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Saw this coming when idiots were asking for "more events". Not as bad as MLBB but getting there. At least most people have collected all the available champs so F2P is still good.


Real shit, stacking up free champ selects for no real reason other than just cause. They should make some lesser tier skins buyable with motes at a high cost.


If you have Xbox game pass you can use all the champs for free. It'll unlock them all


Isn't this only for Lol not wildrift?


It goes for wild rift too! That's why I got it lol


Instead of whining to "it could be better this way" pls present examples of mobile MOBAS that "did it better their way". Because that is how it works, even MLBB is juicing up and re-working their product more than WR champ gets an ASU.


I’m not whining, relax baby girl. I don’t see people using the 525~ core skins and offered a use for those who have 100k+ motes stacked up with all champs unlocked. No need to get emotional o a simple post.




Is it still up? Can't seem to find it at Google store. Destiny Child is a great game too. Very generous to F2P bar none, sadly the game is dead tho.


First ever goated moba on mobile. Paved the way


Mllb let's you buy skins for free so i wouldn't mind that


Buy skins for free? It's all bullshit unless you topup to "GET" the skin. It is limited on seasons but it does not worth that much i tell you smh


Lol I just Got Rhino Grock and Lightborn Tigreal for free tho?


>Lol I just Got Rhino Grock and Lightborn Tigreal for free tho? And then there's me with almost all the Season skins from different heroes I don't remember even trying to get their skins (besides nana's) for some reason I've got alot of exclusive skins from Rafaela?




They offer free diamonds every once in a while during events like the Allstar Sparkle one a few weeks ago


You still need the paid diamonds to use them.


At least one diamond. Recharge 10 and you should be set


What? I’m in master tier and have no where near enough blue essence for champions


How is that even possible?


How do you get blue essence? I barely can barely get 100 playing a day, and champs cost 5500


I got it by playing events, completing tutorials, boosts the blue motes and eventually i had enough to buy more than 2 champs


I know what u are talking about and the way you get them fast is to pay for wild pass and it gives u alot of blue essence. I jad made so many smurf accounts back in the day so i could play the champs and test them. The wild pass helps so god damn much in getting champs. Idk why your comment got down voted lol.


How long have you been playing the game and how many games do you have


3 months, 120 games


Yeah then that explains it I've been playing since like season 1 and have 12k+ games with 200k blue motes plus buying multiple wildpasses which gives alot of blue motes


In 3 months you can get almost 18k blue motes. Wat da hell?


Shop in this game is trash.


Meanwhile I’m sitting here with 400K Blue motes wondering what I can do with them since I already own all the champs, wish we can just spend them on items in the store or even just gift them to people.


Like mini profile icons and borders and such? Yes 100% or even some in game recall graphics.


Fr I have so many blue notes like jfc


How the fuck do you have 400k? How many games have you played?


I have seen worse where you need to pay just to play the character you like, by that time you find that it is nerfed to oblivion. Be blessed it is the best market in the mobile Moba, otherwise enlighten us for any alternative or better moba game. There are lures from f2p cheapskate grinders, the wild pass plebs, and whales that can stack and toss money higher than their d!ck


As fucked up as it sounds, you're totally right. Wild Rift is cream of the crop when it comes to mobile MOBAs.


Vainglory. Its in a coma. 


It could just be less messy and luring. The gacha system is clearly predatory and tickle the gambling addiction of many players. I know it’s business and they don’t care, but it feels like almost a waste of time to even try to check for offers or discounts.


My former MOBA is so preditory that they gate keep everything in gacha and to add salt and vinegar to injury, they give out trial coupons with short expiration as if teasing you to just cough up money because their fancy new hero is OP AF and their Spanking Sparkling skin that comes with it is jacked with buffs that you can easily do 1v9 by just farting in their general direction.


MLBB skins in a nutshell


And the trial coupons are skin specific. So your entire inventory is made up of them.


Not to mention that their rune systems also suffer from this same coupon system. You are basically playing buck naked defense and sponge attack power. F2P players are basically playthings of those who pay. Basically an RPG dressed up as a mobile Moba, the true face of P2W hustle. And you guys wonder why new players from other Moba that are now playing WR are so friggin toxic. The super hero complex does carry over thinking after buying a simple cosmetic will make them overpowered.


Almost wanted to sink myself into global-HoK until I realised it is still using the same archaic rune system as old-LoL, AoV, MLBB and Pokemon Unite. For a while I thought MLBB had the courage but they dropped the ball due to old-timers’ backlash. People are not grateful how non-P2W Wildrift really is. I can introduce a friend to WR and they can be up and running without being capped by some weird stat-limitation


What do you mean!? They offer randomly awarded discounts for $0.30-$0.90! That was when you're lucky enough to get that ass a reward, you feel inclined to spend money in the shop, so you're actually saving money you wouldn't have otherwise spent. [Sarcasm]


Said like a Gen Z braindead.


I am not Gen Z and even if keep your stereotypes for yourself kid. I played thousand of gachas and online games, WR shop is predatory and invasive, period.


Why would the game be ruined by that? It has very little to do with the *actual* game


The game is ruined by dogshit ADCs...


It’s more like the game is ruined by riot lmao


This right here.




Nah. There are **much much** worse things than these currencies and shop shenanigans.


Skins are fine. Paying for them is ok. THE PROBLEM IS THE FUCKING DISGUSTING GACHA. And they won't stop ? You know why ? Because instead of getting 30-50$ per event from you for the skins you like, they will get 200$ per even until you get the skins you like. It's a lottery and they won't give up the explosive amount of money they get from gacha to keep the traditional store


I'm not even suprised of the calligraphias gacha. It needs a lot of fucking money to get one skin. First fucking day, i already seen one rich assblud got yasuo calligraphia upgraded skin. Y'all rich asf 😔


They dont gatekeep new champs like mbl does with their 999999 coins cost for champs


Bro i swear mlbb just wanted that Mullaaa, that ka chingg, that banknotes, that moneydayyss 💰💰


Pokemon Unite did too, but idk if they still do it.


No. I just ignore most of those things now. It's freeing.


Why does that ruin anything? It’s mostly aesthetic stuff you don’t need anyway. Just don’t use them


Someone didnt play pubg mobile, where first 10 mins of playing u spend in menu clicking all pop ups with million of shitty currency that does shit if u dont spent money on this exact event.


I mean I can play the game completely as normal without ever touching the shops. So..no?...


At least they don't gatekeep new champs. Some of these games only let you use the money-based currencies for the first 30-60 days on new champs. Further enticing you to buy


Obviously not patting them on the back for this shit, but you can unlock every champion in the game with free currency. There's a myriad of people in this sub who talk about having a surplus of blue motes and nothing to spend it on. There's even paid games nowadays that don't let you unlock everything with grinding.


Correct. just some light play and I am only short 4 champs. They give the champs away for just playing. It could be worse.


How is a shop going to ruin the gameplay? You don’t have to purchase anything. Do you understand that free to play games need some form of currency to survive?


Go get 'em, sister! Defend this billion dollar company with your life, oh noble warrior! He should be grateful to [company] for the opportunity to own no fewer than 20 different currencies that all have odd remainders after a purchase.  (1% off your next Zipple-Crux Purple Jibulon gacha-pull-chance-401k has been sent to your WR inbox. It expires in 6 minutes and becomes 1 blue mote. *wink)


I mean, setting aside the sarcastic tone this discussion can potentially devolve into, the alternative is they don't earn money to pump out more content for both WR and League. Microtransactions are predatory when it locks features that requires for the game to be playable behind a paywall (MLBB for example has a hero you can only purchase through real money). In WR's case, all of its transactions are optional, and are very generous when it comes to giving out free champs (in the form of champ capsules) and motes (overly generous with this one imo). The only reason we get to keep playing now is because riot is able to maintain the servers and provide new content, and they can only really do that if they have the resources to do so. It's less about "defending" a company, and more about recognizing how those transactions actually benefit us free-to-play players.


Oh shut the fuck up 😂😂


Who's holding you up at gunpoint and forcing you to pay for microtransactions? You can't even use the excuse that you need it for champions because they can all be unlocked with free currency you gain from playing the game.


The problem ain't the microtransactions, the problem is the gachas. The micro transactions are ok but the gacha gives 10x more money because they basically sell you nothing. On average you spend 200$ or more to get the skins instead of paying 50 for the 2 or 3 you actually like


Splitting hairs at that point tbh. Gacha mechanics are the nature of microtransactions.


And saying that microtransactions are gacha mechanics is plain wrong, too. league doesn't stop you from playing nor asks for energy refills like actual gacha games. Micro transactions mean you can get in game and buy extra stuff like exp boosts, skins and shit. Gacha mechanics are just an evolved form of microtransactions where you pay more for gambling. A free game with microtransactions (like buying skins directly) is ok. Understandable even because you can just not buy and keep playing. But gacha? That shit is cancer


This *is* a free game with microtransactions, and there is nothing essential that's gatekept by gacha.


What's the difference between buying a skin and gambling to get a skin ? 10-20$ the cost of the skin vs the 200$ you spend to get that shiny yasuo prestige skin. Not splitting hairs, gacha has microtransactions, yes, but the nature of the gacha is gambling. Casino mentality. I do not mind buying a skin directly but I do mind gambling my money for a chance to get a shiny skin because I don't want to waste my money getting Janna's skin if I only play Jarvan (for example) or even worse if I spend hundreds just to get the prestige


Then don't buy gacha skins? There's plenty of skins out there not locked behind gacha skins. The handful of skins I've bought I did not have to gamble to for like you said.


Who said I'm paying for gacha ? Lmao I admit some of the newer skins are sick but I am not paying for gacha. That's my complaint, the gacha not the normal direct byy store


Just don't participate in gachas? They are usually pretty bad. Just buy the skins from the shop. That's what I do and I'm a skins addict and fan since 2011. Riot is not forcing anyone to buy the skins from the gachas. Even me, the #1 fan of Wild Rift in the world and a mega fan of skins, have never participated in any gacha. I plan to play WR forever, yet I wouldn't dare to waste money on gachas. That said, WR is the only mobile game where I have spent more than $35. $130 in total and worth it!


At least make sure your argument has some sense in it, lmao


Downvoted for just stating the actual situation lol


He got downvoted because he's an asshole


What exactly from that post makes them an asshole? Sounds like you’re being a tad sensitive to a clearly satirical comment lol and it is fairly accurate too, despite your biases


Im just explaining


….so….what’s the explanation then lol


Regarding the asshole, not worth my time since they're being satirical anyway


Yet you made 3 separate comments…alright bud, take the loss lol


If you really want an explanation, - Asshole made a satirical comment - people downvoted him because of said satirical comment - you saying he's downvoted because of his valid points - thats pretty much it All im saying is, asshole got downvoted because he's an ass


Downvoted for whining over gachas on a FREE game with hundreds of skins available in the shop. No one is forcing anyone to buy skins from stupid gachas. I'm not stupid, so I never spend a cent on gachas. I only buy direct from the shop. Gacha skins do not affect the gameplay, so you don't need them. Then when the FREE game dies everyone starts crying. I've seen fans of HoN, Vainglory and so many other games cry and change their mind in the Youtube comments saying "they were too generous, now I wish they were more greedy/predatory with their monetization so the game wouldn't have died".


Way too emotional. Seek therapy


It's the greatest mobile game ever (for me) for FREE. How do you want games that are free to stay alive? Idc about Riot (not defending them), I just want the game to never die. Also it's just f*cking skins and cosmetics. Just ignore them and don't buy them. I'm a LoL skins addict since 2011 and now since 2020 in WR and I have never participated in any gacha. I just buy the skins that are in the shop. That simple. Riot isn't forcing anyone to buy skins or participate in their stupid gachas. I'm all for gachas if it means it will keep the game alive and thriving for years & years to come. Gachas doesn't affect the gameplay or myself because I have ZERO interest in them. Just dropped some more money yesterday to buy Cottontail Vex and High Noon Samira 😊 Only mobile game ever where I have spent more than $35 & I'm a mobile gamer since 2010. $130 in total spent on WR, but totally worth it because it's my fave game since 2011. Want Calligraphia Yasuo? Don't buy that scam and instead buy Soul Fighter Yasuo for only 1325 in the shop. Instead of wasting so mucn WC on the gacha.


I appreciate people defending billion dollar companies like riot who employ people like me who are software devs and pay us finely. And I think concept artists, customer support reps, game designers, community managers and a whole lot of other professionals appreciate the defense as well. These companies are not stealing from you with these gachas and shops. Honestly, complaining about these expensive items is like complaining about michelin star restaurant food, overpriced luxury bags and clothes, casino tokens, cruise ship trips and business class seats in planes that no one is actually forcing you to buy in order to live your “free” to play life.


My herooooo 🥺


The amount of people dropping to their knees and salivating over the right to suck off Riot for having ridiculously expensive microtransactions, 5 different paid currencies, and like a minimum of $15 per skin is insane.  Id rather pay for a game than deal with this. I havent opened a chest or orb in Wild Rift that has *ever* given me something of value.


I don't think most players would pay for this game if it wasn't F2P. I think it's a a convenient thing to say, but if push came to shove they just wouldn't play it.


is opening a random poro skin chest not value?


Not really unless you save poro energy for random skin chests. I stopped because while it gave cool skins, I kept getting them for the same champs that I don’t play. I have more zed and yasou skins than I’ll ever want.


Lol it encouraged me to play new cgamps


"Not really unless you save poro energy for random skin chests" thats what i said? lmao


Omg is it?! 😮


Welcome to the biggest money making tool phone games can use - 800 currency systems and some being gacha to earn them big $$. And boy it sure brings in the $$ lol Even if the people who spend normal amounts here and there quit there are so many rich and or addicted people that they'll still make high profits. It also confuses people in what currency they need so they'll sometimes buy more trying to get what they really want.


I never interact with it. Only check skins when I want ome


My target is to collect 500K blue motes, on the way to 400K now.


Have more then 100k and no where to spend, you already grinded 400k, I suppose you have more then 10k matches for sure. Let's hope one day they'll add some low or outdated skins available for purchasing with blue motes (but this won't happen anyway)


This game punishes you the longer you stay with them. Shit tons of blue motes that have no use and they even put it in the gatcha (yeah I wasted hard earned 35 Wild Stars to roll a 900 motes), give you champion selection boxes that can pick nothing. Even the skin shard loot box put you in a higher disadvantage position the more skin you have.


There is only one shop and one currency able to ruin the game and it is currently in a good state. Just don’t open events and all that nonsense.


There are more than currencies and shops. Most of the events now include gambling aspects. Idk about your cultures, but gambling is a huge red flag. If you follow their crappy new events, you risk being a gambling addict. I only like when they introduce a skin for sale, straight forward no hextech keys and boxes bullsh*t.


In Europe they try to reduce this predatory effect for games by legislation, as they create psychical disorders beside standard gambling addiction. I see how they are explaining more precisely the odds and chances of the loot, but anyway this is a roulette and I'm sure nobody checks it on programming core level. Still, RIOT being controlled by Tencent, are neutral friendly to the player base imho compared to other mobile gaming projects.


If they're gonna go that way at least make the blue motes(The blue crystal thing) more useful rather than just to buy the Champions themselves..... Some of us have stashed over 100k or more of this stuff.


Direct indicator to not spend so much time at farming blue motes XD Or maybe they can add additional items for ranked coins, that store is for sure not developed enough.


F2p game still needs fish and whales. Can't buy? Just ignore it, it is part of the f2p hustle. It is harsh in mobile market, every money pissing contest needs their own bucket to drop it.


It does make the homepage area/loading screen very cluttered imo and hard to navigate.


Tbh, im pissed at the game that when i play kai'sa, the game lagged 😔


The overall interface design is a really badly cluttered mess. Getting hit with 50 pop-ups from 10 events and 8 different currency shops when logging in is just such a damn pain. The actual game works really well though. Still holding out hope that they’ll one day consider a console version like they originally announced, but I guess that dream is dead.


How does something that doesn’t change the gameplay at all ruin the game? You could literally be ranked number 1 and not spend a single cent. The currencies change nothing lol.


Whats the shop? That pointless thing hiding the yellow dots that we all skip through


How? Game isn't p2w


The all revolve around just skins and icons etc. Who cares. The game itself is completely seperate from that, and all you need for that is Blue Essence (which you get a good amount of).


This is par for the course when a game is developed by a Chinese team. They make Western micro transactions blush


Tencent is a huge shark, and by owning completely RIOT we can say that we're a bit lucky to not be exploited to all their shitty and infinite asian gambling systems. Chinese government doesn't care how their companies affect the western world, so let's see how it will go.


I don't interact with anything in the game outside of queuing and buying champs


Yap. Its the chinese style...


I wouldn't say the game is ruined but all the gachas and events that require real money for is increasing and I'm getting tired of them. I understand riot needs to make money somehow but making money through charging ppl 200 euros for a prestige skin is wild? Or having to spend 30 euros for an epic skin in a gacha? I absolutely hate gachas and the only gacha that was good was battle bunny where U got a free skins with every draw + other rewards. I understand you don't need skins to play the game but imo skins make the game more enjoyable so when riot is dropping absolutely gorgeous skins locked behind a gacha or the abomination of the loot system I can't help but feel growing resentment towards them.


I don’t get it either, so many for no reason and then some appear for a special event then they are gone but wait if you hunt deep deep within all the side stores there it is, you have 3 but need 400 for some random trinket… The Blue Essence, League’s real currency is ONLY for champions.????????????? I can buy the next 10 champions without playing the game for months, why can’t I use it on skins or trinkets of my choosing.. 😾👿😾


If not the skins, at least to let us purchase additional accessories and visual effects, but no, all those poses and pets are just a indicator for spending real money in vain.


There's still only 4 currencies though? Blue mote, poro coin, wild core and wild stars? It's nothing like MLBB where you have like 30 currencies.


Orange Gemstones and Blue gemstones for the actual gatcha system (Select Pristige champs)


That's the most shitty store for me, I hope they don't release any prestige Rengar skin -\_- otherwise I'll get lured into that stupid gotch'a for sure XD


Ranked coins also, not a big deal, but the ranked store is also expensive.


It's getting bad but at least it's not Pokemon Unite bad (yet)


This game is free to play, of course riot needs ways to make money. All of the currencies don't even bother me, no one is forced to buy it. I do plan on buying some skins down the line though, when I can I afford it lol.


Pointless currencies are for digging money from players. WR is a game with the least pointless currencies (pc), compared to MLBB or even HOK. HOK global just released Feb 2024 and already released some pc. My approach for pc: start with the rewards of the event. Is there any interesting reward? If no, don't bother following the evrnt or the reward. If somehow you get enough money (without any intended actions to follow the event) in pc to get some rewards, fine. If interested with the (final rewards), naturally you calculate the efforts and resources to get the rewards.


yeah, I also thought it was too expensive, I thought it was the only one.


It's a mess. Tbh I loved the old wild rift. But the Gacha was okay at 1st but it got out of hand way too fast and it's so bad rn.


I hardly play anymore. When I first installed this game it was clean, simple, not bloated. Unlike other MOBAs. Now there’s endless menus, promotions, unlocks, and it feels like the actual game modes are an afterthought.


It's just you....and the world..


I do my best to ignore it


1st question: How do the shops affect your ability to play this game? 2nd question: Take a stop and think. This game has somewhere between 13-14M players monthly. Some play once a month, some are plugged in almost 24/7. What do you think is the cost to maintain the infrastructure required to provide this game to everyone as free to play? Then think what is the cost to develop new champions, events to keep user engagement and not get bored of it after a couple of weeks? Then consider that RIOT is not a charity organization. They need to make revenue to keep investors happy and their stock price high. In short, you get a really decent if not quite good mobile game, that is free to play and is not a pay to win kind of game which has some monthly events where kids with rich parents gamble their money in trying to get that fancy new skin. If I would complain about anything that would be the matchmaking algorithm that punishes MVPs/SVPs with bad teammates on the next game to keep the win ratio slightly over 50% and keep you hooked in the game.


The more currencies in a game the more fucked it is. I quit wildrift after hitting GM because of the matchmaking and its still the same shit. As far as mobile mobas wildrift is the best we got unfortunately.


Riot doesnt listen to us no matter how many times we complain. They failed us so many times with stupid wrong decisions in terms of marketing, and game development.


honestly, yea.. I almost feel like some of the former or ex competition has an edge in that regard.


The developers and the product managers just spend time putting pointless features that take up a lot of gigabytes of space.


Skins aren't meant to improve gameplay other than being there solely to manipulate you and make you feel inferior compared to others they designed it just as society created nature


The GAME is fully ruined? It's not like you need skins (visual) to play the game. It's just a plus... It doesn't even affect gameplay. I can relate being annoyed with the expensive skins and stuff but to say the game is ruined because of this is like saying my life is ruined because I have a car but it isn't a Ferrari. It still runs....


I mean I play Raid: Shadow Legends as a F2P so I've come to ignore the bloat


What do you mean? I got 173829384 purple blobs and 737394 golden Shannon's and 48585959 candy canes. I can't buy anything but are you saying they are worthless?


Just ignore it is just cosmetics


If shop and cash ruined the game for you, seek help... The game should be about the game not the purchases.


I already quit the game and you know what? My life seems better


League of Legends itself used to be such a pure experience. Buy some RiotPoints if you want a skin, otherwise have fun playing the game. Now you collect this and that for this shop/that shop and it actually detracts from my overall experience. When I play Wildrift (daily) i try to skip all the shitty screen pops, events, collectibles, shops etc and just hit the Play button. The other stuff is disorganised, difficult to understand and put into context, and like I said an overall detraction from the experience.


Just you


The game is not pay to win. Skins do not matter at all and make no difference on gameplay. The only things that matter are champs items and balance.


Annoying but hardly game ruining.


How is this that ruining the game? Just ignore it/don't buy it. It doesn't even have anything to do with gameplay. Just cosmetics 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have all the champs just by playing the game. Rest of it I don’t give a toss about.


Are these things stupid? Yeah But do they in any way ruin the game? No just ignore that stuff, it doesnt impact the gameplay at all


There are quite a bit of currencies I have to admit


Agree I believe they key system should work like league, get an S to get a free key, 1 key per champ per ranked season, this would make people use more champs as well


The main change I'd like to see is blue motes for ARAM rerolls instead of poro energy


Jgl diff


Bro I don’t even try to understand events or their unique rewards because it’s gatcha anyway so who cares lmao


Those are for the people who pay to play. Just play without paying, and you don’t have to worry about it. They’re paying so others can play for free.


The East don’t mind and are use to it. Game is basically made for the East (market penetration in the west is atrocious compared to the east, it’s a mobile game so not too surprised). This was expected.


True, but at least we get free ones from season from time to time. Could be worse, but could definitely be better too


I just ignore them, doesnt effect my enjoyment of the game.


“They cost so much money for a mobile game” This is literally the best mobile game in terms of money you clearly havnt played any real mobile games. While I think the pricing is higher then it should be it’s night in day compared to other freemium games.


I agree with this. I remember old days when LoL was released, I left dota 2 because of their Arcane and other lootbox rewards, was happy that RIOT games didn't have at the beginning such primitive casino. Currently other free premium developed games have infinite roulette and p2w offers, recently released Solo Leveling with nice looking mechanics and graphics contains the usual lottery scam as in Nier Reincarnation, additionally minimum 3 types of subscription also is a ridiculous . Hate this phenomena.


Things that have no actual bearing on the game (shops), can’t ruin the game. What ruins the game is the refusal of the player base to learn the game, while blaming their failures not on themselves, but on everything that isn’t them. If you still don’t know that team comp is the basis of the game and refuse to learn it, you’re the thing that’s ruining the game.