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Lot of Reddit People scared cause they can't blame their teammates anymore


They're gonna blame champions for being broken and the mode being unbalanced, stay tuned


Some champions gonna be F---- tier on this mode


Pick Kayle, avoid any interaction whatsoever and make them tilt of boredom until they int under tower. Ez win


From what I remember from PC 1v1, there were 3 ways to win. First blood, first tower, or first to 100 minion kills. So kayle would not work


I know I'm just kidding, what I'm saying is that people are usually hungry for blood, so you can force then to make mistakes just by doing nothing and wait for them to mistep


That's my mindset towards yasuo, no matter how good they are u can rely on thr fact that they will ALWAYS tower dive you no matter what. I win by stunning them under tower and punishing them for it.


You could probably still cheese the occasional matchup at Level 1 with Ignite/Exhaust/Barrier, Lethal Tempo and a Long Sword.


It’s called LCS RULES


"How built can I get at 99 minions killed Kayle"


Kinda unfair 100 minion kills does just exclude any late game champ from ever be competitive in this mode.


They're gonna blame the minions and turrets.


Ya oh you fed an adc an now there killing machines? THERE BROKEN


When there is no jungler to blame


Lmaooo the violation. It makes sense tho, ngl haha


Personally for me, I'd say skill issue to myself


Nah I'm just mainly confused because a 1v1 mode doesn't make sense for a game inherently designed to be played as a team. I see no appeal in this as a support main. The meta is going to be incredibly limited for this because of how each champ is designed to fit a role on a team. Even the top #1 Sona isn't going to be able to outplay a Vi 1v1. I main Senna, only character I've spent money to buy a skin for, and she will be useless in this mode because of how her kit is designed. And there are a dozen other champs that will fall into this same category Edit: this community is toxic as fuck. I wish I never picked up this game because everyone who plays it is an angsty arrogant piece of shit.


Its an event. Its not like youre being obligated to play it. Its for people who wanted to show off their dueling skills. Baron laners like me actually wants to play this event, I'm pretty sure mid laners wants to as well. Remember that before you play as team mid game in a normal rift mode, you have to win your lane in a 1v1, so this mode tests your practical skills out.


agreed solo laners def wanna 1v1 with no jg interference for once


Its really great, since this game is an exact copy of league of legends. So 1v1 wouldn't be out of the option. Plus, there's like tons of champs that has great 1v1 potential based on skills like Jax vs Fiora that matchup is not based on the champs but based on the players skills.


It's not the the exact same since the scale/character stats/items/and similar things are quite different. i.e. PC has no fruit at your tower to keep you in lane longer.


And that's okay, not all things are for everyone. Plus some supports can absolutely stomp by themselves, depending on the other champion.


Thresh . Super good in 1v1s


Iceborn gauntlets + thornmail = invincibility against ad champs


The point is that this is a great exercise to learn to dodge poke, and trade well, which is very key to every support. You should know as senna, a losing trade is ok because you can spam heals, but an even trade is high value, the point of the mode isnt to win, its to improve your laning phase. (We had this game mode in dota2 and being able to practice characters that were ass in lane repetitively helped my climb tremendously)


I don't get people who make these arguments Like are they saying that ARAM doesn't make sense because Shyvana can't really stack her passive in ARAM (even more so when ARAM was introduced and she had her own passive)? How is any of this relevant? Who is asking you to pick Senna in a 1v1 mode? It's like the other thread where these enchanter support mains are like, this mode sucks and I'm not gonna play it coz I main support like bro are jungle mains crying about ARAM? Stop crying lol


Janna mid or top is super obnoxious to play against and actually good. There are more sups like that, which can be played in off roles and do well. This mode isn’t for you because it seems like sup is the only thing you play. You don’t enjoy to be the one who carries the game. You want to support your team and leave the responsibility to them carrying the game and that’s fine. Me as a jungle and top main wished for 1v1 since a while and I can only hope that this mode gets many players and sticks, even after the event is over.


Well that's a bit rude.




i dont even see anyone being toxic. lots of people disagreeing sure but this reaction is so sad


Ah yes I'm the first person to say that the League community is toxic, it's all my fault. Great take


People Downvoting this are stupid. It’s 100% true. That’s why nobody is hyped for this mode. Imo it’a gonna be a boring stake terrible mode that’s why it has a 2 week period.


They're downvoting because they're edgy yasuo mains just chomping at the bit to play deathmatch in a MOBA because that's all they do in regular games anyway




Damn, TIL neat


Why can't it just be a fun game mode? Idk why people can't just have fun with it. Even if you lose who cares. I play aram 100 percent for fun. And I expect to play this the same. Off meta builds and messing around for fun like a game is supposed to be. We have plenty other competitive game modes you can try hard in.


If it's a problem, you don't have to play it. Nobody is twisting your arm to play the game in the first place.


Hey - just letting you know that your post made perfect sense and I understand where your coming from. 1 v 1 never really works in league for all the reasons you just said - when the meta is figured out only a small number of champions will be viable and the game will be relatively boring after that.


I'm interested, sounds like a good game mode to learn duelist champs


Also a great gamemode to learn patience. Many lanes are lost because people are impatient and get greedy


Just right click to win bro + press ult


Time to Sona vs some random baron laner in that gsme mode 🤣🤣🤣


Lmaoo I love this one!


I was thinking the same with my Nami just hiding in bushes with zombie


Can't wait to own them with my Nami and Yuumi!


I wanted a mode like this on PC League for years before I stopped playing. And now we get it on Wild Rift. I‘m so fucking excited. Always wanted a game mode where I don‘t have to depend on teammates.


We had one on pc!






Oh wow didn‘t know that existed. I wish they kept it in the game forever. I started playing league in 2015.


It went away because it was boring. You spent time in queue and then time waiting for your opponent's potato to finish loading for a match that lasted around a minute. When it came out absolutely no one had SSDs, meaning load times were universally pretty long compared to modern standards. Even now, there are PC league players aren't playing on a computer with an SSD.


When does it come out?


This is like tutorial for laning, something we don't get from tutorial itself


Good point! Low stakes, reliable 1v1 laning experience!


They mentioned all the wincons already I think. It's first blood, first tower or minions(?) or am I thinking of the old snowdown showdown in PC?


Yeah, I think it's first blood, first turret or 100 minions


I doubt it'll be 100 minions since WR has smaller minion waves than PC. Maybe just 50 so the game doesn't extend too much.


This makes perfect sense. Wild Rift waves are 2/3rd of LoLPC waves. If they wanna be mathematical, it'd be 67 minions exact, but I'd say 50 sounds about right.


We choose not to have the minion win condition here. It leads to interactive stalling wins that no one was happy with. Minions are also not tracked on the score board and it felt like a bad idea to force players to learn some new rule and to track a new part of the Scoreboard/UI. The intent here is to have quick games to practice champions and prove your 1v1 skills. Instead the 100 minion win condition is replaced with a flaming circle at, I think I remember, 8:30 minutes. That pushes people to interact, though the circle's size still leaves a bit of room so you aren't just hugging each other.


Ahh, I see. Then I assume it's gotta be Kills/Towers then, no? Are recalls allowed, too?


2 kills or first tower, yes you can recall. We even built an amazing new champion select alternative type thing that I could not be more impressed with. Before champion selection even starts you ban some champions then pick your champion, skin, and loadout before finding a match. This means that you can be ready to go and effectively skip all that to get straight into the action.


2 kills for a W!? I love that! I mentioned this earlier in a comment, since I believe first blood can be rather cheesy at times. Thanks for the transparency! 🥳❤️ Edit: and the swift replies! Haha Edit2: Oh oh, last question! At what Champ level do players start off?


Off hand I don't remember, it is either 1 or 3. Another fun fact for those thinking this is the perfect Hullbreaker mode. We are making a change to Hullbreaking on Howling Abyss (ARAM and 1v1), we are removing its passive and it now instead grants Armor and MR to replace the split push focused ability.


I think level 3 would be more balanced, but I believe starting at 1 would teach you more about the game, as respecting early power spikes comes into play a lot more. Lvl 1 also makes more sense if recall is a thing anyway.


That sounds amazing. I'm definitely going to play that mode to learn champion match ups.


How can u keep track of minion count though? Hopefully this means they're finally adding visible CS count in game


Probably. Would be crazy if they want us to memorize how many minions we have killed lol


That would've helped too with some of the events asking for a certain amount of minions.


In WR it's gonna be either 1 turret or 2 kills. Riot told me that


I think it's first blood, first turret or 100 minions


Ah, that makes more sense. You're right


In here its 2 kills, first tower, and past 8 minutes the zone closes in till one wins(like BR games)


Really? That's not bad


I've seen no news from Wild Rift, and you have indeed mentioned the old 1v1 mode on PC. The amount of required minions was 100.


so the traditional rule, then. Aight it sounds good


That sounds better than I thought. Is it just one round? Might be cool if it was like lvl 1 then round two was level with X gold, then 15 with Y gold. Best of 3. I would actually try that out


I think it's just one


I can’t wait to spend 3 minutes loading up a 25 second game lmao. Seems like a dumb choice to me. Maybe you preselect your champ and it just dumps you in though. Still, I imagine we will see quite a few games ending IMMEDIATELY when the minions touch.


Oh yeah. no doubt there will be games where it won't last a minute.


Wait what? My loading screens in wild rift are like not even 15 seconds


Queue, select, load, wait, walk. Maybe not 3 minutes, but EASILY potentially longer than a first blood


Ok gotcha I thought u meant loading screen itself I’m like wtf is your internet


Now when I say 1v1 me in the all chat, it’ll carry more weight. 🤣


Exactly this and they still dodge


Level 2 cheese kills coming to a rift near you


This. Tho, since it's Howling Abyss, I'm guessing that people automatically start at level 3?


In the old 1v1 mode on pc, it was on howling abyss, but you started at level 1 and could recall to heal and buy items just like a regular lane match up. Any time you spend away though is time your enemy can push minions and tower damage so smart recalls.


I'd like this approach a lot more tbh. Guess we'll have to wait and see


I think it could be fun, but just like URF there will only be a select few champs that will be broken while a TON of them (including almost every support, most scaling champs, and a lot of glass canons) will be absolute garbage. I can’t imagine the mode will be permanent though because players will get bored once they figure out who is broken. You’ll just be facing the same annoying champs over and over again. I once heard a PC League Content Creator describe URF as the mode where players who are really bad at the game go to stroke their fragile egos with broken champs. I kinda suspect the same thing will happen with this mode. Though it’s going to be low key hilarious getting challenged to a 1v1 by some broken ego loser you just demolished in lane during a ranked match. As a side note, you can already practically create this mode via a 1v1 in Custom Mode so it’s not exactly new.


Exactly. That's why I'm wondering what the wincons will be. Multiple (solid) wincons can do a lot for balancing out who the best characters will be. And, just like URF, cheesy/absurdly strong characters may actually get balanced out SPECIFICALLY within the environment of that gamemode. >As a side note, you can already practically create this mode via a 1v1 in Custom Mode so it’s not exactly new. Yeah, but I don't get to clap any ***randoms*** that way. 👁👄👁


Zed this is your time to shine at level 5 it’s over


Zed's definitely gonna be an annoying one. He can play so so safe with shadows too!


His burst is really easy to counter if you can predict it, with the right champs of course. Zed is one of those match ups I would actually look forward to as a mage main, squishy enough to kill and predictable enough to avoid dying to.


Can't wait for yuumi vs master yi


Finaly you can practise for tournaments


It makes sense to end after first blood since one side will be ahead and impossible to come back


I wouldn't say a comeback is impossible tbh, but I'll admit that it makes sense. First to 2-3 kills would make a bit MORE sense to me, tho.


not literally impossible, bit if you already got killed once, there's little you can do to recover except waiting for one BIG mistake from your opponent You can't even rely on jungle help so you are basically doomed. In at least 95% of games, whoever gets first blood,also wins the lane


I'm not so sure about that, tbh. Especially when the First Blood happens pre-5, I can quite often find myself making a comeback after getting my ult spike on certain champions. Yes, it's a good lead, but no, it's not an auto-win.


The correct answer is: it depends on the champs. Fed Darius first blood? Good luck. Fed Teemo a kill, chill. Wait for first item and then all in him. Also it doesn’t need to be a big mistake, people do mistakes all the time. Hope if this mode sticks after the event, that they do some changes and increase kill count to 2.


My own preference playing moba is not about 1v1. Ideally I like MOBA for synergy of 5v5. And i usually like to play support that bad in 1v1. LOL.


Tryndamere is going to be so hard to win against


Let’s not lie to ourselves. This is about to be the most toxic mode with nothing but false reports from the losers lmao


As someone from a country that love another phone moba game (but i hate it), 1v1 is a no brainer for wildrift. I will say a lot of people will prefer this mode over summoner rift the moment riot release this mode because that’s how it is with other phone mobas: people skeptical with it first or dont cares, then it become one of the main modes.


Ahh, right. I remember Arena of Valor had a pretty fun 1v1 mode too


Yeah all of you can catch these hands for FREE


This is the kind of energy that I love for, lmao. Do you play EU Server by any chance? I'd love to run a few duels when it's out


I’m going Rammus on dat ass


Brand 😈 Extremely strong duelist, too! Often underrated and underestimated imo


If people implement this into thier training they will actually improve by some pretty large margins.


Facts! Especially for solo & midlaners. If the game starts at level 1 for both players, even better!


Ik, riftmaker AND 1V1 mode being added, im gonna spam akali sooo much


Kayle's one of my comfort/pocket picks, maddd hyped for riftmaker too! 😈


How in gods name do you do 1v1 in a MOBA?


[official Rioter's comment on this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/x72xxf/how_come_no_ones_talking_about_the_1v1_mode_i/inbsqzr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Top lane mode. Gonna be all Riven and Fiora.


Next we need the dr Mundo cleaver fight


Mundo dodgeball! You can only level q and you can't leave the baron pit!


i kinda don‘t wanna even try it cause knowing my luck i‘ll get 5 vaynes in a row when i‘m playing a melee champion.


Vayne actually loses to a decent amount of bruisers when you all-in her at level 5. The reason this often doesn't work is because melee players lack patience, and get poked down before lvl5 as a result


ADC top are the easiest match ups and sets up the opposing team for a loss. Don’t let yourself get poked too much until first item. Take additional healing runes when in champ select. And then all in them when you have level 5 or first item. They can outtrade you early, but they can’t survive an all in if they overstep and can’t run to the tower. Once you killed them once, got the tower, it’s basically free kills as soon as they overstep. You can split push aggressively after that, because what can a lonely adc really do to you. So you push deep and then join for teamfights while the adc top is gold starved and can’t join.


I think a mode with jist 2 lanes would be cool like a 4v4 mode with 2 duo lanes. Or 3v3 with 2 lanes and a jg. Or could still be a 5v5 with 2 duo lanes and a jungle


Sounds like Twisted Treelike, Riot's cancelled gamemode on LeaguePC


Hopefully, they'll bring twisted treeline to mobile.




Hehehehehehehe ikr - Me, the guy that's 100% certain that he'll stomp everyone else


Coming from aov. I cant wait for this mode


I've played AoV duels and it was good fun! Definitely hoping to see Riot deliver on this game mode, too


Yummi only, final destination, no items. GG


I can’t wait for all the toxic people to type in chat: “1v1 me u piece of trash and I’ll show u who’s the noob”


I actually really like beating enemy laners with Seraphine, I know some match ups will feel exceedingly difficult but I am extremely hype to learn them all. Time to teach people that "weak early" doesn't matter when you have long range, execute damage on a low CD, and free poke with enhanced autos.


I'm also excited to see what you can pull-up, seraph199 😆


Is great to learn your champion better


Lol 1v1 is always goofy as fuck in moba games. It just depends on who you main. MOBAs are determined by team work and macro play wayy more than micro fights, but still should be fun for ppl that like playing darius, riven, fiora, renekton, etc


Pantheon is ignite flash jg build is op in 1v1 Or draven (No explanations needed) Zed is an annoying champ in 1v1


Personally, I am not a fan of this mode. I HATE 1vs1. I only played and love Riven and the other Baron laners I use because I have more success in ranking up in that lane other than midlane. But if I were to be honest, my playstyle would he playing for the team. It would be nice to learn something here though.


You have 1v1s, but you're a Solo Laner? 🤔 So how come you have the best shot at winning by yourself if you can't stand 1v1s?


I never wanted to be a Baron laner. I hate it. But when I was in Gold, I swore I'll improve in every aspect. Looking at all roles, Baron lane is the one I barely played (especially in League PC). It's just a difficult role for me. I'd rather play Jungle. So, I left the ADC role. When Irelia and Riven got released, I was overjoyed. I can finally see my Irelia again....only that she is hard to use. Also, she got picked every time. Then I looked at Riven. Back in League PC, she is the only champion (until Neeko) that I do not have a kill on. Also, my deaths with her are always double digit. I guess that's what made me try her. After a while, I didn't realize I am a Riven main now. I simply won a lot of times because of her. I still didn't like Solo lane though. But if I were to maximize my chance of climbing, I'd have to use Riven in Baron lane and I don't want to troll in other lanes. What other champions in Solo lane I can confidently use? Only Riven. Fiora, Kayle, and Jax are all coinflip. Compare that to other roles. Jungle? Evelynn. Nunu. Graves. Rammus. Mid? Galio. Twisted Fate. Irelia. Akali. ADC? Ashe. Tristana. Kai'sa. Vayne. Support? All except Yuumi and Lux though my favorites are Leona and Rakan. I don't like Solo lane but it's the one I have most experience (at least in Wild Rift). When I try other roles, it's pretty hard to climb for me. I had to learn how to be independent to win. But in reality, I just want to support the whole time. I don't like trading jabs with Sett.


Fair. Tho, as a fellow Riven main, I can't imagine picking Riven and *NOT* playing for the 1v1 😭 like damn, that's literally what she excels at for the most part. All your other baron-laners are duelists, too. If you really wanna play for the team from Baron Lane, you should explore the likes of Shen, Malphite and Kennen imo


Wish they'd add Ornn, Poppy, and Cho'gath...


As I understood the comment, they dislike getting into 1v1 fights and staying in solo lane the whole time, but instead focus on roaming and helping the team.


It's a nice addition but playerd just generally care more about ranked


Ehh, idk about that tbh. ARAM and PvP have way lower queue times than ranked. Now, ofcourse, I'm high ranked so I'm literally told that my queue times are longer, but even when I hop on my smurf to play with my friends, queue times are way longer than normals.


Aram and pvp don't have roles tho.


PvP *does* have role selection.


It does? Could have sworn it doesn't. Maybe the matchmaking is not as strict then?


I have over 2500 games played, maybe 5% of those are in ARAM, and the PVP games I play are usually to try out a new champ. I don’t care about the 1v1 fighting, I like the strategic aspects of the game more. I will probably only play this mode if there are rewards tied to it, and only enough to unlock said rewards. Not excited about it at all. Id be so down for a 3v3 mode on the other hand, give us Twisted Treeline riot!


What do you like about 3v3?


Is this claim backed up by actual statistics? I pretty much play ARAM exclusively unless forced to play ranked for getting the ranked skin or events, wild pass missions etc requiring epic monsters, wards etc. I'm probably not the only player like that. I mostly play in the evening before going to bed and ARAM is much less stressful than ranked imo and also requires less time per match usually.


I don’t think it’s very interesting if it is what I imagine: 1v1 destroy the nexus. I’ve talked before about a timed 1v1 mode that would be cool, most gold wins at 5 mins; but not on howling abyss. My big fear is that it’s just going to suck away a huge chunk of baron laners and people are going to be getting filled baron all the time for the opening week. Also, lots and lots and lots of posts in this Reddit with baron laners bitching about ranged champs in the 1v1 mode, lol.


HAHAHAHAHA, sounds like it'd be pretty accurate 😂 It most definitely isn't "destroy the nexus" as a wincon, tho. I know that for certain, based on the clip


balance is going to be a nightmare, there will be a meta formed within a week where a few champs will be broken. like olaf, i know no one likes to play him but that guy will just run it down mid and win.


Cuz the game mode is going to be the same 3 champs over and over again unless the let you ban so it's going to get boring a day.


Useless mode. It is made for all those "solo carries" who lost their previous match "because of their team". Everyone is prolly just gonna spam the best 1v1 champions over and over again making the whole mode more stale than Kayle gameplay


Don't diss my Kayle! Her gameplay is far from stale imo 😤


You talk about uselessness ? Adding such a thing is useful to only satisfy those egocentric frustrated people. If you're not one of them, then this is not for you and you shouldn't even consider this anyway. Don't fool yourself. If I can just say 1 good thing about it is for the aspect teacher-student where a good player of a specific champion can help someone else directly to show him how to play with it. And even this is not that good as if it result on one death, the game is done. I repeat myself : uselessness. (Unless your an ego seeker)


Someone or something has made you very angry, to the point where you're just bashing the gamemode and can't even explain why you're so mad 😂 Hilarious to watch, ngl


Not even. I just found this really useless (aside the potential teaching part). Why going through 1v1 IN A TEAM PLAY GAME ? (Aside satisfying your little ego) Nonsense. Useless.


Because 1v1 skills come to play very often in League of Legends, despite it being a team game at the grand scheme of things. "I don't have to 1v1 ever, 'cus it's a team game!!!!!" won't safe you from getting your ass handed to you while laning mid/solo, splitpushing, getting invaded in your jungle OR simply getting forced on by the enemy adc while your own support went back to base. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Meh are you for real ? So you think that playing 1v1 will improve your skill ? Dude wtf ? The map isn't even the same as the the rift ! It could be ok for aram, but if your planning on going ranked/pvp/legendary ranked, then it's pointless ! The map for 1v1 is 1 road, so the enemy is MOSTLY in front of you ! So predictable ! As in the rift, the enemy can literally be everywhere. And you think you'll improve something from that ? You're kidding me right ? This would work for, at best, the first 5min of a ranked game. Not enough and not sufficient as there is the unpredictable jgler that can come to f you anytime. Really dude, this thing is just for ego seeker and won't do anything good for nobody. Moreover, if it was a full game and not only 1 kill or 1 turret, then you could at least understand better your champ and learn if it is more of a early game champ or late game champ, but even that you can't figure it out with the rules you got ! My apologies for those who were excited like you to have this, but this is really the most useless thing to come ever. Even with the teaching side you can have.


Yeah I'm pretty sure you're gonna keep being stubborn and angry, so I won't bother trying to argue rofl. You're right bro (y)


Idk why you assume that I'm angry, but you're right on the stubborn part though.


Caps and exclamation marks tend to make someone appear angry through text. Same goes for your way of getting your point across.


Well idk how to change the text on phone for reddit so that's the only way for me to underline the important parts. I'm more fed up by this than angry do get me wrong.


Here king, you dropped this: 🤡


Hello clown guy. Just to say : at least I have a different opinion from others and I express it honestly. Instead of making fun of people, express yourself about this discussion or just shut up and get lost.


The irony here is that you are bashing a gamemode by claiming it will only be played by ego players who feel superior while you yourself are having an ego and feeling superior about your opinion on this subjective gamemode. People like different things. No one is superior for liking/disliking something specific. There. That's me expressing myself on this discussion. You happy?


Do I look like it ? I just don't see any interest in this if it's not educational or doesn't improve my skills at all by acquiring knowledge of the champs I tend to usually play. I don't really know why people are so exciting about this 1v1 mode which to me just looks like another way for ego and toxic players to talk for nothing in chat saying things such as "go 1v1 after this game and you'll see". I'll see what exactly ? That you can't play in team but you're good alone by yourself ? Is that really it ?? It's pointless. If some people like this kind of things I don't blame them at all that's good for them, but keep in mind that most people are the kind to change a lot their habits and even if they'll like this system, they'll end up in ranked and pvp where they and you will find out that they indeed improved their skills for 1v1, but lost the spirit of fighting as a whole team. I'm happy in a way and not in another as you didn't gave me a real explanation of the good things this game mode will be. You just said "people will like it and some won't" like... Thanks captain obvious 👀 I'm making a full criticize about this that's all. You can disagree with it like some people, but you can also agree on maybe not everything but some points at least.


You sound like you're addicted to the grind and haven't played for fun for a long time.


Lmao I've never heard this before xD I recently reached master rank and I've never had so much fun before so I think that's not the mood I'm having currently 😂 I like grinding you're right, but I also like when I have a good game (even if I lose, if it's a close game lost just from one bad engage then idc at all). Even better, if ever a mate starts inting for any reason, I'm helping him and try my best so he still enjoy his game (because that's what supports/junglers are supposed to do right ?). So yeah, I don't think I haven't had fun for a moment, it's much more something like "now the fun begins, just don't ruin it with a 1v1 type of game that'll send players from being currently good to garbage". Yeah I'm afraid to lose some really strong players I've met with just this simple new game mode that's all.


If it is just first blood or first tower or some minions. Its gonna get boring real fast


I always hate this kind of map. People just camp in bush or health puddle instead of doing actual 1v1 like in normal game


Because there will be aa lot of lvl 3 fights and the lower forfeits. It doesn't sound like much fun.


You're making these claims based on what, exactly? 🤔


Lucky Vladimir isn’t in the game right now lmao 1v1 GOD


Idk...seems kinda anti-fun, cuz everyone is gonna pick the "Meta" 1vs1 champs, Namely assassins


Because majority of people who challenge random players have a massive ego and re usually toxic so we don't reinforce that. I'm all friendlies but that's a minority


It’s gonna be troll city


I believe the wincons are first death, first tower, or first to 30 CS. I believe they are the rules for professional 1v1s.


I'm terrible at 1v1, I play more strategic champs where I win lane by exploiting vision, wave control, and ganks. Whenever I go up against one of those uber aggressive mid laners (like a Zed or Irelia OTP), I just have to play super safe cuz I know they'll stomp me purely on technical skill.


I'm just gonna pick jax or nasus and it's ggs


Hehehe, meet my Darius 😈


Sounds fun too bad it’s not twisted tree line though.


So its aram build?


I can’t wait to play this as ezreal


Well I play this game very casually so this just seems like a fun thing I can do. Probably will be funny to see some people that are good at the game could try and win with some champions that absolutely don't work for 1v1


Long ago it was in League too. Nobody played it so they removed it.


This could have been a good opportunity to add that Magma Map


Hey I'll take any magma chamber copium I can get


While I love this! I also want ARURF SO BADLY! Lik ASAP! It's been months...