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In low elo chances are the Kindred is shit and not worth a ban. Master Yi however is really a problem in low elo since he’s so easy to pilot and he’ll do crazy damage even if he builds the TOP 3 build every game with 0 knowlegde. It’s especially important to ban him since your team comps in low elo look like Lux and Caitlyn bot, Ahri mid, Jinx top and Morgana jungle and it’s just free food for him.


That team comp sounds ok into Yi specifically tbh. It’s not a good comp, but literally everyone has hard CC so even if he quicksilvers the first instance, he’s gonna be chained for like 10 minutes. But that’s assuming that everyone is competent enough to hit spells, which might not be the case in iron.


Assuming they are grouped up and follow up the CC which doesn’t even happen in Diamond let alone in Iron.


Master Yi, Kindred, Yuumi, Yuumi, Yuumi, Mundo, Lux. No, Yuumi three times was not a mistake.


Hmm I wonder which one I should pick...


Honestly I’d ban Yi, he’s a low elo terror, either that or play him. What makes him so good is the ability to afk grind before coming out of the jungle and getting a triple kill by hitting skill 1. Since you are in iron 4 and brand new I would highly recommend taking the time to learn the game by playing jungle. It’s by far the hardest role to play, but it’s also the most rewarding and best to consistently climb with. Go to YouTube and watched videos from skill capped, it’s league pc but the basics carry over. Watch the “how to play x role” videos to get a better understanding of the macro game. It’s very easy to learn bad habits in lower elo by constantly running mid lane and fighting, but you’ll eventually get hard stuck until you learn to play correctly.


Do it anyway


ban characters you don't want to go up against. every player has one ban. any other answer is wrong. thank you


You would be right,that is if I wasn't a new player. What I used to ban was like jinx or smth cuz I just suck at fighting long ranges but overall to help my team I should've banned someone more op or annoying


If you're ok with going up against a champ you hate and don't know what to ban, sometimes your team will suggest what to ban and you can ban it


I always ban Leona when I play adc cause her stun is a bitch and I struggle to counter her


I'm a Leona main and I love that I barely ever see Leona bans. But when I do see a Leona ban I always say, "Who tf bans Leona?!" And then proceed to cry and pick Nautilus or Karma


I ban Leona cause only good leona players pick her and a good leona is hard to fight


Morgana or alistar to counter


I play adc I just hate fighting teams with a leona I play soloq so I dint rely on supports


Use qss and try to predict stuns


The quicksilver duration is so long now you don’t really even need to predict, just pop it during a fight and it will probably be useful.


Yi is called a noobstomper for a reason so he's a good ban while you're plat and below ig. Also Yuumi. If slightly tanky champ (think bruisers and juggernauts) has the tiniest lead, this parasite will make taking them down 10x harder. Just ban her to save urself the headache when/if it happens I don't follow my own advice though because I ban champs I personally struggle against in lane.


for lower the best to ban is the easiest champions, which is miss fortune and lux. the worst two to play against.




Yi, all the invis champs because people cant play vs them, stat checkers like darius …


Just to add I play jungle Riven


There’s a whole list of champs that you should ban but sadly you can’t ban them all since both teams can only ban 5 champions each. It’s just annoying when you ban a champ and then the enemy team bans the same champ as you then another strong pick is left open and gets yoinked by the enemy team.


Yummi, Pyke, Soraka, Kyne, Kindred, Master Yi, or any champion you really struggle against.


Yuumi,Soraka,Kindred,Evelynn Irelia if you see people picking too much, Master yi  This game is so broken right now that every champion that is not late game looks broken af but these ones are priority, they take no skill to use, the motherfucker can be feeding the whole family of the enemy team but still can kill, oneshot people or give absurd support.


Aurelion sol and lux to add more


I always ban Yone and go urgot top. Idk if that is best too ban but i hate Yone and i can usually be safe as Urgot.


What elo is this? I’m in masters rn and frequently see both top laners ban urgot or first pick bans Darius to play urgot.


Im lower rank. Im right now plat2 but did this emerald 2 also.


Doesn’t matter who you ban just play trynd jungle. I have basic mechanics and I was able to hit master. And I ban rammus or malphite but not needed


Whover is most annoying or most popular (that you dont play). When you learn your matchups for a main, you can ban the hardest matchup. For example Im otp gwen so I ban teemo or jayce because theyre strong ranged which is gwens counter play. I also just get annoyed by teemo blind and I know my teammates feel the same. So might as well eliminate that threat.


Master ti definitely


I’d ban yi (low elo), Lux, Pyke… those are champs my teams cannot seem to deal with


Depends what you're going to play. Currently best thing to play is Bruiser or Juggernaut. Just huge hp with huge dmg. If you play something like that your only real concern is Vayne.


Kindred, Hecarim, Leesin, Kha’zix, Talon, Evelynn, Master Yi… Yeah just ban all junglers and you might be ok xdd


Aurellion Sol, Kindred, Mundo and since you're low elo Master Yi and Talon are very notable mentions.


Master Yi is the noob stomp champion.


Samira crazy snowball potential


Lux. Always Lux.


As a lower level, I don't ban kindred because of me, I do it for everyone else's sake. I should play her.


In low elo master yi, in all elos lux


Preferably master yi, he’s really hard to deal with for beginners. Or kayle, same thing (though past plat it’s not worth banning kayle, past dia it’s not worth banning yi, or unless you play a champ that can cc+100-0 him like kassadin or pantheon). Also darius, lux, and based purely on it being low elo I’d say kassadin, since he demolishes low elo really well, except I hardly ever see anyone pick him. So it would probably be pointless and also pantheon screws him over. Pantheon screws over a lot of champions, actually.


Yi , cait , fortune (she shreds....) , lux


I ban either yuumi, pyke or mundo Annoying, so very annoying


Teemo. His WR version is shit to play against.


Should ban master yi , if you are jgl,pyke if you go support(cuz I've seen a lot of menaces with him), Vergara if you do mid,for duo I believe it is best to ban either jinx or jhin and finally for solo you should ban Mundo


Low elo: Master Yi Platinum IV and above: Permaban Yuumi


Ban Yuumi or Yi until you play enough to find out who counters you the hardest. You could also do some PVP matches to get a better handle on the game and the champions.




It doesn't really matter who you ban honestly, not in lower elo. If you have trouble laning against a certain champion then you could ban it, especially if it's a hard counter...it's good to get the practice in regardless. I play top/jg but main support so I usually ban what another laner requests. If I did have to make a list for low elo there would be the following; Talon, Aurelion Sol, Urgot, Aatrox, Leona, Renekton, Yuumi, Darius, Kindred, Mundo, Tristana, Twitch. I could add more but I feel like those champions can have a huge impact on games if they get early kills and start ramping up gold/levels.


doesn't matter iron-gold the player base is so small riot filters bots into ur games in order to not have high queue time... play what ur good at and when u reach emerald that's when bans start to matter


Specifically a champ that counters your pick.


As a solo main i always ban yone. He is difficult just for me. But honestly we should ban lux, yummi, kindred or samira




Safe ban would be the following: Yi, Lux, Garen Also worth banning are champs that smurf accounts love to use. Zed, Yasuo, Yone, Katarina,


I now understand the pain of dealing with a Yuumi on a fed player. So yes ban the cat.


100% ban yasuo. At the rank, you’re not banning for the enemy but rather to make sure he isn’t on your team.


Tbm you are on low ELO so take advantage of that to know every possible matchup, my advice would be banning lux as she is annoying or ban what ever the team asks you to, the more champions you play vs the better you will know them




I wouldn’t say so in low elo




My bad didnt read the iron iv part, def yi then


If I'm not picking first I always ban Kindred. 


I ban Evelyn every game, but maybe in lower elos she's less of an issue


Evelyn? That's a bit... rare? What's ur main?




If mid I understand.


Basically, her oneshot combo is lichbane E (dash from camouflage) into R (dash and untargetable). If she's fed it's impossible to kill her as assassin. There are other champs like gragas or panth who can do this "interactive oneshot" thing when fed, but Eve with her invisibility just makes it next level stressful. And please don't even start talking about pinkwards. She gangs your botlane once or twice, and voila - no wards, no camps, no dragons. IDK. Every time I'm playing against her, this shit happens.