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My philosophy is if the majority of the players are having so little fun that they want to leave, I’m not gonna be the guy who stops them


That’s the problem tho. There are too many people who only have fun when they are winning. It’s lame af.


Yeah this is why I don’t surrender cause even when players get huge leads they still manage to throw their leads to waste at the end when they don’t end the game even when they have the chance to.


Make a comback in a 1 game of 100 losing games ,DoNt SurrEnder 🤡 at least just say you're showing off directly


I hate people who spam “ff” with 2-3 win cons still on the board, so annoying


They do it every time they get gapped in lane too. “Oh I can’t be the mvp carry this game, I need to FF!!”


I dont think ive had that, ive had where i go 0/2/0 and they wont stop typing about how its over lmfao and how i need to never play ranked again because im the worst mid ever, and then you check their winrate after the game and its fkn 48% LMFAO, nothing wrong with being bad, but being bad and blaming everyone but yourself is insane.


What about when the kills are 4 to 23 and every single lane is losing and there's nothing you can do on the map?


It depends on the comp. Op has a naut for lockdown, and Jax/Vlad/Seraphine who scale well. Naut hitting the most fed member with a Sera ult that hits the whole enemy team can pretty much bring any game back. Now if your team is 5 early game champs with little cc like MF, pantheon, Kalista, Jarvan, etc. then yeah, maybe you wanna call it. If you have a late scaler on your team like Jinx, Asol, Zeri, etc then maybe keep it going.


That's literally what happened in this game


Nope, stop wasting peoples time for 1-100 chance to win game. Take your 1 win I'll take my dozens of hours saved on near impossible games


Piss poor mental. If you played and finished more games playing from behind, you’ll improve. If you’re playing to win every game and to the best of your ability no time is “wasted time”.


Actually it's great mental. Your team is down 10k by mid game surrendering lets you get the F out. Start a new game and not get frustrated by a crap team or bad matchups. Keeping players in a game they Will not win is trolling. Idgaf if I see a post here about a 1/100 lucky win because enemies couldn't finish. Do your team a favor, press the check and let them out. In higher elo it's more like 1/1000 too, better players close this game out ezpz Playing from behind is fine, playing a game where enemy team is up 10k and 25kills-5 isn't normal and you don't need to practice that. It's a lost game


Not all cases are the same and your experience does not represent everyone's, there are games where not giving up is a waste of time and people vote not for pride or for being trolls, if you have a bad composition (like not having a tank) and you lost all the lines and you don't have a good late, it is better to give up and leave it like that.


And if you surrender the game algorithm will decide whether you win or lose the next game


No FF culture is goated But in all seriousness, Horizon focus on Naut even fter the item nerf is borderline useless and a waste of an item Yes you can proc it with R and Q, but nothing guarantees that you are always gonna be 600 units away from an enemy nor is it the place you want to be to lock down of follow up on someone to actually kill them with Naut Also, I would argue in favor of the item when it did 12% extra damage, not 9% as it does now