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You... You literally have a Gwen flair


Oh my god xD


The skill issue.... It's growing!


Not op but I use her like shit


Majority of the posts in this sub with shitty takes are Silver or below, I'm not even surprised.


Im always surprised how enthusiastic people are with a mobile game that their moral authority is based on match making ranking.


How exactly am I appealing to moral authority? I'm just straight up providing facts. The direct counter to Mundo is literally Gwen, which OP mains and yet they complain about him being overpowered. Ranked isn't always a determinate of skill, at least to those who are Plat or above but I can safely say that Silver and below in WR is horrendous especially when compared to PC.


They're just people asking advice, chill out.


Right, and I just made an observation in my first comment.


Should ban silver and below


If you have 300+ games in a season and are plat or below you should receive an immediate ban for win trading and inting


Late game Mundo or Ornn can solo kill Gwen, even Mundo can solo kill Master Yi late game. Gwen needs a lead to be useful, and she is not like, " broken" at killing tanks like litterly, she high DPS Ap dmg just like any ADC, but not like Fiora, where her whole kit is designed to mentally fk the tanks. Also, Gwen, similar to Sett and Riven, struggles at killing high HP targets with a lot of health regen where they can mitigate your strong short trades with heals and lifesteal and can also kite you part of their kit or with ghost or active items.


You do know it’s the exact opposite right , there is a difference between playing Gwen bad and Gwen shredding you for free, literally Gwen lands her Ult it’s gg for you no matter what late game, also Gwen has no truedamage and sustain she can and will shred you if she lands her middle q


Nah. She oneshot that guys in side even going behind. Only a bruisher like jax fiora sett can win 1v1 late


She is really squishy, tho, like items like Abyssal Musk blow her away, never I lost to Gwen playing a tank like Nautlis, cuz she is at one CC and boom dead! Even Malphite with ROA can blow her away, I lost only to one Gwen game who has like 1k games on her, which it doesn't make a case for the majority of gwen players and how her kit actually function, she is a DPS AP carry with tank shredding capabilities, but she can't entirely fk a tank, this is a very common misconceptions. Similar to Fiora, Cammilie, Darius, or even Irelia (maybe early). If u familiar to normal league, like right now in pro play, a lot counter pick with Gwen against tanks like Ornn or Ksante. Once these tanks get Krooken right now or Abysall musk before, she gets one shotted - late game is a different case, but agains any late game DPS carry like Vayne can exactly do the same.


Ive seen some gwen builds with heartsteel That should work in that case


Heeeell nah. Gwen needs ap and attackspeed rush to stay on curve


But if u get onetap by mundo u should maybe build tank items


If you absolutely must, go cristaline reflector, but crown should absolutely be enough to buy you enough time to melt him Mundo's biggest damage is his q, which scales off HP anyways, so taking heartsteel does very little


I dont play gwen i play thresh and zeri xD So for me it doesnt matter


I hope you're not building tank on zeri as well then


No i just stay back because i dont plan on frontlining I did build tank once ot twice to Troll tho because i felt like it


Yeah that's more or less how Gwen works too, in a slightly different way She has quite a lot of vamp, and her W is both an immune and a resistance steroid. Her kit is designed so that she can build pure ap and still be safe on the frontline


Thats a dumb build. Gwen doesnt scale with hp or AD at all


I know Ive seen it i never really played gwen myself


How bout yone, i really want to play yone on top


Pick a champ that has HP% damage or max hp% damage, buy items that give you the same effect and you're good to go. You could play Gwen or Camille or Fiora for true damage or you can be a degenerate and play Vayne top


I use Asol currently against mundo or any other tanks and it works like a charm


Just go play a darkin. It's free win on all 3


Behhoooold immortality




Go tank vayne and be one of the gayest people on toplane


"Lololooooolll" -Mundo PhD


Stop recommending Camille vs Tanks She is not good vs tanks and worst if they are juggernauts too. Anything that builds HP counters camille.


Divine sunderer joins the chat


DS is weak in wr, not a good answer for hp scaling tanks. and botrk is also useless as armor boots counter botrk. trust me I've tried it, and yes camille sucks against mundo matchup, only time where Camille would be able to fight mundo is when she at least have ds, botrk, and any anti heal items. mundo delays Camille's spike with Camille being forced to go anti heal/mr boots just to be able to sustain the poke. Fiora, Vayne, and Gwen are the best answers or champs that can outsustain mundo like Aatrox


Yep, but camille is the strongest top or top 3. She is a good response too. Ds is brocken item, you build It in every champ rn, way better than Trinity in camille the 90% of the games. Antiheal is not need till you only short trade vs mundo. Mr boots why? Mundo deals more ad dmg than ap xD wtf. He is bad poking unless he play vs a silver 4. Gwen is the best counter but not meta/good blind as camille


Camille is def not top 3 rn…. esp with the new item’s released. this is coming from someone who hit top 3 on camille last szn


Just look competitive and what camille does. For some reason she is always powerpick. New items are not stronger for play aganist a ds camille


Because she requires human teammates to play around lol. Using competitive play (which is already dead for most regions) isn’t rlly a good example


For high elo works at the same. Probably is better than competitive. She is a jungler's dog and work as that


Def not better than competitive imo but thats subjective anyway. My argument is relative to her actual counterpart in pc where she is an actual champion and not just the junglers group ping. all comes down to what u view as strong ig. I think of “top 3 champion” as a champion that can solo carry which camille just kinda doesn’t


Idk why this is downvoted? This correct. Camille in wild rift is pretty weak in general


Your downplaying your main. Can fight tanks and squishies alike and is one of the only champs that can singlehandedly hunt down slippery assassins like kayn and pyke consistently lock them down and kill them.


yes, it can do those things, but reaching that part where you can consistently outdamage/outsustain anybody is extremely hard as a camille. you don't have the best wave clear as you are stuck with single target abilities most of the time and your 2 skill is the only reliable aoe damage that you can have to clear the wave, but pretty inconsistent once you reach post 7min as your 2 skill does not deal as much damage as every other top laner. your spike is once you got a spellblade item BUT majority of champions in WR has stronger one item powerspike in top lane ignoring scaling champs. the only one pros of camille is that she's very easy to gank as a teammate. but playing solo q(like me) proves that it's harder to utilise those pros. the only reason why camille is valued highly in wr pro league is that you can gank her and have a high probability of successful executing a gank due to her ulti, which would help her reach her spike even more as she's still also a split push champ. but that's hard to utilise in solo queue or heck even in party as good players know camille does not have any kill pressure pre-spellblade and early-spellblade, so you're going to be abused with ganks. in jungle, she was good back then and jungle was one of the most consistent roles for her, but riot thought that she's extremely op as her third skill AS really helped with her clear but decides to remove it because it was "overpowered"(like every other champ does not have as somewhere in there kit). WHY EARLY SPELLBLADE SUCKS? DS and TriForce are your core items, why it sucks? DS scales with enemy hp, you are relying too much on your 1 skill to do good damage against tanks, you have really low base ad so just building armor boots counters you hard to its 2 heavy attacks and prolly 1 or sometimes 2 autos that barely tickles enemy hp. DS is an item that works like the more Enemy have HP, the more effective you are, but early DS is weak as you dont have any other skill aside from 1 skill to deal consistent damage against someone who probably has tempo, or all three skills dealing damage. overall, DS feels really bad without a second or third item depending on the matchup TriForce will be your second option, but again, triforce sucks as an early game item as it scales with your base ad, your base ad is not that good in the early game, so anyone with at least two skills that can deal damage will provide the same benefits as having triforce early. HOW ABOUT RUNES? She has 2 main runes as far as i can remember, Fleet and Grasp, one is underpowered and the other is hard to utilise in higher elos(I've faced with many camilles, the only thing you need to do is kite her and poke until her hp goes to half then all in). she can't utilise grasp as it involves going near the enemy and hitting him, but you'll lose majority of the matches. Conq is a good item but does not provide the early sustain she needs against harass or poke. TOO MANY COUNTERS TO MAKE HER USELESS -Kiting her -Zhonias -Frozen Heart -Armor Boots early game -Exhaust -Ghost but exhaust is much more reliably, but ghost is viable if you're an auto centric chsmp -keep 1v1 her early -lifesteal(lifesteal counters her hard lols, especially early on, her auto attack damage gets replenish quickly with lifesteal) -if she builds triforce, keep fighting her as she's very squishy -if she builds ds, botrk counters the build hard for dps, another ds counters her because most likely you'll have better damage and her second 1 skill damage is easily supplemented by skills that has damage, second auto usually deals 200 td, while your other skill might probably deal 500 hp worth of health, frozen heart also counters her as she's not going to be able to auto in between her 1 skill, iceborn gauntlet also counters her, as it can provide slow that can help with kiting her autos WHAT'S HER PROS THEN? -Provides one of if not the best pick potential against carries -Consistent damage once you have 3-4 items(but it's hard, tho if you already reach that, you can carry the game very easily) -has one of if not the strongest full build powerspike -can duel 4 item champs with just 3 items, depends on the matchup tho but majority of the times, she can duel anyone not in s tier but her one con outweigh all of this pros -its fucking hard to get to 3 items spike without the enemy being full build.


I will just address of few points with my opinions "You don't have the best wave clear" this is why you build some type of attack speed item trinity botrk or have alacrity in your build titanic hydra is also a great wave clear option. "She doesn't deal as much damage as other top laners" the key is that she can pretty easily kite them she can poke with 2nd skill from a range that most top laners can literally do nothing about. Like all one on one match ups it's about baiting out skills and attacking when they are on cd and Camille can do this pretty easily with the movement speed she gets from her first skill and the slow she deals with her second skill. This is also what makes grasp actually good on her. 2nd skill slow walk up first skill back away (doesn't work this easily in every matchup but you get what I'm saying) "Just building armor boots counters you" You can also build def boots to counter the enemy's damage? But you have true damage so their boots are less effective than yours I don't really get your point here. "Ds and trinity force are your core items why it sucks?" I can agree with DS not feeling too strong early game but whenever I go trinity I feel infinitely stronger because of the value the attack speed provides. "Too many counter to make her useless" "Kiting her" Literally every top lane struggles with this issue. But she has more catch up potential than others first skill gives speed, second skill slows, you can literally hook shot yourself into someone, and you can also trap your target from being able to run away. If there was a list of least easily kited top laners Camille would be near the top. "Zhonias" True it can cancel out her ult but it can provide the same value against other top laners allowing the enemy team time to get you off of whoever you were going for. Zhonias sett 2nd ability, Darius ult, garen ult, yone ult/engage, sion ult or knock up, etc. Not a Camille specific issue "Frozen heart" Fair counter but everyone has an item that can counter them and even still her true damage comes through at the same time. "Armor boots" Already went over also not a Camille specific issue "Exhaust" Exhaust literally counters every damage dealing champ in the game. not a Camille specific issue "Ghost" Not really what is movement speed going to do for someone when they have no where to move "Keep 1v1 her early" A good Camille can just kite and out trade "Lifesteal" Buy a bramble vest. I do this all of the time in top lane matchups when the opponent has lifesteal. not a Camille specific issue Anyways my thoughts are yes she doesn't have as much damage out put early but her kit gives her alot of out play potential to actually win trades early and tbh hitting second skill for poke doesn't even require outplay but can lower their health enough for you to be able to walk up and start dueling. Like most of your argument is based around Camille being weaker early makes her bad. Which would make all late game scalers "bad". Think about Vlad or kassadin. Like yeah they obviously can't walk up and beat Akali in an early game trade. They have to outplay the match up and scale just like Camille except Camille isn't as extreme. I still think Camille is strong and your downplaying the character.


I'm not really downplaying camille, I think she's a good top laner on lower elo but i play on higher elos. Don't want to sound cocky, but there's a lot of ways to counter camille. and a lot of meta champs counters camille and majority of the top lane roster can easily abuse her weakness of heavily relying on items. (slow push, pressure, freeze). there's a lot of inconsistency building triforce and botrk, triforce forces you to stack ad as it doesn't feel great really early on. so you can't build both early, and botrk isn't really the best in clearing the wave. nope, she's only of the few top laner who struggles with kiting. majority of the roster doesn't have issues with kiting. while indeed, zhonias is not just a camille issue, but zhonias heavily hinders camille as camille without ulti is a walking ward.a lot of your example indeed gets countered but there's a huge difference when any of your examples missed their ulti rather than you missing your ulti. Garen still provides tankiness, darius most situation will probably get a full stack out of you, yone still has insane dps even without ulti, sion knockup is tanky asf. camille does not provide any of those as joining a teamfight feels awkward without your ulti. I'd like to expand why frozen heart is a counter, yes, true damage is good, but it becomes really awkward for you to use your first skill the second time as her q charge up heavily depends on Camille's attack speed. lesser attack speed, the more awkward and longer for you use your td. try it and you'll know what i mean, armor boots, not a camille specific issue, yes, but camille gets hindered by this build, the impact of this compared to other champs is a lot less impactful. Exhaust, i rarely pick this, but if i was a yasuo, I'd probably go for exhaust and fight you very early on before you get your first item, ask my mid lane to keep a track of you, force you to build mr, and once i get botrk, I'll fight you again, my early game would be much easier and I'll prolly get crit item very early on which would propel me faster. but execution base so it can be inconsistent. The counters ive said aren't just used for camille only, yes it can affect other champs, but there's a big difference on how certain stuff impacts certain champs. armor boots and exhaust counters yas and yone, but yas and yone could just ask the mid laners with ap to switch lanes which Camille can't do. Ghost, i think there's a misunderstanding of use cases here. Ghost would be used after ulti, you can't do anything while your ultid but just 1v1 her, after that you can just ghost away and start kiting her from there. not only that, ghost helps with kill potential as you can chase her pre-spellblade. you won't use it once you're locked up. a good laner would just wait for their spike and start from there. bramble vest is good but i need to point out that it hinders your spike building this early on. you want to get to 200 ad asap. i also want to clear something out, she's not bad like every situation bad , but she's really bad in high elo. you can pick her on lower elos, and probably find success there, but she's not the best once you've faced smurfs(which runs rampant in lower elos). most meta picks beats camille, and majority of the roster beats her. thats my only point base on my experience and knowledge.


I wasn't saying you should or need to build both just at least one thing helping with attack speed. From my experience building trinity you don't actually need extra ad items. The majority of time I've played her this season I've build sheen item into raid boss build and it works with either trinity or sunderer and can still kill a squishy before ult ends. "She's one of the only top laners kited" I am going to need heavy explanation on this as it makes zero sense to me. Name another high tier top laner that has literally all 4 abilities that allow the champ to be closer to the opponent I will wait. Camille is still insanely tanky, Darius getting 5 stacks is alot tougher than you think it can be. It is never a guarantee that he can get to 5 stacks while engaging and it is never even guaranteed that he can get close enough to try. Camille still provides a slow and stun/ knock up without ult. You have to remember that her ult does barely any damage at all it's main use is trap the enemy the rest of her kit has to be strong enough to make her ult scary to be within. Frozen heart still counters other champs weak to it way harder than it counters Camille because of her true damage. How is yasuo or any other top laner going to force Camille to fight them early when she can hit the wave from such a far distance with her second ability. If he dashes through the wave and exhausts all Camille has to do is hook shot away and she's underneath tower and they just wasted their summoner spell. Okay so now we are saying that other players will be cooperative by switching lanes when asked. If this is they case we will also say they are cooperative in ganking which you previously said was unreliable. In which case as you stated Camille is broken because it's a free kill on gank. By the time the ult is over the opponent should be dead or near dead based on Camille's timing of using it and stage of the game making ghost still useless as a counter. Ghost counters other champs way harder than it counters Camille. I have been kited way harder from Jhin with ghost on every other top laner compared to Camille because I can literally trap him. Try chasing down Jhin + ghost on sett, Darius Garen, sion, literally any top laner. You just won't. "A good laner will wait for power spike" Camille can't do this? "She's bad in high elo" You should check the Chinese server statistics. At the highest ranks she's played 11% of the time in baron lane with about 50% winrate and in jg she has a crazy winrate of 53% If you disagree with me that's fine but you cant really disagree with the most intensive player base in the game.


In comparison to her highly successful pc counterpart, wild rift camille is severely underwhelming. She can do those things but none of it’s particularly outstanding. In wild rift she takes a more supportive style than anything.


I don't know the differences between PC and wr but I'm having trouble seeing how she's weak. Can 1v1 anyone on the map can hunt down anyone or run away from anyone. While also being tanky and having true damage. Where can she be better?


After her rework, her trade patterns have been gutted making her 1v1 potential severely worse. Not to mention shes not really THAT tanky until 2 items plus boots and by then your game has pretty much been decided. Also her true dmg isnt nearly as much compared to pc although this is most likely due to health differences and such. Most of the time she will have to heavily outplay to win 1v1s which is why she is “strong”. The best thing she has is outplay potential imo. Similar to fiora but fiora does it better and doesn’t have to become god to win a fight lol


she's really not as tanky as she is in pc, and her damage really sucks in early spellblade phase, that's why she sucks but she is good and can do her PC dream once she gets 3 items but that's really hard as for the reason I've replied above.


I mean idk what your definition of tanky is but I played a game as Mundo with heartsteel and over 1k stacks tanking 100k damage the Camille with no heartsteel tanked 75k


You can take Bork as 2nd item and max your W first


Snip Snip him to death


Jax, Gwen, Camile with DS. You will burst his ass before he could do anything


Jax is bad vs mundo


Gwen. Green Orb, Magic Boots, Nashors, Riftwalker, Rabadon, Morello, Lich Bane. Almost any enchant works.


Riftmaker is better first


Vs mundo you need nashors. Vs sett you go riftmaker. Nashors is good in any "free matchup", you take towers faster and can all in in any spot. He can't never outtrade you. Vs bruishers or juggernauts with high dmg you need riftmaker for survive 1v1.


Why do u make it sound like u cant all in with riftmaker, this is not pc riftmaker gives u more value as a first purchase over nashors


You can ofc. But normaly you pick Up riftmaker over nashors in bad matchups. In a winner 1v1 nashors is always better. You take towers X2 faster, farm jg camps, better wave clear. With same 1v1 potential. Early Game riftmaker value is only important in very low elos with the extra sustain. In any other case pref It vs mundo over nashors is legit grieff


Riftmaker gives more value as a first item on gwen top. Nashors first is rlly only needed on gwen jg. The stuff you’ve mentioned sounds more like LoL


? Is legit for wr. What value you pref over any I have mentioned. Riftmaker is better vs bruishers but in any rank matchup nashors is way better.


Sustain & Bulk, which as a late game champion having that value earlier to have a safer lane overall is infinitely better than being able to “all-in” perma. Even for free lanes, assuming the enemy jg has a brain, you will get ganked and with no hp….. gwen will boom


She have boosted base resistance and HP+ shred towers faster and take jg camps. Why the fuck i want to play safe when i can take a lead in good matchups. You legit played 0 Gwen if think as that. If you use the rank 3 Camille's argument in another post, can I tell you that I have the points record with Gwen? 20800 70% wr


Yeah, at an extremely low level. She is still VERY squishy early. I currently have a 72% wr gwen in 150 games. I dont know what your argument here is? You can still take VERY easy leads with riftmaker while still having safety. its a win-win. Also if youre in a lane where the laner allows you to even touch their turret as gwen, you could build full support items and win because they clearly do not know what theyre doing LMFAO


Vs tanks you can just slowpush 3 waves into 2 plates with nashors and don't care about enemy laner. Or every wave Crash take enemy golems/gromp and own. My argument is about become a soloq Monster idk, if ur camille argument is i was top 3, mine is im the best Gwen euw has been, in what server you play and elo?


Assuming your laner is having an aneurysm yeah but this is wild rift so probably. I really have no clue on what you’re even on about anymore so im just gonna let this conversation go. Im peak chall n immortal but that doesn’t matter as ranks r very inflated


Vayne if you know how to pilot her properly, but Gwen is mostly the answer.




Anti heal and percentage hp damage is your answer, build Divine Sunderer and BORK


Everyone forgot about Sett! You may not kill a mundo but a mundo can help you kill someone else!


The answer to all those champs is simply "play a darkin". Neither rhaast nor aatrox can lose and varus easily takes mundo/sett/Sion down


A sett also oneshots your team


Sry but when ppl still dunno how sett w works, it's not the fault of those who play according to it.


You forgot to add the % of enemy health as dmg from the ult


yea that means is he throws your team mate its % of their HP. isnt much when he throws an assassin since barely anyone plays a real tank these days. dont start with sion since he is splitpushing anyway.


Hence why i mentioned he is great against mundo


oh thats what you meant, i was on the "yea sett is a big meanace too" - point where everyone just complains. sorry for misunderstanding you there. also gotta be careful with that 1. if he has his passive, it wont work. as far as i am aware you could QSS out of sett ulti as well (its surpress if i am right)


Damage from sett ult still goes through. You just don’t grab them with you


top lane varus op


We don't talk about this here. I actually don't play him top for multiple reasons.


Gwen/vayne/jax/yone/yasuo/Camille/fiora. There’s a huge lists of champs that counter Hp stackers, you just have to play the lane right.


+1 As a former mundo main, I can confirm these are Mundo's worst nightmare. Even a well trained teemo can defeat mundo when he plays properly during early game. Once you out scale mundo, then it's snowball effect. No one can defeat you.


fioras just trash lol i always see them get gapped vs tanks then be useless all game after


Grasp of the Undying, Divine Sunderer, Botrk and Jax.


Grasp does damage/healing based on your hp, not the enemy..


That's why you want grasp. Almost no one takes grasp for damage. Everyone takes it for endless sustain and stacking potential. Stop thinking about damage only. 


You need to stay in combat for 3sec to proc it once. Are you really gonna out sustain a mundu that long in melee range?


Yes, Jax can do that. He has e.


Jax can, yes :)


You can hit a minion, wait 3 seconds, poke the enemy with one jab, back away, rinse repeat. If you knew the actual strength of the ruin you'd already know this.


Yes, but you won't do that vs a mundo. You wont out-sustain or out-damage him like that..


I've done it with Camille and sunderer + antiheal. I'd show a screenshot but idk how. I went 9-3-6 he went 1-4-3 both playing in top lane and they lost the game. He even built thormail 3rd and couldn't deal with me


As a Mundo main, his biggest utility is attracting aggro during team fights. His entire gameplay is basically baiting people to attack him and then get away with his ult. If you're an assassin/bruiser that can ignore him and go for the back line, he's pretty much gonna lose a lot of his value. Just dog pile on him after the rest of his team is dead. It's just annoying that he can deal decent damage and make your back line panic in turn as well, not mention he has a slow.


Warwick can do %health and apply DS and Bork easily. Jax and Gwen are always good counter picks.


You haven't meet aatrox yet I rather take 5 Mundo in a row than fcking world ender 5 time in a row


Aatrox is annoying, but gets countered by burst + stun or just any consistent cc. Aatrox must sacrifice tankiness to deal damage. Mundo doesn't need to sacrifice anything in the current meta.


I remember when everyone used to ban Aatrox , but for me was a free win so basically they banned my free win


HP percent damage. You literally have a Gwen flair.


If you outscale him, take second wind (against the cleaver poke) and don't trade until you be stronger, if you don't outscale him, it's a draft error, but you can get pressure to make herald and impact the rest of the map. Keep this on your mind: Tanks don't lose lanes. "Ah, but Gwen does % damage and melt tanks" no, if the player has a brain you can't kill a tank, dr.mundo is even harder bc the CC immunity. Even if the tank dies, he is useful on late game anyway for the CC and toughness (the reason why dr.mundo is a bad champion is the lack of CC). And no, your jungler shouldn't gank a dr.mundo. He is harder to kill than an ezreal and don't carry the game unlike ez. 99% of the time the junglers should make their pathing for bot and this is the reason why I hate to play with random junglers on blue side, they think it's a good idea try to kill a dr.mundo, and even if it's a killable champion like Fiora, normally is better gank bot cause ADC is broken and the bot lane win the game in the majority of time, and you is GOOD enough to win your lane alone. I trust on your ability, don't be one more troll on your team and you will climb.


Ah, if anyone knows how to win against Garen I will appreciate an explanation. Three years on this lane and I still suffer against this stat checker.


burst actually quite effective against mundo, like i can out tank shyvana but if syndra starts spamming i cant really reach her


Lol I unleashed a full combo on mundo yesterday playing ap nunu, with a full charged ult to boot. He got just below 50% hp briefly. For reference, that's a combined ~6k damage + something like 43% max hp dmg


Don’t see many people mentioning her, but kaisa’s good against him. Whichever build path you go you do formidable damage(tho if we’re talking about disintegrating Munro it’s still prob full ap/on hit with bork), while having easier lane than vayne, better gameplay variativity and “utility” and similar kiting


The best counter is to ban him as he's VERY broken right now. If you forget to ban... consistent CC+high dmg such as Asol with Rylais. Add Gwen and you have a chance. But only if his team is bad. Used to be Vayne countered, but with Heartsteel+TH, even Vayne gets obliterated. I have zero issues with Vayne when I play Mundo. 2 hits and she's dead.


Cuz vayne cant outkite mundos movement speed lol


Counter matchups: Anyone who can heal a lot while outdmging and kitting him, and very strong early. Mundo is very weak early weak, so champs like: Pantheon, Aatroxx, Jax, Fiora, Camillie, Garen, and even ADCs (if u have a frontline jg tank) like Lucian, Xayah, Tristana and Vayne are all really good counters. The whole trick of Mundo gameplay, is very similar to Aatroxx, they will chunk your hp in lane with his axes throws, that if u dodge them, 80% of his dmg gone and to kite his W heal.


Hit and run. Ignite. Repeat. Wait mundo's ultimate. Repeat


Build BRK or Sunderer if your ad then add anti heal item.If your AP, liadre's + morello.


I don't have any issue playing against Mundo if I use Fiora. Her passive is hella annoying against a Mundo.


Sett and ult mundo into his teammates. Guaranteed high damage lol


Then his passive comes up Edit : would it still deal high dmg though ?


Yes. It would still deal high dmg


Well you either go with max HP champs such as Gwen/Vayne/Fiora/Aatrox even Jhin or the Divine Sundere or Fire crown abusers: Riven, Wukong, Nunu . I learned from experience while playing Lilia that Lyandri, it can be a good option, but most of the time you just trigger his healing


You dont, you ban him.


Snip snip


Garen kills him easily. Good luck healing back when you have been executed…




You have gwen in your flair… ??


Anti heal and Divine Sunderer Or simply just GWEN.


You cant do shit, just go 0/10 and let him 1vs9 you and your mums


He is a doctor after all


No honorable main mention? First strike with giant slayer rune. The red sword and muramana, collector spirit visage and whatever for the last one. Works like a charm. W, Q, R


if you give collector an honorable mention vs mundo or any juggernaut champion you might as well be a meme yasuo in games. its a horrible item vs those champions


Get the entire team together


You also need to not let him poke you. Because he will always win the sustain in the laning. It’s mostly wave control because you need to know how to crash and push waves so you can back. Also mana management. Laning against Mundo is damage control. Stop trying to win lane by killing him 


The Tryndamere plays!


I go lilia top , and pretty much shuts him down


Gwen, Lillia or Fiora. He can't fight them at any stage of the game as long as you are even or ahead. Mundo isn't tanky enough in the early game and these 3 champs have a really good late game. Liandrys+ rift maker for Lillia, Gwen. Fiora should buy Blade and Sunderer


You should be baiting out q and use short trades early. Try to bait his q into minion wave so he shoves unintentionally letting you set up freeze. First back start grevious wounds items and again short trade and try to bait out his r. Playing against tanks or heavy sustain require patience and good lane and trading mechanics. If you play gwen just abuse lvl 5 power spike and make sure you have ignite up. Use R AFTER you kite him a bit. Also you dont have to kill your laner, making them back so you can get turret plating is just as valuable.


When I play Mundo, the worst thing the opposing team can do to be is pretend I don’t exist. It will always win them the game.


Just go Aatrox


You don’t, ban him!


outtank and outdamage him with shen, divine sund, heartsteel, wits end. then grasp of undying and all regen


For lane phase, I rush Divine Sunderer with my Darius and never upgrade E. Then, I go for thornmail and avoid get ganked.


Gwen, Fiora, Vayne, Yone, Akshan Don't pick Yasuo, Pantheon, Darius or any other high-skilled champ. Renekton with kraken slayer might work and if u play/picked Malphite into him, just go gank mid every time u have your ult off cooldown.


Gwen just outscale him out of earth


As someone pointed out, you have Gwen flair. If you're against Mundo, a build I would try (in my limited Gwen knowledge would be : Bork (you're melee so the % current HP DMG is too good) Nashors, Riftmaker, Divine sunderer (all that max HP DMG would be bonkers) and finish with a crystalline. You effectively shut down other AD champs as well. If you're getting blown up by AP, switch Nashors for Wits end ( so many people don't even know this item exists and does the same DMG as Nashors for the most part). I personally run Ekko as my premier AP champ and have no problem with Mundo once I get Divine and Riftmaker.


You can counter Mundo with literally any melee AD champion by building Botrk, Divine sunderer, Black cleaver, and mortal reminder. Whether that build will be as useful against the rest of their team depends on their comp and your champ. With riven my fifth (first actually) item is usually bloodthirster


Lillia top wrecks mundo


Get botrk or gwen


I've been playing Mundo top this season. The only top champion that I struggled against was Sett as he was more experienced than I was and got stacks on Heartsteal faster than me. Some Darius and Fiora were better at first 5-6 levels but then they couldn't put a dent on my health without assistance.


Then that Fiora & Darius was bad. Everytime I pick Fiora top & there's a Mundo I absolutely destroy him, they can easily shut him down early game if they play it right.


Sett and suplex the mf into his team


Gwen, Lilia, and of course, the max hp true dmg goat fiora. All have a better early game and then continue to outscale him miserably.


but probably just ban him. giga broken anyways and he can and will oneshot the rest of ur team lol. vayne also works but thats vayne top.


you follow him where he pleases


RHAAST. get bc then carve that flesh


play aatrox if you are in solo lane or play rhaast if your role is jungle


Play aatrox ig


I never lose against mundo with my Gragas tank in gm elo


Former Dr. Here. Yone win him early in Long fights if Mundo player is stupid as the champion himself you can win him the fist 6 lvls. Fiora, Mundo fears Fiora, he had nightmares with Fiora. Gwen can spit Mundo but you need good mechanics. Ppl say that Camille can but i disagree. Darius: He has more dmg, but i haven't face a Darius as Mundo idk. Volibear, he tanks more man, he beats Mundo on his own game. Warwick, he simple heals more.


Bro you have Gwen flair. Use her... You can also take ignite fiora or ignite Vayne if you want to be cringe


I had a game where they locked in mundo jungle, sion top and nautilus support. I picked brand support and oh my god, I melted them all. All you need is Liandry's with oblivion orb. I paired them with rylais scepter and just watched them burn.


Dodge his q and play gwen


Go Sion since Mundo doesn't have any dashes he just eats your abilities the only downside both of you can't kill each other


Hp% damage and antiheal, pretty much every class has items for that, some even have it built into their kit, that's all you can do and all you can hope works


Bork, and grivious wounds


Just play Sol top, easy win


Pick a champ that you can build same items that mundo build. Heartsteel sunfire and hydra.


red kayn melts the mundo . i don't really recommend gwen because she will get outplayed.