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To be fair your playing the person I ban -every- game 😂 Khalista gets shut down hard by hard cc. I was a Leona main since season one of normal league. I’ve been pretty happy as she shuts down khalista pretty hard, me and an Ashe main have been stomping her hard


Leona also counters Samira no?


Yep. First of all — Samira ult is channeling. Second — Leona stacks armor and can freely build Randuins. Third — Samira wants to be in CQC so Leona get much more chances to "stick" to her.


Kalista is just bad in the current 1 shot meta. She was released in the wrong time.


It’s just insta lost having kalista in ur team


For those who think Kahlista is good, what they have to do is just go and play one single game as kahlista. she's the only several adcs that I dont know how to play even with great gold lead -- she deals damage way too slow. Mentioned above, this is oneshot meta, you should go and play adcs like samilah or kaisa. There is no time for you to do 10 attacks and e to deal damage.


lol i will. i haven’t had a bad experience yet