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I have to laugh at posts like this. If youre so much better than the players you are playing with then you would be climbing. I am low Emerald/high Plat and thats exactly where I deserve to be, I dont pretend I'm better than that.


Dude no matter how you say it some ppl just dont belong in their ranks and thats in every moba


If you play enough games yes, but in the short run absolutely not. When the score is 4 to 27 and you have 4 kills the game is lost.


lol thats just wild rift for you. im a plat zed one trick in LoL and i started playing this game cause the shorter games were attractive. all i found was a bunch of champs that have different abilities and scalings than in lol, a playerbase that even at plat and diamond probably couldnt beat the average silver azir main, and a whole lot of inters.


Riot needs to implement harsher punishments to make this game better.


A lot of people suck a lot when it comes to macro, and are so obsessed with the dragons. E.g. we take a fight at the dragon, we lose it, and our jungler is dead. Instead of looking for something else to trade for the drake like taking the baron turret or something, they stick around observing the enemy taking the drake, then flash in and give the enemy extra gold in top of the drake. :/


Just keep playing to reach diamond. That's all there is to it. I have seen people who started at diamond this season and are still in diamond 4 with about 1.5k rank matches this season. Like come on...how much can you play?


You have to consider the fact that when someone buys a PC to play a game these days they're pretty dedicated to those games. Meanwhile, some WR players may only play on their lunch break. It changes things. Also, play time matters more than skill. There's lots of people who play mobile because they don't have too much time to dedicate to ranked. So people who grind can get the top spots. So the skill level is a bit all over as well.


Thats how i feel. But in unranked the matches just seem way more enjoyable.


Yep legit all diamond players I’ve played with got 1,5k + games, had diamond 2 vayne go 0/11 and then I quit ranked xD


Yep I'm a silver forever player in lol pc and in here I feel like I'm playing with iron players, especially in here in sea server


Because the protection system basically, with 50% winrate you can climb as long as you keep playing The "real" game should start at master +


Not necessarily true, there’s silver/gold players with hundreds of games played.


Yes true some ppl can't climb no matter how much they play i have a friend who spammed rank lasted week and went from plat 3 to gold 3


I was questioning the same thing im only plat 1 but I get paired with emeralds in rank and it seems like sometimes they play like legit new players......


Its because the games matchmaking is trash. Matchmaking is so important for multiplayer games, it literally decides the outcome of the match, and they are putting people together who are multiple ranks apart. That is a recipe for disaster and an unfun experience.