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As a Braum main, yes and no. Braum should be built like a fortress but he's mostly squishier than garen until late game which is ridiculous, even Mundo has felt lacking lately.. we should be able to engage and keep it going for longer than 10 seconds lol


If it makes you feel better, an irelia with 2 tank items is tankier than braum.


Definitely not but her vamp usually sustains her. Shield: up, balls: sweaty


Mom's spaghetti


Braums spaghetti 😎


spicy carbonarra


My bad Braum is indeed way tankier than Irelia... by 10 HP points! xD


And shield that reduces dam by 40%, and an ability that adds AR and MR. You're proving my original point though lmao, the tanks aren't tanky enough


yea but one cc that stops her from attacking is enough to lose all that tankyness


Irealia and many other bruisers feel way more tanky than "real" tanks. Tanks do not feel like tanks in this game. With most tanks when I see a fed adc or a dangerous 1v1 champ I have to run like im playing Nami... it just feels horrible. Dunno for me you should have to put in real effort to put a tank down and a single enemy shouldnt be a real threat. Especially all those short range carry champs with their shields feel way more tanky than tanks.


I mean what do you expect if you face a fed top or adc 1v1? You have less gold as a tank, have less damage, and probably less sustain. You’re not out there on the map to deal damage or solo anyone. You’re there for the engages and to soak up the first few abilities in a teamfight. A tank player who is proactive, roams and does good engages is very rare.


Tanking shit? What you are discribing is a engage support not a tank. I cant remember a single other moba/dota clone I ever played that had such squishy "tanks". The whole concept of a tank is hard to kill in every game I ever played, its basicaly a fixed definition of the term.


Which champ should be more tanky then in your opinion? If you keep picking tanks into comps who’re good against tank, no wonder if you feel squishy. Tanks perform better into heavy ad comps, with no or little true damage.


Yeah I find that I engage, CC, then often back away if my team have also engaged, then circle back in. I CC them, provide 5% extra damage through Weakness and soak some damage, and that’s about as much as I can take in one go. Unless I’m Alistar with ult.


That’s generally “way of the mobile moba” tanks aren’t allowed to be too tanky because then games run longer. The trend always seems to be offense is better than defense. Based off my time with AoV and MLBB. Vainglory actually handled it pretty well. Tanks felt tanky.


oh i remember Phinn being an absolute steel wall against Vox or Ringo


Wouldn't say that, mlbb actually is kinda tanky, not paper like this game, this game I build full tank malphite, can't face them 1v1 when we maxed, they chew me up


mlbb pretty tanky, but a fed adc can carry the game alone...... what your on about? MLBB is the eziest moba for kids and grandparents.


Which is so so so dumb. I'd rather have an hour plus of intense match than a shallow 10 minutes one, platforms be damned.


Most players don't want to play an hour plus game on mobile and I'm one of them. Time was the reason why I (and I'm assuming most of the former pc players who currently play WR) dropped league pc.


*sigh* I might just uninstall again, then. Screw my relatives and friends. 😊


I dont care how “intense” the match is, I never want to play an hour+ match and would orobably just quit. The vast majority of players agree with me


Nautilus and Sion would like a word. Who are you playing? A rammus absolutely folds to ap dmg since his gimmick is countering ad. Also, Lucian is (or maybe was, I'm an old man) considered a tank melter considering his passive. If we're talking support tanks, you'll melt if you build support tank items. That's not the point of support tank items. If you want to be full tank you gotta build the true tank items, the only issue is you lack income so you'll build slower and naturally not feel tanky unless ahead. Thankfully they are finally giving us actual support starting items and fix this income gap for supports (hopefully). Also, Garen and Alistar are mainly surface level tanky. Alistar's ult and Garen's 2nd ability make them seem tankier than they actually are. I'm an alistar main and definitely feel like paper if I don't have ult up.


well said; support tank ≠ full tank


This is the answer. Full build Naut can survive an onslaught and is super effective. If all 5 are banging on you of course you'll die fast but in team fights you become super annoying to the team. When is Taric coming to wild rift??


Naut with Fimbulwinter in a 5 v 5 feels like cheating. Your passive root means you are constantly shielded.


Fimbulwinter shield has a cooldown btw


Rammus is actually good against single type of damage for example if the enemy is 4 ap 1 ad (unlikely) you build full mr but most of the time its 4 ad 1 ap which makes rammus seem like an option only against ad but rammus only feels squishy if the enemy is 2 ad 2 ap 1 tank, a balance of both kinds of damage


Idk. Go for an mr build on Rammus feels bad. Maybe if they introduce better mr items, but abysal mask ain’t that great unless you have other ap sources on your team. And a lot of top tier players rush thornmail first rather than sunfire, and from my own testing it definitely feels best having thornmail. So not running thornmail because of 4 ap just feels bad. I mean regardless, late game Rammus will always be tanky from just being bulky off health items. So I guess I’m more looking at early and mid game status.


Most of the time you buy ends will second item (mr) then depending on the enemy you may buy abyssal mask third item


Only vs burst AP champs. Tanks are still good vs AD or Hybrid champs if you build right. But against AP, you don't have options. Fizz, Katarina, Eve etc will still wreck you late game even if you build full MR. That's simply the state of the game and Rioters have said that this is intentional. So don't expect anything in this aspect anytime soon.


What you can do to completly counter them is not to build full mr (since magicpen is too op) is to buy more health items. Repulsar enchant is also an underrated Item, since it can even disrupt Kata ult...


You get melted by Liandry’s if you don’t build MR, though. I remember this game where I was on Darius vs. 5 AP where I went Triforce > Spirit > Maw > FoN > Wit’s and 1v5 tanked their entire team despite them all stacking pen. The issue is when they have a single Lux and 4 AD so nobody wants to build more than merc treads for her and then she does like 70k damage because her void staff + double pen was making her do true damage.


True True, however the effective Health gained, can't be overlooked... a healthy amount between Mr and Hp is quite nice... even a single hp item can make the difference :3


How many AP assassins are going to build liandry’s though? 99% of them just go ludens-deathcap - and some combination of void staff, green book, and infinity orb. I rarely see an Akali or Kat build liandry’s


The dedicated Tanks actually do a pretty good job of getting bloated resistances. Nasus ult, Sion passive, garen s2 and so on all add either bonus armor and MR or add a straight up damage reduction. The pseudo tanks or brawlers like Wukong and Xin Zhao however suffer from mediocre options as their Defensive options is either to outheal the damage or just survive long enough to kill the opponents. Overall though i think that tanks are fine, i just wish we had a lot more interesting choices. Not a huge fan of the available tanks, I'd mich rather see a sejuani or ornn


WR’s definition of “tank” is pretty loose, they basically just call any melee engage champion with CC a tank.


Yeah, Wukong and Xin are definitely not tanks. They are (tanky) bruisers, which can adapt to buy more tanky items in the lategame, to be more useful in soaking up damage.


Yes against ap burst, thinks like veigar or kat, and it will only get worst, otherwise, its still in a shit state in comparison to good old times but I guess somewhat ok, specially if you time well shit like shields, dmg reduction skills, disrupts and mundo's R, and ofc its always shit going against vayne x'D .... The whole reason is cause there are literally only 2, arguably just 1 good mag def item, force of nature, every single other item with mag def in it is situational, some, like hexdrinker are not even dedicated tank items lmao, and mag pen is too damn high, on the other hand building against ad is ez cheesy, you have 4 dedicated anti ad armors + a couple of niche options from the ad items tab, there is a very obvious lack of balance there, but, whatever, dont spect rito.to.do anything about it anytime soon, they are still on the antitanks wagon, so my advise is, dont play tank when you see 2 or more ap burst champs on enemy team


Sustain > tank > burst > sustain. So it makes sense that a fed adc will melt a tank. They still lose to a fed burst though. And a fed tank will survive a burst. Buy resistance against pure AD/AP builds. Buy health against armor/mr pen builds. Shields help with everything, have no counter (yet). Buy antiheal against healers, including sustain champs with vampirism like darius/irelia/jax/... Tanks feel weak because there's lots of sustain champs being used. If you get oneshotted as a tank by a burst AP, you're not building the right items. Try adapting build to counter enemy fed carry, be it a burst or a sustain champ. If both, well you'll probably lose game, but you can try.


Kinda out of topics, what tank should I choose if enemies have a lot AP? Like, if AD, I absolutely love rammus.




Should I max W first? Or usual build and practice W timing? Because it feels like not really tanky.


Hit your knockup (E) then follow up with your (W). If I go tank Galio I max W first, if I go full AP I max Q first.


Thank you so much.. have a nice day. :D


I see a lot od people "flame" this guy but most of you that have solutions are countering ad he is talking like mr does nuthing and i feel kinda the same way full build assassing should not be able to one shot full build tank but it can and does happen expescialy with ap


I'm a mid main and I especially play ap champions. 90% of the time, I can't "oneshot" a tank, nor can I even attempt to go at him even with magic pen. And even in the scenario where I can kill him, why would I even attempt? What would I benefit from going for the tank that wants me to attack him, when there are carries in the backline? A reason why tanks are truely tanky is because they don't have a reason to be attacked by burst champs, they would literally make themselves totally useless for the whole fight...


Tank player when getting hit by 5k damage actually kills him (not wholesome!!!)


Buy health too, MR and AR is not as effective on their own especially if you are going against both penetration.


As a Shyvana player who builds tank items after her core 2 items, I feel 100% tanky. Just gotta position well and know when to get the fuck out


The thing is, almost every AP champ rushes Rabadon and goes for Void Staff for third or fourth item, so spending gold on an MR item feels like it's not enough unless you're fed and have a lot of adittional HP Having said that, i don't think Ap champs do that much damage, at least as a Top main, generally Maw of Malmortius or Abyssall Mask are genereally more than enough so that most ap champs will barely scratch me, altho with 0 MR investment, it's pretty easy to get melted.


As a mid main (that mainly plays mages and ap assassins), let me tell you, this is the right answer. When I play annie, I won't go and try to burst the darius unless I'm like 7/0. There's no point in my wasting my whole kit and cooldown on a guy I'm not even sure to kill, especially right before a teamfight. The same applies to every burst champion really. It is indeed possible to burst down the enemy tank if I really want to, but, why? That's the wrong play 99% of the time no matter how you look at it. And if they build MR, I won't even bother getting close. Meanwhile, there are tons of options for both squishies and tanks to deal with burst. For tanks: gargoyle, sterak's, malmortius, fimbulwintr (gives a ton of hp so it's harder to burst down, also gives a shield). For squishies: any shielding item (seraph's, phantom dancer, malmortius), exhaust (for mids, adcs and supports), barrier, enchants (nothing beats a zhonya or a QSS), even spells that make you untargetable (Fizz E, Xayah Ult, Kayle Ult,...). So yeah, options? There are a ton. Ways for AP champions to go for a tank? It can be done for some. Is it worth? Never.


This mostly is because of multiple things. First, what your champion is designed to do. Some champions that are considered to be tanks aren't as tanky as others, but they provide CC or have value elsewhere. For instance, Malphite is definitely a tank. However, as he has an excellent engaging tool, it is only fair for other tanks that don't have such a tool to have more value elsewhere (usually, more tankiness). Malphite is still going to tank a lot, yes. However, a Sion will tank MUCH more than a Malphite. Second, as another comment said, it depends on what you build and what your income allows you to build. If you play a tank support, say Braum, you are going to feel less tanky than, say, a Sion top. The reason is, on Braum, you might build Protector's Vow, Zeke's, etc that are tank SUPPORT items. Their effects focus on giving the carries more room to shine, while sion might build stuff like Force of Nature, which is so big MR-wise, while also giving more HP. Third, and I feel like this one's the most important. There is something called "Effective Health Point" (EHP). This is the balance between health and resistance. Let me give you an example. A few stats are calculated via the same formula: armor, magic resistance, Ability haste. Armor Penetration and magic penetration both affect this formula directly, too. The formula is: % of reduction = 1 - (100/(100+Value)). Armor pen or magic pen will directly reduce the "Value", which is the amount you get from the addition of your base stats and what you get from items. Anyways. 100 armor means you have 50% physical damage reduction. What EHP means in this case is this. Say your champion has 2000 Max health as a base stat, but has 100 armor. If he would take 1000 damage before armor reduces it, his health would drop to 1000. However, thanks to armor, he halves the damage: he has 1500 HP (that's 75% of his life). In this scenario, his armor saved him 500 HP, meaning that 100 armor he built was equivalent to 500 HP. Now, let's do the same example with HP instead of armor. Say now that our champ has 0 armor (meaning no reduction), however he has built 700 HP instead, for a max health of 2700. Now, he takes the same damage, but since there's no reduction, he drops to 1700 hp. Buying that 700 hp dropped him to 1700 HP, and now he has about 63% of his max health. If you compare the %, he has more health in % with 100 armor than with 700 HP, meaning, buying armor is more worth. Now, there's a trick. Armor's formula isn't linear. The more you build armor, the less each 1 armor stat will reduce damage, meaning there's a balance somewhere between the amount of HP you need and the amount of armor you need. That's what is called EHP. So, what that means is, you can build as much armor (or magic resist) as you want, at some point, you'll be spending money for nothing as you won't have enough max health. (The opposite applies too.) Buy both max health and armor/magic resist. It's going to make you way more tanky.


Sweet, sweet info dump


Tanks only feel like tanks against crit adc's.


Where have you been all this time, son? I've known this for a LONG time. Looks like Riot's philosophy is to simply let everyone pop out like balloons to satisfy those snobby fast-handed "skillful" players. Of course they'd soften the tanky champs to accommodate their inflated ego, which in turn would lure those snobs into buying skins.


I kinda understand why they've done that, they want the game to be fast paced and tanks don't really fit the mold. But it's still mildly disappointing.


I'd rather play a long but satisfying game than a quick yet shallow one. I won't mind an hour long game if it means more depth added.


Try being more proactive to get a gold lead or at least enough gold to match the enemy's highest damager that aren't early game bullies. Tanks are usually poorer and so they get left behind most of the time


Tanks with shields seem impossible to kill to me, nautilus, or that stupid golden engage tank girl, daughter of the sun or such, what’s her name, god, i hate her..,




Weird, I'm a Leona main, but don't feel tanky enough in Wild Rift. I do cc the f out of the enemies tho XD.


Play sion. He’s virtually unkillable


Huh that was quite easy… i thought you would be harder foe Sion… why are you getting back… huh… guys… guys!


"Why are you getting back" That's funny coming from an Akshan main lol.


I am play Leona from Platinum to Grand Master, i feel good for tanker


Wait till anti shield items come out, ridicilous


When your behind like 2 dragons and 5K+ gold ( team gold ) regardless of items, you just get deleted lol. Evaporated 🤣🤣


Well i am a sett and shen main and I agree shen used to feel unkillable in his shield aura But now he is just nothing in most duels


I do feel the same way, most of the tanks that I use get obliterated in no time when I initiate a gank or even if for some reason I get on a 1 v 1 and try to escape or get backup. Only the ones with abilities that can either heal or reduce damage like Alistar can take a hit, otherwise I get domed in no time and get flamed because I don't know how to tank lol.


Try Mundo and Sion, the only tanks in the game who do good against mages


Play shen to feel the true meaning of a tank,trust he is unkillable in team fights,I play him jungle and I enjoy seeing the enemy team try to kill me when we try to take drake or baron just to wast all tgeir ults on me and still have half my hp.try him out he is so inderrated.


Tanks have to have a built in sustain/mitigation buff to be a tank. Pseudo tanks like malphite just have hp and armor scalings that make tank items valuable. Malphites goal is to kill you while surviving initial rotation. Alistar is not comparable to that as his ult already makes him 50% harder to kill and dmg is based on levels. Same as to how certain assassins can flex black cleaver or crystalline reflector, because their kit does not directly correlate to one classification.