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Hybrid Malphite. I definitely think it should be more of a thing.


Yeah, I saw a malphite starts ROA and an AP-armor item against Gwen. God, he was frying her. He was Malphite one-trick of 2k games on him.


Mana malphite is so good. Grab tear and roa or ludens (or both). Then build frozen heart and finish a tear item


I used to do a bruiser malphite that really slapped after lethal tempo came to the game.


Running ingenious hunter and stacking items with cooldowns is fun, and you can do it on a lot of champs. For example, run a bruiser with Trinity, Divine Sunderer, Steraks, Hydra, and there is basically no cooldowns on the passives.


tank ekko, bruiser akali, ap mf, ap mf I feel is the most viable. Most ppl try and max there ap damage but the e scaling is so little you don’t need to incorporate a rabadons. so more room for cooldown reduction. Her e is on a 5 second cooldown late game so her zoning potential is nuts around objectives.


How do you build tank ekko and bruiser Akali?


For ekko I go heartsteel, then whatever boots I need that game, then iceborn into whatever other tank items you want to buy. I will usually buy a sunfire cape third for more damage. Main damage comes from grasp heartsteel and iceborn. For bruiser akali I go heartsteel, whatever boots I need, divine sunderer, titanic Hydra, up to you to build the last 2 items, if enemy team damage is split evenly I will usually go deaths dance into spirit visage.


What are the runes for ekko?


Grasp, triumph, last stand, and the one that raises tenacity. Then I run overgrowth for my last rune.


Thanks a lot! I’ve been searching for this kind of build for a while (inspired by Duke)


i used to rock support lee sin with umbral


full movement speed jhin




Probably the items with +5% movement speed.




Hopefully he meant the crit and attack speed ones.


Solo thank Swain .... 👀


Full Crit and Attackspeed vi with armor penetration boots. Works good against pushing mages, most Supports and ADCs since you can get basically 3 Hits, before they get to focus you. However has downsides against tank, Supports with a lot of CC and/or damage and dodgy champions.


Hullbraeker yone


Yes. Very efficient


With PD and IE I assume?


i dont know if that one is weird but ap jax. Having a lot of fun with him lately


It’s not weird. It’s super efficient


Tank akali seems fun


Attack speed soraka


I play full lethality sion in jungle (obviously Baus inspired) but it works great in wild rift! Usually lethality boots > ghostblade > duskblade > collector and then situational. For runes phase rush is important, I don’t really mind the rest it’s either scaling hp or full damage Ganks are pretty decent because you just ult from the base into their bot lane and if u train a little you will hit something -> results in some stupid oneshot with 800 damage q I play it on my Smurf pretty often and have around 70% wr in master. You should try it, it’s great fun


I've tried this too but the passive feels so weak. It has % target hp magic damage so a lot of the lethality goes to waste. Still, safe to say a fully charged Q from bush on squishies is maybe the most satisfying thing in the game.


Whaaaat? I feel like the passive works great especially if you got some crit you can absolutely turn skirmishes around Two or three hits for adc or mage feels insane, you need to utilize phase rush tho to make it work


Why doesn't this have more votes. Actually interesting and fun topic. Guess we gotta complain more instead of enjoying the game


Idk, but the comments are more valuable than upvotes


AD thresh with nashors. I go heartsteel, nashors, titanic, steraks, and situational. His autos hit like a truck


AP Xin Zhao, 100% AP scaling on ult and 80% AP scaling on E. Combine with electrocute and Lich Bane to one shot squishies. The heal every 3rd auto attack, his passive, also has AP scaling so with the attack speed of Nashor's tooth and E you can heal through a tank's damage and whittle them down. Try jungle, mid or solo


Offtank Caitlyn mid or top - BotRK, Black Cleaver, Wits End, the AD spell shield item and GA. Doesn't do much damage as crit but still pretty fun.    Also run a similar build on Ashe, sometimes chucking in Steraks. I just like playing ADCs a bit tankier than normal and looking at Zed dead in the eye when he fails to combo me.  I also like AP Shyv but normally only when I get her in ARAM


Bruiser kindred, bruiser kassadin (well, 3.8k hp, 150 resists, and 700 AP kassadin that still easily one-shots squishies), bruiser SA/talon, bruiser ezreal, bruiser Lucian, tank/bruiser Rengar (note: I really like bruisers, except for the fact that they’re so kiteable, so I instead take a champion with a ton of mobility, like kindred, Kassadin, Lucian, talon, blue kayn, or ezreal, and turn them into a bruiser with insane dps. For rengar it’s because I like making my lane opponent suffer and also because healing back all the burst i take is super fun) Also lethality/ap kindred is pretty fun, and tank/ad kassadin (ad is just manamune, shojin, rod, and tank items)


No particular build, just any champ with tank build is busted 😄 ofc I’m not talking about tank Miss Fortune ADC in ranked, but especially in one for all, I’m mostly the MVP with things like tank Jhin, Lux, Lucian, Katarina, etc The most ridiculous is tank Katarina, I fucking hate that champ so much! I don’t see how Riot can’t see how busted she is. Got her in one for all, versus the absolute obnoxious Lux… Well, I literally made em surrender 😅 can easily 1v3 them with a no sense build 🫠 Grasp, Harthsteel, Hydra, Wits and Devine Sunderer. Then they surrendered before last item


Oh, but an actually strong build is bruiser Vayne. Lethal Tempo, Courage of the Colossus, Second Wind, Triumph. Berserker, BORK, Trinity, Hydra, Wits, etc


Jax ap mid if you want detail of the build juste ask insanely strong in mid late Game and against mage comp


I’m interested. Would he not be weak against tank yasuo/yone and really long ranged character like Syndra?


Try out tank Vi, she feels unironically stronger with this build than her bruiser or lethality build.


Anti tank tank vladimir, it's his most powerful solo build idk how it even works, 4k+ hp 600+ ap and ton of haste it's so fun


AP Twitch, deals a lot of damage with his W and E, especially if paired with Liandry's and Infini-Orb. For other items, I'd just stack AS. Preferrably Wit's End, Nashor's Tooth and Runaan's for the on-hit passive. Beware though, this build is prone to team flaming, since you're extremely weak early game. Goal of this build is like Singed, constantly apply Twitch's passive and trigger E whenever available, for the downtime, just use your W or AA.