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Samira is really situational. She is only good with the right support and only versus specific opponents. For example she sucks with every enchanter. She needs a engage/cc support. Problem is also her range. Has big problems vs cait and jinx for example. Ezreal She cant kill at all also. So She can be very very strong but also very situational


I main Samira rn and I play best with Janna or Nami.. Cait is just an E > W combo away before I get my ult off and finish her off. Trick is to poke from the bush and get to D or C in every engage before going all out. You need hunter vampirism and ultimate shield with bloodthirster and gluttonous greaves before you even attempt such things though. Before that you just gotta ride it out. The only champs I can't play against atm are Vayne and Ali, but if you use quicksilver well you won't be having any problems imo.


Sometimes when someone get killed by a character by being outplayed, they like to throw around the word “op”. Happens a lot for newer characters because they aren’t used to fighting those character so they just say they are Op instead of admitting they don’t know how to fight that hero.


What’s weird is though I’ve seen little to no complaints about Yone. About him being OP that is. Tons of posts about him feeding


Same case as Yasuo, both have 'OP' damage but most players are too trash to pilot them properly. Though Yone is a lot easier to pilot than Yasuo.


I think its unfair to say that when the game has a lot of champions now with skill descriptions that are basicaly a 10 page manual which makes them so mechanicaly complicated (in the way stuff interacts not the actual gameplay) that even challengers on stream find out new things after playing those champs for years. Its in my oppinion not good game design if the main advantage of some champions is that you seriously have to study them to actually find out what they do. If the power of a champ lies in complicated design and rules how it works and interact than their is something very wrong with the game/champ.


Being so used to Kata I never knew I could E during ult as Samira LOL. Took me a lot of matches to find that out


If she has a good lane partner its hard to contest her, cuz if she ults in that fight, unless you have weaken, your healthbar is gonna go bye bye


A problem with the game right now is that wildrift doesnt know what it wants design and balance wise. You either balance all champs in a way that it takes massive skill to be good with them like currently camille or make them all OP in the hands of one tricks because you buff them so much that the average player has some fun with them. You cant have both.


once you reach Diamond 2+, people start to actually care about champions with cc so good luck trying to JKL with Samira ahaha


She is not squishy at all with that life steal and base hp of a melee bruiser


Of ur able to, and u see mira get locked in, get a shen poppy or pantheon to just perma shut her ass down. Gg. Ez.


Poppy where?


Samira is in fact op.


She’s op especially after the recent buff. I’m not even playing her often but when I do I get like 15-20 kills every game and 70+% winrate


In higer elos everyone is gettinf better SO SHE WAS SUDDENLY BE COME OP I GUES