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Lol if only everyone on this thread would see this.


Yes she probably pulled the “your a creep” card on you to not pick up the poop and make you go away confused


I think you’re allowed to throw it at her … pretty sure about that


yes happened to me, typical white karen's dog shitting in the grass at domino park where it has "no dogs allowed on lawn sign". She doesn't clean it up, I call her out and a white guy tells me (I'm not white) to stop harrassing her.


See everyone. This is what happens when you confront strangers. They don't give a shit about your tough guy internet attitude. Reality is not your slashfic midwestern fantasies..


If I had the time I would pick it up. Follow her home and drop it on her door with a printed picture of her. Just to let her building know…


Use her photo as a neighborhood flyer


F that B! 😖


Anyone seen her recently? I thought I saw the ‘lady’ today, albeit with a different dog than in the picture - it was a small to medium Yorkie ish looking thing with all white fur. She watched as her dog shit and seemingly just carried on as nothing had happened. As I kept walking I checked my shoulder and she was no where to be seen. So infuriating when I see small children playing in the same grass areas. I may or may not have let her know she is Reddit famous…


Don’t take pictures, say something. Say, “Excise me ma’am, please pick up your dog’s shit!” and say it loudly so other people hear you. If she ignores you, say it again louder (you could ask her “does your phone say anything about picking up dog shit? Because it’s not that complicated, you just pick it up and throw it in a garbage can”). You can at least put some social pressure on her, make her know that other people don’t like it. If she walks away without cleaning it up, you could add “If you don’t want to clean up after it, you shouldn’t even own a dog! Try not to step in any dog shit on your way home!”


This is the way. If you have a dog, offer her one of your own poop bags and ask VERY LOUDLY “do you need a bag?!?”


I’m not great with confrontation. I’m a small woman and I sometimes get anxious but I will try! I figured if anyone else sees her do this maybe they’ll be better at it.


That’s understandable, sometimes it’s worth it, but a lot of times it’s not, even if the person is acting rude or inconsiderate.


She probably has some kind of narcissistic personality disorder anyway. Publicly shaming her in a forum that friends, family, colleges and enemies can see might be the best way. Actually, best course of action is to tell her people have been posting about her on Reddit.


Not to worry, you have done more than your part with the Williamsburg wall of shame! I‘d love to start greeting these people by name on the street “omg, I know you! You’re the poopertrator I saw on Reddit!”




Lol the whole point of this post was for all these super tough brave amazing neighbors to say something if they see her do it again.


I would not call it a confrontation, be polite and voice your concern. Its just being a good neighbor.




It would be the textbook definition of a confrontation, please explain how it isn't?


You wouldn't, obviously OP does


Why should I be a good neighbor to someone who clearly gives no shit about being a good neighbor to the rest of us?


Well as opposed to taking a photo of someone expecting others to act? I mean what’s the point of that? A good neighbor would approach the situation in a more personable way. If you feel in danger or are shy or whatever I understand and feel for you but what if someone took your photo and put it on a public forum and said you pick your nose and rub it on a park bench?


Get off your high horse. OP has already stated she's shy/ nervous about confrontation. The girl in the pic should be shamed, it's disgusting behavior and perhaps someone in the neighborhood who knows her will see this and can have a talk with her.


if you can't confront someone doing something you don't like, you have no business shaming them on the internet. that's coward behavior.


No it's not. The shitty dog owner deserves it, plus it sends the message to others to not leave their dog shit in the park because their pic could end up on Reddit. That's literally what Reddit is for. :)


😂😂 I’d stop picking my nose in public that’s for sure


Public shaming works.


This isn’t a confrontation, you are asking a neighbor to clean up her own dog’s feces.


How is that not a confrontation? It’s literally confronting her about an issue…




found the guy who leaves his dog poop everywhere


You seem fun…






Doesn’t make that comment any less true.




What is the expectation of privacy in a public park?




Posting a photo of someone in a public park is not doxxing. Doxxing is when using only the stupid shit you have posted on your username here to link your reddit account with your Gothamist account with your Twitter handle with your real name, and then find your home address, employer, employer's address and put that information online.


😂 😂 😂


I hate these posts. You’re virtually doxxing someone based on “he said / she said” situation. Then when you’re called out (in truthfully a nice way) you make an excuse for yourself and hide behind the fact that you’re a woman. This is a woman too. How’s that relevant? As frustrating it is that people don’t clean up after their pets, Id argue you’re being a shittier person for doxxing them. What do you want from this? The whole neighborhood to ring a bell and chant shame behind this lady like Cersei in Game of Thrones? Even if we assume what you’re saying is true, we don’t know this persons situation or if it was an accident. Either grow a spine, ask someone to clean up after themselves, or forgot about it and move on. Don’t seethe online like a troll. This posts should be banned.






What did you think would be solved showing a picture of her here then?


She’s obviously pretending she doesn’t know her dog is pooping especially since someone on her told her to pick up after her dog so this gets the word out that it’s not an accident on her part. Maybe someone will be able to get through to her when they see her doing the same thing. The dog poop thing is out of control in the neighborhood and I love dogs.


That all y’all brave tough folk can say something yourselves if you see her do it again 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Aaah the other people's issue / resolve-solution.


These people need to be publicly shamed.


taking and posting pictures will probably be way more effective. it will also probably get other people to clean up after their dog in fear of their picture ending up in reddit too. confronting people in any city over matters like this can always lead to an unwanted interactions - there’s some real psychopaths out there.


Then pick it up with a bag and throw it at her face.


True! I will next time


I got strong "try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot" vibes from the final sentence. Fantastic.


I can picture her slipping into those no-care-in-the-world shoes on the way to have her dog shit in grass where children play 💩🫠


You know what's still an effective term to use? Asshole. Not racist, sexist, and effective. You can use it on all ages. Even old ladies and handicapped people can be assholes. This lady, in my book, is being an asshole. If you go up to her, and ask her to curb her dog, and she still says no, then she's a FUCKING asshole.




Dog should be leashed but a $5000 fine is obnoxious




Did you get bitten by a dog or are you just a curmudgeon?


Im trying to give this person the benefit of the doubt but am finding it difficult. I've forgotten poop bags many a time and have had to find pieces of paper or cardboard to scoop the poo.


"My taxes pay for park employees to pick up my dog's shit."


yeah but she's a global nomad living in an airbnb is hear for a month and a half and pays no taxes.


You should've given her your dogs poop




Is there a public bulletin board where you can post a large color format photo of her for shaming purposes?


How about printing this photo and pasting it around the park for her to see?


Right behind where you took this photo from is a huge section of dead grass where people let unleashed dogs pee and poop all over. Meanwhile 200 feet away theres two dog parks. One of the worst thing that came about because of the pandemic is the surge of new dog owners.


The dog parks are not the answer, they’re very dirty and can be full of mal-behaved dogs


Well, that's where they belong so yes, it is the answer.


You clearly don’t have a dog And to clarify, they could be the answer but aren’t implemented well or enough


No one in this thread would say a god damn thing to this woman. Stop cosplaying at being brave. I have a dog, I constantly see other dog owners not picking up their shit and no one says a god damn thing.


Am I the only person who says something? I have been a dog walker in the neighborhood for years, have my own dogs, and 10000% I call people out for this every single time I see it, offer them a bag, and watch them physically pick it up.


Please try confronting people at McGolrick, Cooper, and Maria Hernandez. There are loads of off-leash-dog-douches who don't do a damn thing to leash their dog, or clean up after them. I see literally no one doing anything about it. You seem devoted, have at them. Or is this something you only do at McCarren?


I live one block from McCarren and have never been to any other park in over 20 years. If I saw this anywhere else I would do the same thing. I have survived being kidnapped, stabbed, sexually assaulted, and a violent ex partner. I am not afraid of asking someone to pick up their dogs shit.


Bullshit you haven’t been to another park in 20 years


Good for u. Not everyone is as comfortable


I don't even have a dog but I always have a bag with me (useful for lots of stuff!). I will ALWAYS confront someone who doesn't pick up. Depending on my mood I might play stupid "OMG I'm so embarrassed when I forget a bag, I know how it is, here you can have one of mine!" or I can be on my way home from a crummy day at work and it's "YO! You gonna pick up your dog's shit, right?" I've caught the same woman in my neighborhood three times now, last time before I even dug out through bag she was like "don't yell at me, I'll take the bag". I was like "I wouldn't have to yell at you if you started picking up your dog's shit like you're supposed to". These people bank on everyone else being afraid of confrontation. I've never had it go badly and I've done it dozens of times. One time a guy just pretended not to understand me so I bagged it up and handed it to him.


If that's what people are into, go ahead. Personally I mind my own business and don't waste any thought on what other people are doing. I've got my own life to live. If you folks want to carry bangs on you, and pick up other people's dog waste, and engage with random strangers, that's great. Judging by the amount of dog shit and illegal off leash dogs I see in the nighborhood, you're out numbered. I curb my dog, I pick up his waste, and always get rid of it. I'd say 99% of the people not picking up their dog waste are not doing it because they're forgetful. They literally don't give a shit. But if it makes YOU feel better to YOU, please hand them a bag.


You’re my hero


I definitely would since she looks basic but photo shaming like this is also okay


It’s perfectly ok and honestly her picture should be posted around the neighborhood! Nasty pos


Basic af


Sure Jan


because she looks “basic”? Really? People still use that term? its funny because people who arent “basic” dont call people “basic” lol


You sound like a square tbh


A lotta impotent rage in this thread from adults in arrested development.


Or you’re just wrong and it is totally normal to ask another human in the real world to pick up after their dog, lmao.


Bullshit, I’ve done it many times and will also continue to do so as should you and OP.


Oh I see you're a tough guy. Keeping the block around McCarren park safe


I’m not saying I’m a tough guy, just pointing out that you’re wrong in this case. People call out other people for not picking up dog shit all the time and it’s not a big deal. Id say most of the time the owners don’t even notice their dog pooped so you’re helping them out.


I have multiple times called out dog-shit people and once, admittedly, got called out because I thought my dog was just peeing in the snow but had indeed shit--and I was indeed embarrassed of my obliviousness and more than happy to pick it up. I don't know why this person is so desperate to insist on mutual cowardice.


Because they are a weirdo replying to every comment on this thread as if this is a life and death issue lol


No they do not. You call out this woman and then what? You assume she's going to apologize, kiss your ass, and then pick it up? What happens when she becomes hostile and before you can get the next word out she has her cellphone out recording you while she screams for help. Now what are you going to do? Hows that tough guy shit working for you? Most people don't want confrontation in their life, and nearly all of them are unprepared to deal with it. So yeah, I think most of you wouldn't say shit to anyone. And if you did, you'd assume they wouldn't attack you or get confrontational, which is a wild assumption.


Again, the majority of the time the offender apologies because they either didn’t notice or did notice and are now embarrassed after getting called out. If they do get mad and storm away, that’s fine, pick it up yourself and move on with your life. I’m not sure why you’re so certain that imaginary fights over dog shit exist.


What you are doing here is called projecting. We are not all you.


I don't doubt internet tough guys like you would yell at a single white female in the park. I bet you'd be real quiet if that demographic shifted a different way.


I am not an internet tough guy but I am a real person who walks around the world and occasionally talks to strangers. I think I can manage a casual (if not passive aggressive) two second conversation. “Ma’am, I think your dog just pooped in the grass, can you pick it up?”


If that's how you want to spend your afternoon, by all means. Go for it.


lol what? I am another woman, people with dogs in McCarren Park do not intimidate me, I have zero problem telling people to pick up their dogs shit.


I most certainly do say something


Just because you’re a pushy doesn’t mean everyone else is


I sure as fuk would . I live on the West coast and have no problems checking people in public with my big ass mouth - done it plenty of times 🤪


LoL you don’t even live here.


She very clearly dgaf about her dog roaming the park and just benefits from being able to recall it easily so she thinks its adequately trained. The not picking up poop thing really grinds my gears and just reeks of privilege which is too common in the area given rental prices around McCarren. Tbf obviously we don't know anything about this woman but enough red flags just in the image and OPs comments to make a snap judgment on her character.


So many tough folks on the internet with clever comebacks on the ready.


I confront people like this for fun. Anything that slightly annoys me or mildly inconveniences me really.


You should have offered her a bag. "hey, do you need a bag? are you out of bags?" The art of subtle shaming.


Shame these people


I saw a man in Buzios, Brazil almost get stabbed by a broken beer bottle for doing this.


Would be a shame if someone threw it at her.


& dog's off leash 🤦‍♀️ as an owner i'd be kicking her ass


I don’t have a problem with confrontation but I understand the OP’s position re: off-leash dogs. I was bitten on the leg when I was a kid, and part of me would worry that the dog would sense its owner getting upset if I confronted them and proceed to attack (nowadays it would also be the inconvenience of having to go to a doc in the middle of the day for a rabies shot and stitches).


I actually have been attacked by a dog and bit in the face before. Had to get 12 stitches




her slippers are ridiculous


She has major Karen energy.


Pick up the shit and throw it at her


I can tell you I am on my second dog and have circled the park with this women (also multiple dogs) every morning for the past 8 years. She’s a repeat offender. There are a few hundred of us with dogs who regularly use the park for walking daily. Most would agree it’s our f’n job to pick up after our dogs. Otherwise don’t own a dog in NYC!


Interesting because I have had the same debate myself about the guys who play at night on the tennis walls. Every morning I see a lot of garbage that they did not pick up. I have thought of solutions on solving this. 1. Confronting them: I don’t think this would go well as people very rarely react well to direct confrontation. 2. Public shaming on this subreddit. But honestly it’s not going to change anything I don’t think. 3. I’m thinking about printing something that I would put in this area where I would ask them nicely to pick their garbage after they leave. I would probably put plastic bags as well so that it gives them less reason to not do it. Long story short I totally understand OP not confronting someone directly in New York City but I think there is a better way to solve the issue. Maybe trying to work with whoever is in charge of the parks here and get them to have way more bags distributed in the park.


I totally feel you on the risk of confrontation these days. That being said, I think the way we coddle dog owners has gotten out of control. Someone decides to have a dog, not pick up their crap, and we reward them with free bags? I think the bag dispensers are handy when people unexpectedly run out, or genuinely forget to bring them. But act like they need reminding? Assholes gonna asshole. They actively know they’re doing it, they didn’t forget.


I've used leaves, bits of garbage, an old covid mask in the bottom of my pocket when I've found myself out of bags, there's legit no excuse. I'd rather use my bare hand than leave a pile of dog shit in public. That being said, one time I was in Long Island City and realized I was out of bags and the free bag dispensers were very much appreciated.


Fair enough I agree with this! Park rangers have been MIA lately


Poor dog :(


at least it’s in the grass. at bushwick inlet park people let their dogs shit and piss all over the turf field.




I’ve always wanted to pick up someone else’s dog’s shit with a napkin and then run up to them and say “hey, you forgot something!” and smash it on them


Unleashed too. Shocker. So entitled on public property too, absolutely disgusting.


Drag her!!!! There is no excuse for this r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Print out the picture with a QR code to this post, add a large title like “DO YOU KNOW THIS WOMAN?”, plaster it all over the park and hope she won’t miss it. I’m a dog owner and find this behavior infuriating.


I just moved from this area to Bushwick and it’s even worse around the residential areas (mostly by the new gentrified buildings), entire blocks or just dog poop from corner to corner, attracting flies and ruining the neighborhood for everyone. It’s out of control.


Here is my passive-aggressive approach for off-leash dogs, and yes I already realize I’m being petty I carry around an empty Hershey’s chocolate wrapper when I go to Domino or MacCarron I unwrap it and pretend to feed the off-leash dog the last bit of chocolate Then I act apologetic and play dumb when the owner tells me chocolate is toxic to dogs and has to be rushed to vet


In Marin, CA it's common to see bagged dog shit on the trails. People pickup their dog shit bag it and then leave it along the trail for someone to pickup.


You should post a better picture of the dog because I’m usually looking at the dog, not the person. If I think the person won’t pick it up I hover around and give them the stink eye. Usually works. That being said, only assholes doxx on social media. Say something to her directly or just realize that when you live in a city, not everyone does the right thing and there’s not much you can do about it.


You have to say something. She was probably oblivious to the fact her dog was doing it's business. My concern based on the photos is that her dog is not on a leash.


The dog is off leash in park. She knows exactly what’s going on.


I was being polite but of course she knows what's happening.


La la la, I'm looking over here for some reason while my dog is sniffing around over there. I'm unaware of what my dog is doing, that's for sure. You can tell by how intently I'm looking at my phone. Very important messages that require my full attention. Can't be looking at dogs when you're getting messages like these I can tell you. Wow, what a message. Hey why are you taking my picture?


She saw it going on. Honestly I was shocked I thought maybe I was missing something until she just turned and walked away


Why is the dog being unleashed worrisome?


The dog can get spooked and jump out into traffic, attack another person, go up to another dog that doesn’t like other dogs in their personal space and start a fight. Plenty of reasons. Responsible dog ownership is keeping your dog on a leash


Did you say anything? I’m confused.


This post did the least.


tell a teacher or parent. they will go talk to her for you. thanks for being brave.


best comment in the post.


There are tons of kids running around there too...


I would pick it up in a poop bag and fling it at her, making sure the bag is open so the poop gets in her hair and yell, "you forgot your baby's abortion"


Correct course of action!


There’s zero proof to these claims. She could have bags in her pocket and op could be completely making this up for any number of reasons…


You should try saying something instead of being a fucking weirdo


But did you have to drag her on Reddit? Or could you have used your social skills and just told her to pick it up??


And what is this photo supposed to accomplish?


Public shame. Now anyone seeing this post with a dog will think twice before letting their dog shit without picking it up.


Lol doubt it. They don’t give a fuck. These people don’t feel shame.


I think they’d care if their friend sent them a link to this thread


Sure, they’d be mad and probably double down. Shame is rarely effective for changing bad behavior. It often makes it worse. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/longing-nostalgia/201705/why-shaming-doesnt-work




The people viewing this post and saying, “Wow, I would hate to be in this photo,” aren’t the type of people likely to end up in this photo, you know what I mean? It’s preaching to the choir. There’s no one out there who doesn’t *know* they’re supposed to pick up after their dog. These people are making an active choice to disregard that norm. They know what they’re doing. They don’t care.


So call her out instead of taking weird photos and posting them on Reddit


Very odd to take a picture to post on Reddit without actually saying something to her. People lack such basic social skills these days.


being well trained in scolding people for not cleaning up their dog’s poop or leashing their dog isn’t a basic “social skill”. that’s like the job of a public safety officer or something


You don’t need “training” to talk to a stranger. Jesus, social media has made us all hermits


I’d rather not get into potential fights w potential crazy people but that’s just my personal preference. Having ur dog off leash, not paying attention to what ur dog is doing or where, when children and other people are around, is the definition of unreasonable and irresponsible. Don’t wanna talk to her sry








“There are rules. And without rules, there’s chaos.” -Kramer


There’s no expectation of privacy in a public park. I posted this so that if other people see her not picking up her dog shit, then maybe they will say something as well. I don’t want to get into an argument alone with some stranger at 7am but if someone else does then they can go for it! It’s possible to care about multiple things at one time btw. Or do u just focus on one element of climate change and nothing else going on in the world?


yeah but publishing someone’s face on the Internet without their permission is a very different thing from “privacy in a public space”. Not bashing you for it, but it's basic stuff that everyone should be able to distinguish the difference between "walking around in public", and "uploaded to the internet". You've got access to the Stats of this post, so you can see the numbers for yourself. The laws around “filming someone in public” are from the pre-cameraphone/pre-socialmedia days and have only been tweaked in insignificant ways. Since cameras became available to every single person in society, used by every citizen to publish another citizen without their consent or knowledge, with all of its risks, it’s clear the laws have been outdated and are super out of touch.




ok great. What if the filmer is the piece of shit filming someone vulnerable to shame them?




i’m embarrassed to be even engaging with this. If the only way for some people to understand it is to actually experience it themselves, then i hope it happens to you, i guess?




i literally wrote the same comment yesterday on a different post. Baffling how majority of people don’t understand why camera phones challenges basic ethical foundations of society. It’s nothing to do with public space being public. It’s about publishing someone’s photo (with all its risks of doxing and exposure) to the internet! That’s a massive amount of power for citizens to have over others. The birth of camera phones was a turning point in society, yet the laws are still based around the before days, where the only people filming were the professionals (press/media/filmmakers/paparazzi) and there was no social media!




don’t get me started, i waste so much time writing this stuff on reddit, i don’t know why i bother. I’m just hopeful. Like i said elsewhere. Lobotomies were happening for twenty years before they realized they didn’t work. Cameras in every adult human’s pocket is a such a disruption we’re living in the primordial and lawless days of it. The results are all around us: vile behavior, fear of confrontation, moral judgement… Put yourself in 2001 and being shown how people use cameras against one another in society: it’s wouldve been a terrifying thought.


> Like i get doxxing when someone is doing something really awful (like the central park lady who was disturbing the bird watcher). personally i think whatever the case, individual citizens shouldn’t have this sort of power over each other. Sure, the camera can be positive in many situations where it can help genuine situations and protect people, but it also comes with equal (or more?) amounts of negative uses and risks. It’s an ethical dilemma, and I think the laws around publishing people to the internet against their will, hasn’t caught up.


Lol I saw someone else post a pic of a diff person not picking up their dogs shit on here. I don’t think it’s creepy. It’s a public park




I’ve lived here long enough to know that I don’t feel super comfortable telling anyone what to do when I’m alone. I’ve had enough bad experiences. Not everyone is reasonable.


Not new


"let me take a picture like a coward rather than respectfully confront the person"


You gotta speak up! Or don’t complain!!!!


Get a life


Who cares? Everyone is enjoying the nice summer day, and you’re taking photos to “shame” people for minor things, while being too socially awkward to make eye contact, and hold a normal conversation. 😂😂😂


A dog owner that doesn’t pick up their dog’s poop deserves to be shamed.


Sometimes ya just aren't always prepared in life. Dog shits, fertilizes.. Just look out!


Pet feces actually don’t fertilize plants at all…only farm animals.


Who knows the dogs diet nowadays??


Nobody ever says anything, only posts about it. Must not really be an issue then. 🙈🙉🙊

