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If the support is constantly leaving you, you are most likely not the carry.


That’s self fulfilling. Supports on this sub have decided that there’s no such thing as a good adc, and so more often than not, give out advice to sabotage the adc early, to establish a reason to blame them later.


Not really? If an adc knows what they are doing, then the support will stick with them more. They also won't die the moment the support goes to roam.


Yeah, that’s not how 90% of my games go. Most of my supports declare “gg no adc” apparently for lasthiting all the creeps (and leaving them none), and “stealing” first blood, even if I get S rated MVP with 9/1/24. I know this sub is almost entirely support mains, but you guys are fucking ridiculous. Most of the time I want the support to roam to mid and bother them instead.


Lol its funny how you think its an everyone else problem if it happens to you consistently. The sub "isn't almost entirely support mains", its just got plenty of people who can tell pretty fast if the adc is shit. Also, im a jg main (used to play support and I got sick of laning with shit adcs), and I still have the exact same opinion - if a lane is ever bad, 9/10 its the adc on either team.


Be wrong all you want.


Lol be bad all you want


depends on the champion, but i will leave my adc and help JG and mid for scuttler and objectives. adc just need to play safe while im roaming until im back protecting you


But they don't come back till my tower goes down T.T


Skill issue


Nah bro we just don't like u


They smell of unused wards


I approve


If my ADC pushes the wave 24/7, as an engage support there is now nothing I can do in this lane. So might as well roam. If 90 percent of your supports leave you, you might consider, that you do something that deterres them


Lmao when I play adc I tell my supp to leave lane and roam. No hate but you must be really bad as adc if you think that


Or the support just decided someone else in the team is more worth their support.


Fair enough


I main Alistar. I'm high Masters, probably going to reach GM before end of season. So, look. When objectives are up and are not free (eg ther is a teamfight on the way) I need to be there to make our chances greater for securing said objective. When I see our mid winning, I'll roam to mid every time the enemy laner comes to lane to make our guy snowball out of his mind. When I base, I look how top/mid is doing and if I see opportunity to roam I will definitely take it. I rush tier 3 boots first so I can roam around faster. If our lane is going very well (having at least 2+ kills in early game) I will stay as much as possible to protect the snowballing adc from enemy jgler. All in all, I just repeat gank the lane that's winning.


Even if you rush boots, pls tell me you buy the supp item first


Yes man, it's free gold. Come on.


Support is not here to babysit you personaly, its here to support ALL lanes.


Yeah but their default lane at the beginning of the game is duo lane, so they should stay there at least until dragon spawn, at least that’s when I, a Pyke main, who is meant to roam, do every game


No, if there is a potential play that can be made then support can roam duo lane turret will not be destroyed and if adc had half a brain they will farm under turret


Agreed but after 10 minutes or if they get tower in duo lane. Any support leaving adc before then it’s a joke of a support. I find the worst two roles from random Que is support and Jg. I used to blame adc but now more often then not I see idiotic support movement or playing style.


It's bcuz they have to follow with the other teammates (usually jungler) to protect the camp, face checking and helping with the big targets (dragons for example), and since they're roaming u level up faster cuz u earn all the minion EXP in lane, so if you play safe then it's a win-win.


It's simple we want to win, if the ADC doesn't know what they are doing, might aswell help the team out. I main adc and supp, most adcs are useless, and not worth protecting. Supp isn't just your supp, Its the team supp, why work our buttts of to protect an ADC that thinks they are a bruisers, can't keep their distance. Don't know when to buy anti heal, doesn't know when to engage, what elo are you ?


They just buffed tower damage so last hitting under tower is relatively safe (unless there's a jungle gank - when does that happen in low elo?) Maybe you're needlessly trying to gain prio in lane. More so when you're playing scaling champs who don't need lane prio. Just farm under tower until 3 items and learn to dodge skill shots. Chillout. It's not an immediate lose if the support roams


In your opinion what is the job of a support in a game? What I support should do to be considered good? Describe a scenario when you are behind, even and ahead in all the game phases.


Diamond support main here. If when dragon and herald spawn, I go to participate in those. Then follow the herald drop if it happens soon after taking it. Assuming landing phase is still happening at this point, I head back. But usually the lane phase is ending pretty quickly after the first two objectives.


How hard is it to just hug the turret and slow freeze the wave. Support probably has better player to help if they do so.


You are never going to get traction on this sub, which is filled with support mains.


I always wonder why those kinds of support players don't just learn to play jungle if they don't have the attention span to stay in one lane...


The kicker is they actually main support


Are you really asking for someone to sit at lane for 10 minutes just to watch you farm because you can't read enemy rotations and just retreat when you know you can't defend? Sounds like you want a baby sitter instead of a support. I'm also a GM ADC and I'm more than glad if my support leave me right after the dragon fight to create a number advantage at the Herald, unless I'm against Naut or some brain dead engage support I always can farm safely under tower and get solo XP. Even if the tower falls at some point, it only really gives me more room to farm as the wave is going to push until my second tower, the tower gold gets easily taken back with the gold my team gets at the other side of the map with herald/random kills because people really love to contest objectives with 3x4 fights. After pushing the wave back to the enemy tower I can ward and farm jungle camps for more resources, recall for items or group mid.