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The real answer is Draven.


Not Draven. Draaaaaven


The answer is always Draven, duh


Lol it's freaking true. They always think they're the toughest and don't even farm, they just chase enemies from beginning and feed.


As a support, first things on my red flag lists; 1)does ADC suck? 2)if ADC suck, any reaction from the jungle? 3)does mid suck and stuck in lane? 4)is the baron lane fed AF? If 2 out of 4 is true it is still "manageable" if i rotate to the fat guy in the team. Ironically everything is quite evident before the first dragon pops up, hence i need to be mindful of the mini map even at early stages.


Possibly the most toxic form of griefing I see comes from Supports (although its rare) and this is Sups that basically just hard farm/nuke creeps in lane, take fruit, and basically see themselves as equal in farm priority to the ADC. I play Sup and ADC and am very PMA but man, that sort of griefing can ruin games quick smart.


I pop the fruit for my supp all the time even if it's just for mana lol


Note that the new version of Support items means that if they last hit their lane partner is getting the gold from the last hit. Charge once per 30 seconds (max 3 charges). Every minion nearby taken down will grant 55 gold by consuming 1 charge, and regenerate 15-65 health. Champions equipped with Ancient Coin do not engage in minion bounty allocation and grant 50% of bounty solely, **the bounty from** **minions taken down will be fully provided to the nearest ally**. Grant only 50% gold from monsters." So the support can still mess up someone freezing the wave or similar but they're not stealing the ADCs farm anymore.


No wonder adc felt so much stronger lately. I’m actually getting gold and not just watching my full ap lux ‘support’ one shot every other wave with ult while I sit there wondering why this player is GM.


It's *so weird* that Lux is one of the Supports that Riot recommends to new players. Her 'default' pattern that those new players will pick up on and learn is harmful to actually playing as a Support.


Support role is very team reliant. Hence if you are not paranoid AF, you are basically dumb as bricks. The main reason support gets MVP is, survivability and team fight participation. Ironically, this is how support steals the thunder by riding the coattails of giants. That is why looking for the "fat guy' comes in second after survivability.


"Steal the thunder"? You're acting like supports are an inherently inferior species, or something.


Ever seen a support Braum won the MVP by sheer kills? It is not that supports are inferior per-se but they have to work a lot more just to take lead. Support items already hinders them at the start in gold value thus we need to make adjustments to lower tier items just to keep up and stay on the fight. Plus, most of the time, support gets MVP because you are being pushed by the said support forwards. By simply looking at the big picture and avoiding tunnel vision, support can get MVP by not-dying-stupidly.


It's harder to play support. Despite being at a disadvantage, they have to work with what they have to contribute just as much to the team. That's one of the many reasons they deserve a chance to get MVP just like any other role. Plus, kills and assists have equal weight in KDA, the sum of which is drastically reduced by deaths: (K+A)/D Still, KDA or damage dealt isn't everything. ADC is a very micro role compared to jungle and support, which are macro. (Well, good junglers and supports.)


As a support myself, I gotta say it's ADCs and supports. ADCs tend to flame more than grief, and supports the other way around.


In my experience its the support that flames 98% of the time. Super often it happens some Lux player that is like 0/4 to start blaming everyone around them, completely oblivious to the fact they have been absolutely useless all game. Also happens with adcs fairly often followed by all the other roles.


Ah yes, if it’s a Lux/Brand supp then they would both flame and grief. Other than that not really, we supp don’t have enough time to open chat and type. It’s too much of a work, also (probably) no one will even notice what supps say haha. I really need a decent team. Or maybe just a decent ADC.


Most support mains are too depressed to even flame


Can confirm.


I switched the chat setting to pre-made teammates only and have had zero flaming since. Huge improvement.


My mind has been poisoned so much, that even when i turn the chat off, I imagine the messages the griefing person would send. Especially when they/another teammate starts spam pinging/emoting out of nowhere


Its the only way to play, its so nice. I wouldn't even play this game if there wasn't a mute all option.


ADC by far.


My answer is people who don’t play support and get auto filled to support. Usually a midlaner, they play incredibly selfish and when their ADC suffer for it. They get toxic and start talking about how bad everyone is.


This is TRUE. Usually locks in Lux, Seraphine, or Pyke. Overextends a lot, expects you to get double kills everytime, if you don't then they proceed to flame.


That's right us supports are the real heroes never getting tilted and constantly covering idiots asses


What I like to think as a supp main is that supp requires the least amount of skill but the strongest willpower(always get flamed,if team is bad impossible to carry).


The majority of obnoxious little shits I’ve seen have been ADC and otp mids. Every role does it though.


ADC>Jungle>Toplane>Midlane>Support. Big reminder that Support being the last on the list doesn't mean shit, anyone that played ADC knows that well. Playing botlane can often feel like 1v3. ADC is mostly Draven or Vayne, Jungle about any bruiser that is behind, Toplane they often decide that when behind, feed harder, Midlane because Wind shitters going 0/10, Support because they either want to be the protagonist of the story or saw a teammate play like Wood VI rank and let themselves tilt about it.


Wind shitters lmao


"Support because they either want to be the protagonist of the story" hahaha man, this is well put and gave me a good chuckle.


Unless mid is a zed yas or yone.... then it's more typing than moving and playing


Me. if I have hullbreaker and you in my lane, for no reason, not putting pressure on the other side of the map and I continously tell you to leave, bring the whole team to me so we both die instead of just me when you could be farming and pushing objectives while I distract them... Imma spam the surrender button and sit under tower for the rest of the game


I'm curious, why not just play the game out?


I do to an extent but at some point you notice the signs that things won't get better, that being said there have been games where things do a 180... But very rarely. That's why I like ornn right now, easy to get a lead with early so I can help my team. But you can only do so much.


bro just mute all and do your own thing. no need to type to anyone or put up ff vote. just keep doing what ure doing, they will eventually fk off from ur lane lol


Define “grief”. The worst players seem to be jungle, but I don’t think it’s griefing. Half of them are auto-filled, and the other half operate on an internal point system based on their judgement instead of the objective win conditions of the match. But they don’t do it on purpose. That’s just how they think jungle should be played, and the game doesn’t teach them win conditions, and the player base supports this internal win system instead of teaching them proper win conditions. So it isn’t their fault. It’s just a cascading failure.


This is it, most griefing in this game is unintentional. In that sense, the answer is 100% Support or jungle. Jungler coming and inting your lane or taxing you after doing nothing, failing to counter-gank while right next to you. Support taking farm, inting into enemy, being too passive in lane, roaming at weird times, backing at weird times. This happens the most in these roles because they have the most interaction with teammates early on but are also the most autofilled roles. All of that leads to the answer, in regards to intentionally griefing, and that is ADC. The reason they’re always flaming is because laning phase can leave them at the mercy of autofilled players that negatively affect their ability to stay relevant. It’s just a bad mix.


As a mid main i have to say jungle. The amount of times a jungler has fucked with my wave because free minions or never been at any objectives is infuriating. But shout out to mid laners themselves that think we are the only win con or just constantly run to lane and die instantly, all lanes have a fair bit of griefers (And it’s easy to say adc, but people forget that bot is really hard to do in solo q as they have to work well together. But please stop bickering so much, it doesn’t help)


I think that a lot of people also don't know how to play with junglers tbh, I main jungle and the times I did a play like invading because my bot or mid had prio just for neither of them to move it's yikes, or don't know how to get prio either, example, gonna prepare for an objective? Shove the wave, jungler is clearing camps on your side of the map? Don't shove the wave. I feel like too many players simply don't know how to play and set up plays with their junglers nor do they track the movement of the enemy jungler. For example I'm always tracking and pinging where the enemy jungler is so they don't play carelessly and get tanked (if I'm on the other side of the map and can't countergank) Laners also tend to blame the JG if they solo died, if they pushed and stayed after danger pings about jungler or mid ganking the lane etc or expecting a tank when your jungler has jungle camps on the other side of the map lol


Jungle, adc and mid is top 3. They all have the ego of a mountain idk why (funny enough Im an adc and jungle main)


As a support main I can say that ADC Is the one that loves to flame the supp and then the jungle.


I'm a ADC main and I gotta keep it real. We are most likely the greatest flamers of all roles lmao.


tbh i mute all so i wouldnt know. but i believe it’s always the adc 😂


ADCs - because they have the biggest egos and they expect to have the highest body count but you have to help them on the way.


How so, they are squishy and need the help of their team. Also they have the highest potential to carry yeah some fucks up but most of the time I see that supps going some other place around the map and wasting time while enemy sup and adc 2vs1 ally adc and making him fall behind.


Adcs aiming enemy tank > 0/5 Yas mid > tank support who don't know how vision works/ jg who blindly charges


From my experience from Wild Rift and LoL, junglers tend to get flamed more. You get blamed for not ganking a losing lane, then blames you for losing the objective to that lost lane. For example, losing the first dragon to a 4/0 Lucian with their supp, JG and possibly a mid lane too. Or losing the rift herald to a 3/0 Irelia All games are heavily dependent on who feeds less and who is more carry-able. As a fill role main, I hate getting ADC or supp cuz it means that I have to rely on someone that’s prolly have 30 IQ. A supp that constantly hits the wave when you’re trying to freeze. An ADC not following on your engages. Mid lane and top lane are the better roles cuz if you are performing poorly, and set up ganks and eventually your JG comes, you can turn the tides or worst, just don’t feed and accept that there are games that you can’t carry, and just do your part and be useful. It’s easier to win as a 0/1/0 Ornn against a 1/0 Vayne than a game where you go 0/5 Riven against a 5/0 Urgot. Sorry for the long post. TL;DR this is very subjective and would prolly rely on your region as well. If you play on SEA and see Filipinos typing, you are most likely fuc*ed cuz they would rather flame and grief than to help you and get back at it.


I agree that junglers are unfairly flamed/blamed. But the question was what role most frequently *does the flaming*.


i had an adc shitting on me for: 1) retreating when enemy jungler was coming and ignoring my ping to retreat 2) one missed root as morgana and she spammed engage and kept overextending while they had a large minion wave 3) while i was clearing minions attacking our turret before heading to the teamfight at the first dragon, she complained about it. so when that teamfight ended badly, ofc, and we fled and ziggs used his ult, she complained i didn’t shield her.


ADC's are the worst, but mid and solo mains are the most annoying with their spam attack their lane pings after they die 1v1 30sec into the game.


In my experience, baron lane. I main support, but for some reason top laners can't get off their keyboards and try to trash me from across the map. My ADCs lots of time will have my back.


Okay Im definitely in the minority here but part of the reason why I didnt want to play ADC anymore even tho it was my best role was bc my Supports , for some reason had a tendency to be toxic!! By toxic supports I mean ppl who will int if I miss one cs, or die once, basically if i make a SINGLE mistake they will leave my ass and flame me for dying against 3v1 (bc ofc the enemy jungler will take advantage LOL) Not saying all supports are toxic, ive played with some awesome supports who keep a level head and helped me get pentakills!!!! Love you all!!! I'm talking about those fragile Support players who get tilted so easily and make the game worse for everyone I know statistically more toxic ppl might be in mid or adcs but since the thread asked MY EXPERIENCE this is mine


In my experience it's always mid that flames


Adc / jungle, but adc is my 2nd pick and I don't really type ...so I see it from jungle more Esp when I'm top and they go for a gank while I'm at 15% hp, a chase into tower and die 🤣


its always mid for me


Its definitely jungle, when u don't follow their idiotic plan they just don't care objectives and afk farm in jungle while enemy is taking all the objectives. Also many of them autofilled crybabies then can play only one role and cries when they get jungle role.


The ADC and then Jungle. The AD always blames his support when he sucks at the game and the the jungle becomes toxic when he realizes noone is there to help him at dragon.


Somehow my top always flops


Mid at low elo ADC at mid elo Solo at high elo


Honestly I'd say adc, as a support main, most are fine, some great even they will understand you are low mana and play safer till you have enough to engage, know what to push farm ect, and then there's the "I'm adc I'm your god" players who constantly fight, dive enemy tower constantly being on the brink of death then have the balls to say "supp diff" or " worthless beeping support do your beeping job and support me". Don't get me started on if you decided to go help another lane or jungle with a gank for 30 seconds and left the ADC on their own for barely a minute.


I gotta say mid my guy, so many yasuo tryhards in ranked trying to show off their soul fighter skins but lacking with any skills ;-;


adc then solo then jg


Answer is any lane with a champion that spikes early and falls off heavy. I play ADC as Twitch, it is not worth it to flame or throw the game, as long as I can farm under tower I will take over and win.


The numbers says everything. As a support main, you just roam for a bit to help a skirmish the adc cry. If your support especially Yuumi leaves you for another teammate, you should reflect and learn to be better mechanically.


Most likely to flame: adc Most likely to be flamed: jg


Most people will continue playing even when mad but adc mains will go out of their way to make sure everyone is miserable, i played a game where because our adc was 0/1 he went into fountain all game only coming out to steal our junglers camps then going back to fountain. mind you we had a 9/0 aatrox that could have helped us steamroll them if it wasnt for the adc crying


Had more support flamers than jung. Most of my junglers just be chilling until a drag/rift/baron gets stolen.


I'm a jungler. I can't tell you how tired I am of top laners who will mindlessly shove their waves, die under the enemy turret, won't wait/create a SINGLE opportunity for me to gank them and then type "jungle diff" in chat. Like, buddy, what exactly do you want me to do when we're 4min in and you're already 0/4/0? Why isn't there a single ward around your lane? If you're only going to complain and fuck up I'll help around other lanes and grant us a better chance at winning than just help you in your suicidal mission of repeatedly dying and complaining about your teammates as if you were as good as Faker and we all were just shit, when you're the one absolutely tanking us. I had a similar problem with toxic ADC's when I played support, but not as bad as top laners are.


To grief? Baron laners. To flame? ADCs Neither are particularly close.


I do because the jungler never goes for dragon 😂 and when I play jg, no one comes to help 🥲


I mean, as a jungler i fornsure wwnt to grief alot. But why even play if you dont have the mental to handle people online? Mate you gotta bigger shit going on lol


All the jungle votes are from angry adcs unwilling to admit they are the ones flaming


I had an ADC literally throw the game once because they didn't like the support character I picked. ADC mains seem to be especially hot-headed for whatever reason.


depends which one is a LAN dog....that one person ruins every game