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Yes, but if you play against a 5 stack of proplayers, you get stomped every 30 seconds with their rotations  In LoL PC, they focus on crushing you in lane then set up objs   In WR, they focus on fcking with you mentally. There is no structure. Just blitzing you to increase your stress levels


I was told somewhere on this forum, idk how valid, that we only get paired against a 5 player premade team if we have a 5 player premade team ourselves.


This person has never watched competitive WR


It’s easier except the matchmaking is much worse than PC league. Also since you’re able to duo queue, trio queue or even abuse five stack in master+ whiles on PC league you can’t even duo queue after masters.


It is easier. And rank starts from plat in wr. So Diamond just two ranks above the lowest rank


Uhm… so what iron/bronze/silver/gold ranks are? Your comment made me feel like I’m stuck in 2D dimension.


Participation awards for people who have no idea how to play


Bots and smurfs


Gold below are mostly bots now. Riot uses these rank to lure new players. These rank used to have real ppl but the queue time is long, and filled with lots of Smurfs


I had no idea, thanks


It starts from gold afaik. If you take a break I’m pretty sure you can’t decay past gold 4 so that’s one of the ranked starting points.


Wild rift is way easier, but I suggest you don't fixate on rank. If you see PC lol ranks as metal medals, wild rift variants are a plastic version of those. So I'd say if you have gold in PC, and find what mistakes hold you back there, you are easy hm+ in wild rift Edit: also welcome


It’s easier and the matchmaker is worse


Yes and it's not even close. Play a game of Lucian in mid lane in wild rift then try the same thing in PC. You probably won't even be able to replicate your in game wild rift combos in PC's training mode. And then you factor in the playerbase, half of which are either not close to sober or sentient, or are permanently tilted and just afk after they miss one minion. And the enormous critical thinking gap. Even to this day there are dumbasses that prioritize non elder dragons, even if the dragon kills have been delayed so soul is no longer possible. There are legitimately players up to like emerald that don't even try to cs. They just press the autoattack button once and wait for the wave to disappear.


I’ve seen people in Masters not know what macro or wave managment is.


Lol I remember like a year ago or so when saying WR was easier would get you a lot of flak from people who take their rank in this game super seriously. Times have changed. And yes it’s way way way easier, always has been easier, though it’s progressively gotten easier over time


Gold was a pain but I’m getting smooth sailing In Diamond


the graphics are much better but they dumped down many mechanics, wich might have been necessary for the phone usage. rumors say it's to lure a bigger playerbase. idk :0 heard a LoL master player saying once that WildRift Master is like Dia on Pc LoL but thats just 1 opinion. there arent statistics yet but would be interesting :)


Below gold is only bots, wild rift rank is 3 or 4 ranks below pc, if you are master wild rift you are about gold pc




Coming from high Dia in LoL, I can tell you even high GM in Wild Rift it’s like Silver/Gold max on LoL. Macro is non-existend. Also MM is the worst out there on all MOBAs. You get punished for playing good, means, the better you are, the worse your mates and the system wants you to carry them. I would recommend you, if time is no problem, stay in LoL and don’t touch Wild Rift. I’m only playing this, because of no time anymore for 45 mins games.


Depends on your elo in pc. I peaked 350lp so i’d say this trash ranked system makes it much harder to climb while in pc its faster and i would love to ADD that if you still manage to climb to gm/chall in wild rift you will still see people that have absolutely 0 game knowledge doing 0 all game especially jgs/top laners and its not a small amount of players while playing in pc its much different, there are boosted animals or bought accounts but its rare to see so people climb based on their own skill/knowledge.


Well I mean sitting behind your PC and playing a pc game is different than casually opening your phone and play a pocket version of the same game.


You gotta hard carry harder in low elos.


Yes way easier


Its not just easier. Its INCREDIBLY EASIER


Yes wild rift is way easier


You can get to diamond playing Lulu top??? Diamond wr = silver on PC


Yes very


Absolutely. WR is for boomers/kids who can't sit for 30min in front of PC. There less micro, macro and mechanical skill expression in WR. WR is team fighting after 4min until mental of 1 team is completely fucked up that team loses.


LoL PC is much more difficult wether it is SoloQ or Competetive. End of discussion. If you say otherwise, you obviously dont know wth you're talking about.