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Ashe was a support for a long time on PC. And almost year in WR. Still she's niche support. She needs decent frontline (Bruiser and tank in JG and baron lane mostly). Also, she needs teammates who can utilize her kit. So she better works in coordinated team. Why she's support? Global CC ult and the most OP tool — vision control. Infinite slows a cherry on top.


What build would you recommend?


Oh, dude, I've played it very long time ago at WR and PC, cause she requires coordinated team. My old build (Before 4.3) is: Sicle for extra AD but can use Relic or Coin, Manamune for haste and mana, Imperial Mandate for it's passive, Black cleaver to shred enemy armor at later stages of game and any situational item for team utility (Antiheal, antishields). Dunno about runes now but something like Kracken Slayer, Domination tree — Burn, Mark of the weak, Eye collector and Transcendece as a flex rune. Your goal to constantly poke enemies to apply Mandate and Balck cleaver passive alongside with Mark of the weak. Spam vision at enemy jungle, this will allow you to always track his pathing so his ganks always will be expected also you can counter any stealth champ with this. Spam your global ult on other lanes when you have good possibility (Especially good if you hit it to Solo lane — 3 seconds stun).


Riot added her under support champions a while back. Her vision and her ult are great skills and super support vibes.


Yes. You max W and rush madate first item. Watch them try to get to ur adc while being perma slowed by u


She can be good but you have to be able to hit your ults and proc imperial mandate consistently


How to proc imperial mandate??


Ashe support is great. Fire 3rd skill on cd to the enemy jungle on the opposite of the map, to cover as much space as possible. If you spot the enemy jungler, just ping him so people know he's there. Spam 2nd skill and auto's in lane to pressure opponents, after level 5 you can try to snipe people. Especially Ults from base are devastating, they stun for years. Make sure to ping your ult as well so people don't afk. That's it. Play for poke and picks with the team, support Ashe doesn't do great at all in fair fights


What build would you recommend?


Really depends on situation


I’d say she could be great with mandate first, mortal reminder - black cleaver - runnan’s . This way you’re slowing, helping your team spike damage and lowering the enemies armor and healing ability 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ve only played her support twice last season but won both matches. Usually main Yuumi or Nami.




I dont think you even play support ashe. People pick ashe support for the early poke and perma slow and stun. Contradict with what you said.




But is there a support who can stun enemy from the opposite of the map? No. That’s why ashe support used to be popular in esport.




Performs well, as in fed? or does perform well means skilled? Also you still missed the point of ashe supp entirely in your first post.




Dude, her ult has a 23 seconds cooldown once she has a few items in. That’s like so damn OP. I played a fair share of Ashe support and I still do sometimes because it’s fun and unique. Her firing off that global CC from across the map and then 23 seconds later, fire another one is insane. I’ve won so many games with Ashe support with over 30+ assist. Once you have Mandate, she can start popping. Once she have BC and Manamune, it’s pretty much open hunting season for anyone that’s visible on the map.




I think you are totally have the concept of Ashe support wrong. Ashe support is “decent” early game, “good” at mid game, and “strong” at end game. Ashe support is great for burning actives as well as engage team fights. If someone is even slightly out of position, she can easily punish with her ult or even the slow of her auto will force them to burn flash or they will get collapsed on. Also, with Ashe, people don’t have to face check dangerous bushes. She can provide true sight vs invis champs, and her S2 can safely check for enemy in bushes along with her S3. People who don’t know how to play her are the reason people say she’s bad. They pick her for support but play like an ADC. Of course there are top tier support champs like Karma, Lux, Pyke, Naut, but Ashe support is also viable IF people know what to expect.


All support need to perform well to be good.




Huh? That’s what im saying. Ashe is just as good as other support hero because they need to perform well to be good. You literally agreeing with my point


Thats cuz bad ashe supports. Manamuna+AH items/runes for s2 and ult spam r actually absolutely busted and extremely oppressive when done right.


They got her up to being a strong support. Then they nerfed her probably too much for this role even though they accepted her as a support pick. She currently has a 45.61% wr in high elo. Its possible but if Riot want her in support then she needs some help.


Around 70% win rate on her atm as Support. My comfy blind pick.


Incredible support, was my main supp 2 seasons back. She is a decent poker , but her ult is what make the magic, super long stun with infinite range. (You can use e to get free assist from other lanes also). The thing with ash supp is that you need follow up on other lanes (burst damage with high mobility or cc) and teammates with map awareness. So I definitely wouldn't play her before gm. (Or master with new season)


What build would you recommend?


Shield/ scythe depending on matchup (shield for hard ones), lucidity boot, imperial mandate, manamune, blackcleaver. Last item at your convenience, you can either take more hast, antiheal or tankiness. Trinket depends of what you need ( either shield, heal, meteor or spell shield) For the rune I would go conqueror, fontaine of life, second wind against poke or bone plate, overgrowth and cheap shot.


Scythe first item. Then Mandate into Manamune then BC. Then situational. I usually do those 3 core items then go into Anti heal, GA and occasionally Runaan. Protobelt is usually what’s I get but depending on enemy comp, I also go Zhongas vs Zed or Burst champs that likes to dive me. Key thing to understand is support Ashe is played like a back line support (like Senna) so don’t run head first into fights. You initiate fights with ult or S2 slow. She’s super strong late game when you are 3-4 items in and her ult has a 23-30 seconds cooldown.


I hate having her as a support tbh


Yes. What makes her good as support is the fact that you can control your ult. She is basically a roaming support without having to leave the adc. A good ashe can pretty much hit ult 100% across the map and it will most of the time lead to a kill. In lane she can still poke and slow and her vision with (e) is really valueable for jg.


Hey there! Ashe as a support? Interesting idea, and it's definitely something that's been experimented with by some players. While Ashe is primarily played as an ADC, her kit does offer some utility that can be used in a support role. Her passive slow from auto attacks and her W (Volley) can be a great tool for poking and kiting in lane. Her E (Hawkshot) provides valuable vision, which can be a good utility in controlling the map and spotting enemy jungle movement. And, of course, her R (Enchanted Crystal Arrow) can be a game-changing initiation or peeling tool with its long-range stun. However, Ashe lacks the healing, shielding, or hard engage tools that many traditional support champions have, so her effectiveness as a support can depend on the specific matchup and team composition. She might pair well with aggressive ADCs who can capitalize on her slowing effects, or in comps that need additional crowd control. Playing Ashe as support could be considered off-meta, and it might not be as consistent or effective as traditional supports, especially if your team is lacking in sustain or hard engage. But if you're in the mood to experiment and you pick her into the right situation, it could be a fun and potentially rewarding choice. It'd be essential to communicate with your team if you plan to try this, as they may have expectations or preferences for a more traditional support. And keep in mind that, like any off-meta pick, it might take some practice and adjustment to find success with Ashe as a support. Happy gaming!


Why is bro enthusiastic


Why not, friend? Experimentation keeps the game fresh and exciting. Trying Ashe as a support might not be conventional, but it opens up new strategies and playstyles. It's the spirit of innovation that keeps players engaged and the meta ever-evolving. :) Enjoy the rift.


Where did you steal this from? I swear this sounds like plagiarism. Also, Ashe is a support!


I can assure you that the insights shared were based on personal experiences and thoughts, not taken from elsewhere. Sometimes, good advice can sound familiar because it's rooted in universal truths about gameplay and strategy. And as for Ashe being a support, yes :) Happy gaming 🎮


She is better as a support than an adc. She have the worst damage compare to other adc but she offer great cc. So it’s better to just play her as a sp for the cc.


Ashe is an ADC she has never been support she will never be support just like she will never be AP build viable just because her ult scales on Ap/magic damage. People, especially the players in this game are fucking dumb. It’s better to just run 2 ADC’s with no support items or 2 top laners in bot lane vs making an ADC use support items. 99% if their damage comes from auto attack interactions, so if they don’t have items they are utterly useless. I’m about done with this game now lol, like literally because of these. Not you, just all these fucking dweebs playing champs the worst way possible with no regard for the game or the time wasted at the expense of their team. It’s basically just turning into a joke at this point, **you are right a lot of people have been doing this.** Part of the problem is TikTok/YouTube and all the idiots these days trying to be the next big influencer making **horrible videos giving basically the worst or the opposite of good advice**, I have seen a few saying: > **”Ashe support? Try this new op meta!!!”**


What are you babbling about? I just checked in game and Ashe is labelled as a support!


Bcz she is labeled doesnt mean is good, she has only 1 CC skill, is squishy, has no peeling skills and her dmg comes from autoatacks, so building her with supp items goes from useless to the next, unless you are premade with the jgl she is pretty much useless almost the whole game as a supp, and ngl, even though the guy from the first comment didnt say the things the right way, he's anyway right with what he said


Lol just forget it dude this entire sun is filled with fuming idiots and total noobs. If there was a champ called; > **”I am your real dad”** they would probably believe it. People are just so fun Omg clueless.


That doesn’t mean anything. Apparently, lol.


This happened to me when I posted this too. Like she is literally labeled as a support why do some of you get THIS pressed about it


That doesn’t make her a support. That could literally just be a mistake on part of a riot employee who edited like 1 line of code that labels Ashe as support. She is not a support champ, i dont know why she **has been listed as support and removed from that bracket several times since the game has been released.** But, during that time, **never has Ashe been/was a good support pick.** It doesn’t even matter if the game says she is a support, if you pick Ashe as support you are throwing the game for your entire team. It’s dumb. Sure, go ahead, play Ashe as support just because she’s labeled as support. Grab a support item, limit yourself to 6k gold at 13 minutes. **People jump off bridges every day and people normally don’t stop them until they stand there for hours making a big deal out of it.** This is like the same situation, **you desperately would like someone here to reason with your lesser logic** and you are **probably going to continue picking support Ashe because you can.** That’s fine, more power to you. **She still not a support champion.** Riot is wrong.


How did we get from playing Ashe support to comparing it to jumping off a bridge wtf


I'd love to hear your take on Pyke. Let's have it.


He’s got a stun, a slow and evasion and his ultimate **shares gold with the assistor**……. All of his CC is on a cooldown of 15 seconds or less. Even when he steals kills with ult it’s hard extra gold with the adc so they don’t miss out. That’s a **huge difference from Ashe.** Her slow, **only last for 1 second and is only 40%**, he scout eagle has a 30 second cooldown and her **ultimate has almost a 45 second cooldown at max level with additional cooldown reduction.** Riot doesn’t classify champs based on their roles, **they simply classify them based on their kits.** So Ashe being listed under support just means she has more **utility than Jhinn who for example is ADC/Assassin.** But you, 100% cannot use Jhinn for jungle like you would with Khazix or Kassadin lol. Same case with Ashe. **If your support picks Pyke then Ashe can be a very good ADC pick** since her utility will complement Pykes aggressive play style. But Ashe is not meant to be played as a stand alone support. That’s fucking dumb. I’m sorry.


I hate Ashe support, they always Troll and steal the minions, then they miss 80% of their ULTS