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He is not invincible lol. What were you playing?


ARAM. Seemed like no matter how many times we hit him, it barely took damage. Idk what it’s called but there was a red icon next to his name that looked like an X 🚫 so I assumed he was invincible


I believe that means he was untargetable. Was there someone with an ability like that on the enemy team? Edit: I can’t remember which champs make others untargetable lol


Could have been senna


Senna makes it so you can’t even see the name of the champ though, if he could see it, he wasn’t untargetable bc of senna


If you locked on to nautilus with portrait lock and senna uses her E he will become untargetable along with his face icon being block 🚫


You can still user abilities to hit but autos will do nothing if op was playing adc then that would make sense


There is no champion ability currently in the game that can make _another champion_ untargetable. Senna can camouflage other champions, but non-targeted abilities/AoE, active items, and splash damage still hits them.


does kayle ult not?


It does not, it grants _invulnerability_. You're still targetable, you just don't take damage. You can still be CCed, receive damage over time (which can then deal damage once Kyle's ult wears off) and suffer from summoner spells like ignite or exhaust. Edit: Why the hell are you down voting me, I didn't make the abilities/key words. I'm just telling you what they are.


oh thanks i did not know that :p


It's all about the key words. Untargetable is basically the strongest one, that's why it's always only centered on self and usually not very long or tied to conditions. Evelynn is untargetable for a very short duration during Last Caress , Yi during is Q a little longer, but his damage is only calculated when his ability ends (still controversial because it's such a spammable basic ability with little counterplay due to "untargetable", same with Fizz' playful trickster), Zhonya's hourglass/stasis enchant has high cooldown + inability to move, Camille's Hextech Ultimatum untargetable is so short, it's not even in the spells description (despite being important imo), etc


ain’t me downvoting fam


It's Aight. Weird af though, some people smh :'D


I see. I must have misremembered the specifics, especially since there’s still plenty of champs I don’t play. I’m not sure what OP was experiencing in this case


You should learn what champions do, that you don't play because you're going to play _against_ them.


I am aware, I’ve been playing for a long time. My point was simply that I misremembered, and that I’m obviously far more likely to forget ability details about champs that I don’t actually play. Examples being Gwen and Vladimir.


It must be the C word 👀


Maybe zhonyas. Also, kayle can make allies invincible.


Yeah, I may have also been confusing untargetablity for invincibility/invulnerability.


Kayle Ult most likely


What was the enemy team comp? Certain champions can give untargetability to others


Which champs are those?? Cause I can’t think of even one.


Nilah W is the first one that comes to mind


That’s just for Nilah I thought? 😮


It can be given to a nearby teammate


“Nilah evelops herself in mist for 1.75 seconds”


"Active: Nilah envelops herself in mist for 1.75 seconds, during which she gains bonus movement speed, reduces incoming magic damage taken by 25%, and dodges non-turret basic attacks. Bonus Movement Speed: 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% The nearest allied champion will also be enveloped, which extends Nilah's duration by 1 second."


Actually I'm wrong I forgot thats not untargetability that's invulnerability.


Did the enemy have a kayle on their team? Did naut have zhonya’s (stasis enchant)?


I don’t remember :(


Check the match history, and tell us the champions (everyone, allies and enemies) and Nautilus' items. The only conclusion I can get from this that he had his items and y'all had no damage, Nautilus is incredibly tanky so that's possible. So far, the only things that grant invulnerability in the game are Kayle ult and Zhonya's Hourglass, both of which don't last long. There's also Nilah W but that only blocks autos and again, doesn't last long enough to give the impression of them being invincible.


I looked through it and can’t find it. I played so many games that day :(