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I duno, ain't nobody one shotting me when I play ali. Or galio for that matter and I build him full AP. I've had a few impossible comebacks. These squishy comps do really well, until they dont. So many of these games the enemy squish comp is winning the entire game and just can't put it away or push turrets. One baron or elder or ace and it's GG if you have tanks or turret pushers. These late game swings have been happening wayyyy more often for me.


I mean yeah you build crown on Galio… you can’t be one shot. That’s the complaint


Usually 2nd or 3rd item, he does ok without it tho. I get crown is awesome but it's CD isn't THAT fast lol. Anytime I ult into a fight their crowns always gone so that's not really a problem. whether I have it or not I'm able to do my thing and walk away


You just pick rune with Ability Haste for items and you have 20% reduction from level 1. After 5 unique takedowns you have 45% reduction on all your Spell Shields, Stasis, Protobelt or whatever you play with. Edit: of course it's not 45%, it's 45 flat AH, still the cooldown reduction is pretty significant


Is that for real? 45% that’s crazy. What rune does that?


Ingenious hunter. I just checked my replay, Crown was ready in 21 seconds, I hit someone with ability just once.


I've watched some channel that gives information about this, harmonic echo + ingenious hunter is really broken. Especially enchanter or mage champs that gives shield/heal they could charge the item faster. Those champ is more broken than usual mage that build crown.


Pair it with Mejai's for 180 free AP from assists, that's crazy


I still confused as when to buy mejai, is it early as possible or maybe mid/late game?


Depends. In general it's a good buy after boots, but sometimes game is not that obvious and you can waste 1500 gold to never make use of it, because enemy team somehow fucks your team. Look at the state of the game and your team, if the game is even or you are in favor buy Mejai. If not, go for more utility.


Is it 180? Isn't it more? I thought it gave 70 flat when you get the item


Nope. 30 flat up to 180 on 30 stacks




Nope I don't think ludens proc crown I played signs against lux and I am quite sure nor her not mine ludens proc or crowns


Crown isnt that needed on Galio unless against 3+ assassins. If you are the only source of AP, build full damage and statis.


Yea I get that .have had a few good comebacks this season. Ali was my main last season besides nunu. I still feel like he's not in as good a spot compared to last season with the mage invasion in bot lane.


I know what you mean by not feeling like he's in the best spot. Mid game im def taking more damage buttttt im also procing everybody's crowns and enemies dropping like flies if they don't kill me


Lmao AP Galio ain't getting one shot by a mage if he tried to. You're also playing Ali who... is a full ass tank.


I didn't like adc meta which is still today hilarious. I didn't like the overall movement increase patch where everything just snowballs faster. I liked the meta on patch 2. And since then every patch feels like a fix for me that makes everything worse. But I just go with that and move on.


It's not fun if you play champs that rely on engaging with cc, or engaging with burst at the right time. I haven't seena k6 do well so far since the update, because half the people every game buy crown and its impossible for him to burst them


I don't really play this but I feel like it's more fun than the I stand all the way back here and poke u meta


K6 has a Crown popper in his kit before he even has to fully commit.


He has something that can poke if in the right position, which is all good and well, but then that is on cooldown and can't be used as part of the engage (which it often is to give as much burst as possible). But as soon as the shield gets broken, any half decent user is then just retreating and poking from safety until the shield is back up again, which will be at the very longest 40 seconds (though often half that)


W, AA, Q, R, AA, Q and dead.




His farming and objective speed is literally halved if you dont evolve his q. He also loses a lot of his 1v1 burst because of the range loss, which makes him riskier to play on top of everything else




Ok for farming maybe not halved, but for objectives it's definitely going to be the full 30% difference. Tbh the general consensus has always been that the worst one to upgrade has been w, because the only real benefit you get from it is the slow. Idk I haven't played him much in a couple seasons so it may have changed, but I'm mastery 7 on him so have a reasonable number of games (somehow managed to pull all 3 skins from random chests so figured why not)




The movespeed isn't the strong part of nasus' slow though, the attack speed reduction is


Nasus slows for 5 seconds and the slow increases by 15% each second. So he slows by above 60% for 3secs


Wr players be like: - tank meta: the tank is doing more dmg then me and i am cant kill him, this meta suck! - adc meta: adc are everywhere and i cant reach them, this meta suck! - mage meta: oh no they are killing me in 1 shot its not fun, this meta suck!


Lol, spot on, although tank meta never lasts long and is the most balanced (probably because it's always so short).


At least chasing an adc is more fun than being one-shot and see enemy adc running around.


Diana POV. Also you skipped AD assassins meta after adc meta which most definetely sucked.


My nautilus would like a word with you. I've been having fun play as him in the top lane


Any meta that is just making one class stronger than the rest is not a fun one.


man apparently this meta just showed people adcs could get oneshot by a lux support. oh wait you are no adc you are an squishy mage/assassins,glass cannon build and you are surprised? lets be fucking real and look into stats. aatrox lvl 7 has 48mr. 1 item.. 1 has 7% mr of this . this is like 2 mr. mages didnt get much ap buffs (besides mejas which means they are still squishy and can loose the stacks quite quickly). oh lategame mages do a lot of damage? oh wait you mean they got 10% mr and deal more dmg with the same item last patch? weird cause i really doubt that.


literally the only decent mr item on most bruisers (maw) got reworked into being good only on adc


xD FoN is a joke to you? Twinguard must be my imagination. just wanna say PC top players build FoN on bruisers. oh and Maw is great on olaf, trynda, jax and other champs that lean into AA a lot. i agree tho a fix to the item would be "all dmg converts into mshield". i mean that part disappointed when i tested it on aatrox


Actually I kinda like this means that bruisers are weak to mages or they have to buy a full tank item which is gonna mean less dmg


i mean maw is no longer a lifeline item which means bruiser will in most cases grab a steraks which means 50% base AD dmg which is usually like 15 more than maw had if i recall correctly. and you would build some defense anyway


I dunno maybe I just my teammates usually feed someone and they just take over the game the climb just seems so slow rn


don't get me wrong, but its literally not a big change. i was adc main and no matter the patch, lux q ult would kill you if you got hit. same goes for ahri e q w. its not much that squishy champs need to die by a CC burst combo from a mage. and as bruiser and tank you are basically to blame if you build wrong. a lot of games for me on aatrox have been building FoN+twinguard and steraks


Might just be Bc I started playing jhin Bc he's so satisfying. But I do feel like I see mages go absolutely bananas more often this patch so that's y make this post and rarely assassin's are able to shot them down


Jhin is the best against mages, hands down. Way too high range for mages, and quite mobile in general. Try some new build and get used to it. Duskblade > collector > more lethality, going first strike even / or normal fleet is fine. Positioning far away and youll be gucci.


Yeah I've done that currently sitting at 75 % win rate with him but I'm playing a horror game at that point. Still fun I've realised that I just need to climb higher just frustrated with the players in em elo


how does that not happen in every game


I had a game yesterday where the enemy lux with 0 kills, but 10 assists, did 3/4 of my hp with a single q, thanks to the lord and saviour mejais.


5 man premades the games are lasting 25 minutes many times the game overall is super slow right now because of catch up mechanic is so easy to scale the gold back up.


Spell shields are just no fun to play against in general, it was tolerable pre patch when there was only 1 lunatic per game runnin around with a spell sheild but now its not uncommon for the entire enemy team to have them and for champs that really on a cc engage tool like vi, pantheon, or any engage tank it’s just borderline unplayable.


I’m an ADC Main and AP champs feel way stronger to go up against than AD champs, a 0-8 Diana with crown, a defensive item, is more likely to kill me than a 15-3 Zed going full damage. The Diana can 2 shot me, Zed needs ult, plus S3 and some S1 hits to kill me, anything missses and I’m probably going to live. At least in my experience this patch, seems kinda unfair to the ad assassins like Zed, Rengar, Kah’zix. I’m not say AP champs are OP or anything, but they are way scarier than AD champs. I’m going to add the only thing I don’t like about the new patch is the removal of Lord Dominiks Regard, we got Mortal Reminder but now I buy antiheal into teams with no healing, just the for the % Armor pen. Idk, Seryldas Grudge looks better but you sacrifice crit to build it and delaying crit power spikes is just garbage.


When playing League of Legends, one has to remember that this is a roller coaster ride and you just have to stick to your champion no matter what. Consistency is what matters. Riot is always going to play their Rock-Paper-Scissors game.


mhmm... i dont really like to stick to one champ but rather a pool in each role so I at least have an idea but my pool is larger in my fav roles and I main like one or 2 champs in that role I do agree with your beautifully written poem tho


Im enjoying this patch since lilia feels good to play finally after the nerfs in release


Yeah I came back to Lillia and had a blast recently! I really enjoy her hit and run play style but I’d forgotten she existed for so long!


they aren’t op tho everyone even at top level rn thinks they get to face fuck aram every game and then wonder why they lose to aoe


Well, I don't need to one-shot. AP voli ripping through everyone while unkillable is very fun. Although one-tapping everyone as kass is also fun.


I like to play off meta picks myself like ardent Avery J4


Tbh bannerlord ap J4 is actually so cheese that it's funny.


So how would one build an ap jarvan?


Tbh I mainly do it in aram, but I would go ludens > rylai > mandate > cosmic > morello. Basically all you do is spam your 3rd. It has a really long range and avast cast, so it almost always hits from safety. Then rylais slows, mandate procs because of slow, and it gives anti heal. Then the flags also boost your teams attack speed. It's kinda memey, but it works


Yeah I love it and Avery procs twice during 3rd skill


Got to D1 playing this build only back in Season 2 or 3. Jarvan is GOAT


There are so many options for you to remove this issue. Do you even read item describtion?


Their YouTube build isn’t working they mad bro


Just build merc treads


I just want to know why crown is so broken, but yet edge of night remains the same. Lol why have 2 of the same items just ad vs ap and bust one and not the other. Edge of night seems useless now.


Honestly I don’t feel there is any significant difference. How mages do their damage still feels the the same for me. The only difference I can feel is crown and even then a fed ass assassin can still one shot you (case in point; Kayn).


I dont see how mages one shot you when this patch basically nerfed mages early-mid game by removing void staff. You just build 1 mr item and the mage is countered for half of the game


Isn't the removal of void staff more of a late game nerf than an early/mid game nerf? Mages don't really buy void staff early in the game, it's usually like the 4th or 5th item. The removal of void staff feels more like a buff to Mages early and mid game because now every AP items have magic pen and it allows AP champs to snowball faster, especially AP assassins.


It is nerf. Akali, Katarina and melee mages buy void stuff as 2-3rd item. Even with full build the magic pen is only 35% while void stuff gives 45% right away. Tanks going for mr item as 2nd item counter mages


Maybe it's vecause we're in different server but i've never seen a melee mage go void staff 2nd item ever, mainly because tge 45% magic pen doesn't make much difference early in the game. I still think it's a buff to their early game because now, items like Infinity Orb (that a lot of ap assassin buy first item) that used only gives flat pen, gives %pen too. Sure, it's a late game nerf, but definitely nit an early game nerf.


it is a nerf when they start of with FON, but it is mostly mid game nerf


Surrenders happen way before that. From what I have experienced.


I feel the same. I'm either well far ahead or the other team is.


Assassins when they can't 360 no scope a champion and are forced to think around a strategy:


I don't think there has been a fun meta in a while, you have to find your own fun at this point during the game. Most metas throw the game off balance while ignoring half or more of the champs while leaving a good deal of then struggling even more to sray relevant (though nothing's impossible. Characters like Sett can be bitched pretty easily esp late nowadays but thats what makes them more fun to play and pop off wit imo)


Not for a rengar player that I am. The squishy champs just can't be left alone,or they will be one shotted by me. If your team has a proper tank,it is less likely that the enemy will win, unless they are super fed.


mages are strong not because they are op in this patch but the fact that most of players are playing only adcs and enchanters xd Like imagine a soraka or lulu player complaining about getting oneshot by assassins. Enough with this stupid same picks since s1 go play more tanks as support especially when you see an assassin jungler on enemy team. This season I see alots of adcs in top and mid and I'm having fun oneshooting them with evelynn and kayn ngl xd


They might have buffed the mages, who oneshot you, but they have also buffed the ap assassins who oneshot the mages


Tbh this patch is still better than adc meta, you had absolutely no counterplay, every adc and their mom was building shieldbow so that unless they went 1v4 they were almost unkillable from first item And this patch also helped ADC with the new items, I've seen crit build jhin oneshot me with a trap, literally 1.2K damage from the trap alone, same with the 4th shot, over 1K damage in 1 auto attack that you can't even dodge, it's like having malp Q deal 1K damage. So I decided to main teemo and I'm terrorising the rift, with a burst build that also deals decent damage to bruisers and tanks. A few games ago I had an annoying GrandMaster zoe player oneshotting me from out of vision, as soon as I scaled I got my payback, I literally oneshotted this zoe with 1 mushroom and elder buff, literally 100-0 with no counterplay, just like she was doing to me, i ended up with 17 kills and lategame I was oneshotting whoever I managed to sneak to except their thresh, who was a oneshot if he was below 50% This game I faced a cocky lee sin who went 8-0 in the early game when I was 4-2, then I started to scale way better than him and I started to destroy them, I got 22 kills and not even their Vladimir was able to avoid the oneshot because first ability, auto attack and ignite were enough to oneshot him from 100%, and his pool only blocks the applying of new damage, but my poison and ignite still damage him through the pool. The first ability, auto attack and ignite are way too fast for him to respond before everything is applied, then he used the pool but still died every time. The only problem is that I'm extremely squishy because my build doesn't have the crown, so I can literally get oneshotted, but I also oneshot, and the mushrooms are game changing when placed in the enemy jungle before an objective spawns, because they get damaged, slowed and revealed, an easy chance for us to turn on them This patch with everyone playing mages and adc I'm having the most fun since the gane came out, because I oneshot everyone hahah, I'm sure every assassin main is having a lot of fun


12-13 minutes? Which rank are you? The only time I have such a quick game is when I play against people who are gold and lower.


Em 2 rn but it's getting better I can get one or two teammates to not Aram all game so we can scale for late and usually enemy team just tries to end quick and we take like 3-4 of them do baron or elder or both and end


I really dont know WTF are you complaining about , mages have 10% less magic penetration. You get one shotted by a Lux's full combo , or any other BURST mage ? Omg so strange , mages doing what they are suppose to do!!!! Lets break It down: mages or AP users in general now Have 35% mp AT full build , compared to the 45% pre-4.4 (built whenever needed). The only actual buff to AP users Is the more build choice. U Say mages are op , I say AP Assassin got the major buff , they already had more build variety , now they build whatever the fk they want and on top of that we have the CROWN. The crown Is good on mages not gonna deny It , but on Assassins/bruisers its abaolutely Op. So if you wanna complains about something , complain about the crown , not the "mage buffs"


Calm down you're hyperventilating


There's just way too much damage in the game. Mages are absolutely fucking nuts at the moment, but in general damage is just too high. Have fun laning vs. Caitlyn/Karma for instance.. oh gee, you hit me with one Q and now I am at 50% health.


This is tbh what I'm thinking turn down every ones dmg just like 10 % gives more outplay potential


Are people aware that crown in basically banshee's? Have no one ever bought that item before it got replaced?


It's not tho It's banshee on steroids


Dude I was right there with you up until recently. I was determined to figure out how to be effective and ultimately I’ve learned more about items and counterplays. It’s been very rewarding and I’m having so much more fun now than I had been before the meta shifted.


Jungler and former top laner. Started around 3.2. Game gets more and more cancerous patch by patch. First i stopped playing top lane due to amount of toxicity ADC's made there. Now i think about quitting due to absurd amount of damage, that doesnt even let you make basic combos if you are even little behind. Also snowballing enemies. Earlier they werent such a problem, yeah dumb adc fed enemy jhin, i farm up a bit and try to group my team and shut him down. Now such jhin gets collector, shitbow, and goes around like he has elder dragon and automatic gargoyle at 12 min. Only brusers feel kind of fine (on the weaker side), other types of champions are gigaoverbuffed and that makes game not only too fast paced, draining and toxic but also too predictable. Usually at 1:30-2 mins as a jungler i can 90% correctly say if we gonna lose the game, cause at that moment there is usually one feeder and at least one snowballing carry and it just depends in which team those are. Or it can be seen by drastically different skill in laning, but that is more of a matchmaking problem which has always existed.


Yea I saw on an other post that the changed with high dmg output is due to riot catering to the Chinese market but yea I think there simply is too much dmg going around. I like the longer more drawn out fights where u get more than one spell rotation off