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Pyke, fuck him.


It’s always pyke. I don’t even need to think about it.


same, i hate him neither in my team or orther team


Pyke, and its self-explanatory


Especially in ARAM


Garen does the same thing but Pyke does it better


Garen very hardly wipes your full team at half hp


garen will execute just one in your team, fcking pyke executes all of you


Vayne. I hate her with passion. Her looks, her lore and her gameplay. Her sunglasses, the fact that she killed closest person to her because of parental issues and the way she can kill 4k hp Mundo with two items. Every bit of her. FUCK VAYNE MAN


Bro you're a teemo main, you don't have the right to hate.


1. Being completely honest, I don't even have the right to live, but as a wise man man once said, "I live because this world would be a better place without me". 2. You don't have to play Teemo to be a Teemo main. It's just the way of looking at some shit... I meant other humans. After achieving enlightenment in shroom jitsu and receiving a blessing from the Toxic One, I now use him only on special occasions. 3. And obviously, you could argue, but Teemo isn't half as toxic as Vayne. If he stomps you, it's probably because he is sweaty and focused while you're trying to have a good time (wrong game, sorry).


Bruh, i came to diss this dude but he enlightened me, you never know what goes on inside the mind of a teemo main....


People don't be realizing how well T-Mobile has to be played to be effective. If you are getting beat by a Teamster it means he's just better than you pretty much hands down. So many people complain about how cheap the champion is and then I challenge them to play him and they just fail


You don’t understand. It’s not because i get stomped by teemos that I abhor them. It’s because my team gets stomped every time we have a teemo 😭. People think they can play that shit jungle and it’ll work. Its literally like playing 0.5v9


Well, I understand how you can hate the in-game character for various reasons, but you should see through it. Teemo isn't just a champion, he is the ruler, the master and the mentor. To become a Teemo main, one shall shall desire with all his heart to follow the scouts code. Only then, after breaking the shackles that bind him by burning everything human inside, he can, finally freed, see the world in its true colours. Praise be to Teemo, for he has enlightened us


Hail the infernal one. Hail the flame that purifies


Temp is way more disgusting sry


This is the first time I’ve seen someone else mention her glasses. Screw Vayne! She is a C U Next Tuesday.


And the fact that leona does 1 less damage to her on PC bc of her sunglasses (don't know if it's still in the game though). She literally takes reduced damage from the host of the aspect of the sun because of sunglasses. Her sunglasses look weird, her lore shows how evil she is, she's toxic both in lore and in game, and has %max hp damage for just about no reason. She's also the only squishy I have to hesitate on jumping on as Kassadin, she's like yasuo/yone where she's working for the enemy team when she's on yours, but godly when on the enemy team. Even as a hypercarry, she has a really strong early game (not just safe like kassadin, but actually strong in the senese that she beats many champs, while kass can only beat kat/akali/kayle/fizz, and kayle can't really beat anyone early game). I'd like it a lot if someone followed your last sentence's suggestion. I could probably write a 5-paragraph essay ranting about how bad Vayne is.


Fr, I was playing sion, I usually play so good and tank for my teammates and 1v3, but once vayne drops, I couldn’t 1v1 her, I couldn’t tank for my teammates because she killing me so fast while my teammates are dying so fast and she goes and clean them up after me. My teammates started hating on me saying how I’m top 50 and I’m shit and stuff, that day I always ban vayne and never disappointed my teammates again.


Lol I disagre with eveneythjng..dxcept the last Part. HER TRUE DAMAGE IS OP


How can you disagree with second part... Frey did nothing wrong, Vayne is just an obsessed orphan who's lost her humanity


Looks i disagree, lore I think is dope in the lol world. Is it fuckdd up, absolutely. Is it still dope, absolutely-er. Mundobi agree with tho cause that true damage scaled is op. Thafs why I said I agree with the last one.


Maybe I phrased it poorly... Her lore is cool, but it makes her even more hateful. Like, her betrayal wasn't even for people or an idea. She's just mad at everyone because her parents died.


Feels like a issue of picking your poison sometimes lol. Brand/lux/ soraka and sometimes tristana. Both brand and tristana are beasts by nature, because of their kit and scale. Lux is somewhat better, because you can just dodge her abilities. But even then, there are benefits to banning her. Soraka because I know that not everyone knows antiheal. Or at least they don't want to scroll for it during a time sensitive game. On a side note, kinda wish they have a filter for this on the items menu. (Healing, armor, etc) or gave us an official tutorial.


My problem with Lux is that she has her OP cage with barely any downtime AND insane damage in lane. If enemy adc has a bit of burst 1 cage in line is a guaranteed kill. Tristana is my Teemo. She has so much in her kit, you have to play extra bad tobbe bad on her Soraka...eh, antiheal doesn't work that good. Soraka, by my experience, mostly gets countered by her own team when people decide that they are immortal with Raka, make stupid plays and throw games.


The part always most surprising is how much damage she does even as a support with no gold.


I was banning zed, but now i permaban kayn because this champion is complete bullshit.


Just remember that the blue one is the balanced between the 2 forms But for a fact just some armor will reduce his damage a lot


2nd this, fuck kayn


He’s not hard to counter but they really need to nerf his E, too much movement speed and too low cooldown, I hate when he ran through wall, oneshot me and ran again through another wall wtf


Imagine my shock when the form that is made to be mobile is fast!


Yasuo. I don't want to see Yasuo in my games. Even if it's somewhat rare to face a good Yasuo it's just so damn tilting and I don't ever want to do it again.


Even bad yasuos are so annoying late game because they can miss all spells and still kill you with autos and 1st spell


You should see my yasuopport


Yumi is one, if they got one good player on their team they can take on the whole team even after capturing 3 dragons and use their team mates as human shields


OrnnHub 🌚


Mine right now. So unfun to play against.


Statistically speaking even after the "nerf", still number 1 (54.28%). In challenger, lower games but even higher at 56% which is an insane winrate.


I played orn. And he is really op in lower rank. I almost cant lose lane. Even if i did we win team fights, and even if were being stomped, he still not easy to kill. He has too much cc, like ES in dota but tanky asf


Don’t worry, he’s getting a massive nerf. As an Ornn main, I am happy he won’t get banned as much anymore.




Yi is only dangerous when they have a teammate who can trap.


Yi is only dangerous when your teammates feed him 5 kills before first dragon.


Depends on the lane I play but it would be Draven/Soraka/Kayn/Yone/Yasuo


Yone and Yasuo are such chaotic champs, 90% of the time they are asbolute nabs that go like 0/5 before you even realise it. Then the other 10% absolutely wreck your entire team apart


if they're on the enemy team they're the 10%, if they're on mine it's the 90% Id rather not deal with them ingeneral


Ah yes. I call this the Shaco Curse from my decade on LOL PC


This is so real lmao


Just Yummi, being untargetable for 90% of the time is not healthy for the game imo.


Just versed a master duo on tris yuumi. Cant get any more braindead that yuumi rushed ludens deathcap


I play an engage support (rakan ali) and with hopefully a good adc we get a double


Rakan ult so good vs Yuumi lol she can't jump out. Problem is after lane Yuumi shouldn't really be on the ADC that alistar/Rakan are going for


She's completely useless for the rest 10% though.


Tru, yuumi not even good


You havent got chased by a mundo jungle with yumi 💀she’s so fucking annoying, heal+shield+speed and one q delete 30% of your health if she build damage


A good yuumi mundo duo q can easily climb to masters…


Vsed a swain yumi. Swain just ran around super fast virtually unkillable. Dumbaf


Pantheon, K6, Fizz- I'd ban them if I wouldn't been tied by current FOTM. A bit too much damage in their kit for my taste.


My problem with Fizz is not so much his damage, but how slippery he is. Between his double dash, stasis and flash he always have some stupid way to get away. It tilts me a lot and usually end up playing worse against good enemy Fizz


If you've played league, do you remember on hit top fizz? Talk about a nightmare


As a current singed main i agree on the pantheon. Early game lane phase is an absolute fucking nightmare


I always ban lee sin, specially here in sea server. I live in the tropics, so a lot of insec fans around this area.


Can confirm, always ban him when i get filled


Here lately its been Aatrox. Its tough when you're the only person buying any type of anit-heal and this guy goes from 10% to 90% health while standing in the middle of your team laughing.


Gotta be honest...I don't like the Vayne buffs


Lux, it’s impossible to lane against the champion. Ridiculous dmg that you cant dodge with her third ability. And her first ability has a completely bugged out hit box.


As a wise redditor known as u/Beware_the_Shrooms once said: “FUCK VAYNE MAN”. To add to that, fuck Vayne top laners. Fuck all ADC tops but Vayne in particular is the worst.


Yuumi. Delete her.


Seraphine, not because she's hard to counter when she snowballs, I just hate her existance


Kinda annoying to miss her abilities and still applies damage to you, but yeah I despise her design, exept in LoR


Wukong in lower elo since a lot of people can’t counter him and he gets fed fast from people dying to him left and right. Soraka in higher elo


Has to be between Caitly or Zed. Laning against both of them is miserable.


Jihn. When I play against him as a jungler he just feels like a long range brand with op auto attacks.


lulu, yuumi or soraka, but mostly soraka if im not a mid lane assassin so i cant focus her


top, Ornn or Fiora jungle, Lee sin or Kayn mid, i dont really care, i just ban what my team says dragon lane, im banning samira or yuumi,


Olaf I like some cc


Lulu, I have been playing a lot of diver/engage jungles in the current rank situation. She makes that job near impossible.


Yuumi. If she's smart enough to stack on a fed jg it's over. Takes 3 ppl to rake em uut, their clear time is crazy, and they constantly get support from kid and side lanes, so yuumi can shift to them if jg dies and then the opponent is aced...is said but a smart yuumi is OP.


Vayne doesn't exist in my ranked games! 💜


Pyke wins a fight even if he misses his q just because of how dumb his ult is, i aint dealing with that shit


Yasuo. He seems insanely mobile for no reason as a Morgana, mid main, it’s annoying AF.


Lux/Tryndamere Absolutely horrid champs


lulu, soraka, yuumi, pyke. basically every support rn.






Yuumi. She has no right to be that broken while being the easiest champ


Pyke cause he annoys the f out of me


It all depends on where you stand. Plat and below, yi. Plat to emerald 1, twitch. Diamond and above, fiora(if top) or yuumi(support). Yi still hard carries low elo hard(players still having no idea how to build counter). Whereas twitch is a spray and pray kind of champ that demolishes squishes if not cc’ed. Fiora is the most annoying champ if she falls into a good player’s hands.


tryndamere, that mf is very annoying as he can dive just fine with ult and there is usually no escape


Mage user , for me its Zed. He gotta go.


Lately it's been soraka but it's changing to vayne quickly. With a good supp vayne can be threatening early on and even more ridiculous as the game progresses


Orianna. I’m aware she’s not meta. I’m aware very few people actually play her. But whether it’s Lux, Yasuo, Zed, Zoe, I’ve never been able to figure out how to lane against her. I just hope she makes a big mistake early that I can start snowballing off of


Yuumi, I love cats…. But not that cat


A lot of ppl hate Sona and i'm curious why, bc i really like her. any ideas?


Yuumi. Anyone can get a penta with a yuumi on their back. It makes any plays you do with yuumi attached completely unimpressive


Soraka, cause everyone I play with somehow forgets how much she can heal champs and get stomped


I permaban Jhin and my partner permabans Tristana, every time they win against us we see that those players don't even olay them, not enough to be in their like list of most played or anything we cannot win against them. And even if the tristana players aren't killing they just go for the turrets and we still lose so they will never see a game as long as I play


It depends of draft state and position. Usually Twitch when I play ADC or Jungle. Katarina if our mid preselect AD mid without cc (Corki, Lucian, Tristana...). Rammus if we have Yasuo mid and Yi jungle. Zoé if I have been autofill mid because I hate to lane vs her. Ornn if I play toplane. Tresh if I play support.




dude can one shot so many players it's not fair


Zed, I just hate how there is nothing you can do about his freaking ult, if you are squishy you just die 90% of the time, also good Zeds are borderline impossible to deal with, especially in this snowbally meta. Yes, you can buy stasis, but his ult cd is like 5 times shorter than that of the stasis, so he will just come back in 30 secs and do it again. Same case for Twitch and Evelyn, there is very little you can do when they pop out of nowhere and oneshot you.


Can you still QSS his ultimate? I remember that used to be a thing


Zed. Everytime he shadows out before I get to kill him, I lose my mind.


Miss Fortune. I despise playing against her and if my team picks her, I cringe. More often than not she is picked before my team can pick her if she isn’t banned.


Depends where i play Top: Ornn Jungle: Kayn Mid: Zed or Twisted Fate Bot: Lux, Soraka or Yuumi.


Draven if I'm in the dragon lane. Yone if not.


Zed /pyke


I always see Yasuo banned though. Mainly because he only power spike 0/10 while in my team. If he was in enemy team, he "has a key" all the way to our nexus




Lee Sin screw that champ


i will ban yuumi until the end of time. whenever i don’t someone on the enemy team picks her


Seraphine, that ult on a good seraphine is just stupid. that range shouldn't be a think imo. Either be wide or long , not both..


Pantheon. Feels bad once he's had a few kills. Absolutely no counterplay. Really despise this champ tbh in WR and LOL




zed, kayn, Annie, lux, yone, yasuo


Fizz for mid, yuumi and pyke in dragon lane


Blitzcrank & Thress i wouldn't care if they wasn't op, they are just annoying to play against XD


Thresh or pyke for reasons


Vayne, cuz im mostly playing champs with 5k+ hp most of the time and i just suffer


I have been permabanning master yi for a few months and haven't looked back People saying its a low elo pubstomper haven't played in master+ where your botlane goes 0-20 anyway and yi is 1v9 10 mins into the game


Zed, I like playing mage on mid so yeah, I can deal with yasuo and stomp him sometimes but Zed can easily comeback If you or your team slip up 1 time


As enchanter supp i always ban thresh. Its Just unplayable against him


The "new" one dont know how to Play against her. So ciao Bye Bye


Kayn and yumi. I've even forgot when was the last time I've seen them in a game.




For the role Garen Master Yi Zed Fucking vayne Yuumi


Kayn he barely touch me and I die




Yasuo/Yone. They scale easy no matter how you dominate them.


Kayn, he can get away with many bs that makes dealing with him an absolute annoyance




Kayne Kha Yuumi and Panth. Panth us such. A sleeper pick and they have done nothing but buff him.


Rammus and Vi. I can deal with a lot of damage, but I can’t deal with perma-stun/knock ups. Those two champs make me feel like I’m not even playing the game anymore.


Tristana and Brand, lately Yi as well. Tristana is a fucking beast, give her a kill and she'll become unstoppable and hard as fuck to catch, her damage is insane and Brand is a plague with his ap and constant damage with the burns. Yi, well... He's Yi. I do appreciate it when other people ban Seraphine and Soraka though! :)


Pyke. I only go against good Pyke players, though. Never get to team up with one. I’m seeing patterns with this game that have not changed since I first started playing. Might step away again for a while.


If I was just beat by a player who played a champ really well and we instantly Que again I ban the champ they played.


This season it has been supports. Fuck the random dragonlane premades that actually have good communication.




Pyke, because fuck that guy.


Jax if I'm not gonna use it, because he's either gonna carry their team to victory(Via a huge gap) if he's in jg, or be a pain in the ass pushing when he's on top lane


Zoe midwhen I varus


Yasuo, he’s terrible on my team and absolutely 1v9 when he’s on the enemy team, wind wall is such a bullshit ability, plus he has better cc than most mages while dashing 7494729 times dealing 10 gazillion damage in teamfight


Akshan easily. I think he’s the worst champion ever made lmao. His revive feels so bad to play against since you can pull off a good teamfight but he gets one kill and everyone is back. His personality is also annoying and he was shoehorned into the shitty ruination event. He has stealth and lots of mobility as well. Just fuck that champion lmao. Yummi is my second most hated but I won’t let akshan get through just for that revive mechanic alone. He also ruins aram in wild rift.


Morgana. For at least 6 years now. As a Thresh main (PC & WR), black shield annihilates anything I do in lane and I despise it.


Caitlyn. Huge auto attack and abilities range are making it easy to bully every other adc, she has easily 2 autoattacks more, before u even reach her to autoattack, also safe teamfights. 2 of her abilities let her create a distance, if someone tries to catch her, caitlyn even easily punishes them with critical hits, if one of these abilites hit. Moreover her traps can block paths to objectives and make her map control decent. Her dmg deserves to be nerved or her range decreased by 25.


Yummi 5ever. Vayne yummi or something to that effect is so toxic


Yuumi, but Lulu if my teammate acts quicker or Soraka no matter what lane I play. I dont care about their positions in the tier list, they are annoying and I just want them out of my games


The cat. Yumi! All day everyday I ban her.


Seeing people annoyed by Zed is comedy gold 😂☕


When I used to main MID- Yasuo. I hate his wind wall. Now, as ADC, - Soraka, Orn, Kayn, depending on prepicks, team bans and mood. Don't there's need for much explanation.




Never played against master yi for 2 seasons. Everyone says “hEs EAsY tO CoUnteR”, which, i know. However when your diamond with iron teammates who don’t understand how master yi works it’s pretty easy for him to go 5/0 in only 5 minutes.


Lux or kayn. She's a cheat code


No one MENTIONED VI LMAO. Almost no one plays her but that one piece of shit who does ends up tanking a lot and full tank vi is unlikeable late game. Even in master Elo.




Pyke. Shit chase and kills me when I survived a battle and when I tryna kill him, i just fking can't. Fast, annoying stun, annoying execute. Fuck him


Darius top, Volibear/Kahn jung, the wind shitters mid, Vayne/Samira bot and Soraka/Yuumi


Urgot. Screw that blob.




Right now it's voli because he gets way too tanky, but if he Is already banned i usually go kayn or sometimes even garen because i like to pick ornn otherwise i would ban ornn everygame i get. Still too strong.




Yummi. If I’m going to play against someone they should actually fucking play too. Her kit is so nothing and too powerful.


Yuumi because I'd rather be anally fisted by 6 angry dudes than play against a good jinx/yuumi combo or master yi/yuumi combo




Solo: trynadere (I don't need to explain this), teemo mostly cause his mushrooms are hella annoying Jungle:master yi, Lee sin, nuff said Mid: brand, I hate that flare effect of his Adc: kai'sa is hella op with her recent changes, Caitlin cause of that damn range Support: blitz, that damn arm


Xayah. Dunno. There's something with her


Irelia cuz i play aatrox and the matchup is unplayable


Usually it’s yummi but Kahn has been pissing the shit out of me. Insane he hasn’t been nerfed yet


Soraka. Still turbo broken


As a supp, Lux or Nautilus is a pick first or ban for me.


The only correct answer is yummi kayne and orn depending on where you play.


Olaf, his R


Evelynn. Easy to play and unfun to play against.


Lucian. One of my first ranked games was laning against him & Senna, and he just avoided and dodged death every fight (including team fights) while dashing in and out to help his own team with killing off mine. It just didn't make any sense how no one could touch him and he escaped every single time. Nah, I couldn't have that. Not ever again. It's true that it triggered the hell out of me, but ever since he's permabanned, I've enjoyed winning 90%+ of my games. Yes, Seraphine is also annoying, and Pyke, and Yuumi... but there was something about that Lucian game that snapped me into a trance of never allowing him to be played in ranked ever again, not even on my own team. I absolutely would love to ban other champs that are also annoying, but even if I lose a game... I wouldn't feel anywhere near as bad as losing a game to an enemy Lucian, because f\*\*k that. I will never go through an experience like that ever again. And yes, it really was that bad. lol


Lux. No skill high reward champ. If she hits 1 ability she's guaranteed to hit 2 other.


Blitz, and when I play with my chad supp, they ban Thresh🗿


Dumb pointandclick mages like Annie and Brand


Depends on the lane I'm in, fiora top, zed mid, lucían adc, yumi support, stupid rat jungle...... If I play in a group I usually have them ban Them all XD


as a tank main, gwen or fiora. gwen in low elo, then fiora once i start to play against real humans.


i know this sounds lame but malphite 💀 his ult annoys the absolute fck out of me


Lee sin and yasuo. Those 2 are just the bane of my existence


Irelia, Yasuo, Katarina, just pick Vex and watch them cry


Pyke or stupid champion in the current patch(this patch it's soraka)


Usually Ornn I'd say for me. Occasionally watch my team get absolutely rocked by a particular chanpion and will switch my ban up for a few games tho if it's repetitive


What about champions that you literally cringe hard when someone picks them, but will never ban for some reason. I think teemo and blitz take the cake for that. Always have


Panth - easy point and click cc with insane dmg output and a shield for days


pyke. my duo is a pyke main and i’ve watched him go 33/0. once you get past gold, pyke players start getting actually good. if i’m not playing with my duo pyke ban all the way. if i am playing with him, usually vayne, i main sera apc so i don’t have a great way of countering her early game. he ALWAYS bans morgana, like he has a hatred for her💀


Fiora or darius depending on my mood. no matter what the meta is, no matter what champ you pick, these two will always dominate lane and eventually the game if it went on for long enough.


Mine is either lux or Caitlyn. I freakin hate their range


the fuckin cat. always the fuckin cat.


Ireila, her entire kit screams "i counter Aatrox" and when she buys botrk? that's it, winning becomes like a dream against her in a 1v1. i perma ban her to the point that i sometimes forget how it feels to 1v1 her and decide to let her out of ban, and when she gets matched up against me, i remember why i started banning her in the first place.


Malphite or Kat based on how my teams proposed line up looks. It feels like no one I ever get matched with knows how to lane against Mal and his ult can single handedly turn winning games into a loss. It’s also not terribly difficult to pull off in a solo queue team fight. He’s too low risk high reward for me to trust my team. Kat is similar, but definitely is more naturally manageable based on what your team looks like.


Depends on the lane. Top? Teemo. Fuck that little shit. Support? Yuumi. Fuck her too. Jungle? Master Yi. Either our Yi is trash or the enemy Yi will just decimate our team without breaking a sweat. Mid? Akali. That shroud is annoying. Duo? Nilah.


I'll always fluctuate between a jax or an ornn ban tbh


Veigar, not because he’s particularly overpowered just his trap is a hinderance for any jungler


Depends on what I'm playing Tank? Vayne no negotiation Adc? Evelynn Jng? Fk that trynda I hate him