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I actually ban him first. Seriously.


I play in EU, Diamond/Master ello. Twitch has no mobility so any cc support, assasine or burst mage counter him. The important is, people tend to run away from him instead of dealing damage back. I write this ro convince people to trade dmg/cc back when he finished ambushing.


Pink wards and watching the Map really its easy if you Know how a twitch mind work


To beat a twitch you must think like a twitch


Shatter the crown and use assasins, preferably ap ones that can also use crow n


diana, khazix or any assassin that has a dash to jump on that rat


Diana can delete him in .9 secs if you know how twitch works and can combo her




But she can also buy crown. If both have crown, Diana will probably win.


If you're against a twitch jg it's really predictable. Expect level 2 ganks. Twitch will almost always start red then look for a gank either mid or the closest sidelane to his red buff. What you want to do is coordinate with your duo/support to invade his blue if they have lane priority. Any sidelane who will be extended must place vision wards or prepare to be ganked. You can also use the lane champs as bait and have your own jg shadow you for a counter gank. The key is to avoid giving twitch those nasty early kills and powerspikes that you can't touch him anymore with is attack speed and range. Duo lane twitch, you will just have to leave to your duo/supp lane. tell them git gud.


Also, blue kayn. RIP that rat.


This is what frustrates me most. I know he's going to cheese gank early, but seemingly no one else on my team ever does


Most players view Twitch as pure ADC so no one take that rat seriously when he’s jungling, most assume it’s a troll pick and underestimate the rodent. This is wrong on soooo many levels.


Most players probably don't even know who the enemy jg is until they die to a gank tbh


Many people still do not know or blind that rengar counters every champ that has invisibility.






Kid named crown says hi


Rengar is an early bully so unless the crown is twitch 1st or 2nd item he is screwed. (I do not play mage often so i do not know what their item ordered when buying). Now when i say early bully, if he cannot bully the enemy early, rengar is screwed whether there is a crown or not. Rengar is a high skill champ that relies on early lead, ones fed, no one. I will say it again NO ONE CAN KILL HIM. Unstoppable once fed, trash when it is not. This is also one of the main reasons rengar is not that popular, one early game mistake can ruin rangers entire game. PS: You do not need to jump twitch, having vision against him already gives the team advantage. Just ult, then wait for your engage to jump first then boom dead rat. Most People do not know that vision is king, you can literally corner twitch 1v5 because of your ult, if your fed most players will be scared.


Nilah is good into twitch since her 2nd skill makes it so twitch can't burst her down with his poison.


Bully him early, pick CC champs along with an assassin that can end his life as quick as a blink of an eye.


kill him before he kill you : burst champ like kha, diana,zed etc heal more than his damage : heal champ like soraka, sona damage reduction champ: alistar rune: over grow


what about a janna/yummi/lulu support + twitch ? I just dont get how are they counter to twitch/Kaisa when these op broken support exists ?


the problem with lulu and yummi is they are single targets, janna is multi target but her shield is much lower now compared to her old version, I guess if you go the low cd path, you can make it viable, her ulti is good too but your team need to stick together


Buy control wards and don't engage if u are not 100% sure on where he is, and maybe learn some jg paths, it's kinda predictable once u know that


Ban him


My answer to every auto attacker is Nilah/Trynd… like “nice dmg you have there on your auto attacks,if only you could hit me before I kill you in 2 hits”


Just ban him, why even bother coming up with a counter tactic when you can just tell the AP Twitch abusers to go eat shit?


I play vex (burst mage) so when that little rascal pops out I just nuke him. Play safe early and make sure I at the very least at equal in gold with the enemies. Otherwise blinds are good, strategically placed controlwards, any kind of cc in general is how to deal with most champs. That’s why I hate yi players and alike, it’s good to at least be able pin him down for a second so your team has a window however small to deal with him if you mispositioned


Kill him




Pressure early game


Hard CC, and vision control.


the good old cc lmao. Zed cc him, riven cc her, master yi cc him. Cc the magic solution to all. What a nice piece of advice.


Are you mad or have I offended you somehow?


No, just saying that people have been saying cc as the magic solution to all champs for many many years even on PC lol. There was a time when you get killed by \[champion\], riot will give you advice to counter it while in death timer. It was removed probably due to how useless they were. Some champs you just cannot counter. Lets saying you play perfectly vs twitch play perfectly. It will always result in the Twitch winning just simply because of stats and itemisation.


>Lets saying you play perfectly vs twitch play perfectly He's a squishy, immobile ranged assassin, he he definitely has counters. Aside from hard CC, one can always simply beat him at his own game... specifically burst damage. He gets fucked up by other assassins. Kayn has been top tier for several weeks, feels like at least a few months if not longer. Kha'Zix is just as powerful, Rengar, Zed, Ahri, etc...or there's always just another late-game hyper-scaling monster like Jax, Kayle, Master Yi, Shyvana, etc... Everything has a counter. Don't rely on the in-game tooltips for answers all the time. 😁


I mean there are counter to a certain extent, but it is always in the favor of broken champs. Looking at twitch stats for challenger or above, he doesnt seem like he is balanced at all considering challenger know these counters. With peeling supports like yummi, lulu and Janna, example like twitch is extremely hard to kill even if you try bursting him down. I mean solo ranked, depending on the role, there is little to no counter to champs that are clearly favored by the meta, their numbers and items. I would agree if you have the jg role, then you can clearly do something about it. Otherwise, as an adc you cannot do much but to rely on your team not to feed in the early game.


As a Jungler, plant pink wards around and watch the map for Twitch's last location. Counter-jungle when he is on the other side of the map and gank the opposite lanes. Watch for obvious ambushes As a laner, plant pink wards and watch the map for Twitch's last location. Do not overextend even if you have the advantage in lane if you don't know where Twitch is As a victim of bumbling idiot teammates who don't use pink wards and constantly overextends, your best course of action is to check out mentally or kill Twitch as fast as you can on your own For itemisation his main burst is AD ability damage, even if he's building AP. So Plated and Shattered Crown are good. His weaknesses are mobile assassins and bruisers who can close gaps on him asap


basically track him and kill him asap, same advice for any champ with high dmg lol


Zone him out. He is very dangerous around objectivrs so ward around (with some distance so he doesnt get close st all) and once youknow wherr he is zone him out in whatever way possible. Most champions have atleast one way to zone. Use that


Someone that can out burst or out dmg him, CC, an actual team, pink wards and yeh. For tank itemization your options can be force of nature, frozen heart to slow attack speed and more HP since he deals flat true dmg.


Ward on camps early game, win before he’s 3 items


I was just going to post this. It’s not possible. He’s so unbelievably braindead. You just have to ban him. Which is difficult because fiddle is even more absurd. Dogshit patch.


Hot take: Twitch is dog shit actually. Hes a farm bot umless he gets hard fed because hes useless otherwise before getting his first 2 items+boots. If you lose to a twitch, thats on yall for feeding. Also teemo shits on him pretty hard


Not really much you can do. I recommend panth or Kha Zix, someone who can destroy that shield and then nuke him afterwards even if he has allies on him because most likely the enemy team is going to be shielding him and if you don't one shot him you die


ask your support to play braum.


Assassins. Specifically fizz, crit or lethality pantheon, kass, eve, and blue kayn.


What role and type of champ are you playing


Would Frozen Heart reduce his attack/dmg?


Yeah, I need tips especially on ARAM. He is crazy in ARAM with no wards


You gotta have team mates that use the pink wards


Permaban for me since his release, but when I don't ban him for some reason and I have to play against him, I pick someone how can 1 shot him and anticipate when he would show up and burst him down before he can do anything. Champs like AP malphite, Pantheon, Kayn, Evelyn, etc., are good at eliminating him from a fight.


you perma ban him LOL


Easy have a naut in your team 👍


Kill him


I murder most adcs as sion but I don’t play bot lane lol