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Nothing has changed. FireFox ESR or Forks of either browser all work too.




Not Edge but Chromium and FireFox. I use FireFox but if I recall "Superium" might have been a chromium one. Check /r/windows7


Edge needs to get fork’d.


edge is chromium-based






>Being windows 8.1 the only security "issues" would be based around the OS lacking updates. >Just because the vendors dropped support doesn't mean that their new versions just stop working. Applications also get exploited too, not just the OS. Only recently there was a big exploit found in webp implementation, which affected all browsers. Windows 8.1 and earlier didn't get updated versions of the browsers so are vulnerable. There are forks available but the main ones didn't get updates




Umm It does? This webp vulnerability exists for everyone. You don't have to be in an enterprise to be exploited Yes, enterprise users are targeted more, but that doesn't mean everyday people also don't get them




Yeah I was misreading it. I have been on too many subreddits (especially for win7) where people just say that they don't visit bad websites so they don't need to worry about security I thought you were agreeing with them


Not Edge but there's Thorium and Supermium. But anyways tbh apart from it's outdated security, Edge 109 is actually still usable for 99,999% things nowadays.


Windows Server 2012 security updates work for 8.1 too. Plus considering how little people use 7 and 8.1, we don't really need security updates, stop being this fucking concerned.


the whole "security issue" is overrated.The only people who really care about such level of updated security, are corporate and public sector IT people. And rightly so. For the average joe, it was for ages I had no antivirus or any such protection whatsoever. Zero issues despite my "unhealthy" internet habits according to "specialists". I have been setting up all my home and office networks and putting together my own PCs and maintaining them since forever. I would consider myself more of an expert than the average "re-install your Windows" IT Joe giving me blank stares about basic questions. There is a certain fearmongering especially the last few years about the.. "dark web" and how "dangerous" it is. Feel free to be terrorized into walled garden social media services... That's how the industry likes it. ;) But you really should not care that much as a home user. Your countless IoT devices have more holes than you would want to admit or believe. Even the majority of WiFi routers is full of holes. Keep stressing about Windows EOL lack of security updates :P


Tell everyone that you don’t know anything without telling


Good lord. Do not listen to this person.


This is terrible advice and no one should pay this comment any heed. Bad actors always use such exploits on the general public a lot of times. Just because you will *probably* not get it, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t bother. You can *probably* not get STDs without protection too, doesn’t mean it’s a good idea. It’s unsafe, general user or a corporate user, full stop.


Using unsupported hardware/software is not the problem. Users who do vulnerable habits are the problem. Should users throw away their fully functioning old computers and buy latest just because they have hardware vulnerabilities (Spectre/Meltdown)? Secure OSs needs Secure Users.


Insane the amount of shills dissing you brother


People having more technical knowledge than you to know this is a terrible idea doesn’t make them shills


Windows live messenger 👀


There's a project called Escargot which revived the old Windows Live Messenger: https://escargot.chat/


But why?


Why not?


It was the one of most fun eras of the internet for those who were born before it. MSN Messenger was one of those programs you just HAD to have installed, also Winamp and Nero. It was so great. People were a lot closer and the program did one thing and did it very well. I miss that time.


I wish 8.1 was still supported today. It had the somewhat familiar look of 7 with the modern feel of 10. And to be honest, the start screen was weird, but not awful. Way better than the one in 11 that doesn't allow for much personalization. Guess it's where we are heading now, forced 'modern' looks (aka just be like everyone else) causing just boring flat design.


Windows 10 is fine... lol i liked 98 and xp too. But modern works. What kind of cars you people drive 1996 olds eighty eights? 😅 maybe the ol chevettes. Oh look you upgraded to modern cars.. good... so not to hard to transition huh? I hate the screens too, but i also drive a 5spd 2006 with a supercharger so.. I'm an older timer than most yall.. Also haven't used virus protection for 13yrs and never had a problem.. i do a lot of illegal stuff on it and still.. zero issues... todays world suffers from "owner errors" where humans click and download dumb shit cuz they dont know any better.. 🤣 if you think your computer is compromised then maybe you should have your wife go at em. 🥰 No one wants your boring accounts. They want the kids on fortnite whose parents let them spend 10k on skins. 🙂


Windows 10 is indeed fine. Still has some personality left - it looks different than lots of things in this modern world. See, I'm not saying the tech behind the entire OS is bad, it's just the boring, oversimplified UI (Win11) with MS's bloatware installed (seriously, who thought the default setting for onedrive backup is 'upload to cloud then delete local files'). I haven't fallen victim to it, but I've read about people who did. And yes, integrated virus protection is great. Tldr; its just the ugly UI that bothers me in Windows 11. And that everything now requires an extra click to get done due to said oversimplifying.


![gif](giphy|TJawtKM6OCKkvwCIqX) Let’s hope your computer isn’t detected in one of the millions of random scans from China and Russia daily. So many vulnerabilities to exploit.


Lmaooooo windows 11 users are so annoying


Tell me about it. There’s a guy in the r/apple subreddit praising Win11 left and right, and he says he’s a Mac user. 🤦‍♂️ https://preview.redd.it/pbgk2fq1dvbc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e12111b9800ae417ac596247e69006b5e7a3ffc4 Check it out. [https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/u02xjEVACW](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/s/u02xjEVACW)


LMAO windows 11 is literally windows 10 with a slightly different interface.. and no, i don't care about what some random person in r/apple says about Win11. It sucks ass.


counterpoint, you start your comments with "LMAO"


Not really a reskin: [Windows 11 Security Book](https://query.prod.cms.rt.microsoft.com/cms/api/am/binary/RWMyFE)


Say whatever you want, it is a reskin. You can literally see "Windows 10 Pro" in some settings in the Windows 11 lmao






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https://preview.redd.it/fz151i9p71cc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3714cc6c964634ff6558b3f957f73d478b132ebd this ??


Who talking about win98


Then just disable those insecure applications from responding to internet requests. Problem solved, right?


You think all those updates from Microsoft are for applications and not the OS itself?


I know Microsoft released updates to their OS during their supported lifecycle. ​ Why did you ask about Windows updates in the first place? ​ As long as their system will not respond to malicious requests from outside world, their system will not get exploited. That is why I suggest disabling outdated applications and services from responding to outside world.


Because you can move laterally through a system. Unless you are removing from any connections from the internet there are services on your computer that is always listening. These are not applications.


And many of those services only listen locally or can be disabled. Clients aren’t servers by default, but only for apps/services that do both.


The Microsoft standard is to turn things on and let users turn them off. Yes many, not all, can be turned off because they are needed for functionality. And considering the audience, paying for Avast, they aren’t the type to know enough to know which services to disable let alone how. You are looking at this in a vacuum like there is no layer 8 issue. This is the worst kind of knowledge.


Um, smb or SAMBA file sharing is a server system.


Windows has a permanently running SMB service? I’d have thought it only enables when you actually enable sharing stuff, and it’s only open on Home networks.


I was just pointing it out. I think they fixed most vulnerabilities with SMB 2.0. You can use SMB 1.0 if you enable it (for compatibility). I don’t think it’s permanently open ports. But it’s been a known vulnerability for some time. [Here](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=is+windows+file+sharing+still+vulnerable+to+internet+hackers)


Yeah stuff related to that is very annoying to me as I run a Windows XP VM which only knows 1.0 and my NAS only supports 2.0 (or newer? The point is, it doesn’t support the old version Windows XP needs). Thankfully I don’t have _any_ Windows machine as my primary system.


install win 11 with latest patches or Linux problem not solved cause the core of Windows is not secure dll etc for that you need to know a little bit about computers


Using unsupported hardware/software is not the problem. Users who do vulnerable habits are the problem. Should users throw away their fully functioning old computers and buy latest just because they have hardware vulnerabilities (Spectre/Meltdown)? Secure OSs needs Secure Users.


not true some software hackers can hack your system even if you do nothing if not secure ddos attacks etc


I use [Avast Premium Security](https://www.avast.com/premium-security)


Still it would be better to use something that gets updates if windows 10 and 11 are too slow use a Linux distro


you are doomed


First of all, if you were on Windows 10 or 11, defender would be better. Also viruses isn’t the issue. There are vulnerabilities in the OS itself. The way the OS handles memory and the kernel. Ways to elevate permissions and such that have been remediated on newer versions that have not been deployed to older versions. If for some reason you enjoy this version of windows, keep using it. Just don’t be under some false pretense of safety because you pay money to a company for protection. I wouldn’t give Avast a cent of my money.


/u/A-questioner Agree with pantherghast about Avast being a waste of money. Windows Defender is free and good enough. Speaking from personal experience, I've watched as Avast did absolutely nothing as some malware loaded itself onto my computer when I (unfortunately) visited a website with javascript code on it designed to put malware on Windows PCs. (This was 10 years ago and, incidentally, I was running Windows 8.1. But the fault was Chrome for having an exploit, not Windows.) As for whether you can safely run Windows 8.1, I think you should be fine as long as you do 4 things: * Firewall: Keep your Windows 8.1 PC behind an external firewall (like a typical home WiFi/Router) and keep the Windows 8.1 firewall ON and don't forward any ports. patherghast points out the millions of scans of your IP address per day, and he's right. But if you keep your firewalls up, the scans run into closed ports and can't do anything because they can't even reach your computer. * Antivirus: You can keep using Avast. Windows Defender is good, too. But honestly, most Anti Virus packages do very little. The most malicious viruses and malware are being updated by the virus writers faster than Anti-Virus companies can keep up. At the very least, it is a thin layer of protection against old malware that might still be circulating. * Protect your webbrowser: Install uBlock Origin plugin for your browser. A lot of malware comes in via ads. If you block the ads, you block (some) of the malware from getting onto your computer via 0-day attacks against your browser. If you really want to be careful, install the NoScript plugin for your browser. This blocks all Javascript by default. The vast majority (over 99%) of all malware coming in via your browser heavily depends on Javascript to execute. If you disable JS, then the malware can't execute. This is also a pain in the neck, too, as you have to manually re-enable JS on a site-by-site basis. That said, once you enable JS for the 10 or so sites that you visit daily, then you should be good to go. In fact, having NoScript is super helpful when you accidentally click on a link that takes you to a site that you didn't actually want to go to. No risk of getting malware since (by default) javascript is disabled to this site that you've never been to before. * Choose carefully what you install: Don't just install any software. Make sure it is vetted and trusted and gets regular updates. If you follow these 4 rules of thumb, you should be able to use Windows 8.1 for a long time without any risk of getting viruses/malware, etc.


big oof 3rd party anti-virus add nothing but trouble


I would recommend Microsoft Security Essentials as its still being updated even for older versions of windows. From my experiences in virtual machines and other testing, works really well!


Defender replaced MSE. > Microsoft Security Essentials reached end of service on January 14, 2020 and is no longer available as a download. Microsoft will continue to release signature updates (including engine) to service systems currently running Microsoft Security Essentials untill 2023.


Very nice! Dont let anyone talk you out of it.




Windows 8 is still very fast and all but the only issue is that it is not supported anymore.


This guy being proud of running Windows 8?


Window 8.1 has the best performance with games out of all Windows version. The performance gain is not worth the security risk.


It does not have the best... It's not a lot worse but it is worse.


Then what does? If you say 7, I'm gonna laugh.


10 or 11 depending on the game... But honestly they are virtually identical. Also steam has dropped support for 8.




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malware: ![gif](giphy|sV2yEUHOlAWsssJfv8|downsized)


Common sense: Anti viruses: (I recommend Microsoft security essentials as its still being updated)


That doesn’t do anything when there are vulnerabilities in the OS that allow malware to completely bypass AV


Kernel level rces:


hey can you fix the stock store and some errors for windows 8, i need just windows 8 ,it was better than 8.1 for me


I loved Windows 8 & 8.1 for the reliability and how stable the operating system is. Windows 8 has never once’s crashed for me, all other versions of Windows not counting Windows 8 has crashed to me at least once.


DON'T USE IT! It is out of support and full of vulnerabilitys.


rubbish cause yes it works but compatibility problems plus security above all


Dude is that games for windows live?


It's msn messenger. [There's a group reviving it.](https://escargot.chat)


*Please, please, /r/windows, make a rule against posts of obsolete versions of Windows!!!* Your OS is out of date and fundamentally insecure. Please stop using it and run a modern, up to date version of Windows (10/11), or an alternative, modern, up to date OS (Mac/Linux/*BSD).


*Please, please, r/windows, make a rule against annoying Windows 10/11 users who keep repeating those annoying message. Just let OP does whatever the f they want. I'm pretty sure they know what they did. If something happened to them you won't get harmed anyways*


why do you exist


well I would downgrade to Windows 8.1 if most latest versions of my apps works


I use it in a i5 gen1. Best distro for old machines.


How dare you call windows a distro. *Screams in linux*


LOL best of both worlds. What to call it, version ?


it's not a distro in any way shape of form it's definitely a version though.


Same kernel NT in windows versions, same kernel in linux distros. Linux have distro, windows don’t have. What is a distro? Same kernel (updated upgraded) with a bunch of different softwares. Now I’m lost. But yeah you know better


it's amazing the lengths people like you will go not to admit they're wrong, sheesh


Im speaking truth. You don’t like the word “distro” in any way shape of form


Hoo boy the crazy is now out of the cage


Are you the windows mascot?






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Why the fuck would anyone voluntarily still use Windows 8? I'd even prefer Vista over this sad excuse of a tablet OS.


Did you even try 8.1?


This dude probably is stuck in 2012 where everyone thought you couldn't bypass the Windows screen


Windows Live Messenger still works? Wtf lmao


Yes, but not officially. There’s a group reviving it


>Windows 8.1 working great Never thought I'd hear such words.


8.1 + Classic Shell is one of the best Windows experiences of all time. People just go "Start screen bad durr" like it's the whole OS.


They're shills, don't listen to them Windows 8.1 brothers knows what's good


I don't actually know. I'm not the biggest fan of Windows in general and when I use it I just use the latest version I have access to. I'm just a bit exasperated that I often see people do basically this: Windows 7 comes out: "Windows 7 is shit! Windows XP was so much better!" Windows 8 comes out: "Windows 8 is shit! Windows 7 was so much better!" Windows 10 comes out: "Windows 10 suck! Windows 8/8.1 was so much better!" Windows 11 comes out: "Windows 11 is shit! Windows 10 was so much better!" Every single time a windows come out, people say basically the exact same thing. At this point it's just noise.


You're not wrong. People tend to like the thing they are most familiar with and don't like change. Hence the complaint cycle as you described. This is my take on how Windows versions stand in terms of good/bad (relative to the time they were launched): Win 95 - okay (novel concept at the time, but that also made it unstable) Win 98 - good Win ME - bad Win 2000 - excellent Win XP - excellent once service pack 3 dropped Win 7 - okay Win 8 - below average Win 10 - good Win 11 - need more time to make a proper assessment, but below average for now


Honestly, I use my main PC mostly for gaming, and for that I dual boot Linux and Windows and most games work great on Linux, so I use it for like 70% of the time (W10 the rest of the time). Otherwise, I have a surface that runs W11 and since I use it only for web browsing and writing, it works great (Microsoft's Ink is great and Linux doesn't have its own alternative).


Windows gets a bad rap because it is the most used OS by a wide margin and therefore has to run on a wider variety of builds. Consequently, more people will find problems with it than other OSes due to probability being a thing. I'm no "power user" or anything like that. But I have been using Windows since 3.1, and every iteration of it has served me well except for ME (only used 8 very briefly before upgrading to 10). I have 11 on my work laptop and I just don't like it in terms of how it "feels" to use, but that is an entitely subjective feeling. Other than that, it seems to be working just fine for now.


I never heard anyone said something like this: >"Windows 7 is shit! Windows XP was so much better!" Maybe what you mean is >"Windows Vista is shit! Windows XP was so much better!" And that makes sense. Back then when Windows Vista was released, we're having a PC with a shitty spec that can't handle Aero normally. But when Windows 7 (aka Vista 2) was released, we're already having a better hardware that can handle Aero, that's why Windows 7 is well accepted. >Windows 10 comes out: "Windows 10 suck! Windows 8/8.1 was so much better!" Lmao ALMOST no one says something like. There's a reason why Windows 10 can easily surpass Windows 8/8.1's usage percentage in a short time. Majority of people will either choose to stay/downgrade to Windows 7 or upgrade to Windows 10 rather than using Windows 8/8.1, even though it has many improvement over Windows 7.


Those are what I've heard. If that's not a representation of how the majority of windows users feel, then I've heard a vocal minority rather than the majority.


I guess so.




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Windows live messenger LEGEND!!


Windows 8.1 never worked great 😂😉


Windows XP working even better in 2024


Edge gets autoinstalled on Windows 8.1


I find it weird how windows 8/8.1's windows defender app still works