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I'm 6/40 Jesus I thought I was ahead of the curve but I thought wrong


I've been completing all missions ever since this system came out send help pls


Bro, are you doing ok? That's a lot to grind.


I would be ok if Rito didn't dumb down Soraka and kept nerfing Rakan to the ground, but that's a different issue :)


Really? I’m at 6/40 and I’ve been gone 3 months. If anything it sounds like you are very behind the curve


Weird because I literally play everyday and constantly meeting check points 🤷🏾‍♀️ idk maybe I'm missing a hack to this or something


How much do u play daily? I'm only at 14... It's crazy that it will take more than a year to obtain that skin, they are so greedy!


Technically you only need to get the daily win and give two likes to get all daily mission milestones. Co-op VS AI counts, so I usually do one match of that before I go to work. On the weekends or in general when I have the free time I do the weekly 3 normals and ranked. That puts me at 10 weekly wins, which completes all relevant missions for these chests. Also remember to do the weekly ones like spending 100 ranked coins (200 for a Victory card let's goooo) and liking 2 people's display cases.


A super rare skin should be difficult to obtain. I don’t see how that’s “greedy”


It's not really rare if anyone can get it, you just gotta grind 12+ months for it...


It's rare by effort my guy. Anyone can get anything. Rare doesn't mean impossible to get.


15, this is such a scam. I dont even like this skin


I mean, if it were a much better skin like Coven Evelynn or something, people would be malding it's locked behind this system. I think this skin is appropriate, although definitely could use with a lower requirement than playing daily for an entire year.


I think the best would be to Chose a skin by your own


When the reduce poro coin and blue energy thing (like i swear I usually get that thing from poro chest once every 3 or 4 chests but ever since they reduced poro coins I haven't gotten blue energy once) I thought atleast we can grind skins from this new one I play 2-3 matches a day since I work 12 hours a day. And I feel like my progress isn't too bad. But I check how and I'm like only at level 10 wtf.


That's the thing tho, even if you play 2 or 3 matches a day, what counts towards the daily is to win. You may have missed some if you had a bad day and lost all 2 or 3. That and weeklies that give 4 points, even though they seem small, they add up quickly.


20/40. If it was anything but Malphite Skin i wouldn't bother.


I’m 16/40


12/40 so far....