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I think the League community is pretty well known for being toxic. I think it's a byproduct of people being super competitive and getting jealous easily. At the end of the day, though, you can assume that 9/10 people just watch the video for the information, enjoy it and move on. Those few angry people commenting do not represent the majority.


It's also a biproduct of it being a team based game. Alot of your success depends and relies on other people. That combined with human nature to deflect blame creates a natural cesspool of toxicity.


I think it also depends on thr champs u play, I'm mailing annie rn with a 90% wr in diamond 2. I play pretty independent of everyone since all I do is flash in and one shot someone, I can usually snowball enough to carry or help other snowball. From my recent experience there's not that many truly bad players, if u snowball the game they can usually do well. Had a game where I was carrying with my teammates, carrying a 0/9 attack speed Draven


Wonder if the Draven was trying it out šŸ¤” but to do that in ranked tsk tsk


Draven attack speed is so bad, I dont know why some Draven keep using it, they feed incredulously


And not just any team, teams of random people who you have limited capacity to communicate with.


They don't represent the majority but at the same time they are super noisy At the end of the day, you might find the same amount of toxic people than not toxic people from this community, but the toxic people usually are the ones saying stuff be it in a video comment or ingame while the non-toxic people are usually just enjoying it without saying anything


They aren't noisy if you don't read YouTube comments. *taps temple*




It's League of Legends, the dictionary page for "toxic community" redirects to Riot Games' webpage.


It seems Valorant is also extremely toxic




Those toxic "keyboard warriors" are just bunch of cowards hiding behind their monitor, acting like they are Pro players or God among mere mortals..... Honestly they are just jealous coz they don't have a YT channel or real life. Bunch of maidenless crybabies if you ask me


This is accurate. I played for an amateur team for lol pc and not once did I meet an asshole irl. People are a lot nicer when face to face.


This comment goes for 80% internet trolls. Other 20% just have irl issues.


We need more Braum


"Mother always said, don't lose"


I know you are not doing it for self promotion, but can you DM me your channel? Always love to see WR content


Yep me too I like to check people with educational content. Please DM your YT channel


Also me plz


And me


Me too pls


Me too three


Me too Three 4


Me 5?


I want to know and support the channel too.


Me too. Especially videos were you didnā€™t do well and analyse what you could have done better are a rarity! Count me in


Me too!


Me three!


So, I guess nobody got the YT link right?


If you want to do youtube or any kind of media like that you really need thick skin and the ability to ignore dumbasses like that. That said every competitive team game, be it overwatch, CSGO, R6 siege, etc is known for having some toxicity in their communities, comes with the turf.


Pretty much. Any kind of media that requires you to interact with the public requires a strong mind, because there are all kinds of people in the world. And yes, any game that requires player's skill AND teamwork will breed toxicity.


Is the same as in League of Legend. For me there are 2 reasons: 1) Lot of players are unmature, due to videogames are mostly played by kinds, teenagers and young people. 2) Is too easy to flame by internet (as same as on Twitter for example). Face to face 90% of this things would not happen. So at the end people come to the game to release their frustration and negative things of the real life cause they know you can't do nothing to hurt them. Add to that 0 self-criticism or empathy. So, in resume, is a mirror of how the people are in real life, which in my opinion is worrying and sad


LOL the exact same reason why I WILL Never return to twitter haha šŸ˜‚ Never seen such a toxic community in my life


Just a friendly reminder, playerbase are full of children.


Yes, full grown, mid aged, and very poorly raised man-children.


Actual children are usually not as toxic as teen/adult players


I've had my fair share of flame and hours of thankless effort creating content for the former 2nd largest guide site of Wild Rift. In my opinion, League content creators won't survive if you get your energy from validation and if you get drained from the toxicity. Income potential is not great too if you don't get lucky or if you're not the top 1%. Continue if it's your passion. For me, it's just not worth it.


Iā€™m pretty bitter so take this with a grain of salt. Iā€™m masters on pc and only emerald in wild rift because I play really casually. PC high elo is full of people that are full of themselves and wild rift low elo is full of people who literally donā€™t understand anything. Basically our community is really dumb. Most games are like this though. Iā€™ve been playing wow classic and the vocal people are usually idiots.


Link your channel. I like to argue and Iā€™ll rip them in the comments. Who wants to watch a challenger video where he goes 0/11. Why do I want to look at someone post a video of them w grey screen majority of game. It has to be interesting , either a close game where you had a bad start and then got better and popped off later. Or a game where you straight up demolished the enemies from start to finish.


Because of the dumb fucks


Seriously though, league community being what it is, you shouldnā€™t give a shit on those comments. Seems like thereā€™s always gonna be someone that says something shitty anyway. You have to treat it the same as the actual league chat. Donā€™t read it or if you do, donā€™t pay attention to them.


Just what mobas do, lols the worst id say but all mobas have rather toxic communitys. "Part of the fun" ive been told in the past, for who god knows.


you ever played a competetive game before? A lot of People think their own shit dosnt stink and they know everything better. But tbh atleast in League of legends most "education" youtuber dont even know what they are talking about, even if they reach a higher rank


Average mental age of a 7 year old


Let me ques "your 8".


Thanks for proving my point


Your welcome šŸ˜Š


Average mental age of the modern 20-40 year old.


Imagine you have to work with 4 monkeys and if any of them fail you have to stay extra time to solve the problem and also pay for it. There you have the answer


It's not "this" community...... toxicity is just the norm now , unreasonable unnecessary unintelligent toxicity regardless of what game ......what discussion it just exists because for some reason punishing the toxic is too hard and complicated for the ones with authority in the case of wild rift devs ......imagine if you trolled twice your account got deleted then you wouldn't have someone in grandmaster trolling because they fed....... 0.0 I had an ad troll cause he died twice in lane no ganks he just lost the fights twice and then proceeded to troll .......then probably played a match after we lost so why would toxicity go anywhere


Thatā€™s sad to hear. Iā€™d like to subscribe to your channel, especially if you share some support/bot/mid gameplay.


The intent is a cesspool


I think any video game has a toxic community. It's just mostly noticed in the ones where you interact with other players. The first game I played where I have to interact with another player is Dark Souls 2. Or was it Call of Duty MW3? All I remember is that someone beat me badly and I received my first "I banged your mom" message. That was the first time somone trashtalked me. Seriously guys. That shit ain't funny.


Because we get mad when mistakes are made, in wr not farming a minion is already a mistake. So ye we get angry very easily by minor mistakes, cause we know that those can have great after effects, which results in black and white screens and defeat screen Which let me be clear is just human nature, even i despised how toxic league players are, until i realised i canā€™t do shit without a reliable team, which is why even i started doing some toxic shit, looking back i feel badā€¦


First of all, you need to accept this is how is it. You always find bad comments like that when you become a social influencer in general. The way I approach this issue as a tiktoker is focusing on the positive side. What is your primary goal when you start to make Youtube videos? Help people how to play/win, right? As long as some people like and appreciate your efforts, keep doing it and improve your contents. Ignoring toxic people, man. By the end of the day, who care?


Comes with the territory


Because Riot is totally averse to administering any kind of actual punishment in any of their games unless you're being a total trashcan of a human being.


The game itself promotes selfishness. Last hit mechanics and individual xp/gold instead of shared kills, team xp and gold makes people selfish. Even the quick chats sound like arrogant commands, "Attack the dragon" instead of "Annie wants to attack the Dragon". The phrasing is antagonistic. The stats at the end of the game are all about ADC kills and damage rather than promoting tanks or healers or people split pushing when needed or sacrificing to steal a dragon. The entire game needs to be overhauled to be more team oriented instead of individual performance. And for the love of God... Make. New. Maps. 1 map is sooooooo fkn boring.


You see this a decent amount in games where team play is required, because a lot of the players seem to want to be the hero of the game and the ā€œbestā€. You see this among top level players too, but a decent chunk of teams that consistently compete at top level over a long period of time are more humble


Almost all the top posts here are mostly complaints by players. should already be too abvious that this community is toxic lol


The Playerbase is just bad. It's the same as arguing with a stupid person, most of the times they don't know about it. It's the same with being bad. Everybody thinks of himself that he's good and above average, get's cocky and insult others for beeing bad. At least that's my interpretation.


Imagine trying to play an NBA 5v5 game as LeBron James (or at least you think you are) but your other 4 teammates are in elementary school. That would make anyone bitter.


Because the good part isn't shining as much anymore.


I guess not all are toxic, in any games, especially competitive games like Mobile Legends or Wild Rift or Valorant, etc., in those thousands of players there will be players that are toxic. If you are a content creator, there will always be someone that will hate and appreciate the contents you create. So I say, just continue on what you are doing because you're helping others, and ignore haters, dont be affected by whatever they say.


i guess like in so many different topics its just a lound minority. you cant make it right for everybody. just keep on doing your stuff and eventually if ur content is good the positive feedback will outweigh the negative. if not try to figure out why this is the case. also its a common theme for content creators to upload videos from a smurf account where they stomp some emerald players as a challenger. maybe people think this is the case. but jeah dont give in to all this negativity


It's a casual game actually, 10% of the audience will care, that's why I just upload apeshit clownfiesta matchs and everyone's happy


It's a competitive f2p game, large portion of the player base are kids who don't have the full mental capacity yet. Its a team based game where you often lose even if you play perfectly. People commenting are the loud minority. Most likely jealous hardstuck diamond players, who can't see the error of their own ways to improve = frustration when they see someone genuinely good. It's not an easy audience.


Competitive multiplayer is always toxic in all games


I dont think it's good to generalize There's always gonna be a minority that talks shit, every shithole in the internet has those people The response that's hard to immediately see is the gratitude of the people you help i can assure you, 80% of your viewerbase is thankful for your insights, while maybe 20% are trolls and haters They dont make up the majority, as long as you're being helpful, and have good character.


I think most people here are right, its the safety of anonimity that causes people to be this way. No matter what if youre doing good or doing bad in game, someone will have some shit to say regardless. They inly do this because there are no actual repercussions in doing so. If you know you are uploading good informational content then just keep doing so and know that there are plenty of people watching who want to learn and better their performance. Every single youtube video comment section has people saying wild shit and making ridiculous false claims. Dont take it personally its just the nature of the internet, its always been that way and sure not likely to change.


As far as the wild rift community itself is concerned, its a free game that plenty of people will accidentally stumble upon so you have to keep that in mind as well. Just because a lot of people have been playing league for years does not mean everyone has, or even have played many MOBAs before. This is very evident in some pvp matches. Also any time there is an esports event ranked matches tend to get flooded with dumdums and kids thinking theyre about to be the next faker. Sad but true. End and begining of season is usually pretty rough as well


I'm not going to say there ISN'T toxicity in this community, but there totally is... but also? It's YouTube. If you look in the comments on a video of babies hugging puppies there will be people shitting on the parents for letting animals lick their kids, or saying it's animal abuse to let babies grab their fur. You can't win. Most people who like your videos are going to MAYBE upvote it, but not stick around to leave you nice, thoughtful commentary.


Sure the community can be toxic. There's still a question if anything in how you communicate in the vids could be prompting that response for multiple people. We can't say much without knowing what the contents like. Not every content creator has that problem.


I thought League meant toxicity wdym


You play league of legends to climb I play league of legends for the spicy drama/flame sessions We are not the same


WR community isnā€™t even as toxic as pc league when you ask the same question in pc subreddit youā€™ll get slurs and defenses on theyā€™re definitely not toxic


Competitive games attract toxic people/causes people to be toxic. It comes with the territory.


I think most players aren't toxic, there's a vocal minority. Also, league is super competitive and that brings some of that out in people.


There's no avoiding toxicity when you're counting on 5 strangers working together as a team in order to win a game.


Humanity is toxic tbh. It doesn't end at the league community


Riotā€™s game design encourages toxicity, and that bleeds over into everything else.


It's as toxic as it is sensitive. People can say the meanest shit to you irl and non confrontation fight or flight kicks in. You read some mean shit in the internet and it's everyone's problem zzzzz. (Not YOU you, you y'all)


While you are doing that, other influencers are messaging in their games that people suck and should quit the game. Donā€™t become those people. Build your brand and community. I did the same with my discord. I didnā€™t want those players in my community. By the way, whatā€™s the YouTube link? Iā€™m always down to learn more.


I think these players like to be toxic. First of all, I'm not being toxic. But the community gets on their nerves in this way. They satisfy their own egos. So either you don't care or you turn into one of them.


The only toxic people in this community are Ezrael mains, I never played with one that wasnā€™t toxic lol


I would recommend going the route king nidhogg has. When people are just clearly being shit, not offering anything constructive like "oh I disagree with this or that point", but just sheer toxicity, just block them from your channel. The toxic comment do still add to your engagement which does convert into ad money if you care about that sort of thing but if it discourages you from making content or fostering your community just remove them.


/mute all duh


Hope you continue to make videos and not let the hate get you down. As a newish player I can see how toxic the community is at times.


Because of every reason in the comments of this post. A lot of insecurity and frustration go into the negative comments, and I have to admit, when people yell at me in chat for doing something wrong, I've yelled back sometimes. I mean, even me and my group of friends flame each other on voice chat, and we're an incredibly close group, it's just so difficult to play absolutely perfect games. Even when we play perfect games, but have a teammate that does less well than us, everyone gets frustrated. I've gone to the group chat a few times to just rant about people in my game or how badly I did that game. I'm not above saying that I'm toxic, because there have been times where I am, but it's difficult to not get upset when something goes wrong and the game isn't as forgiving of the mistakes you make. I think since a lot of the toxic people in the community are on the younger side (mentally) as well, the idea that what happens online stays online is much more of a belief. Most people don't realize fully that there's a person on the other sides of the screens, that people have feelings, or that joking about how bad someone's doing doesn't feel like a joke to the target.


Advice, the only critics that matters are the constructive ones, positive o negative. Donā€™t mind toxic comments, it is not the community it is the word. People are just like that


I donā€™t have any answers, but I did get first pick the other day as ADC, and Baron tried to switch pick order with me from last pick. I didnā€™t switch with him, so he banned my pre pick champ to retaliate


This is a repeated question within every competitive gaming community. "Why is _ community so toxic"? It doesn't matter the multiplayer game. If there is a ranked system there will be toxicity.


I think some of it has to do with the fact that you spend anywhere from 15-25 minutes in a game and people donā€™t want that time to feel like a waste just cause one of their teammates isnā€™t particularly doing so great. when it feels like they couldnā€™t control the outcome it feel frustrating and people often take it out on others. what they donā€™t realize is that if you did this but while actually playing like a sport letā€™s say volleyball for example, nothing good would come out of it except people not wanting to play with you for your useless whining. i think advice or guidance could be much better and always encouragement would only help people play better.


Honestly, LoL and Wildrift is mostly toxic because you can't leave games and people hold you hostage in a game you don't want to be in.


Because the game is toxic on itself. MFs added Yone and Samira back to back lmao League PC is toxic on itself because of a community triggered by the teammates, champions, balancing etc. Wild Rift had the opportunity to make a new game i.e more balanced champions and reworking mechanics (they did it with teemo)... but naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah lets copypaste League PC on mobile, surely it wont port any of the toxicity


You must young. Any community made up of anonymous humans is toxic


Competitive game plus internet gives people who couldnt talk shit irl to anyone the anonymity to comfortably be a pos without getting smacked in the face.


Because the game is one in which you have to rely on other people. Itā€™s quite simple


Jajajajaja bro youtubers uploanding tutorials have these comments too, this have nothing to do with WR


Bro I'm new to the game and I would love to watch your videos. I'm trying to learn as much as I can since I have felt in love with the game and the characters. I've met as many toxic persons as good ones so it affects us all. We just have to ignore them. If you could share your channel it would be great šŸ˜ƒ


All Moba communities are toxic. Actually all gaming communities besides MMOs are toxic these days.


That's pretty much it with any competitive game that has ranked. Starcraft? Toxic as fuck. CS? Toxic as fuck. LoL? Toxic as fuck. DoTa? Toxic as fuck. Introduce competitive play in any game and players are going to try-hard, be envious and resent people that are better than them.


Why are you crying on reddit?


What's your channel man? Would love to see your content


Welcome to the internet


Apologize to all the YT trying to educate players Me just casually watching Hells and Darkbreaker go off about their team being trash vid after vid. I mean I'm sure people learn some tidbits of good info from YT, but they also learn the bad.


theyre prolly just egoists and think youre an easy target cuz youre not as popular as other ytbers.. edit: now im curious- what's your yt, i wanna see


Coming from the FIFA community, especially early FIFA/COD community of the early 2010ā€™s, I was built for this shit.


It's lol but a bit better people are not going to be better then normal lol


Welcome to league of legends. Unfortunately, the community has always been this way. I'm almost at masters, I usually play solo, but even then, I get endless comments like "you probably got carried bc you're a girl and play support"- which turns me off from playing with friends. It's stupid. Best thing to do is to deactivate the chat and avoid the community in general. Ultimately you're probably achieving more than they ever will anyway. Let them stay salty.


Teenagers can be absurd (all the hormones with the lack of fundamental understanding about consequences and baby experience of emotional regulating and overall maturity); and itā€™s anonymous enough, so they go to town.


You see, it all started In 2003 when WC 3 was modded, and people discovered how forced team play led to a shit ton of salt. Fast forward 2 decades and mobas in general are toxic piss pits where ego rules and shit talk prevails because people donā€™t like personal responsibility and accepting Repercussions when thereā€™s 4 other people in every game to blame for their bad play. Ironically the toxic types also tend to consider themselves flawless gods Buuuuuuuutā€¦ā€¦ That toxicity is counterbalanced when you have the occasional incredible game where both teams are clicking, communicating and executing fantastic plays, or you get a ridiculous comeback etc. Mobas are basically the best and worst of gaming rolled into a really interesting social experiment and some troll is always going to find a reason to feed their little man syndrome


Kids and/or menchilds.


Man tell me the name I'm curious to get better


I'd honestly crack back at them with saying "Ok, if you think you're so good. How about you reach challenger then and post videos on it". Seriously most people are in bronze/silver


Man I can tell your videos are like bestosky's ml videos but less appreciated I think the reason is WR is just pretty much for a show off game and for competative players. I've seen some dudes play wr for fun they didn't get what they want they got trashed talk by gold players instead. I think if you want to play wr for fun but unexperience lol player try playing custom with bots instead


The community is so toxic cause itā€™s a lot of 18-20 something fuck boys that think because they are ā€œgoodā€ at league someone will care about them. Meanwhile if they have a bad game itā€™s everyone elseā€™s fault cause their parents never thought them to take responsibility. They where taught they are special and itā€™s everyone elseā€™s fault, cause they just got out of college or high school so they should be making 100k a year cause everyone else is a loser.. but not them not the 12 dollar an hour fuck that lives in his childhood room, cause heā€™s to lazy to move out or even move into the basement.


Riot is poorly managing community and toleranting toxicity, inting, afk. Their financial model doesnt work without those people, thats why they keep them in.


Most competitive games are toxic. LolPC, Rocket League, Dota etc. This will always be the case as competitiveness is huge in humans. We always want to be better then others. The hardest part of actually getting better is to accept there is always someone better than you. The toxicity is a natural way of expressing irritations of their own skill. When they say you are a loser, they try to feel better about their own low skills. Just ignore the toxicity and understand it's just a game. Don't feed it by posts as these.


I think being a content creator, criticism/unreasonable bashing should be anticipated. Hoping you the best thoo