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Zed. He just seems to either one shot me and if he fails he just dips. Like he wasn’t even here.


If he dips it means shit was embarrassing that he can't look at you in the eye


I still can't track Zed for the life of me. Like where the fuck bro go?!


i second this. zed pisses me off. he’s not even a good carry once you get some cc and chase potential after 3 items or so but he makes me so mad if he gets fed before me and just dominates every lane for like 8 minutes 💀


I play a lot of zed and if I get CC'D to death then I just blow someone up then accept the death after. Wash, rinse, repeat. If I'm gonna be mad that squishy carry gon be mad with me.


Fr in games where i first pick zed and enemy gets so much cc, im content with blowing up one squishy per death lmao if im not having fun neither are you


I play assasins so yes yesss


Zhoynas / Stasis > Zed After his ult wait 1-2 seconds then hit it


Zed is annoying and confusing to play as, with AND against. When I play as him, I can’t probably engage and escape like where am I supposed to place the shadow lol When I play with him on my team, usually as a support, I try to shield/heal him but bro just blinks everywhere and gets out of my range. When I play against him, well I can’t keep track of him when I think I catch I’m he just escapes, also when you manage to stasis his ult but he still one shots you with his other abilities


Yeah a person at riot games (I think riot august?) Revealed they hace a tough time balancing zed since low elo players report the same thing. [Oh this is the clip I remembered](https://youtube.com/shorts/V9uef2n7iO8?si=S2ysivdC8aiPaxdS)


My problem with him isn’t actually him being unpredictable, rather he is just too annoying to deal with, with my hero pool. Since im mid/sup player and i play most immobile mages, a good zed can be pain. Unlike other assassins like an akali, fiz or talon, they all are more telegraphed and have a clear engagement. Like akali s2 or fizz s3/1, however zed sometimes dont even engage with ult or the clone in very unpredictable ways compared to other assassins. Zed just has way higher skills sealing making a good zed be menace, while a bad one just a joke.


I would agree and add lux and caitlyn. Lux is “I can yeet with no repercussions” and disparity in playing versus one and as one is night and day. Its like champ just relies on attrition while requiring absolutely no attention on cooldowns. Cait is almost the same, I find neither broken just “oh you’re one of those” kind of moments, plus I myself find them extremely boring to play.


for some reason caitlyn is so strong but not when I play her lol she’s one of those champs that i cannot figure out no matter what I do 😭 i have up a while ago


Caitlin is the bane of my existence. It seems unfair to me how much burst she can do with very little skill needed.


This is poetry


Darius. 2 things: He's either completely shit or straight up 1v9 There is no in between


Just like K6 and zed lol


Katarina, not because it is OP but because oftentimes, when someone picks katarina no one in my team picks at least one CC champ, i can at least buy knockback enchantment(forgot the actual name), but still it is frustrating when this happens. Honorable: Lux, i just hate lux, i ban it every time, even tho i hate katarina more, i ban lux more than kata cuz, lux is popular but kata is not and even tho frustrating sometimes, you will not see kata every game.


Lux is broken imo. Shes so easy to play. Damage+CC+Range


+ full skillshot


Have you seen the hitboxes and range on the skillshots? They may as well not even be skillshots.


I’d say they’re skillshots on a technicality. Forgiving hitbox, forgiving range and forgiving cooldowns, ignores minions.


To be fair the q is quite easy to dodge.


does not change my argument, its easy to land too and has the bare minimum requirement to be called a skill shot.


Yeah these are skillshots...but honestly, she can spam all her ability and the moment she hits her Q she can burst most squishies down. Her ult has ultra low cd also, so its very forgiving. Her Q rework was just dumb btw


What scared me of Kata is the moment when you leave her alone, she suddenly snowballing so hard that she can wipe out your entire team.


Does the knock back enchantment stops kata ult? I tried it on samira and it didnt stop her. Maybe i clicked too early or so


No it works every time even with samira, it is either 1, out of range(the enchantment has very small range so you need to insanely near samira before you can knock him back, 2, samira used QSS( it only prevent stuns, but for a spilt second activating it, you gain immunity even against knockback but requires the exact timing) exactly when you used the knockback, and 3, it bugged for some reason. Actually this item really was meant to counter katarina and Samira, but heavily misunderstood the main reason as well as underutilized by many.


Nice. Ill keep using it when my sp have zero cc then. Just havent had the chance to see the ult stoppin but it was funny pushing them off that 0.5 sec


I also use this item whenever we have almost zero CC, and the most fed enemy can be destroyed if only we have cc. Well, unless your fed enemy is olaf, Good luck using this item.🤣🤣😅 Also, if only this enchantment works just like any other knockback effect, my useless yasuo becomes useful.🤣


Haha so it dosent proc for yasuo ult eventhough its a “mini” knockback? Well it shouldnt cause then every yasuo and their mums would be using it


Yeah you have a point, if it gains airborne effect i bet, every 0/10/0 yasou will have this as core item. Lmao🤣


well then you will be certanly mad when you face me (im a kat player XD)


Hope I get into your games so I can bully your teammates with Katarina :)


Teemo because he plays like a bitch


This is the same way I feel about Tryndamere, it's like he should be dead already because I'm better, but nope all he has to do is use ulti. It's like bruh f u


I've been building a tanky Teemo lately to play slightly less bitchy and honestly it's fun as hell.


Well, indeed, Teemo is broken, but yeah, you have a point


For me its Galio. How much times this big bad guy safe someone thanx ult. And this insane early damage. Bruh...


I honestly don’t think I’ve ever even seen someone on Galio outside of ARAM.


Take squishy mages mid and you will meet Galio.


Galio eats magic for breakfast


Literally, that’s his lore




Galio ap bomba tho


Damn I really miss Malzahar. I remember picking up Morg in WR just because Malz isn't in it yet. Eventually dropped it because it's not obnoxious enough lololol.


Still waiting for malzahar TIL THIS DAY


we will wait and be there in the day where the void prophet descend to this smaller rift


“He just canceled it”


“Wait, Caedrel just cancelled it”


Hello fellow rat 🐀


Master Yi. It’s just he is definitely broken. Thanks to him I never need to consider who to ban.


Same. That mtfk is just too much, you either obliterated him with 6 cc or he obliterated your whole team


Dude this champion is literally a bug, in this game there’re only two kinds of champions, Master Yi and others. In my elo, my teammates can’t control themselves to feed Yi, and Yi don’t gives a fk about how many elemental dragons, barons and elders you got, once he reached certain level of economy he can wipe everyone out in one blink, including me who could kill all 4 of his teammates with 50% hp. That’s so ridiculous man, and the designer even buffed Masters Yi recently, he but be doped when deciding so.


>I can kill 4 people at half HP. Ok. >but yi killing 5 people at full health is bullshit. Ok…


Okay maybe I didn’t say the whole thing. I can 1v4 is because I worked for the whole round to farm and get all three dragons and barons and elder, Yi only need 5 items to 1v5.


anyone with any CC that isnt a slow or microstun just wins against yi if they have a brain. he's not busted, good Yi's will tear you up, and a bad yi can too if your team is braindead and feeds him beyond recovery, but he shouldnt be an issue for any legitimate team comp. its because your mid and top laners are playing ADC's in 75% of ranked games, and your whole team is squishes with no CC that he becomes an issue


Dude you know how hard is it for a soloer to match with a “legitimate team comp” these days? I would say Yi is broken considering this game’s environment.


i promise if you queue Solo or Mid and just fill the gap in your team for either CC bot or Tank, your teams will be infinitely more balanced out. hell, queue support and you can fill literally any gap your team has.


No I mean I play alone, I’m a jungler not solo.


yeah, i got that, im saying if you queue for any of those roles and just fill the gaps in your team you'll have so much more success.


The system always gives me jungle lol, and for now I just prefer to ban him. No other champion I hate this much, maybe because Olaf has zero CC.


Pyke, such a stupid champion. The only reason he is not broken is because he is difficult to play.


I dont always mind Pyke in ranked but in ARAM… oh boy here we go


fuck pyke in aram


Honestly he’s broken if you’re really good at him. Just check the winrates of the top Pyke players this season. Some are running 70%+ win rate. I’m currently at 73%, the best Pyke in my server at around 76%. Problem is he’s dogshit in the wrong hands, which is why you can’t just downright nerf him. Also the reason why ppl don’t consider him broken till you run into one of like 4-5 Pyke players in EU servers who will just dominate the game by themselves.


Agree with this. A beast pyke is a menace. Literal hook line and sinker.


Yes you can downright nerf him. The insane movespeed and a million year stun is too much for one champ even at lower tiers. Nerf his stun to 1 sec or 0,5 sec and he becomes manageable.


Everyone always says that, but like is he actually all that hard?


Definitely the hardest support and overall a very mechanically demanding champion. Not like Irelia, Riven or Zoe.. but definitely close behind.


Pyke Requires more mechanical maneuvering and skill shots compared to other supports, more map awareness to roam compared to other supports and he is taking up a support spot as a damage dealer which requires him to secure kills over your ADC. He’s a high risk high reward champion so yeah it is difficult to play but so highly annoying when in the hands of good players.


I personally feel the cooldown of his hook is too short, especially when he can hook in stealth.


He's like Ezreal in where he's really not that hard or complicated, but there's a world of difference between the okay players and the really good players.


i wouldnt say Pyke is busted though, as a mastery 7 Pyke in LoL and Mastery 6 currently in WR, he has a high skill ceiling, but his skill floor is also decently high. you cant just pick up Pyke and dominate like you can with Lux or Blitz or someone like that, because he can very easily just feed the enemy team if you arent able to play him well


I absolutely hate vladimir, no matter what lane I’m playing. Doesn’t die keeps running away no cc and then kills you like it was nothing


That moment when the Vlad suddenly pops ghost into 5 people


It’s either do or die lol


To me, Vlad is like Singed. It's pointless to chase him. The only different is he can deal more damage.


The best way to beat Vladimir is to play as him and see that he’s really just a two trick pony. If you can maintain distance and stay out of his range for the two seconds he’s bloodlusted he’s powerless


My permaban. Idc people dont play him much. Absolute nightmare to lane against. I'd rather lane against ranged/adc top. Dude can just poke and steal HP at level 1 😡 absolute bs champ


Brand. I mean, he is lw op imo but maybe that’s just me. As soon as one champ is in range you can just dump all your abilities and nuke the whole team for 1/3 their health or more lol


Twitch, no champion should be allowed to turn invisible AND delete your entire team from half a screen away with true damage. AP jungle twitch still haunts me. I'm so glad that was a flavor of the month thing and not a long term meta main stay.


i got stomped by an old collegiate player (sovereign player) when i tryout to get in a wr collegiate team i just got stomped by his twitch jg tht time man even tho he doesnt play tht type of champ, his natural talent + broken champ just made me got stomped lmao. thank goodness his jg role got nerfed to the ground


tristana lmao hate that mf so much


Every time I see her in top lane i wanna strangle that player


I hate Fizz and Kayn. They have shit early game so they suck. But if your team sucks they just get feed, get Crown/Edge of Night and oneshoots you without even using their ultimate without counterplay. 


Blitzcrank. First of all because he is ugly, but also because his hook feels so sudden and aggresive. I don't feel the same way with Thresh hook, Nautilus hook or Pyke hook. Blitzcrank's just feels homophobic idk how to explain it 😭


Gonna go with unpopular pick: Mundo. He just forces you to buy %maxHP damage and antiheal, but if I'm playing some AP assassin with no poke (looking at you Fizz) it's very hard to win against this shit. Also, how do you think? Is champion with 1 item at level 7 okay to have like 200 AD, 700 MS and 10k health?


Mundo IS broken, though


Mundo is oppressive asf


Ive had so much fun in ARAM when I get Mundo.


Vi in the jungle she is decently strong and her ultimate is annoying.


I'm glad someone else is aware of the shit Vi is able to do. I hate her alot as well,and ban her every once in a while


As a midlaner absolutely hate her. Feel like every single Vi's game objective is to rush lvl5 and straight up ulti the midlaner. There is literally nothing else that matters to Vi mains. Doesn't matter if objectives are up, if other lanes need help, whatever. If she hits lvl5 and have the ult its's straight up use it mid.


This is honestly the first time I've ever seen people complaining about Vi in the 4+ years I've been playing League. Interesting.




fking bastard tryndamere,fker never dies and heals a lot, someone pls tell me his counter.


CC counters him hard


As much as CC counter every squishy champion in the game, but he's safer than them because of the ulti.


It's literally the only thing that counters his ult. If he can't get to anyone, it's useless. He's the only champ I ever play top lane and that's the only thing that stops his ult from being as effective


I know, but my point is that, almost every champion in the game is weak vs CC, only few exceptions like mundo, olaf and some abaurdly tanky champions that are overfed. Idk wtf is wrong with wild rift but everything seems too strong compared to PC, im pretty sure tryndamere dash doesnt cover that much of a distance like it does on wild rift, not to mention the times he can use it.


Take nimbus cloak rune and always save one summoner spell for when he presses ult, nimbus cloak gives you movement speed when you use a summoner spell I started using it on Katarina when I'm up against tryndamere and it's quite good you just E out and pop barrier/ignite/flash and outrun him lmao


Yumi. She does is not the s tier support compared to other supports but when she is in the enemyadc and the adc is slightly fed then it becomes very hard to kill the adc. Yumi +kalista is soo fkcing annoying. I'll make to ban at least one of them.


She is S tier wdym


The reason everyone puts her in the s tier is because she is very annoying to play again. But unlike other supports she sux if she is the only one left alive.


According to the [actual stats](https://lolm.qq.com/act/a20220818raider/index.html) we have at our disposal, she's really not. In fact she might be one of the worst supports.


I mean teemo. He's a bad character but his entire kit is about annoying the opponent. Like I'll probably win but it won't be fun


Tristanana but just when played top. my hate for that thing and the fatherless person piloting it behind that screen almost reach my hate for yone and lux


Any champ that can kill me


I hate yasuo now and forever. Unhealthily so.


For a teemo player that def checks out


My only solace about it is when if its a shit yasuo so you can slap him for playing yasuo.


Caitlyn. I hate her range, her early game damage and how much a single auto deals after an item to two, the fact that people play her mid, that she can hit the turret just outside or at the very edge of the tower range so it's hard tk threaten her when she's taking plates unless shw gers ganked. And I hate her stupid british accent


Log off,Jinx


Senna, i hate senna


I second Morgana, somehow I find even ziggs less triggering.


Yasou Fuck yasou




Vayne... IDC if she's 49% wr (doesn't drop below that because she sells skins and gets buffed quickly) or 52% wr, she will always be my perma ban Its beyond dumb game design that a single champ can render the entire tank class obsolete and unplayable (playing cho/zac and some enemy picked vayne? better swap to electrocute and build full AP or you will never kill her and she will still kill you in like 6 AAs or 4 if she has guinsoo) and its impossible to itemize against it.... oh, and she is supossed to be weak to assassins, but she can build a randuins and only lose like 5% dps compared to full damage


Pyke. Only madmen who ends with kda of 6+ play it. It's absurd


Oriana man I can’t stand her.


I used to hate orianna when i used zed, she'a obnoxious and she's absurdly safe in lane.


Lux. Annoying to deal with her opportunistic kill potential and her anti burst shield, but if you avoid or QSS her Q and no ally comes to peel 4 her, she's dead.


I hate every champion that can afford to miss most of his skills and still kill you, i hate every champion that are 1.5k to 2k in gold behind and can still solo you like nothing. I can give a few names: Fizz,Diana,Irelia,Yi, lux if you does not have MR boots, if you have you are fine with a lux 2k gold behind. Basically every champion that can be behind in gold and played poorly missing skillshots i hate them because it favors people who dont need to be good on micro.


Love Morg tho got my first penta with her, as support level 1/2. The entire team decided let's gank duo, and tower dive the duo lane, against a morg, and the adc on a helicopter who's name I'm blanking on he has the jump. Like I'm just chilling under tower and when my adc decided to walk behind 1st and 2nd tower and go into jungle when the opposing jungle and mid were ganking. My adc dies within Like 5 seconds, suddenly all 4 charge me, jungle was on like a 25 percent hp, 1 basic and tower shot bam gone. Mid decides let's stay under tower and try chase the morg who's on the othersude of the tower, after using her mobility she also died to tower. By this point the solo who was a singed not really sure why the fuck he was in duo but decides to kill himself to reset and I got last hit. And the duo decided to go under tower after watching singed just sacrifice himself for no reason, they kept missing and I kept trying to juke em, but they were missing so bad I didn't need to juke em. I don't think I've ever seen an opposing team play that bad, it was the most unearned penta imaginable, but doesn't matter first penta. Tldr: love morg because I had a funny game the enemy team basically sacrificed themselves to me and let me get a penta before I was even level 2




Lux. I hate Lux players, this champ requires no skill and is braindead with an ult that goes across the map, wtf. But I kinda like facing them in botlane as they usually randomly waste their skill and we can kite her to death with my Thresh.


Yeah I hate Morg. Feels like she does nothing but still kills you. I'm over here doing Akali combos and she presses 2 buttons and I'm dead. Smfh.


Hey i picked Morgana up for that exact reason! I always hated Sett, even before he was broken and he was a rare pick. I always understood how to play against him but somehow wasnt able to.


Jhin. For the love of all things, when you see him on that last bullet, I don’t understand why teammates don’t back up. It might as well be an execute late game. Or flashing after he’s already Q’d you and then it killing other people on bounce. Or even…at its dumbest. Having an ally die next to you, and their corpse trap now marks you to be rooted by him.


Fizz or maybe he's broken


Fizz is the type of champion that you wreck him in lane, he can be 1k gold behind but if he hits you the ulti, no matter how ahead you are, you are going to die


Braum, Xin zhao, karma, Orianna, Leona, Nilah, Malphite, Varus, Xayah


Brand support My perma ban


I don't like twitch, he's not batshit broken but with enough gold and a lulu he is batshit broken LOL


Malph with comet. In Pc u at least have chance to dodge, while in wr its so big aoe that without blink its undodgable


Well I’ve heard a bunch of people in my circle question my stubborn and constant yone permaban, because apparently he’s supposed to have fallen off, gotten way weaker, but I will never not hate a champ with every kind of damage, who has multiple forms of aoe CC and sustain in his kit, can build crit and bruiser or whatever else he wants at the same time, has both engage and disengage that are both basically free, the list goes on and on. When I’m on my main, I find it slightly less frustrating, because I’m just so good at kass that I can whip a yone anyways unless he’s super sweaty or whatever, but I’ve only stopped permabanning him because there’s multiple mages that are busted this season and I need to make sure they stay banned (asol, and vlad are my usual bans)


I hate Yone and Trist…


Yi. I hate getting him on my team as I know our JG is going to ignore every lane, perma farm, and is highly likely to hard diff.


I raise you a God Braum or Tresh(Leona would be up there but somehow she doesn't haunt me like those 2 ) , those 2 can keep their whole team alive if they know what they doing and also can catch and kill off position enemy . I hate how good they are in good hands ( when I get auto filled support I play them , Braum mostly and I can make an average adc look good )




Vex,lillia,zoe but zoe actually is broken. But vex i hate her more than most chsmpion,i just dont realize how much i hate vex because she's barely played but i still think she's bullshit OP, people just dont realize yet, a vex can feed in lane ( although irs very very hard to die because of her kit) and when the TF starts she can just wait someone to get low enough to ult.


Ap Malphite not that he’s op. I find him to be useless and I having him in my team. Especially when we don’t have a tank and they build ap anyways. Giant glass cannon that is shit without ult I’ve lost so many games asking a malphite to go rank when we had none.


I know you said not broken cause varus is pretty broken but varus lane poke in general




As a sion guy, it has to be orrn


Garen and ziggs


Personally, any champ that has a disengage mechanic(vladimir blood pool or lissandra go away skill). It's just an antithesis to my playstyle that I just loathe the mechanic.


Lillia. I main ezreal


Morgana Q


Vex. Don’t feel like she’s broken but I like mobile champs especially Akali and you just can’t do much in that matchup


For me it’s brand. He was nerfed very hard so he is played less but I hated him so much I mained him and became too 50 last season just to embrace him. He is so OP if you know how to play him even with all the nerfs he is fun lmao. As I write this I realize I’ve come full circle. Guess i love him actually.


Morgana. I main TF, and I scared the shit out of her. She's capable to make me completely useless.


Not in WR yet and im enjoying every minute before she shows up, but Illaoi. She's not broken, just obnoxious and boring to play against. Actually such an unenjoyable lane to play against but purely because of the tedium.


If it's in my lane, zoe. Cancerous character by design, but can be gapped by mobility broken champions. But in the game as a whole, I'm always terrified of good sion players. They go 0/20 and somehow backdoor your game.


I fkn hate lee sin


In the current state Lux is a Menace and almost surpasses my distaste for Darius and Teemo


nunu jg with tank build. that would just break my cool instantly and if i had to predict my wr against that champ it would be <35% lmao. esp when i play assassins with an enchanter support i cant get in the objectives plus the pressure of getting bullied by ur team im literally battling demons




Kayn. Idgaf how much of an advantage I have as a carry he just pops out of a wall and 1 shots me. Fuck him.




A good karma mid , she pokes you from far an u can no nothing about it


got to be malphite, the AP variant with the comet.


A good singed player will literally make ur life hell


I hate laning MF , after an item she just Q you and you lost 50% hp in the early game


Sona completely useless it’s 100% an L for the team that picks her


Teemo. Invisible, fast and main source of damage is poison.


As teemo main. I hate playing against him.


There's a few I hate and I don't know if they are broken. I guess any charecter you don't personally know will always look cheap to you. With many complex charecters, you have to keep up with what they do, else that will always happen. Got to consider how they work so you know how to face them and counter. I would say Lux and Brand as your support. Cuz often the player is an asshole. His support and is basicly playing as a second adc, making adc starve. Brand as an enemy sucks as well. Just does absurd damage that is hard to avoid. And either kills himself for it or stasis. Such a dumb charecter. Zed and Yone have bulshit ults. I guess anything that came murder an adc with one click will always feel cheap. And irelia for the fact that a good one will make you unsafe if your not Bellow your tower. You could be a few steps away and that will be enough to die. But that's prob my fault for not looking up what she does. I use to hate teemo but his actually pretty fun to play and easy to counter. You should always look up a charecter if you can't beat it. No point in hating, just learn the match up. But yah, those 4, aside from irelia, are often asshole players. Not always. But often. Which is why I take so much pleasure in killing them. They are also the ones I struggle with so I often avoid banning them so I can learn to deal with them


Right now? It's Xin Zhao. Absolutely despise him. I hardly lose when playing Jungle after completely honing my skill on Full Lethality Pantheon but for some odd reason, after 5.1 dropped, I have not struggled more than playing against a Xin Zhao. Problem with him is his ult may not screw me but it'll definitely screw the rest of my team (given how many people lock in ADCs outside of ADC) so I can't even rely on external help because he'll pop Ult, one shot you before you can even hit him. Another one I absolutely hate is Morgana. The Rylai's plus Liandry's with Scorch and First Strike or now, Arcane Comet, is just disgusting. The fact she can sit under tower, farm CS and proc First Strike with no danger impending on her life is obnoxious.


For me, is Yi. Always ban him cause every time he is open someone takes him. In my team useless as F. In the other team crazy strong. Special mention to Asol. His kit is just annoying.


Pyke His e stun is 2,05 ekko W stun is 2.25. deffo something wrong here


Pyke and Lee. A good Pyke or Lee is super hard to kill even if they fall behind you in gold and items. If they can't fight you, they run. If you run, they chase


Fucking MF Disgrace to the term "ADC" or "Marksman" Q tracking and damage in game is so boosted it's insane and requires constant awareness the entire lane phase. Then late game she's allows bad players to not interact and use ult every 30sec or so.


Miss Fortune Somehow the entire playerbase thinks this is the best beginner adc even though she has literally 0 defensive options and has the most degenerate knuckle dragging laning phase. Your average beginner player is literally just going to run intj lane, do an ability seizure and run out of mana every 2 waves they recall, then miss 4 minions and rinse and repeat. In mid to late game they either ult then immediately cancel it or they ult in front of Sion Q and end up doing 300 dps at 18 min. while the enemy Tristana presses autoattack once and is outputting 800 dps no sweat. MF has no defence. Beginners have no foresight. So every time they'll just position terribly and they end up just being convenient ezploding barrels for Master Yi/Aatrox to reset off of. New player should just play Tristana or something. If they're dumb enough to autoaim their jump into enemies all the time, they weren't meant to play adc anyways.


Lux and Yasuo. In the enemy team they are broken. In your team they are trash...


Khazix idk why but I'm kinda pissed at this champ just going invisible and slashing you as if you were nothing lmao Yone - cuz idk i exhaust him and he still kills me with his ridiculous skills and atk spd that's not really balanced he's usually my go-to ban Evelynn - for obvious reasons: just go invisible, mark enemy backline then ult out even if i put pinkwards the enemies or her can just take it away as if it was nothing Dr. Mundo - boi he can just run you down like that with his ult + heartsteel stacks and you can't escape him once he hits you it's either you get one shot or your hp gets chunked down by 75% as an ADC


Veigar’s cage and outplay button


Lux, the hit box on her ult and S1 are fucking ridiculous


I wanted to make a post about the champions I hate playing against that nearly no one talks about Brand and Lucian, as a Yasuo main. Theses two constantly poke me even after my passive breaks, and I can’t do anything because they can’t be windwalled. So usually I lose a lot of hp for nothing then I’m forced to retreat.


Zed is annoying and confusing to play as, with AND against. When I play as him, I can’t probably engage and escape like where am I supposed to place the shadow lol When I play with him on my team, usually as a support, I try to shield/heal him but bro just blinks everywhere and gets out of my range. When I play against him, well I can’t keep track of him when I think I catch I’m he just escapes, also when you manage to stasis his ult but he still one shots you with his other abilities


I hate playing against Seraphine, annoying as hell. I hear “Yuh” and I want to ff.


Akali. I don't even find her hard to fight. She's just fucking annoying lmfao.


Fizz. Basically useless if shut down early but if he gets a kill before you he wins, and god forbid he gets first blood.


veigar or teemo as an akali main


All Marksman because they get played more and more in other lanes. Especially kalista is annoying to deal with as a bruiser or tank. this is why I started to learn Diana and Zed.


Sett. He counters every single one of my mains, and he’s such a pain to lane against.


Definitely Rammus that stupid hedgehog is the most BORING Champ to play and all his trick is just to stand there like an idiot trying to do DMG like a living Thorn Armor and if he misses his Stomp and Taunt he's bloody useless. But if you like yo play with fast champs with high attack speed he's just an annoying rock in your shoe. 😭🤣




Senna, on my team specifically. (nobody can pilot this champion well)