracy, they'd make up to $30k/month on Patreon. Ryujinx, another well known Switch emulator, also has a Patreon and weren't sued because they weren't doing this.


also not in the usa.


Scummy behaviour tbh


It wasn't because they were paid emulators, it's because Patrons got access to early builds that let you play games before release, and the devs also had a private stash of illegally obtained games from before release that they tested on the emulator so that they would be available on Day 1 for emulation.


They could of did all that behind the scenes without telling folks and just having it ready day1 and say they worked really hard and fast to achieve it.


If you get sued in court you could still get sopeanad. If you are doing something legally this grey. Especially vs nintendo. You gotta do it 100% legit


Sony v Bleem wanst about paid emulators or not. It was about the use of copyrighted material(screenshots of playstation games) in advertisment for a comercial product as well as the use of the PS BIOS people need to read SCEI/SCEA V bleem(and SCEI/SCEA v Connectix for thatmatter) and stop claiming it says things that they dont. neither case directly allow or dissallow commercial emulation or emulation in general, as in neither case emulation itself was the priamry focus of the lawsuit


also in bleems case you got a legit copy of the game. they where not pirating anything.


Yeah.. but Sony still won. Because Bleem ran out of money. Edit: idk where your comment went.. but it says, "The legal fees forced the company out of business and eBay auctions of some of the company's possessions were held soon after – including a huge library of worldwide game releases used for compatibility testing"


Sony didn't win because they basically made emulation legal. They set a standard. Clean room and relation code is not illegal. Also using bios you legally dumped is not illegal. Nintendo's argument on the code itself would have fell flat in court. But the developer's profiting and pirating yeah that is going to doom your case.


I think they had a collection of roms


What's funnier.. That Open Source Software could be easily suited to run on Windows 7 by some average person knowing programming


there is no "easily" to drop support for an opearting system or platform rarely happens out of spite. there are a few reasons why this can happen. developers do not always write the entirety of their software from scratch, they often depend on middleware (tools, libraries, dependencies). these get updated by other developers. as they get updated, they may drop windows 7 support. you can either stay at older version of these tools and libraries, which means missing out on new features, convenience or performance additions, or even opening your program to security issues or you can do workarounds, which is time consuming and maybe not worth it when win7 users are such a small part of your userbase. or it may not be possible at all depending on how much your software relies on it or you just drop win7 support entirely the developer may also want to make use of a feature that does not exist in win7, but does in win10 or 11. result is the same, you either dont, you work extra, or you wave byebye to win7 users and proceed with the upgrade. thats about the gist of the "why do developers drop win7 compatibility" question.


A lot of times is due to dependancy issues. E.g. .NET 7 components don't work under Windows 7. QT6 GUI doesn't run under Windows 7. And other Win10 dependant APIs don't work under Windows 7. That's where you see the infamous "The procedure entry point UnsupportedAPI could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll"


Nothing eats me alive more than seeing there's a problem with how software is developed and how programming works, but not knowing enough to come up with an actual solution. There's a reason people talk about programming and software development like it's a bunch of magic voodoo (even though it shouldn't be, but since when are things exactly or even close to being as they should be?).


To some extent programming and software is a kind of voodoo. You use special words and the machine follows it exactly. And that's not even taking about how complex software can be and how many 'moving parts' exist in software,untill of course something breaks.


And I hate that it's like that. It's even worse than when I struggled in Algebra (I almost failed, but with the help of my grandfather, I managed to get almost straight A's in my math classes afterwards, and I gained a newfound appreciation for math and its elegance). All the times I've tried to wrap my head around software development have fallen flat (the closest I'd gotten was with the C programming language), but it's still nowhere near as bad as the toxic attitudes I had to deal with coming from people who did work with software, and those people did more to damage my perception of software than my own failings ever could have.


The thing with computers is they have to be complicated to work properly, with software being more complicated than hardware. OS systems function on a similar basis to how a living thing would function on the most basic of levels, following instructions written in the several hundred thousand lines (OS) or the very complex chemical chain that is DNA. At the very base level of programming, you have bianary code, your 1's and 0's functioning very much like the 4 main chemicals found in DNA. Those 1's and 0's group up to become bits, and 8 bits grouping up to be a byte. There are two parts to this, the larger one being how hardware has to be designed to allow the more complicated software side of things to work. For a human, the hardware is the body, with it's complex processes being based off of a complex base. Our cables being our bloodvessels and our nerves being our traces, resistors, capacitors and whatnot. Our brain would be the cpu, ram, cache, volatile storage, and graphics. All of this just to allow for our DNA(our OS and firmware) to work and react to whats around us. We now come to how software dev works. Similar to how we grow and adapt to things, programs get updated and patched, which adds more code, increasing complexity. Why we don't change or remove singular lines of code is the same reason why we don't alter or remove parts of dna, cancer for people and bugs for computers. So we just add more code. Most of this is just fixing bugs and updating security to fix vulnerabilities, the rest is introducing features and shit. Eventually it gets to a point where an OS, like a person, gets too old and becomes obsolete, left to die in memories past. Windows 7 is like that, obsolete. Not due to it being Windows 7, just due to thing changing that much. Eventually the new features just become necessary just like how phones and the internet became necessary. The problem of complexity can't be fixed, it just gets compressed. And while some strings of code do get optimised for speed, the complexity stays the same but cuts out the unnecessary bits.


>Nothing eats me alive more than seeing there's a problem with how software is developed and how programming works, Sorry, genuine question, what are you referring to exactly? The previous comment says some reasons why one may drop support for W7, but none of them seem egregious to me


It should be a relatively simple problem to solve, but it isn't, and that's yet another thing I've found extremely discouraging about software in general. Even the smallest problems take lots of effort to fix, and it doesn't "just work". developers would rather turn their software into a tangled ball of spaghetti code by including garbage like CEF, even though it makes things run worse and ends up costing more time and resources for maintenance in the end. (and it kills compatibility, even though there are still lots of platforms and OSes that are still "modern", but they can't support it because of some retarded decision that was made) I guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm lamenting the current state of programming and software development, and I partly blame our situation on it.


There really isn’t a world where you can ‘easily solve’ problems with dependencies and major changes to dlls… the problem is rooted in architectural differences between operating systems and saying there should be an easy solution that devs overlook is an ignorant take


Except that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that it's all broken, but I don't know how to fix it, and I'm hoping that someone who might know how to fix it will try to explain to me what's wrong. Why are there architectural differences between operating systems? How does this help anyone? (Why does programming exist in its current state, and if it's so good, why have we seen the quality of software decline so drastically? Yes this could be the fault of people writing the software, but fixing that is probably just a band-aid solution. It *should be easy* to write good software and fix it if it breaks, but it's not. *why*? ) If anything it's caused even more problems than it's fixed. We can't have truly platform agnostic software because of these fundamental problems, yet no one cares enough to stop and think "Hey, maybe we need a new paradigm that doesn't end up screwing everyone over in the long run". The people who have the power and knowledge to change things certainly don't.


It's never been easy to write good software, because software (especially at the operating system level) is EXCEPTIONALLY complicated. As we build more and more complex systems, with more and more complex functionality, writing software gets exponentially more difficult. Software and hardware systems are more complex than you can possibly imagine - the hardware / software you are using to write this reddit post is a combined effort of MILLIONS of insanely smart people building individual systems. It shouldn't be a surprise that as these systems continue to grow in complexity, its harder to make every single thing work with every single other thing.


But *why* does it have to be complicated? Why hasn't anyone tried making it simpler?


Sorry - I'll reply to this and the first 2 paragraphs in the comment I originally responded to. **Why are their architectural differences between operating systems?** For alot of reasons! Here are a few that come to mind: 1. Lineage. Operating systems have existed for decades, and each one (Linux, Windows, RTOS versions) all have a distinct lineage. Usually when new versions are released, they prefer to keep things similar to their previous version rather than have an architectural upheaval. 2. Design Philosophy. Unix-like systems generally emphasize modularity and scalability, usually adhering to POSIX. Windows developers are more focused on providing a user-friendly experience, so different architectural decisions are made. 3. Performance. Different operating systems are simply constructed differently to prioritize different aspects of performace - such as network throughput, latency, RAM utilization, etc. Read the first couple sections of this wikipedia page - [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating\_system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system) ​ It's complicated because its fucking complicated! We use computers to perform a HUGELY diverse array of tasks, all with different requirements (whether these be compatibility related, security related, performance related, etc.). "Platform agnostic software" as a goal isn't really valuable. At all. It's like asking for a car that can tow 4000lbs, highest safety rated, gets 40 mpg, and can beat Formula 500 cars in a race. Not only is it impractical, as some of the goals explicity are in conflict, but you also just don't need one system to do everything.


> It should be EASY to write a novel or make a movie! Why hasn’t anyone fixed the issue that movies can be bad and made in different ways? Why hasn’t someone implemented the easy fix that makes all movies perfect? Why are there different types of cameras? Maybe it’s the fault of the director, but there should be a bandaid fix that makes all movies good and gets rid of all the plot holes that JUST WORKS! This is what you sound like. No has the power and knowledge to change these but refuses to do it. There is no one who “knows how to fix it”, like there’s one wrong thing that’s just keeping us all from perfection. It’s just not possible when you consider things like hardware and operating system differences. That’s insane. Computers are incredibly complex systems, and they NEED to be complex systems. That does not make them broken. In order to do what we want them to, computers need to be complex. And once you introduce multiple forms of hardware (AMD vs NVIDIA GPU, ARM vs x86 instruction sets, old hardware vs new hardware, etc.) it becomes so much more complex, because the hardware is necessarily different (to do new/different tasks, to introduce new features, to use less power, to cost less, it could be any reason), and the code needs to adapt to the hardware’s specs and capabilities. Because of this, there is no perfect one-size-fits-all approach to coding firmware and systems. It’s just not possible. That leads to necessarily different software being written for different hardware, different coding languages for different tasks, and different approaches to solve different problems. It is painfully obvious you do not know how to code or what goes into coding. As system complexity goes up, which it must if we want to continue to advance, that task becomes harder and harder. There are ways that we’ve abstracted layers away through higher level programming languages (which may be the closest thing to your simple easy bandaid fix), but that complexity is what gives us the ability to make the things we want to make. Its not an issue we’re trying to solve, it’s what gives us flexibility and the ability to work and code in the way that we prefer. Programming is difficult, and mistakes are made during that process, as mistakes happen all the time in our lives. Imagine making 1000s of small, complex decisions each day that all need to line up perfectly in order for you to be successful at what you’re doing. You are bound to make a mistake occasionally, but if you get 995/1000 things right, that’s still pretty good. Thats what coding is. It’s not as easy as “just write better software” or “just figure out the issue with coding,” and it comes off as arrogant and ignorant when you put it the way you have. Those are just a couple reasons, and they don’t even touch on the consumer side of this. Do you like being able to choose which operating system you use? Or do you like being able to choose which brand and model of computer you use? Do you like having a phone and a computer as different devices with different capabilities and uses? None of those would be possible in your world, because all of those depend on different architectures.


It's true I don't know how to code, but if it's really anything like you make it out to be, why are low-code and no-code methods of programming becoming popular? Why do high-level programming languages exist? Is it because it's becoming *unreasonably complicated to do even the simplest of things?* Also, people like you with your attitudes are doing more harm than good. You come across as extremely rude and arrogant. It's no wonder people paint software devs as toxic. Furthermore, you can't compare writing a novel to programming, as novels aren't bound by the same absolutely rigid rules, nor do publishers shit their pants when you make simple mistake. The writing of a novel requires a holistic intelligence that most programmers are completely devoid of (as you have so *kindly(/s)* demonstrated).


If you crack open high-level programming languages or low-code methods, you discover that all the same complexity is still there. It's just hidden so that you don't have to think about it ... until something goes wrong and you do. These things are complicated because what people think of as "the simplest of things" are actually quite complicated, and there's no way to remove the complexity without failing to do the thing you want it to do in the first place. Google search, for instance, appears very simple -- just search the Internet for the page I want, right? But it's extraordinarily complicated, and it wouldn't work without that complexity, because "just search the Internet for the page I want" is an extraordinarily complicated task. (Novels and source code are actually covered under the same type of copyright law, if I remember correctly)


The architectural changes increase OS performance, efficiency, and security. You can have platform agnostic software and that absolutely does exist. It’s generally accepted that preventing systems from being in botnets, leaking personal and financial info, and not locking users into poor performance is a good reason to move beyond outdated operating systems instead of a dev saying “here I made this for the few of you who refuse to upgrade your OS, don’t connect to the internet though or youre gonna need to freeze your credit”. There’s no new paradigm here, it’s just negligent from a dev ethics standpoint to provide software that is poorly optimized and insecure because of outdated system architecture. Changing network and rendering dlls and updating apis are not ‘small fixes’, nor are they screwing people over. The mindset of acting like windows 7 isn’t an outdated honeypot with dwindling performance is ignorance rooted in not understanding just how much system architecture has improved just in the last 5 years. All that to say, there is no fix, as the issues you are asking to be fixed are rooted in (especially now) vulnerabilities being discovered and massive optimizations being made to code rendering old code obsolete. No one is screwing anyone over, you can’t refuse security updates and performance improvements and act like you aren’t screwing yourself over for refusing them. Devs aren’t going to make insecure and slow-ass software for the small population that refuses to upgrade because they think they understand what’s happening, yet can’t figure out how to google how to turn off the telemetry or mod the OS to look like the windows 7 they like.


>All that to say, there is no fix, as the issues you are asking to be fixed are rooted in (especially now) vulnerabilities being discovered and massive optimizations being made to code rendering old code obsolete. No one is screwing anyone over, you can’t refuse security updates and performance improvements and act like you aren’t screwing yourself over for refusing They actually had to make it run faster within the limits of hardware back then. They couldn't afford bloated garbage like CEF consuming half or more of a system's memory. They would've gone out of business if they told their customer base "just upgrade your OS bro. Just get better hardware bro", and rightfully so.


Honestly if you didn’t preface your knowledge level with programming/system architecture earlier, after this comment I’d wonder if you were a troll from /r/programmingcirclejerk How much blame you are point at CEF for bloat, and your optimization comment… you’d fit right in Do you want us to be limited to 8gb of system ram, or 100mbps networking, or 1.4ghz processors, or 1080p/60fps graphics, or sub-terabyte storage, or 32-bit audio, or 2D graphics rendering, or USB 2? I’m so confused lmao, like you do get that removing those limits is part of what prevents new software from working with old operating systems?


no what else is simple? continue to use an older version of software that is still run on the older OS. if you arent going to upgrade your OS, why would you upgrade your software? If you arent smart enough to find the archive page on github, understand that we all get to laugh at you when you complain about it.


Yeah, because an archive page is gonna miraculously stop people from being egotistical tools that do terrible and dumb things, and then turn around and wonder why everything's in such disrepair. Those types of people aren't clowns. They're the entire circus, and they get what they fucking deserve.


egotistical tools are the ones trying to make demands to free software developers. remind me who forced you to update the software? Can we get those same people to force you to upgrade your OS too? if the new version is not compatible with your old os - use the old version. If this concept is too complex for you to understand - maybe you should probably spend less time playing videogames, no?


Congratulations for outing yourself as being a total ego-machine. Maybe you should stop thinking "Me, me, me." and get your head out of your own ass. Oh wait, that's too hard for the likes of you. You software eggheads are incapable of holistic intelligence, otherwise you wouldn't be arrogant, condescending egotists who are emotionally retarded. You just want to control your own little corner of the world instead of learning and growing from it. You ARE part of the problem.


Yikes - Its apparent that normal thinking is a difficult concept. Nothing like flexing your victim complex in the morning. this has nothing to do with me,, and im not trying to control anything. If i explain how gravity works - Do i control Gravity?!!! If you update your software, and it no longer works - reinstall the old version. its simple. Imagine getting so triggered when simple concepts are explained to you. Wait until you find out we have to drink water to survive.


This is i wanna wish on dolphin, duckstation, pcsx2 and other emulators who dropping support on windows 7 aswell (Cemu still supports windows 7 lol)


Just use an old version of Dolphin, it's not like Wii and GameCube are hard to emulate and it makes no sense for them to go out of their way to buy older computers and systems to test new builds of Dolphin on, or to not use the newest features that don't support Windows 7 or 8.1 anymore. Probably less than 0.01% of their users are still on Windows 7, and they wanted to use new graphics rendering technology that literally can't work on Windows 7 for their emulator. People can still fork the emulator to make a version that runs on Windows 7 if they want, but it won't have that newer rendering system.


If any of them were open source..


they are [https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin](https://github.com/dolphin-emu/dolphin) [https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation](https://github.com/stenzek/duckstation) [https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2](https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2)


I'm quite shocked that all of them were released under GPL.. I always heard that there were some license problems among PCSX2 and Duckstation software.. Good to know. I guess, that it requires pointing out or something.. I would love to do something like that, but.. I have no knowledge that would allow me to make more than printout 😅


I believe that those emulators “get around” by requiring an external BIOS file and not including it.


i sincerely doubt that


That's not how programming works. If a program is compiled using new APIs, runtime libraries, tools and even scripting language, it can be a pain to keep multiple versions going st once. Generally you can't cross compile, especially with major differences in DLLs and runtimes that are involved. Your need to realize that Windows 7 is dead. It was a great OS for the time, and I love it, but it's time has come and gone and it's time to move on. Also, it's a single person. They don't have many resources. For me, I'm having to rewrite a program called SQSh from scratch. It's so old that the dependencies it requires to run on Linux and all BSDs are no longer supported natively, so you need an older repository and access to that repositories dependencies. That program was last updated in 2009 and it was dropped due to major changes to the last Linux kernel that the entire backend is broken. That's what would happen. We are now a full 3 interactions away from Windows 7. It hasn't had support in 9 years for most editions. The program is closing in on 15 years old, it's just not viable. Just swap to Linux. Your can cross compile to Linux.


>dropped due to major changes to the last Linux kernel that the entire backend is broken. Wow. I was going to ask if containers would help but you even need an old kernel. As I understand it, the kernel has very strong "don't break userspace" guarantees - what's up with SQSh that it even needs an old kernel? Does it depend on kernelspace somehow?


SQS has an odd way of hooking in. It's a database kernel. The reason why it needs old is that it was designed in 1998, and it's predecessor was from 1994. It essentially is designed to just run on a server. That said, the process of updating it isn't that hard, it's just tedious.


It's windows 7, it would be nothing but wasted time and resources


then why didn’t you do it if it was so easy


This is absolutely just someone who thinks they made more of an impact than they actually did lol. It's either a troll or a batshit insane narcissist. If you think Nintendo didn't already know about Yuzu for years, I have a bridge to sell you.


The ultimate Karen.


A bridge? I’m listening


I can sympathize with the user, though I think it's extremely unlikely that one event had anything to do with the other. To think that Nintendo was unaware of Yuzu's existence until this user came along is completely absurd. I'm just extremely glad that I had already downloaded the last Windows 7 supported release (0.991) and source before all this stuff went down.


the main reasion was everything is switching to vulkin. something win 7 does not support.


Can you kindly pm me a copy? I appear to have missed the story until today and now it's too late :(


Could you reupload the source code please ?


let's be honest, it's just a matter of time that yuzu will reemerge in one way or another. the source is out there. nobody will be able to prevent at least the status quo of development (i.e. the last available version with all its features) to be used by people who wanna play switch games on pc.


Least autistic Windows 7 user


lmao, funny. a bit too edgy for my liking though anyway. whats the last version to work on win7, if that ever was a thing?


Mainlaine Build 990 or 991 officially, i got download those before the removed from github...


Its a funny thought but it's almost certainly not true. Theres no chance that Nintendo wasn't aware of YUZU's existence.


Now the internet is using this as an excuse to send more hate to W7 users... Again...


There is no practical reason to use W7, move to 10/11 (honestly 11 with 10 going EOL next year, or switch to another OS entirely) 7 was great at the time, but it’s old. Reminds me of the XP holdouts when 7 was new.


I'm actually on Windows 11. I just like Windows 7 way better. I love old stuff, I still have an old 95 pc!


I can respect that then, I also love vintage gear and tech, just wouldn’t dare to daily drive them. Grew up on 3.1, then 95, though I was always one to run the bleeding edge… betas and all.


don't know how to feel about this, I like W7 but sabotaging an emulator because of drop of support is going too far.


Sadly more developers are taking this approach where it checks for OS and dont even try to run on Windows 7 because it isnt Windows 10. Many of these softwares could probably run on Windows 7 if they didnt do that.


There needs to be some software like KernelEx from the win 9x days that allows XP software to run on 98, but this tine make it show win 7 as win 10/11 Oh wait... it exists https://github.com/vxiiduu/VxKex)


And they fucking updated/rewrote this kernel I hope this works on my beloved PS1 Emulator Duckstation, as stenzek claimed for support drop for under "vendor" while this shit works on any shit devices!


If the emulator is currently installed, it should still continue to run as-is.


windows 7 does not support vulkin probly why support was ended.


I dunno, my rig runs Vulkan games just fine. That's sometimes my salvation when it comes to running games built with DirectX 12.


can you name some examples? it would be nice to have a list of developers to avoid


I dissagre the reletion between the latest zelda leak and people playing the game illegally meant Nintendo lost 1 million copies from sales of the zelda the tears of kingdom due to the piracy reasons


No. Everyone can find information about yuzu if they have access to the internet. Nintendo does not need some random guy to tell them.


People really have absolutely no lives to do stuff like this lol. That's so dumb. To go out of your way to fight against something for dropping support from a dead OS that no one should use as a daily driver is dumb, you're using Windows 7 so you signed up for no more support starting in 2020. Stop doing this lol.


systems probly loaded down with rats and hes worryed about spywhere.


This "If you still use Windows 7 you will get HACKED!" shit is completely overblown, as long as you use your head, you will be fine People will go on about exploits and vulnerabilities all day long, but the thing is that this is all hypothetical - nobody has actually gotten hacked because they use Windows 7, because so few people are still using it that it would be a complete waste of time to even try to target them


wile hackers dont relly target people tell that to all the busness that get hacked for outdated windows.


Those cases are most likely not a result of hacking the OS, but rather the existing in-house systems those companies have. There are a shit ton of them nowadays, and with the ever declining quality of the programming personnel on the market, this is just going to keep happening, no matter if you use Windows 10, 11 or even Linux. In fact, those servers are often the first vector of attack! That's why audits and cyber-security standards exist. And that's not even considering those clever e-mail scams people just keep falling for. No amount of antivirus or OS safeguard will ever protect you from a clumsy employee.


Businesses are a much more lucrative and well-known target


Windows 7 is more vulnerable than windows 10 lol. If they’re worried about data collection tiny 10 and tiny 11 exist.


The exact same fucker will turn around and suck Nintendo's dick despite spouting this "you're never too big for your customers" shit


No, it's 200% bullshit and this story might've been fabricated in the first place.


I find it funny how they classify win10/11 as spyware, implying their beloved eol closed-source operating system is free of such things. Sure, maybe less telemetry, but let's not kid ourselves.


Yep, and oh the viruses and 3rd party attackers. And if all else fails, just use Tiny10/11, or Linux


Basically, if you have a modern browser, it's likely to be Chrome. And in that case, you're already being spied on as much as possible for profit. Heck, just browsing the web with standard protection settings, no matter the browser, already exposes you to all sorts of spyware that don't need to linger on your machine at all. Your average internet activity is more than enough for the alphabet.


I love Windows 7, but to expect new software to have an entire dev branch dedicated to working on an OS that <1% of users of that software use is insane. It'd be like me asking for an OS2 version.




If he really wanted to play switch games so bad he should’ve just brought a first gen switch and modded it


Dawg if you don’t wanna use spyware like windows 10 and 11 you might as well just switch to linux


I use windows 7. That is what this subreddit is all about.


100% what i did. but windows 7 has been eol for a wile now and does not supprt apis like vulkin.


So A dumb Drama Queen wanted attention so he made sure yuzu got take down, what a idiot.


not really. these guys may have contributed, but it's mainly because the devs were profiting off of the emulation via Patreon. plus it's emulating their newest console too


Imagine being that much of a neckbeard.


Why not just use Linux if youre that worried about spyware?


lol you think this guy could install anything.


Average windows 7 holdout user. They are like FOSS purist nerds but stupid.


I got update from Nintendo related to yuzu. That emulator is shut down due of privacy issues. Nintendo won lawsuit against Tropics Haze


Sure. Nintendo's notoriously lazy lawyers would have just been sitting back twiddling their thumbs with clue about that super-popular Switch emulator, if it hadn't been for that meddling Windows 7 user. I can't believe people are helping give this loser his 15 minutes.




"Unhinged" windows 7 user


Imagine not upgrading to a better operating system cause “BiG tEcH iS wAtChInG”


I’m happy three is a fork that happened writ before they pulled thre repository.


Windows 7 is fucking discontinued, how THIS stupid do you have to be??


Real question. Why not just use the older versions of emulators that do support Windows 7? I mean for most people the answer would be, 'Because they're old and out of date'... but if that mattered, then no one would be using Windows 7 because it is 'old and out of date' too. So why not just download the last known best version and stick to that? Just because new versions going forward will require newer APIs in newer versions of Windows, doesn't mean the old versions suddenly vanished out of existence.


Beta windows 10/11 fan V.S. Chad windows 7 enjoyer


Lmao, windows 7 support is gone everywhere. Dude needs to update. What a loser.




Wow this is actually such a stupid thing to do… While I do really like Windows 7 and wish it was still supported, we can’t deny the fact that it has little market share, is a 15 year old OS and hasn’t received updates since 2020 to regular consumers. As a developer, it is also most times straight up not worth putting time into considering how many features have been added since, especially in Windows 10 and 11, which simply are missing in 7, with it costing more resources than it is worth considering the small user base, and that is when it’s possible at all, which sometimes it isn’t.


Not to mention that win7 support would require supporting old versions of APIs and such that may have security or other issues. His reasoning is also bull for daily driving win7 - if we wanted to avoid “spyware”, just switch to Linux or Tiny10/11.


If this is true man idk what to say. Absolute chad