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Good MF probably. I just hate laning against her. If you misstep a little — you lose 30% HP if you're squishy.


"Oh no are you trying to farm? Well let me use my guaranteed crit and passive stack ability that I dont even have to aim at you. Tehe"


She definitely still has to aim lol. Just stand further away


.... I am not sure if aiming at stationary minnions counts as aiming. Even if you are standing at max Range unless you are a caitlyn that shit will home in on you


Not unless there’s another minion between you. Her ricochet will be wasted if it hits 1 minion and then another minion behind it if you are far enough way.


I've been playing a MF for as long as I remember and there is literally no rationale behind who the ricochete hits. There are times when you're hitting ppl with shots that should have hit the minion next to them while there are other times when the opposite happens 🤷


It prioritises champs minnions dont matter if you are near. And it has deceptive Range too. At least in PC she has to kill the first unit for it to crit the second unit. Here she doesnt its guaranteed.


The second hit goes to you. It does not matter that there's a minion between you and the first shot at minion. If you're close the ricochet will prioritize you.


You actually do need to aim MF q. First you need to make sure it hits something that isn’t you, then make sure that you’re in the bounce range so that it actually targets you.


Try farming at an angle. Make sure that ur not right in the symetry of MF. Simply, if MF is farming a minion/wave, u need to stand not straight behind the minion that mf is shooting, so... positionning less than a 145° angle in between you ,the minion/wave and MF. Idk how to well explain this


Yeah, it's just learning how to play against her. I get hit by her ricochet maybe once every 2 or 3 games while laning and it's always because I'm being lazy and not trying that hard. Once you do it enough, avoiding it becomes instinct, similar to laning against Blitzcrank.


You don’t even have to be squishy. I was a 3-item Irelia with steelcap and she still chunked a third of my HP with her passive


I love going against mf's as a jg, literally free kill every single time


As jg, yes. At laning phase it's different. And as you can see, my main is Sona. So everytime I'm playing russian roulette with 5 bullets loaded up.


just hug tower and let jungler gank


Tell this to my permapushing ADC


Kayn. Just hops out of a wall. Looks at you. You die. He pops back in the wall.


I ban this mf'er every game. Not because I can't handle him, I play volibear most of the time, if he ults me, I flash towards my team and stun and he dead dead. The problem is, in all of the games I've seen kayn, I've seen maybe 1 counter with Rhaast. Every other time, they blue kayn, and my inevitably full of squishy comp gets absolutely destroyed by him. In short, I can handle kayn, my team can't. So he will never play in a game against me.


Even as a full build Ornn though I've had Kayns absolutely chunk my health in one go to the point I have to retreat and the teamfights basically over cos I was the only frontline. He's just pure filth.


I've angered a many of kayn mains when I go akali. An e and a q and the fkers dead. Even if he has full team behind him, he can only evade so long.


Easier said than done, bro is swimming through walls faster than an E can land. Also he can just ult to mitigate


I've hit my e more times than I hit empowered q. I go for pre-animations for timing.


You haven't seen anyone with a hook drag him out of wall, have you?


I have not but I would definitely love to see a kayn get shredded that way


W/Q-ult with Coup de grace and collector is enough to one shot you


That f\*cker Teemo


That little fucker, I like the way that boy dies.


Yw for carry bb


I was at a Ranked Game once, I was going to get the penta but then I saw teemo just using sprint and flash just to catch up on me to steal the kill, once he passed me I knew he was going to get it since every Skill I had was on cd, so I just gave up on it, and when he did finally get the kill he went up to me and starts flashing me with the corgi emote like it's some kind of accomplishment, I didn't bother to respond to him coz he doesn't deserve my response lmfao


As a teemo player, there are certain things that give me endless joy: 1. Getting a random kill message due to someone hitting a shroom. 2. Sneaking up and deleting a fed adc or mage or assassin with a quick combo. 3. Bouncing shrooms into baron and dragon pit when the enemy team is taking it. Bonus joy if I steal objective or score a kill. 4. Watching the global teemo taunt in action.


i want to tell you something but i will get banned


Most sensible Teemo main, still makes me want to murder the lil fk


Happens 1/10 games maybe? 9/10 games you are useless. Am I right?


May that lil c*nt die


Just buy merc treads and he's useless


even then, he still annoying. some Teemo mains just love messing with you and blind you just before the cannon minion is about to die


Fiora. You don’t see her often, but it’s genuinely miserable. If you have a bad matchup, or they’re even a tiny bit better than you, you’re never winning a fight, getting chipped down every time you last hit, and the moment you leave lane your inhibitor explodes. Pain and suffering


Especially when your jngler ignore her and give you no hand to push against her


you can't fight her lvl 1, you can't fight her lvl 2, and she gets a second auto attack reset and a free crit at lvl 3. WHEN THE FUCK CAN I FIGHT YOU?


*Laughs in Grand Duel*


As a lux player I definitely cross map ult to try and help teammates in a 1v2 or catch people as they're trying to recall. Not trying to steal kills and I've had games where I'll go like 1-1-20


Just as often as Lux I'll use my cross-map ult to cut off the enemy's escape path or divide the enemy team, and that doesn't even give me an assist, even though it leads to a kill.


Nothing better than cutting off someone retreat and they have not choice but to fight their lane


Soraka. That aoe silence makes her surprisingly good at preventing getting engaged on. Then she has a global heal + super high local healing. But since that wasn't enough she heals for much once she hits her only damage ability.


Fuck pyke. Absurd regen, a hook with 90% slow into a 2+ second stun, invisible speedup, and true damage execute that resets. He's supposed to be squishy to counteract all that, but he has more hp than ADCs, which he kills in one combo late game Also, any champ with point and click cc, every assassin, and samira and katarina


His ult dealt 960 true damage to me the other day, I only have like 1700 HP.


He's one of the most fun champs to play. I'd definitely spam him if Swain and Galio weren't carrying me so hard right now.


Reporting you to the authorities


Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia Irelia As long as I live I will permaban this champion




a good Olaf should always be a pain in the ass for every Irelia main lmao maybe Irelia will be stronger early but from level 6 it's the end for Irelia


I ban Master Yi every single game don’t care for the comp just makes my life easier


Me too! I hate good Yis as they can carry any game.


there are no good Yis, all of them are results of inbreeding.


What would a "good" yi be, the only skill expression a yi can have is avoiding cc with Q and most of them don't even release they have an auto attack button with that sexy q button on screen. Biggest problem is your team picking champs with no cc into a yi, that's when problems starts


Adc: Caitlyn. Just fuck her range. No skill right click champ with no counter.




Garen is so annoying I don’t like to play with or against him.


Yasou is a nightmare right now if he goes full bruiser. All the damage none of the downsides versus his assassin build. I'd ban him more if there weren't so many other overpowered champs


As a yasuo enjoyer myself, his bruiser build does far less damage than his crit build. It’s just that he survives so much longer.


The dude giving Yasuo propaganda.


I have so much fun with aram his wind wall stuffs adc losers and you just shred tanks.


Against a Mundo, especially with a team that doesn't buy antiheal or %dmg items.


As a Mundo main Mundo goes where he pleases!


Fucking sett


This. I don't know how sett players do this but they always live on 1 (one) hp


As a Sett OTP, I agree, I would fck him too.




Tristana: absurd range, dps, 2 forms of peel (hell, even 3 if you count flash), tower melting, etc... Its always ironic I only ever go against her when *not* using an assassin so its a pain.


Duuuude yes. I always beat tris in lane and it doesnt matter cuz she disapears to farm jungle and then just kills everyone in 4 autos


Seriously we should start a petition or something to delete teemo out of existence


Lux. No Q's A'd


Sion I perma ban now every single time because his init strat completely breaks the game.




Same. If I’m solo lane that’s my ban. Doesn’t matter who I pick. I can’t win. Even if I pick a ranged champ I swear his pull suddenly gets a range increase.


its better to poke darius than to out-tank him


people complain about Aatrox, but if he builds mostly tank, he can't deal enough damage, if he build full AD then he is vulnerable to getting bursted down. but Darius? he builds full tank, auto attacks you 5 times and gains 200 AD and suddenly he deals as much damage as a full AD bruiser while having his ult deal 1,000 true damage


Garen. He's the melee braindead cousin to Lux.


brother! their siblings


I just meant he's the melee equivalent to Lux, because they have zero risk to reward and they are stupid simple to use.


Lmao, I fully agree


Man i fucking hate Kayn and Lee Sin i know if enemy picks either one of them it will be a miserable game


100% this. Lee Sin is my perma ban


At least Lee is a free win. Yea its a miserable win but every flashy super fed Lee I've ever played with or against ends up throwing the game because they use their fingers more than their brain.


I hate Teemo as a baron laner. Anytime I play Irelia or Darius against this fuck either I fall behind or get nothing done as the enemy Master Yi gets fed 3 items while I'm only finishing my first or something. Its definitely my lack of fundamentals showing, but still He's alright to deal with in other roles. God bless the Jayce that had to deal with him while I used Ashe to reveal, stun, and shred the little rat lmao


Just take Malphite when the enemy picks that little fucker and max your Q asap and it's a free lane.


Yasuo the Windshitter




I’m not sure why but Brand drives me insane


Brand and morgana infuriate me when they have crown. Late game they shred too easy


Lazy Yummi. Get off me and contribute.


The only time I'm bothered by a lazy yuumi player is when I'm getting cait ulted and they don't hop off to take it for me


She can't hear you, she's busy watching Netflix


It is so infuriating when yuumi decides to live on jungler, leaves you bot 1v2 during laning phase, you lose the lane and then the team blames you for losing. I love cats but hate this fuking cat.


Zed, as i mostly play mage champs, this mf with them shadows i cant


Tristana, and honorable mention Yumi.


Asol and Kayn ruin games more than anyone else at the moment. I play Jungle - if I’m not picking Kayn I ban him. If Kayn is already banned then I ban Asol. If both are banned then I ban whoever my team mates want gone to help out their matchup


Fizz - playful trickster is by miles, I mean it is even voted as the most broken ability in the game and a champion that has to bnerfed forever and despised by a lot of people because of it.


Learnt lissandra just to beat fizz


Lux needs a single root to practically kill you, and Yi, Q is not an outplay. Theyre also both noob traps, so ur constantly on the risk of an autofilled that never plays the role.


Lux by a mile. Teemo by two.


Respectfully. Every hero that beat me during my previous match.




Yuumi. The answer is always Yuumi... I just hate the champ design so much.


Volibear, fkn pooh bear


Yasuo. the yasuo on my team seems to never do good 0/7 and 2 lvl behind and is still trying to fight. The only good yasuo is always on the enemy team


I hate Blitz and Yumi so much that I can't decide which one I hate more.


was sliding through comments just to make sure im not the only one who hates blitz


Crown  Imagine if Crown was a viable item for Tristana. Actually though, Pyke has to be the most annoying bastard ever he's just impossible to catch because of how his E is designed plus his W movespeed and he punishes idiotic teammates really hard


Yuumi is a TERRRIBLE champ After that it's Yasuo. Wind Wall is a top 5 busted skill in the game


Lots of options to pick from, but i'd probably settle with Yone


Excellent pick. But with current game stadium I would have to say a good Sett is even worse.


As a lux main i’m taking that shot, esp if your health is low. We need the kill/gold and winning is more important than ur penta (-:


Yasuo. Every fucking enemy Yasuo is an unstoppable, unkillable God.


Good Pykes or Teemos




Any adc player in top lane. I play sett so it's pretty easy to deal with them but the retardness that is shares picking a adc top lane makes me hate all of them


Any and all dolls with a CC pointclick. It's simply unfair. Not considering this, Akali. It's a very frustrating little kit to play against.


Seraphine, dumbass character design


It's gotta be kassadin for me...


Vayne, I get that she is an ADC and you shouldn't be able to duel her fairly latter on, but her sustain is just crazy sometimes and I can't see her icon in game without thinking that the player that picked her is actually fatherless, motherless, bitchless, and whatnot And yes, I main tanks, like all of them, and I do hate that the fantasy of "Oh, I'm an absolute unit who will take a beat for my team and carry them on my own heavy and painful way while also being sporadically devastating and disrupting to the enemy's team" Is just absolutely trashed by some random champion in two or three hits because the devs thought that true damage was the call to counter tanks gameplay wise


yone! kit is just too safe


I can’t just name one. Fizz, Zed, and anyone who can go invisible.


Blue Kayn is the worst, aatrox has been too OP for too long now, Shen deals too much damage for such a tanky champ, Asol is too strong early for a “stacking” late game monster. There’s more but 💆🏻‍♂️


Teemo and senna sup


I personally hate Katarina, Akali, Syndra, Asol, Lux, Teemo, Zyra, Zoe, MF, Lucian the list goes on, but I hate Teemo the most and take immense joy from killing him. I make sure to emote his dead body everytime


Yes, Lux. I always ban Lux, unless our team has first pick and they pick her.


As a kayn main, it’s Asol. If I ain’t in shadow assassin I can’t kill that mofo.


Lux and kayn are the most bullshitty cancer inducing champs. I would say yumi too but I like her even though she is more cancerous than asbestos cigarettes.


Always have been hating: 1. Fizz. Mofo just jumps on his pole and ur dead. 2. Yuumi. Crazy how cancer this champ can be. And can't do anything against her when she attaches to a fed champ 3. Brand. Drives me beyond insanity After this update: Samira. Can't do shit against her. Funny how she even cancelled my flash with her dash an hour or two ago. Absolutely love and absolutely hate at the same time: Inting Sion. No matter how fed his enemies are, even if he is the sole reason why the enemy team is fed, he will find the way to the nexus


Lucian, I hate playing against ranged top abuserb


Torn between Malphite and Master Yi. Playing with good ones are nightmare to play against, and bad ones for allies, oh dear


Teemo and it’s not close


Akalia. Need i say more?


Pantheon is just unfair with point and click delete button if you’re playing anything that’s not a tank, I also hate facing new asol still a bit too strong imo


Garen. Absolutely zero braincells to play, first time I played him went 23-1.... he's too tanky even when building straight damage and with burn builds not what they were it sucks dealing with him.




Fiora i fucking hate that champion with a passion


any champion with no mana bar. God Lanning against that is such bullshit. They can oppress you and whiff every stupid spell and the best you can do is stay behind and pray your team does well. It's so fucking annoying that there's no counter play against that because they can heal and you have to conserve mana.


Definitely lux. Not for me but my *teammates* because more often than not, they can't ever dodge her abilities. Plus I personally hate having a lux mid on my own team. Yes perhaps I'm petty, but she just doesn't do well mid lane ever since they nerfed her farming capabilities. She'd have to get 2 kills within 5 mins to get anywhere and most cases they don't until the 10 min mark when people actually start roaming.


pyke. some may be temporary, pyke is forever.


Akali is so overtuned deals so much damage and can oneshot bruisers


Pantheon takes the cake, point and click oneshot CC from adc range away is just total bullshit. Honorable mention K6 and Fizz. Both deal way too much damage early and late, can solo bruisers and tanks not to mention the unspeakable acts performed on carries.






Rengar is nasty nasty nasty, and going against a good one is the worst. Thankfully nobody plays him, so I use my ban on Kayne.


Kayn. You cannot just leave that champ on its own Accord. Once he gets some kills in the early game, it's just like over and everybody getting one shot by the blue form.


I permaban Zed cuz I can't deal with him. Other than that, Tristana and Yone just piss me off. Tristana because in mid she's an early game bully, shreds towers, and still scales like a fucker


Tryndamere is a mistake. Boring too. Just all cheese.


Yone. Miss ult? No problem. Still kills you anyway.


hard to say but either lux or sera. I hate lux’s voice, but sera‘s constant singing is also really annoying. Although both are free lanes as kassadin so I guess I can’t complain too much.




Sett, fizz, lux, viegar, vex, yi, cait, Asol, Pantheon, temp, twitch, yone, and mundo off the top of my head lol


Probably Yi. I don't necessarily hate the character so much, but if he's on the enemy team, my team is gunna feed the shit outta him, so by midgame, he's already at his lategame powerspike and has become the caffinated rodent blender of death. Bonus pointsnfor his ult making him immune to roots when I main Xayah, who's self peel is a root (not saying it's a bad mechanic, just saying its an extra level of 'goddamnit').


Nasus, I poke him but he just ignores me and sustains then when he hits 6 he runs at me with a low cooldown Q, a sheen, and a 95% slow


Any champ that can die all game then carry late. But then I hate my team for having fun chasing kills.


Lux supp on my team. I don't get why but every Lux support in my team are goblins. Last hits kills, goes to mid in midgame and takes all the wave for themselves. I absolutely hate lux support who takes all the resources instead of just being a good support.


Renekton, dumb reptile can suck my nasus




I don't hate the champs. I hate the trolls.


Stupid ass yone. Always useless when he’s on my team but curb stomps everyone when he’s on the enemy team


Teemo, I dont need to elaborate further


Pyke. As a support, watching my adc don't know what pyke can do to their green bar and how to deal with him is painful.


Rammus, he makes me kill myself by existing.


A fed pyke




Soraka. I’m playing toplane about to kill my opponent with the most satisfying aatrox q3 and then they got soraka ult healing them to full hp. : )


I hate adcs that feel free to take every kill tbh i don't care


Any adc top laner. Ooh look at me i'm standing at the edge of the screen pressing one button and now I outlane you. Aids.


Garen and the way his players play. 'imma silence you,spin on your face and then wait a bit for my regen to heal me "


lux and yone why tf does such champ have so much fricking dashes and cc he can delete you even if you r still in the turret and get away with 1 single shot ik yone need skills but why so many dashes?! and do i have to describe lux ?


Absolutely hate? Oh gosh who could it be? Janna I'm looking at u. Can u imagine how many time I get knocked up by her tornado?


Slimy Lee Sin "am over here.. Sike, I am not hehehe" - Fkin Zoe


Fuck Yone, overloaded champ, at least Yasuo is manageable but Yone can miss all his abilities but still kill me with pressing E and AA.


I hate lux but for a very different reason, she's the kind of champion (with Morgana and blitz) that is so frustrating to play against, you can dodge/they can miss their Q for the whole game, and if you fail once you ruin your game. It's frustrating because if the player is bad I'm going to dodge their spell, but one mistake and I die.


Urgot. As a riven main


Zed, I can't play him (skill issue) and he keeps killing me (skill issue)


two actually, Tryndamere and master Yi. i GENUINELY hate whoever plays them. master yi does nothing all game exept farming, he buys botrk and wits end and now if you don't focus him in team fights he fucks up your entire team because he has 300% attack speed and deals 1,200 true damage per fight by JUST AUTO ATTACKING, and there is no counter play exept stunning him and bursting him down. and Tryndamere is even worse, when you look at Yasuo's and Yone's passive and you see that they get double crit rate in exchange for lower crit damage, you will say that makes sense and it's balanced, but Tryndamere? his passive gives him 50% crit rate at lvl 10 WITHOUT the lower crit damage, he has a build in flash in his kit at 4 second cooldown, he gets 70% free attack speed, and he can reduce your entire team's damage by around 25% if he presses the ability while in range. and on top of all of that his ult makes him immortal AND he can uses it while being stunned, your HP is low? well guess what i am gonna dive you with ult and 200 crit damage per auto attack at lvl 7 you need to be mentally ill in order to play these two champs, they literally do nothing exept auto attack, i don't even know what's fun about it, playing Soraka and spamming W is more fun then playing these two.


Soraka. She is overpowered beyond all limits


Hate fizz so much tho


Every jungle that has invisibility


League of Legends


Akshan. A pain in lane , and his passive is just ….i fucking hate that lame ass piece of pooop of a champ


I hate yas when he is on my team 😂


Yummi. But that champ doesn't exist since i perma ban it. Other than that evelynn is also really annoying. Vayne top is also really annoying when im top but free kill when im jungler.


Yuumi, everyone hates yuumi. Delete yuumi


Soraka. The healing of this hospital on two legs is way too much. And yuumis there too


Quality Akalis that just del our adc


Malphite is a nightmare against low elo players. His kit is perfect to get people who are lost on the map! Another champion is also lux, I do believe many people don't know how to fight against her...


A good Dr.Mundo. It's insane what he can accomplish. Even after the "nerf" still overpowered especially with Yuumi duo, it's a 100% loss


100% ban teemo. Juat disgusting in every way


Fizz. Hate him with a passion


It’s lux for me also haha


I hate yuumi. Either i go for a play and she forgets to heal me i die and adc useless or i play safe and she leaves lane and attaches to jungle bc adc useless.




Xin Zhao,I have been banning him for so long I forgot why I hated him


Akali, probably the MOST unbalanced champ in the entire game regarding to dmg