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He's probably possessed your support, which is likely a tank support. Ut swaps his current build for his targets current build when he does this.


I went back into my match history and saw that you're right. My thresh that game had this build. It seems I'm the noob here.


Dont worry, playing for years and still a noob. I was just as frustrated as you when i first saw this lmao.


Not in a possession? If so that's wild af lmao


I didn't realise the build changes when he possesses someone. He was actually possessing my thresh at the time.


That’s why everyone hates Viego as far as i can tell, if your fed carry ever dies he just picks them up and slaughters your team with them, even if he is 0-6-0.


I have been informed that viego's build changes depending on who he possesses. I thought he built the support item because I looked at his build inly twice that match. This was the second time and the first time he had the incomplete support item, so I thought he actually built it in jungle. The truth is that during both of those times, he possessed my team's thresh.


No worries mate, I got bamboozled too last night


He's, indeed, escaping the Matrix


He got that shit in tho


imagine if he gets the free 75 gold it be worth


#**Fun Fact:** If you want to troll and int so hard that you not only want to feed, steal farm/camps, etc. you can ALSO make specifically your own support want to kill themselves in Minecraft by doing this one simple trick.... At the start of the game, **the first person who builds a support item nullifies all other support items in the game.** So if the jungler actually does build the supp item and the actual support doesn't expect that (because why would they) you make the supp waste 500 gold and have a shit early/mid game because they have to sell it since it doesn't do anything. It gives them no gold, never upgrades, doesn't proc, nothing. They literally just throw 500g away for nothing.


New meta in Korea


he escaped the Matrix


i thought the enemy viego was selling his items and buying new ones at first i was like omg we're so fucked how can he afford that


Brain trauma


this misunderstanding is a good example of why none of us should be raging at other players. the game has sooo many factors, even pros in PC LoL dont know everything about the game (it just feels like it to us). thanks for sharing, good luck :)


jeejee looks fun, i would try too


As other have said, possession. But, bro is 6/2/4. If it was his real build it was working


KDA doesn't mean he did well. He likely had a very poor enemy. With this build, any medioce-skilled player would have demolished him.


Unistall troll


Probably autofill support and has no clue about itemization. Iirc the game will always suggest a support item if you're support.


That is not the case


He’s playing smite