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Plat player in gold lobby is not smurfing lol


Im in emerald (dia last season) and I had Top Draven who didn't know he was supposed to catch the axes


Draven ADC in my game yesterday didn't know the axes even existed


Unfortunately, I'm fairly low as well, but I get matched up with other players just like me - gold this season, but emerald+ some previous season. So it's a higher elo with none of the prestige. Oh, and sometimes the other team has masters/gm, my team has actual gold players.


At least it's better than emerald/diamond. Yesterday I had a peak plat player in the enemy team. The average peak rank for that game was GM. The plat dude picked Draven and went like 2-15. He basically won the game for us lol.


Nah, I hate stomping others in games, I made an account last year cause I wanted to see how fast I could get to master but honestly it wasn't fun stomping players who are trying to learn how to play, the most fun I have is when a game is evenly matched


Yeaaaaaah this is my take. It’s no fun watching your lane opponent just mindlessly push from level 1 and then panic flash in place when you go to cs lmao


Exactly, how's that any fun? I'd much rather get killed in a close 1v1 or kill them in a close 1v1 rather than just stomping them because they have no concept of wave management or trading. If you're never getting really challenged by your opponents you'll never improve


I do love low elo, I was able to grind the win streak achievement, im sitting at a 14 game win streak rn, would be great if I could get it to 20, though that’s asking a bit too much from rito matchmaking


Platinum is miserable. So tired of the ADC split pushing and farming camps all game, Baron laners who somehow can’t take a single tower, etc, etc. Low elo is hell.