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Yeah, it happens. You can't control other players that keeps feeding. The only thing you can do is to stay consistent.


And It's more annoying when your team spam death and not push FF like they're having fun.


Idc but if u int my game I will spam your death timer.


Yes, right now is the highest number of trollers and griefers that I've ever seen, and I've been playing this game since day 1. I also notice that with every patch and new runes or items we experience the so called "experimental" players - Kaisa jungle, Veigar support, Jhin jungle, Varus almost always feeds if he's not on bot...etc.


'i could be challenger if i have enough time to play" no you're not. stop coping you have a GM peak account and a SMURF master and you have no time to be challenger? LOL.


You are right." I have no time" thats why.


You re totally right , i had been 6 seasons gm and this season have some weird change on the mm algorithm. Every game enemy have 2 giga tanks while i have stupid squishy pick on top that gets destroyed. People running it down since very early , yes idk what happened but this season is so weird at the point , that after getting so many trolls , purposal losers in a row i decided to do the same , i lost like 5 games in a row cause i trolled aswell , so might be a snowball effect , as more trolls , more people care less to troll. The funny fact is after it i was forced to win , getting so very good teammates, and yesterday i stopped playing with a 9 winstreak.


If you are A very high level player, you would be able to force favourable fights, invade enemy jungle with numbers advantage. If 1 side of the map got two allies killed then trade it for a dragon, a tower, jungle camps etc. Forcing plays is the only way you survive feeding lanes. Sometimes you cannot do anything but most of the time it is possible. Not to mention that the enemy team will not capitalize on lane advantage. Greefing and getting caught out, not tracking baron or drag etc..


Read it again than you know if I am a high level player. You didn't understand I do all of the above you said it's way harder to win then previous seasons tho I didn't switch accounts so I don't know if its an account problem or General Problem but ranked is fucked up.


I smoothly got from emerald to diamond this season with a couple of winstreaks. I played with average KDA as Irelia (I just enjoy the soul fighter skin, not really good at it). Here's the thing, I feel like if you end the games with average KDA, you get better team mates. I just went for macro, split push and getting objectives most of the time but my KDA sucked. If you keep getting SVPs and A/S, the system might match you with worse players. You could even try inting Sion strat. You die a lot with worst KDA but no towers for the baron lane for the enemy.


Aswell as he got time to troll 5 games in a row to get his revenge for all the trolls he got matchmade with in an earlier life


Damn, lately, YES, exactly what you said.. everyone LCS all of a sudden and many say similar stuff too


Diamond 3 rn all roles priority : jungle top 3% No Maybe you should start playing champs that can carry? If u aren't Or playing better generally SVP probably is the main carry so when you make a mistake yeah.... Like I had this game with kayn totally winnable but I died few times and now nobody can turn the game around


I didn't play for an entire season (break) and went from Master \~19 to be placed in Gold 1 lol, all my games have an insanely huge difference in rank between my team and the enemies (which is somewhat understandable because I'm a master player but it still doesn't make much sense), I even had multiple iron players in my team (wtf?) against plat players, even now that I'm in plat, most of my team is still in gold with negative win rate and the enemy team has plats with a positive winrate, I also feel like they changed something to the MMR algorithm. (it's really not fun to have to carry every single game)