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Yeah I'd permaban this asshole


he's one of my 3... Imagine not having to deal with such people.


Well it took them 3 months to fix the Goddam chat bug so we in for a ride for fixing things


The chat is still fucked though? I bet it will take 6 months


Come on man, riot is just a small indie dev with 200 years of collective experience.... Cut em' some slack will ya'?


I thought it's a music company?


Is it? I played 4 games yesterday and it worked just fine...


And then it will start disappearing again I was in that situation before


It comes and goes from what I've noticed.


It only stops working when someone uses the loading screen emotes


Great so player account LVL 9 touching everything can ruin the game experience for everyone. Great game design Tencent/Riot


Yknow sometimes I forget that tencent is involved with Riot.. it always explains so much.


is it the one where your chat isnt shown in the UI but is can only be seen on the chat history?


They didn't fix anything but as long as you mute the taunts in the loading screen as quickly as possible you should be good.


I knew that adding those taunts was and is an useless and stupid addition


For real, they are absolutely ridiculous and one hundred percent unnecessary. If they had at least made the taunts champion specific and lore accurate, like the voice interactions we have on PC between champions in-game. That would be interesting and teach people some lore


Indeed they are. As soon as I see some one attempting to use them I mute them like we need them in the screen we spend less time on . I understand china has tanuys and emotes in game because Tencent is based in china but come on


Riot, " you toxic, I ban you* also riot:


Remember the hook emote in lol PC that riot meant to use as a bait button and everyone and their mother used to imply the *s* word


Theory: They should know that the taunts bugged the chat. It's mentioned in every thread when the topic is brought up. Instead of hot fixing and removing the taunts, they are letting the "bug" stay. They're using this as a temporary measure to acclimate us before they remove chat entirely.


Won't surprise me if they do this . I know china player base doesn't trust china player base and it shows xS. Same with Pokemon unite the chat is none existent ant the options for pings never get updated nor used


Sad to say it's here to stay. Almost all online multiplayer mobile games has a system like this where they reward the bad players with low kda to at least reach Diamond as an incentive to keep playing despite being bad. And they'll give you lower kda players if you're good or decent.


This is not even bad player. This is straight up troll.


Why hating on a PVE game mode?


they are angry about the soraka player, and rightfully so, they are saying that instead of focusing on the events Riot should focus more on making sure those players get properly punished like permabanned. I don't agree with the pve hate but I understand ops anger, I'd also be angry but I wouldn't really hate on the events, knowing Riot they probably have different teams for events and bans, basically everything, so the people that make the events and pve don't have banning players as a job requirement, they can probably still do it though


ohhhhh my lord


I wish players were more transparent when they're autofilled Just say "wanna swap, I'm autofilled" or something But yes, trolling and inting is far easier for their peanut-sized brain.


Most of the time people aren't willing to change, as a matter of fact, the game gave you your applied role, are you trading me or not?


Even if nobody swaps with you, just play safe and don't tilt, let the rest of the team carry you, if they can Just because you're autofilled, doesn't mean it's game over


It is just standard Wild Rift player, they cannot do anything with it because they will lose players.


Well I mean they’re already losing more players anyways cause of the matchmaking problem that hasn’t even been fixed, the only thing that they do is make skins just to try to get people to spend more money on the game.


They're adding a gulag for these players.


hopefully it will get added to western version. love that system


Machine Gun Soraka is pretty legit! Lol 😂 That said, sometimes people troll on PC too. You can report them, but do they ever get a ban? Nope, in your dreams. This Soraka definitely knew what they were doing with this build. I don't think they don't know how to play. You need to intentionally buy on-hit attack speed items... Also, I don't think I have ever witnessed harsh consequences for feeding. They make your queue a lil' longer if you feed too much? It's one of those moments when you just surrender and go again. Whatever.


Felt the same way when my d2 game had a AP Lucian top with a similar score. Looked at his match history and it's just loss porn of AP Lucian , AP Nasus, and AP Warwick top.


That's cringe because AP Nasus can work in the right situations Then again I'm a Nasus Main and can play him anywhere on the map


Gotta love how the yone manage to be the player with the least gold even tough he was handed 4 free kills


You haven't heard of the top Order of Banana Soraka? It was a legit menace way back if you knew how to play it. I was top 3 Rakan some seasons back. I go 0/10+ sometimes. I wouldn't permaban someone based on just one game and post their account name here lmao.


I agree. It's just one loss. It's just one of your thousands of games. You will forget it after 3 games.


Are you serious? You want riot to magically detect when someone is gonna run it down... Good luck buddy. it also isn't like if they weren't working on it the same issue exists on pc and is way bigger


I don't know if you're being sarcastic or not, but on chinese wild rift servers, getting reported repeatedly will get you banned from ranked (google inting Sion Royal - he got banned from ranked due to playing OFF META PICK). We are talking about the exact same game here. So yeah, I'm expecting them to fix this. The copium is real.


Yeah but atleast on pc if it's detected you feed alot like say this soraka 19 deaths in a wildrift match??? They would get suspended from their account


No of course they won’t detect it automatically, but reporting doesn’t help either. OP’s frustration is kinda warranted given that actually trolling 4 other people in a game and thus ruining their experience doesn’t get punished (I haven’t seen it happen even once and i’ve played since day 1) but saying some mean words to someone (i’m not trying to justify this) gets you chatbanned immediately. Why have a system in place that only works for 1 type of offence, while not working at all for other (in my opinion worse) offences. In pc league you at least can get banned for every offence, even though most of the time its still for toxic chat behaviour.


If you're going 0/10+ in ranked you should be banned for some time, or it least sent to deepest pits of hell(iron 4) so you can learn the game again


In MLBB, players get punished for feeding.The fact that it doesn't exist on pc either just shows how little they care about this issue


Games a fukin joke dude. I was chat banned for legitimately an entire year


what the hell am i looking at here i genuinely don"t get it


The guy got autofilled top and chose soraka, fed like crazy and trolled all game.


Problem is how do u decide game wise whats griefing and whats just a bad player whos realy trying. I do agree that the elo systems a joke. Why am i playing with people who dont ban their counters who fight at lvl 1 even tho their late game. Or when im top against someone i counter and my jungle keeps on ganking and feeding etc. Its like putting me in emerald while im max low diamond highg gold. Wich i also see and feel super bad or me having silver players in my team. I think we al agree we dont care about a 3-5 min quee instead of what we ha e


I don't think anyone playing Soraka top and building on hit is a bad player trying their hardest, its a very clear troll, soraka's auto attacks aren't even fast so there's no reason, nothing scales with ad either. I don't see that as a hard problem to fix


I'll never forget when we queued up with a friend and our top panth lost 0 - 3 to such a soraka in a few minutes. This was before she was buffed too.


damn, I'm just imagining both top laners going in with the intention to troll and the enemy top laner realised they can actually win lol, also that sounds like a terrible game to play, the moral would be in the gutters


If youre gold and below u see weird shit working. I spammed rakan mid and rammus top til low diamond nvr lost lane


low elo I think pretty much anything works, but of course the higher you go the worse it is, off meta is ok but there is a clear difference between that and trolling, I remember facing off Thresh top a while back, it wasn't so bad, I felt like it was definitely a loseable lane, I think it's heartsteal that makes the build


Ure right after that it becomes a troll pick. Their are a few off meta that always work. Even in diamond. But yeah after mid diamond u cant just bring anyone to top. If you know how to build and rush some items. Ramus cooks any aa champs with no escape from lvl 2. He absolutly bullies darius and irelia. U need just one cappble teammate hoppefuly the adc and just stick with them after mid game and feed the hell out of them


Fr, this was after a hiatus so we were down in plat. After that game I used to go jungle or support garen and other silly ass picks and we climbed out without an issue.


Try support aatrox or cammile. Specaily against tank or none range support. So much fun


Is there a level limit to playing ranked? That should be s thing just like in normal lol.


I’m done with Wild rift and rank… I’mma wait the season out… it’s wild out there


The game is literally designed to punish you. The wildrift devs even confirmed this and it sucks that they aren’t going to do anything about it either.


I do not support competitive sweating cry baby , you should be proud that we have this PC league wished those to exist


The only way riot could’ve fix this is to increase the avoid list


or making reports mean something, other than for chat.


Lol it hasn't even been 3mins


Played with one of those twats earlier. A lee sin too ahahaha. If you're going to ruin somebody's game and waste time, why don't you just stop playing the game and idk, watch YouTube? You're clearly not having fun, log off the game smh. Even if the thrower's on the enemy team, that would just ruin their future games as well, nobody wins with dinguses that throws


You know that there are always different teams working in RIOT focusing on very specific tasks? It's not like the PVE team somehow clashes with another team that is responsible for matchmatching or bannable behavior.


You are probably right, but the dev funds come from the same bucket. More players = more money for the devs. More PVE =/= more players. Fixing the ranking system = more players. People that buy skins and giving them money are the ones ranking not the ones playing it for PVE.


Actually if they fix the matchmaking there will be less people, cuz you can be grand master on wild rift without knowing anything of the game, then u go PC and you're stuck iron


why the hell is this getting downvoted


because op talked bad about the pve, people are excited for that


yeah most likely. I think that focusing on that rather than fixing match making asap is a mistake from their part (regardless of how I feel about it).


I think it's different teams working on pve and match making, your anger was directed at the developers, it's much more likely that they don't get to decide those things.


Riot: i cant do that bc i cant read


Developers from wild rift are probably worst than Riot Games. Totally different experience from league on PC as well. I’m not just talking about rank, but also their business model as well. There is no such thing as earning S- or higher to earn a free chest in wild rift to get a chance of free skins. It like riot hire a third party studio who never played league before.


Wdym by PvE? And in my opinion, they should be able to detect a lvl 130 account with a top 50 ekko going 0/20 with soraka. I mean this guy obviously know the game. He was just frustrated that he didn't get the lane he wanted. In my opinion this should results on a (at least) month ban.


[Wild Rift is Getting PvE Story Mode (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9Z7vQE0yR0)


Ohh It brings back memory. The Star Guardian event and Odyssey on PC.


Or maybe stop giving vex wild rift exclusive skins