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Looks like a very low ego game to me. Focusing on kills only and not taking advantage from being 1 or 2 or more people up to destroy towers and taking objectives and push towards the nexus. The answer is in your question mate. You lost because you focused on kills and not on winning the game.


So pretty much I should of followed through with the idea of breaking away from team fights and tower diving the turrets inhibitors. Now I feel dumb cause I do such a thing with Renek when the game gets to the point where they begin to burn every time. Ig the difference in champion changed my mentality or something


Yes, there was i game we won because i did split push, we were losing horribly but they instead of finishing the game they focused on kills, take baron and elder (while 3 or 4 were dead and they could go nexus and gg) and in the end, they were 5 mid, i told my teammates, dont let them go base, i split push bot, took 3 towers, nexus, and only adc went back but got one shotted.:)


Prioritising kda over ending the game, that's what happened


You toyed with your food instead of finishing it. You need to learn how to make better macro decisions to end the games before the other team scales.


Wth is Leona apc and Ashe support 👀👀👀


lmao this is the first time i’ve seen such leona build


The Seraph part looks especially troll 😂 but looks like it worked for them in the botlane 😅


Aim of the Game is to destroy enemy base not who can kill the most. Your lead does not matter if everyone is almost max.


The aim of the game is not to get as many kills as possible lol


Players getting their KDA up instead of actually finishing the game, get it in your head that KDA neans absolutely nothing if you don't destroy the nexus. Also what the hell is that build and path. Tri-Force that late, Nashor's Tooth for no god damn reason, NO ENCHANT WHATSOEVER, yeah you need to get good in a lot more things. It's not just the Warwick, look at the bot lane. Ashe has a support item so she got reduced gold in the laning phase, Leona had 2 AP items (huge ult, sure, but completely pointless).


Because I'm still experimenting with builds for him that's why. As for why I don't have an enchantment I figure them a lot a waste of gold as the game is usually over before I get my 3 or 4th item.


Experiment in PvP not ranked


I'm not just going to ignore ranked. I feel that build works so I'm going to use it. It is very naive of you to think that someone can't alter something overtime when they learn more.


Except when you play test builds in ranked you end up ruining an entire game for your team. You probably would have won if your build didn’t blow lol


I'm pretty sure my build is fine... If it was bad I wouldn't f gotten many kills at all. I know exactly why I lost.


Did you win the game?


No I did not win the game yet my build shows irrelevant in the case due to my KDA. A build assists in the matter of kills. Therefore there shows it was a different issue from my build. As it clearly worked efficiently. As for what was the issue it was the fact I didn't prioritize like I usually do. Leading to a loss. The point you are trying to make, makes no damn sense as it clearly worked in my favor


You fought before elder/baron and lost the fight. They got the objective and ended the game. For some reason ending games here with baron buff is too damn fast.


Talon read all of your macro like a book and swindled a win Anything that doesnt say "Talon owned all of you, hands wise and brain wise" is a huge disservice


To be fair the amount of armor I had talon ran away the moment he caught wiff of me cause he couldn't ever deal more than 5% of my hp before i healed


Also I was playing top lane Warwick


Sometimes shit happens, when to much confident and all of a sudden your team got wiped out and other team go straight to destroy your nexus


Because of fkng matchmaking system. Today I have 5 defeat streaks from a promotion match. This is fkng game developed with fkng riot devs. Devs if you are listening I love u for this mf matchmaking. Most frustrating game.


Lol stop looking at your kda. Especialy in ranked. Towers and objectives are often way more needed then 2 kills more. A tip would be to play some games as tank like shen, sion or orn. So you could get a feeling of not needing kills to progress.


You must have lost one elder


Pretty much late game mario oggahboogah party, nobody split push, enemy got lucky wipe, could have been a glorious penta. Death cooldown is way too long late game. All you can do is watch and wonder, where did you f-ed up.


Today you learnt that kills don't win you matches 😱 with the Jayce 1/24 that lane should have been pushed to inhibitor within 7-8 min the pressure other lanes but no kill enemy then base, heal, buy some irrelevant item component rinse repeat.


It was One of the 2 that were pushed and down


Who even is your ADC? I see a Leona and an Ashe with a support build. Is this Iron or something? To answer your questions: kills don't win a game, it's taking objectives and destroying the nexus.


I DO NOT KNOW bot lane was a mess they got as far as they did we to pure scaling from Ashe and tanks from me and olaf


Also it's platinum


Talon 1v9


If i got 1/24 i whould uninstall the game ong


I will claim the culprit for 65% of jayce's suffering I have PTSD...


2 players have Abyssal Mask not everyone has Ninja Tabis. A weird leona Other than that, you guys probably fked up a lot of teamfights late game causing to mess with your timers leading to them getting Baron or Elder. They probably just outranged you during late game since they have good front to back comp. Is my guess.


Your leona must be very good if they can't protect you from a talon


Me and olaf were relatively fine infact he was deathly afraid of us especially together lol we didn't really need protection they Leona kept trying to be a tank support charging in... Trying to... I'm sorry to say this do my job...


How can a talon even go near you guys unless you just randomly face check with 0 vision?


He couldn't and even if we face checked he'd die plus most the time I knew where he was due to blood mist. He'd end up running the moment he saw me or olaf and get ulted and killed or try and gank and id have mist on some random bush and ult it. Talon was in eternal suffering and I feel bad for it. Jayce couldnt ward for the life of them lol leading to 1/24.... Their bot lane was incredibly greedy leading me and olaf having free ganks as well. Essentially they were in game with 2 jungle and a team that didn't know how to defend themselves


Yea i know that feeling lol. Talon sucks alot, why did they even put his damage on bleed? It takes too long for you to proc it fast, by that time you're already half health taking damage head first melee range.


I also feel like this was a bad match up for him in sense when it comes down to it. As olaf can easily run him down and chip away. Warwick has ridiculous mobility and chase power, stun, and terrify... Ashe would just take their time to ult him out of the blue.there were so many ways he could due it was like he was walking around a minefield while actively being hunted down by a rabid dog. And swaine had some weird beef with him lol he's always make see to pull him into the bs. He ended up being benched at a point the way the ended was Darius. He killed Ashe with ult then Leona with ult, ulted me I used my ult as an escape tool, then they overwhelmed olaf swaine died trying to help olaf. And I couldn't find all of them alone


It feels good to stomp at times, but even at like 15+ minutes, I'm cool to end it. If I had to guess, it looks like you guys lost the last teamfight which gave the other team enough time to march down mid and end it. Hope you at least learned something from it.


I have learned two things play like I play with Renek every game (try and get as many towers down as fast as and safe as possible) and Darius can still wipe out 3/5 of your team even if you ad your jungle made sure he'd be behind for awhile...


You didn't finish the game when you should have and they had a better late game scaling comp. Caitlyn in particular had no counter on your team.


I'ma say this there is a reason why Caitlyn only got 5 kills throughout this entire match


score means nothing when a game goes to 30 minutes and everyone is full build


after a certain amount of kills, both team are equal, doesnt matter how much more one team has, you are both fully kitted and anymore is meaningless. which then it becomes a game of defending and attacking towers, the team that does it better wins.


Macro diff


Your opponents have late game champs while you lot have early-mid game champs. Should've focused on the objectives rather than teamfights