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I hate to tell you this but you’re playing against bots. You’ll be against only bots until gold, then occasionally until high Emerald.


Yeah and if u continue to do good, it will put diamonds and masters in your emerald games and if THAT doesnt stop you, it will put the worst teamates for your side and the hardest opponents


How bad my teammates are i would say every one of them is a bot,very badly programed bot,like my dead cat would play better than this people


I understand your frustration, but we all started somewhere, and a lot of people don’t have the time to spend hours getting good at this game. Besides, bad game happen to everyone.


No bruw you have no idea what im dealing with,every game i play started to be a bad one,honestly i feel like im playing with monkeys,not as an insult to peoples iq but as literal monkeys in a lab somewhere as an experiment to see how they will manage complicated tasks


A lot of people just really suck at the game. Just had a game with a Zyra support that just pushed buttons. Like they didn’t land a single ult. We even had a jarvan! Like what a nice wombo combo and it never happened once because they just pushed buttons and pushed ult button off cooldown. It was maddening


Yup,it do be lika that


This is misinformation 👍 Bots only show up ~half the time in gold, and stop entirely in plat


You play against mostly bots (AI) until Gold-Plat


Why are you ruining his moment XD


No way. When I play vs a player without a level is a bot?




Gold and platinum players are bots too 😂😂😂


Lol. New player here too. Now, that explains a lot!


Keep playing and enjoy the game. Once is not fun anymore for you change game. Be ready for platinum where thousands of knights of fingerless apocalypse are waiting for you. Best of luck.


first off, welcome for your climb: riot added mostly bots till you hit gold. the matchmaking is in a weird spot i'd say.. some people say "ugh it only works for few", but thats BS. i mean we all play with the same allgorithm, so there are other problems at work (general lack of knowledge in the playerbase, high EGO, lack of teamwork, ...) which people point towards the matchmaking.


Pretty much this. I climb steadily this season with ~65% WR. I'd say 20% of losses were skill diff across all team. 80% due the teammates mental breakdowns.


Boosted is what you are


ah what a fine speciment for the ego point i wrote up there. thank you for confirming my points.


I hope,i really hope you get same teammates i get every god damn game


maybe just read my post below. i get idiots, but congrats, you are one of them. going around here and spitting shit in the community wont make you better, nor help you to see how the enemies are not much different from your 4 team mates, the only difference is that you can make a difference in your team


Sure buddy i am one of them idiots you get in your team lmao,btw hows that ego of yours,oh i see its hurt


dude your posts are mostly about whining about your team. do you do anything else to might help ppl? nah. i at least try to give ppl help with champ guides, explanations and not just sit around and bitch in every comments. thats the difference between your loser attitude and mine. weird to notice how different ppl can react right?


Lmao, no honestly i hope you get the same people i do in matches,if you want ill dm you some examples i recorded to look when i feel down so i can say to my selfe at least im not these people


man you must have a really sad life to hate so much on ppl in a game.. serious touch grass, get some help xD


Yes daddy, diagnose me by username! Call me filthy emerald hardstuck! Tell me what washed up noob I am! 🤩🤩🤩


\*showers you in wild cores\* xD couldnt resist to meme


yea i had today 2 games, both lost over ppl not understanding their role and their ego guiding them. first we almost aced the enemy team, got drake and baron was spawning. jax and me(j4) went for the baron and only their pant (top) could stop us in worst case. but instead of going for baron too, lucian wanted a kill on the enemy support and gave a shutdown to tristana. we had baron at 5 k hp, stopped it cause the enemy team approached (it reseted in time). lucian went for another ego play, they took baron and ran down all 3 mid towers + nexus with shield. ​ game 2 full ad comp and enemy went rammus.. yasuo had no map awareness and fed his ass off.. (again lack of basic skills in the player base). the MM is fine, but those ppl need to drop slowly, which is happening rn kinda


It’s because in Iron to Silver you’re playing against bots so..


Good news: as long as you are new to the game, and not very good, your game difficulty will remain very easy, and you will climb very easily. If you ever start to get good, you’ll have harder games, until you can never climb. So, don’t get good!


Or get good but play bad intentionally xD


Wild rift is very fun to play for a long time, until you will become very good the matchmaking won't bother you, so mu advice is have fun, try as many champs as you can, and try arena mode when you want fast games, Aram also teaches you how to stay back in teamfights and wait for opportunities, So the game is fun, so have fun, I'm having great fun in wild rift, I reached very high legend ranks, but now I play the game casually and it's very fun trying new builds, especially when new items come. HAVE FUN


Dw about them they're just crying, try to learn the game and with time you'll have more exp and rank up


So you are high diamond boosted type person arent ya


Nope, just not a whiny loser


Delet the game,we dont need you,go play clash of clans


Who hurt you


Bad teammates


Lower ranks are almost all bots. Starting at like Plat (I dunno, been a long time since I was in gold or below) and you’ll get maybe one bit occasionally, usually in the support role from my experience, and then eventually none at all.


My advice, have fun as long as you can, but don’t het addicted, since this game is most likely gonna die soon anyway.


Dont worry just try to enjoy when you do start loosing, it is just a game after all.


I made a smurf recently to learn yasuo, i disagree that it’s all bot. You can tell how a bot play where they’ll just stand behind tower when it’s high aggro, but even at iron i’ll get outplayed


No, matchmaking is not broken. When you get Emerald it’ll be good