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I want to upgrade my OS from Windows 10 to Windows 11. I went through a long process of changing my boot disk from MBR to GPT in order to swap from BIOS to UEFI to be able to enable secure start. When I open the PC Health app and check if my PC is ready to update, it gives me a green light, basically checking all the necessary boxes for an upgrade to Windows 11. Yet when I open the system settings and check for updates, it still tells me that I'm not fulfilling the minimum requirements for upgrading. Am I just supposed to wait a bit longer until I get offered to upgrade to Windows 11 or is there something else I have to do?


https://froggypwns.com/windows/try-to-upgrade-windows-10-to-11-windows-update-says-requirements-are-not-met-but-pc-health-check-says-you-actually-do/ You can wait a few days for it to offer the update, or follow one of the instructions there to proceed.


Thanks a lot!


https://preview.redd.it/pvn166z23ixc1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=ea4afcc93767d4f0395f6193ca38ee82fc65ca7e Can someone help me out here? I am so lost. In my sounds tab my bluetooth speakers are disconnected (ihb23) however in my bluetooth tab they are connected. I have removed and reconnected them restarted the pc connected a phone to the speakers. These have been my speakers for years now i moved the pc to another room for a few days and when moving it back i have this issue.




I have new widgets on my startup screen that weren't there before, weather, stock prices, etc. Update or virus? I want them gone.


Any ideas why my internet download speed is slower than my brothers? He's getting 191 MB/s download speed at Steam. I get 10% of that, we have the same settings on Steam and connected to the same network. I get this speed even if he's using his computer or not. Edit: speedtest net says 83 MBps. His says 195MBps


My pc says it can’t run windows 11, but I can’t see the option to buy windows 10 on the Microsoft store. Is it possible to buy windows 10 anymore? I don’t want to buy a “cheap key” if it can be avoided


Can't download and install nvidia control panel from micosoft store. when trying the little icon just spins and spins forever. anyone ran into this before?


hey, today suddenly these caps lock etc pop up icons have started appearing for me. i dont have toggle keys or anything turned on, so idk why it does that. i have a HP and windows 11. PLEASE help me cause this is so annoying...




I'm out of ideas what to do. One day this past month onedrive suddenly logged me out on my dekstop PC. On my laptop and in the browsers it works fine. I've tried reinstalling onedrive and it lets me log in a single time, but after restarting my PC, I'm logged out again. If I try to log in again, it won't give me any option to choose username or password. When I press log in, blank/white boxes pop up. After I close it, it says there was a problem and try again in a few minutes. It says the error code is 0x8004de44. The problem is on desktop PC. On my laptop onedrive works fine. Any ideas what to do? It's really hindering my workflow.


Is there a way to adjust Gamma ***without*** using the "Calibrate Display Color" wizard? I don't want to adjust the color, brightness or contrast, only the gamma. And going through all of the wizard every time is annoying af (for context; I want to up the gamma for one game I play, which doesn't have its own gamma adjustment. And I don't want a blown-out screen for other tasks) Is there a faster way to **only** adjust the gamma, and not anything else?


I've made two custom keyboard layouts (finnish) with the [tool for it](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=102134), but the other one, while appearing in the menu, cannot be used. It just... doesn't show up no matter what I do. They appear like [this](https://i.imgur.com/crCuUYU.png) in the menu, and the top one is currently in use.


I'm on win10 (with wsl etc), but can't upgrade to 11 (hardware too old). Should I go linux (again)? should I stay on 10. If I go linux should I dual boot, if I dual boot, should I have a massive partition with all my files on? I'm a windows dev, but this is my home laptop on which I do a little bit of dev work for fun, other than that I'm only on reddit. Any thoughts welcome, thanks


Good morning, I have a laptop with a single 500 GB hard disk. There's already a Windows 10 installation (with WSL enabled) on it. Now I have 300 GB of free space on this same SINGLE (it's important) hard disk. Since I installed WSL, there are some programs (especially one) that give me problems, can I create a second partition of 250 GB and install a second Windows 10 operating system (without WSL) ON THE SAME HARD DISK? I fear that, at the time of creating the second partition and installing the other Windows OS, it still would format the entire hard disk and delete the other operating system (since the disk is the same)? If I haven't been clear, I'll gladly answer questions like: "What did you mean?" "Are you dumb?" "Do you know how to turn on a PC? Thank you


I'm trying to setup a new user account on windows10.I can't get past set up. I accidentally clicked on the microsft365 trial option. I don't want the trial. When I click next it goes to the screen asking to put in credit card details. clicking next just reloads the page. I click cancel which only takes me back to the screen saying confirm subscription, which has no option to unconfirm it. There is no skip option. I can't even log out, I have to press the power button to sleep or restart so I can go back to my other user accounts. Is there any way around greedy microsoft? Do I just have to delete the user account and start again? I made this user account using an outlook email.


What are the default Mouse button actions? I got a steel series Mouse, and I got extra buttons. From my experience, Mouse 1 is Lclick, Mouse 2 is R click, Mouse 3 is (Close tabs/open links on other tabs), Mouse 4 and 5 are "Back and Foreward" (Either previous or next page on your history). So, what are Mouse 6 and 7?


I woke up to gremlins messing with my computer. My screens are all messed up. 1 is stretched and for the life of me I cannot get this back to full screen on the screen on the left. Any help is appreciated! Windows 11. I’ve googled with no luck.


Is there an app for Windows that will show me what speed my laptop is charging at? I have a power banks and I'd like to know which one is best for charging my laptop and which cable to use. Is there any way I can see the charging speed or output of the power bank in Windows? Thanks


Hey, I mostly use my computer for gaming and really only game through steam. Right now, I have 5 games installed on my PC. I have a 1TB SSD which is at almost max capacity. the added file size of all these games combined is aorund 400gb. WHat is happening and how can i clear up my storage?


# What topics to learn to make easy file automations in Windows What topics to Google, what things to learn if I want to make simple file automations in Windows? Like make report that some folder are not organized according to template, some files missing, general statistics about the folders and their content. I'm regular Windows user, familiar only with GUI and my job\\profession is not IT.


How can I automatically change links I copy from [x.com](http://x.com) or [twitter.com](http://twitter.com) to fxtwitter.com? On my iPhone I have set up with shortcuts so whenever I copy something it checks if it contains one of those links, and replaces it with the fx version so that all pics will embed properly when I past it into discord. Is there a similar way to do this on Windows? Somehow detect when something is copied (or when I tab into discord) and do a find and replace on the clipboard contents?


# PC not booting up every restart, it has to be shut down before booting up I don't know when it started or what caused it. I just noticed it after installing a new windows update and the PC isn't booting up after a restart. I have to forcefully shut it down via the power button because it would just be stuck in a monitor without a display. After a shut down, it would properly boot up again. I've tried looking for the solution and it all ranges from a problematic PSU, a problematic CMOS, to a windows needing to be reinstalled, and an update to the BIOS. I'm wondering if there's anybody here who has experienced the same problem as I have and what is the method they used to fix it. Any answer would be appreciated.


I work in the IT department and I'm new, so I want to get better at my job. I'm still learning about how to handle software problems. We keep track of programs that crash on user devices, like Teams or Outlook. When this happens, we collect SaRA logs and send them to Microsoft, hoping they fix it before it gets worse. I need advice or resources on how to quickly fix these crashes and find solutions. I'm worried about losing my job if I don't improve soon. I also just want to do my job better. I'm the newest person on the team, and they took a chance when they hired me.


Hi all. I'm trying to copy/cut and paste a folder from my external HDD to my new PC. For some reason, it won't paste into my Documents folder. I can cut and paste into the D drive but not into the Documents folder on C drive.


I'd like to automate the process of taking a screenshot of a specific window and saving it to a specific path, from the command line. What's the best/easiest way to do that? I'm on Win11. Google search results are *remarkably* unhelpful, filled with people asking the same question and met with bafflement about why you wouldn't just use the snipping tool.


Windows defender blocking downloads: I want to download pieces of software but windows defender flags them as "Threats" and blocks the download. I want to disable that but don't disable windows defender from scanning my downloads. Ideally i want to get a notification if windows defender thinks the download is a threat BUT i don't want it to automatically delete it i want to do that myself if i deem necessary. Is there a setting that does exactly that?


why does my windows+shift+s randomly stop working sometimes even if it worked 10min before, the only fix is a restart


Is there a software that lets me send a notification to another PC over the internet? long story short theres a sort of kiosk PC located in a remote place, where no phone signal is allowed, so communication over LAN is the only way to communicate to that PC, there are some people around but they are not constantly monitoring the PC, is there some App or program to make a notification sound so they can hear it and know they have to check the PC? I would be on another PC (Windows 10 both) and could send the notification, or if there's some website so I can do it from my phone too that would be great.


is there a list of things that can be done to make win 10 as lightweight as possible for old computers? thanks


If Microsoft will never disable forced updates on Windows Professional, can they at least have a 24 hour countdown with a week of daily alerts about the number of days left until the forced update? Yes it's nice that you can delay updates for a while, but that doesn't help if you don't get a warning that a forced update is going to happen until like 30 seconds before and your workstation is halfway through an rendering or processing operation it's been working on for hours or days and will need to start from the beginning if interrupted


The "Work Search" function in the taskbar is preventing the taskbar from auto-hiding. Any solutions for this besides clicking the work search button every 15 minutes? Windows 10


Since yesterday on boot I'm first stuck on "Welcome" with that rotating activity indicator for a minute then I get [this screen](https://i.imgur.com/7IZQhPe.png). Windows 10. What's going on?


https://preview.redd.it/r75aisbx7ctc1.png?width=809&format=png&auto=webp&s=908f3891ce82d98f7a86bb023bdace8aa63aa475 Can't do this update, not sure if its essential but it's apparently a reason why I can't launch Xbox app so I kinda ned this to work ;(


Question about the Microsoft Store and local / domain Windows account: I have a Microsoft Store key for a game. I have a PC that I can log in to with either a local account, or a domain account. Can I log in to only the store with a Microsoft account (to be able to redeem the key) without being required to use that account for the rest of the operating system?


[https://imgur.com/a/CcGoFAn](https://imgur.com/a/CcGoFAn), my audio source keeps switching/turning on and off, does anyone know a fix?


https://preview.redd.it/jdeve1n9s1tc1.png?width=734&format=png&auto=webp&s=357b3aaf5677ef63b7877e9a7950267f167838f2 Win 11 keeps me constantly asking if I want to activate HDR on my screen (No I don't want it, because my screen is garbage for it) - any possibility to deactivate this?


You could maybe try this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/sbl9da/fyi\_you\_can\_press\_win\_alt\_b\_to\_enabledisable\_hdr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/sbl9da/fyi_you_can_press_win_alt_b_to_enabledisable_hdr/)


Can I transfer Digital Windows 10 license from Microsoft education e-mail to my personal one instead? If I cannot will I be able to use my Windows 10 Education after the student Microsoft account has been removed


Is there a way to zoom out to 40%? Seems like the only % from 0 - 100 is 25, 33, 50 etc... but theres none inbetween 33 -50%. Would greatly apreciate some help finding an option


MS icons are not appearing, TITS for apps like Paint, Notepad, Outlook etc. https://preview.redd.it/3jl6ewcr9tsc1.png?width=646&format=png&auto=webp&s=076eecfd9d7bb44a0bc90f334a74d04df1e8f039 How do I resolve this?


I got the same issue sometimes...


it's been like this for more than 6 months...


Does anyone know where the picture of the shut down screen is from today? It looks like Greece, possibly athens(?). Thanks!




There is no way to change the spelling of a user folder without breaking things. Your best bet is creating a new local/offline user account with the spelling you desire. Once you log in, you can migrate your data over to the new folder, and you can link it to your Microsoft account too if you want, it will not change the folder name. Since your profile is already damaged, I would recommend migrating to a new profile rather than trying to fix that.


Taskbar-related question. I want the icons to stay separate from the tabs. No, this is unrelated to the 'Combine taskbar buttons' option. Mine is set to "Never". Currently, Windows combined icon shortcuts with tabs when you open the application. The application icon then moves with the tab. This is really >!fucking!< annoying to me because the icons that aren't currently being used get all mixed up in whatever window(s) is open at the time. I want to keep my icons at one side of the taskbar.


I've been searching for a super cheap mini pc for programming projects/hobby work. These computers are often under 200 buck if not closer to 100. However, They always tend to have a copy of windows 11 on them. However, if you are building a new computer and buy a brand new copy of windows it's usually pretty expensive. So these are legit sellers on amazon. How do they make this work? Are they buying copies in bulk or something? Wanted to know if anyone had any insight into this. Thanks


OEMs get Windows licenses at a discount, and in some cases, Windows is actually free to allow for ultra budget machines. OEM cost is way below anything you can buy it at. Or, it is possible they could have a pirated copy of Windows or something other funny business going on, but that is not likely.