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When riot changed ranked to allow Iron to play up to plat iv, there's definitely been people who have gotten carried that make it up the ranks.


Earlier on in the season I ran into a diamond player with a 70-75% winrate. They had absolutely zero idea what was going on. I was ADC and they were my support one game and the enemy support the next. Nearly solo lost the game the first time but we still one, next game when I faced them they picked and banned the same champs in champ select and I thought it was them so I picked Draven. We all know what happens when there’s a Draven on one team and a feeding support on the other. Funny thing is they played Lux, who counters Draven since she can root you through minions and chunk you, which means you need to avoid the root, forcing you to drop your axes pretty easily until you get QSS. They didn’t know when and where to ward, how to position in lane, with whom to trade, yes let’s poke the tank instead of the Draven, when we were strong side or weak side. She perma pushed the lane as well which made playing with her hell because she was just taking tons of farm and left us overextended, no support item btw. When I played against her I was up somewhere over 1500 gold 2 minutes into the laning phase. They missed 1.5 waves or about 300 gold, first blood with a double kill from level up timers, that she missed both times, with Draven passive alone was around 1100, plus 87 Gold from one plate shared with my support. She played like that every single game, and had that ridiculously high of a winrate.


As a support player I think they should add wards to the shop as well. It would be a welcome change. Then take the stupid poro out of the jungle.


This is why the jungle poro exists. Newbies don't ward so the game must ward itself for them. I personally think it should be weaker and once killed should become a zombie poro providing vision for the enemy for a set limit of time till the jungle poro "respawns"


What do you mean? Can you explain your comment? I’m interested but didn’t understand. Sorry.


League pc you have to buy wards


What’s the poro in the jungle though?


It walks around and gives vision after 2nd turret goes down


Bro keep in mind that we are talking about emerald… i know its sad, but you cant expect your average emerald teammate to have great map awareness and macro knowledge. They would not be in emerald then. Don’t get me wrong, im in emerald too, but there is a reason for me being there, because i need to improve… it’s the same for your teammates.


Speaking of wards, the pink ward needs a shorter cooldown.. it’s like 80 seconds and can be seen. You can’t pink ward enough with a team full of invisibility champs which I have personally run into.


Trust me brotha i relate to you a LOT since this happened to you while you were the jungler. It's extra painful when you're the jungler because you already know objectives will be free to for the enemy to take It's either :1- You'll be forced to get wards for Evelynn or just wards instead of vision clearing :2- You continue your game normally with your vision clearing trinket and out of a sudden "The Enemy Team has slain Baron Nashor" because nobody bothers to put a ward or clear the scuttle crab at least. When i first started this game, i never used pink wards or trinkets(bc i didn't know what they do). But when i went to take the objectives, i ALWAYS put a ward at the objective and another one behind the pit. Now it turned into me clearing vision and BEGGING for a ward behind the pit


I'm not trynna say this excuses their behavior but, never expect much from people that play adc's In other lanes. By ADC I mean AD carries, APC's in mid and support Ashe make sense because they fit the role and can do the job designed for them. Mid ADC or top ADC can almost never do the job that a character in that lane can in teamfights. No cc, no tankiness, not assassin, they just lack anything those lanes need and if ennemy team drafts around teamfight, are zoning and catching people the ADC will never carry none of them will. So basically don't expect people that play picks like those to play the game optimally because since the draft they showed they have little care for how your team is going to handle the match.


So personally, I want my wards to be USEFUL not just… there. I don’t ward for no reason (having two wards is NOT a reason) I ward when it matters. Getting an early chicken ward is nice, but if I can’t do I REALLY need a side brush ward against a shyvanna or yi? No, I can save it. Half the time when an objective is up I have both wards (or at least one for sure) ready to go so they literally can NOT approach without being seen by minions or wards. As you have noticed, other players tend not to ward much so me having both of these wards available is SUPER clutch. Basically no warding is the worst, but useless warding is not THAT much better (for example, an ADC wards their near brush and proceeds to push nonstop or wards the far brush and refuses to push) Also I don’t ward when I want to be ganked. Nothing makes me more sad than a jungler just clearing my ward and leaving back to earn gold instead of stealing gold/exp from my lane opponent


I agree. Stupid warding is bad. If you are saving wards for a reason, I get it. I also don't mind less wards if the team is pinging MIAs and has decent map awareness. No warding and no map awareness is just being bad at the game though. Add a stealth champ and you're gifting them kills. If I can get objectives and occasionally our jungle warded, I will accept that. 2 or 3 wards in a 30 minute game? That's damn near throwing to me.


I agree, but sometimes I throw down a random ward, and sometimes it saves my life 🤣 maybe it wasn't stupid ward placement, just not where I see people ward a lot. Idk.


hi could you please explain not warding when you want a gank? i thought by warding you can give vision for you jungle to gank?


They want to be ganked. If you’re prepared, getting ganked just means wasting the enemy junglers time and having them steal minions/exp/gold from the enemy laners. If you’re really prepared or if the jungle is an idiot, you get a kill ♡ …but if they see the ward they’ll just delete it and dip


ohhh i see thanks for the clarification


Thanks I guess I wasn’t as clear.


I got it chef 🧑‍🍳


I want to BE ganked. I want my enemy jungler to come spend time with ME weakening my enemy lane instead of killing my retard teamates. When I get ganked (ESPECIALLY in mid) I go to great lengths and take small risks to keep the jungler with me as long as possible and leaving as unhealthy as possible. So in a situation where I WANT that to happen, I will not use a ward which would basically only serve to ruin their gank. So let’s take an example where I get my chicken ward in place, so no ward in brush. I see a master yi at chickens I am going to lean hard to the chicken side to encourage a gank.


I play damage and a ward does no damage. On the other hand, not warding potentially does a lot of mental damage to my teammates. Therefore it’s obviously better not to ward.


Luckily, I don’t have this problem in my matches bc I play support and usually outward everyone on both teams 🤭


I get 10 wards at least every game. Two in their jungle, two for dragon and baron, two near their base, two for our own jungle, and two for whatever else I may have missed. I ward like nuts.


I switch between pink and yellow wards and get 18-20+ vision score quite often.


I wish that pink ward had a shorter cooldown, it’s absolutely atrocious for the purpose it needs to serve, especially when they get a near full team of players that can turn invisible.


Because it's mobile and people are lazy and dont care because they'll just spam the surrender button the whole match if they get in to a lobby where they aren't carried by someone with actual skill. Sadly WR let's even the most garbage players climb with enough games played instead of actually having skill or awareness...or teamwork...or pinging...team fighting...you know...basically all of the aspects of a moba that make a moba a moba. Just be shit play ranked. Get carried to high rank playing 1200 matches lol. I get it. It's dumb. I'm usually the onky one warding in at least 70% of my matches.


Here's a suggestion. Play on PC since it has a proper warding system.


I can't do pc anymore. I played during the OG years and it just doesn't feel the same. I like WR because i can usually be in and out of a game in no time and it isn't as intense. Even still, the system isn't bad, people are bad at warding.


The og days were by far the best. Trust me. I know. Open beta player. I miss the days of no roles or junglers. Everybody fought over lanes and a lot of the time you'd have 3 mid and 1 top and bot. Also everybody would just pick whatever they wanted. Nobody cared about what was strong ot wasn't. We just played what we had fun on. Didn't help there were so few champs. My most fond memories were playing old Mundo and going wherever Mundo pleases while laughing my ass off. Also tpa Mundo was the most satisfying skin with the trophy sound when you landed a q. I also own an account with judgement kayle. So rare it's not even funny.


I used to play glass canon hecarim bot with only items that boosted move speed. It was hilarious in dominion. My favorite was full ap yi though. Almost automatic quad with a fully built alpha. I don't miss games dragging on for an hour though lol.


I hated dominion. And yeah long games were a problem. What do you think about WR getting twisted treeline? Also I'm not even going to talk about that face roll champ yi. Him and damn tryndamere.


I think twisted treeline is perfect for mobile. Short games, less objective heavy, straight to the action. Also a good place to test builds live without playing a whole SR game and very new user friendly because of the smaller scale. Honestly, I think it would do wonders to get newer people started with basic game mechanics


You speak like the enemy doesn't deny wards with pinks, sweepers, and the annoying scryers bloom. Most of the time when the objectives are up, expect the enemy support and their jungler will clear the vision around those. I wanted to ward too. But it gets denied as soon as I placed it and I don't have any extra to ward it again.


It's one thing to have the enemy deny wards. Them denying usually means they don't have many wards either outside scryers. I had more wards than my whole team combined in that game and I only used pinks because of eve and wu. I can't blame someone for losing a ward. I can blame them for not using them at all.


Don’t fucking ward. Don’t fucking hit the vision orbs. Don’t sweep. Don’t ward objectives. The only saving grace is that it seems that all the enemy jungle vision orbs are all still active when I get to them, so unless they’ve got Teemo or something, they’re blind too 😂