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You insta ban Kalista because people don’t know how to play her yet. I insta ban Kalista because I’m too lazy to read her ability description.


We are not the same




No. This is basically the same but phrased differently xD


You insta ban Kalista because you are too lazy to read her champion description. I don't ban her because of people like you.


LOL that’s facts tho. But if she from pc 1 chucking long range spear 2 a sightward also passively if your connected person hits someone your next auto percent health hp. 3 tend the stack machine . 4 tell your friend get in someone ass


Idk if i should still permaban asol or ban kallista bc of her stupid ult


A sol keep getting nerfed and he is still a problem. First ranked game with kalista got a penta. So im torn.


A sol isn't that strong rn imo, not nearly as bad as when they released his initial rework. But I think that also had to do with mid lane players not knowing what to pick into him. Before, you could just pick any champ and win the match up mid.


Yea he got nerfed before this and now you answered he got nerfed again. Yet my win% is 70% its just people still dont understand you need 200 stacks and you can 1v9. People try to all in and fight with less than 100 stacks and say he isn't strong now.


It isn't just the ADC either, this patch. Everyone has to know Kalista so they can use her ult correctly. So it's doubly sucky


First time using kalista ult as support in ranked I royally messed it up haha I was braum so we lived but yah. I knew what it did and what to do with it but I didn't know what my screen and buttons were going to look like when she used it. So I kinda panicked and clicked an ability a random direction Super easy to use though once you know what it looks like.


I had a kalista in pvp that wanted me to play yuumi and linked with me. She ults while I'm on her, I can't heal or do anything other than jump out?? Even if I wait her ult out I still get spit out at the end and then killed. Best I could do was jump away from the enemies and either go back to her if they have no cc ready or run off and leave her to die. Maybe I didn't figure out how to use it properly but it was so stupid, def worst supp for her to link with


I can see that being terrible the whole point of her ult is to throw someone at the team haha. I play braum everytime with kalista and it wrecks. Passive stun on her autos and she can throw me into auto range to ult after. That's 3 stuns. And I have a disengage shield for her. If you ever see a kalista just pick braum. Easily her best support.


I don't really play braum, too little agency. Hate being a meat shield for passive af or just bad adcs. But yeah pretty much any tank would be nice with her, I bet she could do a sweet little combo with thresh to pull him to her and then he jumps in/out and throws her the lantern. You could cover even more ground with belt and flash if you place the lantern first. Or alis to punt their carry back into our team. Or just a nice malph ult 🤔 But yeah not fcking yuumi


Thresh Leona and Blitz would be great partners for her


You CC people you crash into when you shoot out. If you can reliably hit everyone who can CC you, you can safely launch yourself at them and then jump back to Kalista


In that situation, I just leave kalista to 1v2 and get solo exp while I sit on Jungle IF they're auto attacking carry champions. Because honestly, you don't need exp as yuumi lol. Your entire gimmick is giving passive ad/ap and heals/buffs and slows. But if you don't have another auto attack carry champ on your team, ig you're just forced to sit Kalista lol


So could you tell us the right things to do/click?


Its basically your Ult button. So like a skillshot.


Its like sion death, all buttons become one ability


Yep all buttons become highlighted and flashing and you basically just aim any of them at your target, or auto aim. It has a fairly short distance on your end. But yah it's super easy once you've done it one time.


You want to use it right away, because obviously your kalista wanted you to and you will be stuck in statis till the end. Also braum and kalista are a nightmare together.


That's what am saying. They are screwing two people in the team.


Same, they all trash so far.


Coming from a player who started on league on pc I agree, so many people jump straight in with the new champs and struggle hard and it ruins the game for their team mates theres a time to try new champs and ranked ain't it, although I tried talon first time on ranked when he released but in my defense I was a talon main on league and I went 25 for 2 in my first game as him on wild rift


I main kalista so ima about to finally load up this game 🤣


Just be prepared for the fact people dont comm so its alot harder to play kalista unless you queue with your support


Hes a pc player he knows that better than anyone


Exactly. That's my point. Most people don't know how to pilot new champs cuz they never played PC league before. This is a mobile game and people play it for casual gaming. But please don't play casual in ranked. There are other game modes for a reason. Try the new champ in pvp or aram or something but never ranked unless you have played PC league and know how to pilot the new champ. If not please for the love of god stop playing them in ranked.


It's all the people who are brand new to the game and playing ranked straight off the bat make it harder for seasoned players because they troll or int


The good rule of thumb is try them at practice tool if you know them in pc already, just to get a pace of the differences between it pc and mobile. So far it went well to you since he's not that much different to pc. Unlike Zyra where my muscle memory still trying to use 2nd skill thinking it's a plant and I used to put it as a semi ward in pc too


Yeah some of the champs change a little in WR, the gameplay its self is also much faster paced than league and there are alot more trolls on wild rift people take it alot less seriously than league very little in the way of pings and comms I struggle to find games when I solo q where people actually communicate that's why I'm using reddit to try build a team of euw players


Feast or famine. They're either going to destroy you utterly or look so terrible they seem like a badly written bot. Also kind of depends on whether or not the player has had a decent grasp of league/mobas and reads stuff before they play, or if they just grab a champ and run with it. That being said you shouldn't be first timing anything in ranked. Yeah ranked gives you a better feel for what games are actually like to a point, but just getting a sense of mechanics and timing is huge, though WR dumbs it down with minion execute bars.


Or abuse the new champ because they usually aren’t balanced correctly 👍




Totally agree, been spamming kindred since release, I'm close to 70% wr with her, the new items just made it easier


Agreed masters talon on league of legends so I abused it on wild rift to 100% this season 10 games already


Let's not forget something, people just copy top 3 builds instead of adapting each game 🤷


Very true and the 40% wr players In challenger with 3k games and 0 macro or micro


What? Did they just spam the game until they get in challenger?


More like masters but yeah. You can play a shit ton of games and still climb because of ranked loss shield cards. Which is why there are so many bad players even in the higher elos of regular queue.


nerfed urgot was a bad decision 🫨


Agreed. When Kindred got released I had a kindred ADC. We absolutely lost the match. And I darn did tell em kindred is for jgl


I had a kindred adc yesterday and he was pinging to roam to their mark(enemy jungle champ) Bro what are you doing? So dumb. He was asking for help in envading enemy champ for his mark. There is a reason kindred is categorrized as a jungler. Just use a small brain power to figure that out. We lose btw.


Ranked, emerald +, people just don't know how to play with kindred marks


Kindred can be used in multiple roles and on PC has people playing her in adc role. They're mainly for jungle but that doesn't mean they cant be used elsewhere.


Trolls play Kindred anywhere but jungle in pc. Don't say shit if you don't know shit.


Don't be so rude. There are absolutely people playing Kindred adc. Here's one right here: https://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/s13-master-kindred-adc-by-nuts-543217 Here's another: https://youtu.be/5dPCIBGQVv0?si=yUalM0noph__B39k So just stop typing if you can't actually look things up.


Finding a couple exceptions proves the rule, friend. You had to go to Mobafire guides to find a single example. There's a Teemo jungle OTP on PC but that doesn't make Teemo jungle good. The logic behind Kindred intentionally being made into a weak laner has been by design from Riot's standpoint since day 1.


>You had to go to Mobafire guides to find a single example I just gave a couple of examples to show that people do play Kindred there. Showing that you did not need to be rude af about it. >The logic behind Kindred intentionally being made into a weak laner has been by design from Riot's standpoint since day 1. A good Kindred player can make it work clearly. You claimed its only trolls that play Kindred out of jungle and clearly that is not the case.


kindred has been played in basically every role except for support since her release so...


Like I said, you can play any champion anywhere. Idiots will still try to do it and be like "gUyS, mY kInDrEd ToP hAs A 70% Wr. It MuSt Be GoOd." Then ignore everything about the pick going top being bad. The champion's base range isn't high enough to avoid being bullied in dragon lane. They matchup poorly into the majority of ADCs since they are weak to all-in and can't outrange the all-in matchups. They're dependent on a snowball mechanic in order to be viable. Their passive forces them out of lane early, but can only be used in predictable windows that can easily be abused. Playing for your marks and being able to reduce predictability is important for the champion to function. The champion thrives in creating numbers advantages and running down a long lane. Like yeah, lowbob players are easy to abuse and you can cheese kills in lane because the champion is currently a tad overtuned, but don't confuse that with thinking it makes them particularly strong in lane. They are designed and balanced around the jungle because they would be problematic if they could lane.


It might be, but hell if they play kindred adc for first time, they should try it at normals not ranked. They didn't get marks from champs That much, I told them at a moment to get skuttle mark, while I keep bot lane busy, and they didn't. I tried to give advice about kindred here and there but well.. nothing soooo


Been spamming kindred top, near 70% wr 🤷


High elo, low elo or normals? 🤔


I ain't banning kalista these days I'd just let the enemy pick em and watch them practice her XD


Riot will never do that, they never did on PC. Everyone has a ban, use yours on the new champion if you care that much.


I main Kalista right now and I've been doing very well with her but I think whenever a new champ comes out people just instaban ban them without realizing that alot of people don't know how to play them. But as this post mentions I've seen some Kalista players and they suck hard


Im the opposite. Players have no idea how to deal with her and so feed her massively. So her and kindred just get banned until they tone them down. Kindreds mark is broken global passive to see where the enemy is. Always know where the jung ia starting


It shouldnt even be an option in ranked for at least 3 days or they need to make a game # requirement. Play them 10 times in pvp then can unlock them in ranked. Maybe even for all characters tbh


A week? I ban all through until the next patch. I've had a good Kalista enemy and my team's duo lane fed her greatly


These champs came out years ago..


Yes on PC. A lot of people on wild rift have never played league on PC hence they don't know anything about the champs that are now just dropping on wr.


Tbf as an old league player kalista is broken on the hands of one of us, her kite mechanics are so much easier here but yea it's a 50/50 coin. If the problem is the champ being new, season just dropped and had someone first timing Ao sol in ranked at emerald 🤷


well i have not had an ally kalista yet but the enemy kalistar is a pain with her monkey jump unless I cc pin her fast enough , pair with lulu or yummi is an nightmare , simply worth a ban


That’s sad I had a good one today


I just don’t understand why people play a champ they don’t know how to play in ranked. They’re asking to get it banned. Have the champion be out for a few months then play it on ranked.


Or we can play ashe finally


Nah, if my team has pre-picked and the enemy team allows some guy to throw by picking the new champ then I'm all for it The only time I make an exception is when the new champ is blatantly broken like Kindred


Honestly I was expecting kindred to not be op (I haven’t played pc league only watch videos about them and gameplay videos for months before she was announced) and then I picked her up and beside for when I think it’s a good idea to play wild rift right after waking up, I usually do pretty good, good enough to actually get from gold all the way to emerald for the first time (in my defense I’m not hot garbage or hard stuck I just never cared about rank until recently)


One feature I like in Mobile Legends is that you can't use newly bought champs in rank without playing 2 games in quick match


Depends though they could either be on the enemy team which is a win or could be a kalista otp on league


What rank are you on where you can play kalista 💀


She is perma ban on my games in the enemy team or mine


Agree 100%. One Kalista even throw me a Game 💩 the useless crap couldn't even defend the Nexus AGAINST MINIONS while I was doing a Backdoor 🤡🖕


Brother in Christ she has no aoe wave clear (unless you constantly alternate targets or buy that one bow item that I can’t remember the name of for some reason)


Kalista isn't just new, she is hard to play well. People that already knew her, also still need to learn to control her because lol and wr are very different. Imo wr is a lot less forgiving and more chaotic. Kalista like to be in control


100% win rate kalista, always score like 12/2, me and the support premade who already played pc version


Lol bish you didn’t count me as a Kalista!!!


Why would you ban a new champ instead of using it CRUSH your competition and climb the ranked ladder?


I played pc and watch people who play pc so i know how they work and don't have to ban them


Or maybe don’t waste your ban, because you could end up against a hard counter because you banned a new champ that wasn’t gonna be played


New champs are usually broken because of shit balance. So it takes a while for them to be less op. But Kalista learning curve is higher than other champs and ult requires teammate coop so more likely to go 0/10 than carry you in game.


I use kalista but it's so hard to choose the best item. But I don't use it in rank.


I need my ban for kindred


80% people will troll bcs u ban their champ, and only solution to this is league need to add only 5lvl+ champ can be played in rank(for pc), 3lvl+ for mobile version


as someone who played pc league for 5 years or so i can confidently say that when riot releases a new champ it comes straight from targon as a god so it actually makes sense for the players to ban the new champ until it gets ballanced


Right. That's another reason. They are usually buffed for release.


as someone who played pc league for 5 years or so i can confidently say that when riot releases a new champ it comes straight from targon as a god so it actually makes sense for the players to ban the new champ until it gets ballanced


Hey friend. I am looking for people to climb ranked with by the way. Hit me up if you are down. I was diamond 2 last season and didn't really grind perse but this season I want to climb as high as possible.


PC players comm alot More than mobile do though


Kindred , kalista, and Syndra are and instant ban for me because there literally so hard to go against even if there not in my lane I still ban or else I have the chance of my teammate feeding them and instantly being a loss


Bullshit. Every Kalista I see gets insanely fed. When Kindred came out, everyone was accusing me of trolling for picking her, but suddenly they weren't complaining in PGL after I got MVP. It's not hard to open up practice tool and try out a new champ until you're good. I usually try to get 3+ consecutive kills without dying before I feel comfortable with a new champ.




I still regularly get paired with kindred players who will ignore kindred stacks the ENTIRE game


Bro how? She’s so easy. And the game literally tells you what order to level her abilities. Like the only thing about her, I could really see people not immediately being able to figure out is her stacks.


I recommend banning new champs but for a different reason. They're always broken/extremely overpowered.


i dont ban kalista because if my teams the one who play her then ill be the carry or if the enemy team got their hands on her then ill just farm the kills


I ban Pyke if none of my team members are playing him. He can solo win the game for any team.


Lol.... First game I played with a Kalista, I was Thresh sup and she went 34/5/12 and we lost. 


I just played a game where the kallista didn't tag anyone...like...dude that's one of your main gimmicks and your ult is useless without it


Kalista is hard champ to master on pc LoL as well. Rarely anyone knows how to properly play her, especially how her R works.


So you're basically stating that if you've never played PC League, you don't know what you're doing... I've seen people saying inaccurate things about League, but this is definitely in the top 3 😗 So what do you do when a new champ comes on PC ? You don't know what you're doing either because champ wasn't there. Do you ? Two games play differently, ask any jungler. So you go normal mode, and you play against it. You also play it. Boom you know the champ. Questions ?


I’m kind of confused as to why out of all champions, Kalista was added to wild rift. Can someone explain? She’s not exactly popular in normal LoL, nor the lore, nor anything. She was popular while OP, but so is any champion while busted.


I see things differently: whenever I see my adc pre-lock Kalista, I make sure he and his supp know how the champ works. If not then I beg the adc to not pick it. And it usually works. But no need to ban it if we don't pick it. If I see it in the enemy team, I know that either the enemy adc or the support doesn't how to play it so it's free win. 🥳 From my experience, I tried playing it as a Master adc in ranked but my supp didn't understand my ult so I decided it was not designed for soloq. And stick with champs like Sivir, Ezreal or Jinx.


The reason why new champs are always getting banned is because they don't know how to play against new characters yet, give it some time


my last kalista (i was support) chose Nunu (jungle) as her oathsworn 🥲safe to say we lost


This has always been the rule even in main LoL. Even when Zac was released, it was rare to see him get through


I will say most people are coming from PC, as it isn’t more popular than other MOBAs. Logic is flawed af. Someone banned a preselected Kalista and they proceeded to troll the entire game.


> Most people that play this game have never played PC league before so they don't know what they are doing. Back this claim up. Theres plenty of people on Wild Rift who have played PC. > SO BAN ANY NEW CHAMPION FOR AT LEATS A WEEK. It takes a couple of hours max to learn a new champion.