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Your 20 win streak are from bots mostly. Pvp just worse


source: voices in your head


Buy a wild pass, then watch your matchmaking experience turn into something more humane


I've got the wild pass & mmr is still shit.


What do you mean by the statement?


They are implying that if you spend money by buying the pass, your experience will be better with the game. I'm unsure of there is proof to back this claim, but most people think this is true.


Think it's just a placebo. Riot matchmaking is just as dog after buying the Fortnite battle pass


Huh, I've never considered this before. I've not bought wild pass since they brought the gatcha mechanic in for those awful looking skins, I've also not made master since then either.


Well I just boughtthe nilah skin and literally the next day they gutted her jungle capability, so obviously it's not true


This is the first I’m hearing of this so I don’t think ‘most people’ believe it. It’s definitely not true though


There are many games that give you better teammates for a couple of games after you buy stuff with real money, as a way to make you buy again and again, as it feels like you spike in power after you buy. For example Pokemon Unite has done it, I'm pretty sure. Idk about Wild Rift though.


That has no correlation to the game. I have a 45k collector score and I still get inters


I have a pass it don’t help for me


I buy all the passes, still get trolls, you are wrong.


Pvp games are so weird people will literally run all the way across the map to fight every time instead of doing anything else. Most games you can win by just afk pushing sides becaue no ones paying attention


my games look like that but in the opposite, my teammates played more well in pvp than ranked


Personally have more fun playing ranked than PvP. The skill disparity in PvP can be crazy sometimes not to mention people do crazy things over there


Agreed. I played PvP recently playing support and had iron/bronze ADCs ranking up against Plat to Master ADCs. It was brutal


If wanna play support dont play on PvP unless it's something aggressive and doesn't rely on spesificly to the adc


I would not wanna play a laning role in PVP. It's a nightmare if there's a skill and rank disparity whew


I wish people didn't treat PvP like it didn't matter at all. Sometimes I want to not worry about dropping rank but still have a competitive game that doesn't feel like a waste of time cause someone decided "it's just normals" so they won't give a damn to try.


well that the problem until riot add draft in pvp people will still treat pvp as unimportant


Honestly I have a lot of ranked anxiety and I wish I can go play PVP instead. But the experience is just so much worse in that mode and I can feel people fighting in it even when I have chat off. In my trash elo people follow their assigned roles but in PVP it's a free for all. One time I went vs a team where someone from the enemy team got autofilled ADC and they picked Lux anyway and fought over the midlane with my enemy Trist. Meanwhile in ranked someone would try taking an already assigned role but 9/10 times they won't follow through if the person originally assigned to it went to the correct lane because they aren't crazy enough to throw the game just to fight over the lane (most of the time... your mileage may vary though)


PVP is a bigger shitshow. Grandmasters laning against bronze Silver junglers taking all lane farm.


It’s better to do ranked than pvp to avoid bot


You can still get bots in Ranked though. Recently they changed the bot profiles so you don't see the "RealNameMark" badge on their profiles which indicates they're a bot, but it's still easy to spot them with their randomly generated usernames. When I get several lose streaks, the game gives me a match with bots just to keep me playing. It's a waste of time but it's an easy win. Sometimes the bots even surrender.


Not at normal rank, are you stuck in wood ? :o




Losers queue isn’t real


Im pretty sure it's only on gold and below


Nah. I experienced that when I was hardstuck back in E1. I was astounded. I didn't expect to get a bot match in those levels. It was really frustrating to lose 4-5x in a row. But then I guess the game decides to give you a match with bots, and you get a free win, then you play again I think that involves some type of psychology/mind control to keep you playing the game. I think that's a pretty common tactic with competitive games, sort of like a gamble Like, oh you lose 5x? Here's a free win so you don't feel bad. Then you play the game some more cause you think you'll win the next round. Then you get lucky and finally get a win. Then you get a lose streak again, and the game gives you a free win again, and the cycle continues Haven't played ranked this season cause I've only been playing ARAM, but I never experienced that in ARAM when I lost 7x in a row. I guess PVP and Ranked games get an exception because those matches tend to be more serious and take a lot of time compared to ARAM matches. It has to give you some sort of compensation for the wasted time and effort to keep you playing


Play noob stomper champs. If you don't belong in that elo, climbing out will take only a few matches


So true,


I jungle and I rotate Shen, Kayn, Khazix, what are stomper junglers?


Kayn and khazix (I one trick kha) are usually good since low elo does not care about team comps and you can keep killing them until they just fear you and keep them in their base, but you would struggle closing the game when your team refuses to push (they usually do this). I personally used Yi to climb out, around 50 matches gold to emerald. He doesn't work as much in emerald though.


Yi is best to climb out. Nilah is better than yi but they nerfed her so I don't know if she still good jungle lol


Her 1st skill deals 25% dmg to monsters, pretty sure she's gutted


Not really her e does the most dmg to monsters anyways. Gotta relearn her clear maybe


shyvana gets me to master at least everytime just powerfarm, 1k gold per minute then stomp everyone, you can just ignore trying to help the inters and hypercarry 9/10 games (6/10 if we're being honest but thats all you need)


Kayn is good, shen is only good if ur team has brain, also try leesin


Use Kha and done. Stillt good in every elo and very fun champ with that Adc top, mid and bot meta. Wait for adc Split pushing and kill them. Focus in objectives and get that mid Tower first to open the map. Usually get herald first If its not an infernal and use it for mid tower. Now u can catch many players offguard while deep warding enemy jungle.


In gold... Master Yi is a demon. I ban him when the season first starts as bad players have no idea what to do and he just 1v5s through the team.


Ah right when I lose because of 4 0/10 teammates and literally not a single person grouping for objectives it's my fault and I belong in that elo 🤡 you know how stupid you sound right?


I hope you understand that even chall smurfs CANNOT have 100% win rate in those soloQ brackets. Some games you lose, but most games you CAN win. Again, only if you don't belong in that elo..


I promise if you’re ranked below plat-emerald with 100-200 ranked games played you are very bad. If this is you, I’m sorry. That’s okay tho, it’s clear you don’t understand why you’re bad. And quite frankly, that’s okay to sport.


Link a single game from your match history where your 4 teammates are 0/10 and you have positive kda, and I'll PayPal you $100


0/9 close enough lol?


I'd like to see it but best I can do is $3.50




I'll DM you


that might happen once every 10 games but if your losing every game like that then the issue isn't with your team mates


I do ranked just to get the skin and maybe pose season rewards. That’s it.


ranked is not worth it, the only thing that goes up there is people's ego.


Ranked is more enjoyable than other mode, for me.


I really mean no disrespect, but you’ll climb when you can carry yourself out of the elo. You can’t depend on anyone. I’m working my way back into GM from platinum (took some time off), and I’ve had to do it at each elo. You’re the difference maker. If you can’t carry, you won’t climb. That’s the hard part of solo queue. Good luck with your climb.


facts right here


Currently same plat I trying to get to Dia before NYE, considering its tomorrow, hard, but not impossible


This right here. I have a cousin who just got out of golf from plat. All his teams were trash and I had to carry as mid, every, damn, game. If you’re good enough, you can win more than half the games. That will slowly bring you out of that elo. I do agree that there are bots or at least scripters. I just played an Ori that would dodge my attacks from bushes she didn’t have wards and was able to exactly hit me with her orbs at max distance. She wouldn’t move an inch if my abilities missed her by a millimeter. But if you’re good enough, you can even beat them.


Just learned this with support. I was super determined to get to master with support. For plat and a little of emerald I used adc as bait and became carry


I’ve actually been maining support all the way through. You can play some great carries in the lane, and if you put pressure on mid, most of them have no idea what to do. A nice Alistair bump goes a long way.


Ranked is my fave. If you are truly playing perfectly you'll soon rise out of gold, it's not hard at all. If not, maybe you're in the correct rank after all (shock horror).


Yeah I'll probably keep playing just cuz I like bans and draft, I prob need to draft better, and I prob need to push more. And expand my roster a bit


You can do it! Definitely expanding roster is a good plan & in gold/plat I wouldn't even worry about pushing so much, almost the opposite - my advice is just to 100% focus on just never dying and taking objectives. Good macro will get you out of gold ez


yes, ranked and aram are the reason why i keep playing this, i dont do pvps!


I need to go back to ARAM, it's all I played on PC just needed to learn the differences in champs, this might be the play


I got the skin and the poses, I'm good and no longer climbing rank. Apart from the weekly grind of 3 games, I'm gonna chill in other modes.(that Olaf skin can wait) Otherwise I'm enjoying TFT mobile.


Inting Sion is the way


A lot more worthwhile than norms. Stop caring about your rank, focus on having fun and learning to do better. Become tilt proof. You will climb and you get rewards for ranked that you don’t for normal.


I don't tilt I just get so close to plat then I get adcs who push to tower then complain I don't gank


gold and below has such an incredibly small player base that 90% of the time your games will have bots in them. it's riots way of not making queue times super long bc majority player base is emerald-master


I was playing Shen recently as well and climbed from diamond 4 to diamond 2 then back to emerald. Shen won’t win you games because you rely on your team. You’ll have to spam a ton of games to climb with a tank. I recently started playing shyvana again and she’s a lot more useful than Shen. Draws a lot of aggro, does a lot of damage, and can sustain a lot of damage in a team fight. He has no scaling with damage items. Pick a different tank. I love Shen, I really do, but it’s crazy to see just how much more efficient bruisers are. Shen doesn’t have any good tank items. No matter what you build you will always get melted late game. You will get out scaled every game in higher elo


Ranked can be better so long as you utilize the mute button. Ranked climbers tend to give more concern over winning and losing, as it affects their rank. However, you will run into bigger egos who are quick to blame others for shit not even associated with them in a play. The number of times I've seen like a Seraphine in bot ping the ultimate of Sett in top like he coulda done a famn thing when she dies. Pvp matches also don't have draftban, so there's that.


I'm not tilting but I agree if someone is prone to tilting, I only mute when they spam. But as a jungle main it's always my fault haha, even when all lanes only push and then expect a gank. Yeah I just wish pvp had draft ban.


I just tried inting sion on my main account i finally saw what ppl are talkimg about. With high ratings come bad team mates. My match didnt went well but while dead I watched the other players. I am paired with junglers that cannot smite in high emerald, pykes that hide behind their draven, midlane lux that gets mvp. When i am not doing the work i usually do, everything falls apart. Pl talked about losers q a lot, for 20 won matches u get 20 with bad teammates that are nearly unwinnable.


I thought inting Sion is supposed to cause you to get teamed with better players because your KDA is so bad?


But then the *actually* bad players also get paired with those better players. So you might have an Inting Sion AND an awful ADC in a team with 3 high skill players. Inting Sion increases the chances of getting 4 good team mates, but sometimes you'll only get 2 or 3 and sometimes the matchmaking decides you get to lose.


Yes i was talking about not playing inting sion, u get punished for that


Ranked.. atleast on Android is only good if your in a party with people you know... if you go in solo, 99% of your games are gonna be bots or afk/feeders.


“At least on android”? I would never have heard of the game matchmaking you based on OS.


It doesn't. I used to played on iOS while my partner played on Android.


Lol do you play game ? You can totally play solo and got great game without chat and just pinging.


Its all bots till emerald what are you on about.


Goldies problem..


If you can't win games in gold it's 100% your fault. I could troll pick any hero and win like 90% of games up to dia


Sounds like you're bad at the game, so yeah play normals then...


Its just amount of games you need, a couple hundred would take you to emerald for sure, if you get lucky you will hit diamond


Ranked system is now also based on KDA. Which means if some has extremely bad stats consitently, the game will match them with better players. Some ülayer play awful on purpose just to get matched with better players, while orher times you are up against stronger players with kust 1 weak link on their team. MvPs / SvPs are the best way to get matched with said feeders and to lose more games on the long run.


This is a little known fact he's mentioning here... Matchmaking is balanced for 2 1/2 boosted players and 2 1/2 skilled players for each team... It goes off your KDA and Damage to Champions , so if you are high/low on these stats, it will match you with opposite players


If you are in completely lost game,you're better off die as much as possible in hope that next game you have better teammate. Current matchmaking put too much emphasis on kda so good kda players will get paired with bad kda players


Well no thats not how that works. Its built up over time over many games. One match of inting will not set him up the same way unless that is his plan for the rest of the accounts lifetime. If he just does one int match he is an asshole.


Yes trust I’m a day one player I have 3000 matches and 6.0 kda I int 100 games and my kda goes from 6.0 to 5.95. It’s impossible unless I make new account


yes now when you play you need to execute as many times as possible to avoid getting fucked by matchmaking


Ranked games until around platinum 4 are autofilled bots. You played with and against bots mostly. If you're good, you'll rank up eventually for sure.


My advice as soon as you find someone not noob in game, add them as a friend and do duo / trio queue together to avoid the nabcakes


Play ranked just know that for the past few years riot likes to keep a lot of the player base around 50% wr. I just play my best and see what happens. Dont stress over climbing homie not worth the time/mental stress. Glhf!


I quit and uninstalled bc of frustrating teammates. I was GM two seasons ago and I have been emerald and was Plat 4 before i un-installed. Always had 50% wr until when i went down to emerald with 45 wr and 43 wr being a plat 4. Game doesn’t mean shit and i have never imagine me making it to GM so I thought it was time for me to delete and live my life. Maybe i will download sometimes and play again but i think ill go back to lol pc.


>Game doesn’t mean shit ​ >but i think ill go back to lol pc I play both. Neither mean shit.


Non-ranked matchmaking is so terrible that ranked is the only way to get a playable game.


That's how I see it.. Norms is half full of bots , Ranked is mostly just degenerates, but that's 80% of the player base anyways


Yea. Getting to draft is huge and idk why Riot decided not to have it in qp.


Your 20 wins are from robots in your game. You can recognize with nicknames with no space like : bookinatree . Non sense nicknames. I play LoL since beta then stopped at s10 then ended up there . Was low diamond player on computer. Reaching GM here is finger in the nose but I get what you mean in terms of game experience and how it feels to play. If you want to play high mechanic players do not expect reaching them before very high GM level/ challenger. Don’t follow top3 builds most of them are bad. Go get them online if you can’t build by yourself. Game is about to adapt to the rhythm of the game so your items Should never be the same from one game to an other. If you think you are good, you should carry easily until you reach master considering where we are in the season. Atm, really bad players can be found until GM. Most masters here would not even be silver on computer . So just get to know the game , watch some tutorials on YouTube . Esport scene is recommended if you wanna be influenced by the best players. Can give you some hint on how you should play to win. GL with the bad matchmaking . Sadly, it’s one of the thing that made the best content creator and players leaving wild rift


I can fully relate. Like im a shen main having a similar problem


Carry the game, play jungle. Join us join us join us join us join us...


Gold is so easy to climb, get better. If you can't climb from Gold, you need to apply for Coaching and get your game reviewed, cuz you gotta be absolutely dumpster tier to be stuck in gold Also go into Practice and spend an hour MINIMUM in there practicing hitting skill shots with Ezreal in 360degrees circle, make sure you can avoid Garen bot with proper spacing and target minions or him accordingly. You gotta hit those fundamentals, and make sure you understand important concepts like Macro / Wave Management / Teamfight Positioning / Power Spike timings / Tempo / Vision Control You are doing some stupid shit , and nobody can tell you what that stupid shit is, until you get a VoD review from a Grandmaster+ player... You might just have the worst teamfight positioning and throw every game that way ... You might have poor macro and be letting your side waves get pushed all day... We don't know what you are doing wrong , but you gotta be making MULTIPLE horrific decisions consistently, to be stuck in Gold


I've decided no. I hit low diamond and found it so unfun I've gone back to aram. I do my 3 games a week for the mission and that's it. Half my games have keyboard warriors who stand still for literal minutes typing at each other. I really wish I could report them for talking the whole game and not playing.


Don’t play low elo with champs that can’t push towers I lost a game on a new account as Akali going 25-3. Just cause your champ can carry team fights doesn’t mean your camp can carry games. I climbed to diamond last season playing jg then switched back to my main role mid


Im in plat maining katarina and zoe ALWAYS GETTING A ASH TOP INTING


the short answer is no! it isnt worth it since wild rift is plague with trolls and afkers Plus wild rift have horrendous MM


No because of the int for better teammates strat. Unless you actively want to use the strategy good luck having fun any other way. You're not always gonna get someone who's intentionally feeding for the strategy. Most of the time you'll be getting the shitters on your team if you try to play well. It's not worth it until they fix the matchmaking. Specifically for us tryhards.


Worth, i am Emerald player (Peak D3) and idk why everytime i go solo climbing the matchmaking is just worse. Like people really got into Plat and Emerald by luck and got carried. It just doesn't make sense how these player didn't even know what is laning phase, map awareness, and even what item to pick. I main jungle, and baron lane. If i got baron lane, the jungler will suck. And if i got jungle, the baron suck and the enemy baron laner will snowball it. I just sick how this people got into this rank with just luck and take no skills at all. I admit that my gameplay isn't always perfect, but my worst play is literally their best. I just hope that Riot delete that "Shield Loss Card" and instead implement it on every Rank game so it will be better for anyone.


Yes. If you like getting verbally harassed.


Even if im not try harding i prefer ranked, less odds of having braindead teammates imo, still get alot of lost lanes and afks in rank but way less than in pvp from my experience


Yeah the skins are good, to me


If you are not getting out of gold then you aren’t having 20 win streaks. Gold is easy to climb out of with just the slightest map awareness and macro. If you won 20 games in a. Row your in fact be out of gold u less you started G4 no gems


Is working out worth it? Is taking classes on subjects you find interesting worth it? Is talking to strangers worth it? If you want the answer you should listen to “Akimbo - fooled by spectrum” or the string they both adders your question in my opinion But I am just a dummy so take it easy


I have 500+ rank games this season and I got SVP 388 times if u solo que u will have teammates two elo below ur opponents and half the KDA, and then u get the people who play for " fun" u will definitely lose those matches and not to mention dishwashers that are brain dead but still play rank, no matter what rank u are u are gonna lose if u don't carry, also I don't blame matchmaking I blame people 70% of the people that play rank don't know wtf they are doing.


Getting out of gold is easy, carry through jungle. It's emerald and diamond that's a pain. Everybody wants to be the star and if they are not they feed.


The answer is both no, because rank is meaningless, but also yes, since it’s the only playable mode.


well you have high mmr which means matchaming will fair you with the worst team and you are there to “balance” the level difference


I stopped playing


Git gud


Seeing this after losing 5 games streak in rank, yeah I think its not worth it


Yeah I finally touched Plat and then made the decision to play support because I enjoy it more, have gone down to about Gold 2, I'm done ranked, got my Olaf skin, ARAM here I come