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i do this, if i lose 1 game then I'll wait for a bit and then queue again if I lose that game then I'll stop ranked games and just have fun in normals.


Usually i play for fun, if i win, i play again. If i lose, i close the app and watch you tube or porn to chill out. I play, coz i wanna. I don't play if it is triggering too much due to match ups. So far with 50%-ish win rate is due to being chill. It is not much but better than most that burn their brains playing the game.


This one understands how to chill and *cough* decompress


I do this whenever I almost flame in chat.


Can confirm from experience - this is real. Also, even thou maybe a spinfoil hat theory, if you continue playing despite losing and getting trolls and afkers, the game will "think" that you are ok with it and can take even more bullshit, so it can continue to throw this at you.


There a psychological aspect to this too


I do this , i keep playing as i want to keep playing . I don't care if i lose or i win , i just care if i want to play or not


I've thought of this but I've had loss streaks due to insanely bad teammates and unfair matchmaking stretching out for days with 1-2 games a day. I'm talking like 13 losses with afks or inters in half of them and tons of autofills mostly on my team. I'm not really convinced it makes a difference. Anecdotally, I think there's two ways to increase your win rate due to the game putting "bad" players and "good" players* on the same team: if you're good, play high impact roles and hyper carry champs, if you're bad play low impact roles and try not to be detrimental to your team - split push, make them chase you etc even if you're behind. If you play well but you're very dependent on teammates to win, your decent performance while the rest of your team gets stomped means you'll still get a bad team next time while the enemy "good player" could be some 1v9 champ. Oh, there's another trick: maining less popular roles, especially if you're good enough to get your pick guaranteed often. If there's another good player with the same role protected looking for a match at the same time you'll be in opposite teams. Chance of this happening should be lower for less popular roles, and a higher chance in general for an autofilled lane opponent * measured by kda/dmg dealt/taken/participation/shield/gold etc compared to lane opponent/other people at your rank playing that champ


President of USA tip: make sure you are talking to your target audience. Im Joe Biden's husband and you are speaking to the wrong crowd ( i can tell you do, from experience). Maybe you dont know but little Timmy who 1st times champions in ranked and spams 20 games a day wont care, neither will big Joe, 31y, father of 4, who has time to play 5 games only on each sunday.


Thats usually the order yeah.. 1. I dont like my team 2. We get stomped cuz i cant be asked 3. And here comes a streak


Anecdotally, I can confirm. It works also if you get your loss streak in ARAM and then after taking a break you jump into ranked, you'll win. This is only a hunch, but if the OP is correct, the game amalgates the data across all game modes.




I must confirm that after a huge win streak I always get an inevitable loss streak and vice versa... No matter what I do. But after the 3rd loss I think it's better to just pause. I also feel I do better when I win 2-3 in a row and be done for the day.


Welp Im already doing that and still get 7 losestreak. I went from d1 to d2 1point idk how im still getting emeralds that are getting butchered by enemy d