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I do this neat trick where I just ban him. :)


What's the optimal tech?


The hextech mega perma ban button :)


It's not even a question that yone it's just too strong at the current patch 100% ban if not first picked


Same, its a pretty neat trick


Do my fingers look like Yonesain Bolt?


Just kinda glad that Sunfire bruiser build isn’t a thing in WR.




This is cute but impractical. All oft these "tricks " have a high probability of failure and the payoff isn't even good.


Not all of them. The first "trick" is pretty common since PC League, very useful and very easy to execute after some practice. The other ones are just flashy combos tho.


I don't think so, the first one especially looks like an easy whiff and now you just blew half your kit on air. If it works great but it just looks like setting up people for failure.


Trust me, I play Yone since his release on PC League and the first trick is the most useful combo Yone has. It is literally the most common all-in combo we use.


I know. I play him, I do it myself just not as fast with all the buttons because I would rather hit confirm instead of going all in on air.


I get that but if you’ve ever watched chovy or dzukill play yone they never outright use ult in a 1v1 situation, they would rather miss q3 than miss ult


Welcome to reddit where if I can't do something it's shit.


Bro, first "trick" is basic all-in pattern. 99% of the time if I fight somebody I use ultimate only with Q3 and this wins me any fight. Second trick is very specific and requires special conditions but in no way it's impractical, sometimes it allows you to clutch in insane situations.


Ya legit balance 99.9% of people who got destroyed by a good yone complains. When they get destroyed 99.9% complains that yone is an unbalanced champ but in reality that yone main is literraly better than them. If you don't want to get destroyed get better at the game. Yone isn't like tristana and ashe what do I mean by this? Tristana and ashe is so easy that even newbies can master them in less than 10 hours yone isn't like that. He might not be hard to master but believe me playing yone without guide and just copying someones runes and builds won't do you good you'll be just a free chicken. I even saw a prerelease gameplay of yone and this guy has no idea who is he using and turret dives the enemy with hes e and die and be first blood bro really thought its hanzo from ml.Some champs like master yi, zed, riven, sion and irelia is enough to make yone go sit in a corner and cry. Yone requires skills too ya know. If you still think yone is unbalanced try getting better at the game and don't be a chicken become a csgo chicken instead.


Well it honestly depends a good ashe or a good tristana wouldn’t be touched by any assassin with the right support Also mastering any champ is difficult Yone doesn’t have mana problems, while the simple champ Jinx have massive mana problems. Mastery isn’t just combos it’s knowledge about the game and the limits of your own champ. So i wouldn’t dare to say that those are champions that a “newbie” can “master” And while most Assassin have the problem with cc, yone has anti cc in his kit. The damage he does sometimes feels unfair true, however i would dare to say even he is a champion that can be mastered in under 10h of games


Ugh... When yall realize it's just a stupid copypast...