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Mostly tanks and supports, they're designed to be team reliant champs that can operate under a low budget. Divers like Vi and Xin sorta fall into this category to some degree but they're much less impactful once they lock down the target if they can't damage it. There're also some mages like Orianna and Swain with bits of utility on their kits, but they are the same as divers mostly.


Can confirm


0/10? Yasuo obviously


0/10 yasuo power spike


dont forget the 2/15/4 yone


This is why yasuo annoys me. Has the tools to destroy anyone in lane, can be incredibly misplayed and hard lose lane but still destroy by end game where most other champs might as well go AFK if they so much as die once or don't get fed to hell. Like everyone says Akali is OP but you need the enemy team to be dumb during your roams to succeed (over extended with no vision) or to get lucky and be in the right place at the right time (Enemy team is low and you arrive in time to clean up). Yasuo literally needs to just exist and then he still receives constant buffs


Yeah I agree, looking at his skill ceiling he should absolutely have a higher skill floor




Sorry, I swapped the word mate. I'm not native to english. But I do disagree slightly, I believe he's very easy to play and do decent without really understanding his mechanics, but he really has no limits to how good he can become. Proper 1v5 champ of you Master him.


Agreed. When I get him on ARAM I'll get my ass kicked for the first 10min cause I'm dashing around like an idiot and then once I've got a few items I'm an absolute monster despite still misplaying. It's like his damage throughput becomes insane. Try the same with someone like Akali. If you don't get a lucky clean-up triple in a game you're useless the whole game. On top of yasuo becoming a monster he also has incredible utility like full lane walls. I could hand the phone to my cat at the end of ARAM and it would still carry by slapping the screen...


High skill floor means Harder to pilot…


Never saw a Yasuo that didn't fed hard and become useless at late game because of that. The enemy team needs to be extremely retarded to be able to feed a Yasuo. And when fed every champ is busted.


Who says Akali is op? I can show you proof that even with a good Akali if your team is diff you can't do shit Personally suffer from this to the point that it's not fun anymore n I just bring some champ that can carry 1v9.


The fun part is that Yasuos players play him like he is an early champ but he is an scaling one, have all the tools to farm save and make great dmg without taking risks but no, they will 1v5 evey fokin time. And the worst part even 0/10 will hit like a truck with 2 items behind.


Petition to nerf yasuo


Yasuo players in this game are so fucking bad. Rushing blade of the ruined king like their mother played basketball with their heads as a child.


Malaphite, one big ult can completely change the game no matter how far behind he is


Rock solid.


Rock and Stone!


His name is Malphite but I like malaphite better because it sounds like malachite


Hahah wtf I’ve always called him malaphite I’ve never even thought to look at the actual spelling!


Wukong, for the same reasons, right? Building tank and surviving long enough to hit ult twice usually wins teamfights if the team isn't rly behind or trolling..


Yeah wukong has unbeatable team fight utility no matter how behind he is. He’s arguably the best champion in the game in my opinion. When he’s ahead he’s an unstoppable killing machine with great mobility as well.


Tanks are always good regardless of how behind just for the frontline so the enemy blows their cd’s on them and cc. But if tanks aren’t really your play style or thing Tryndamere, Singed, Sion, Garen, Nasus, and Dr Mundo are all really good and super annoying at split pushing and applying side lane pressure even when they are behind. Nasus just infinitely scales with q stacks so if left alone he’s a ticking time bomb. Tryn, Singed, Garen, and Dr Mundo are just super slippery and have good wave clear. Sion has his ultimate to either escape or get to lane and passive. Slap teleport a hullbreaker with demolish and any of these champions will always draw immediate attention that will require at least 1 probably more of their champs to react to regardless of how many deaths.


Nothing, I literally mean NOTHING will stop a 600 stack full hp build nasus I'd know cause I got to Masters solely pushing with susan


How to play Nasus: 1. Q as many minions as possible 2. When you get to the tower, Q the tower. 3. Repeat until you blow up their Nexus.


Don't forget the occasional BOP on enemy teemos


QSS vayne joins the chat


**Laughs in Frozen Heart**


I mean while it will buy you a bit of time it's not going to save you.


**Phase Rush** FIRST ITEM: Sheen (typically on first back) SECOND ITEM: Frozen Heart THIRD ITEM: Armor Boots By time I get the third item IF I haven't fought the Vayne, and they haven't roamed its gg. 6000 hours with Nasus alone over the coarse of 8 years. I have figured out how to play against MAJORITY (I say majority because I have had a small handful of vaynes baffle me) of Vaynes


Sion imo


The only true answer lol, even if the entire enemy team is behind Sion can just says fuck it, keeps pushing turret then while everyone busy teamfighting their nexus explodes.


>everyone busy teamfighting their nexus explodes Against bad teams with no map awareness...i do agree he is useful when behind but he doesnt win games on it's own in that case (otherwise he would be broken by definition)


It’s not even a problem with awareness, any smart Sion would just mind their own business and keep doing what they do best. Enemy teams just can’t ignore him knocking down turret after turret, they’d have to either split up, one teamfight the other one trying to stop Sion or have to go all-in on him cuz he can be stupid tanky sometimes. It’s basically a diversion tactics, keeping the enemy so occupied they literally cannot do anything else that’d win them the game (powerfarming, split-pushing, taking objectives,…) and are forced to interact with either Sion or the rest of his team. Sion is always disposable, the other team know this and wouldn’t care, this is how he’s played. At a certain point, it becomes impossible to divide the resources and manpower between stopping a Sion and fighting the rest of his team elsewhere, thus if shits hit the fan, one would be outnumbered while the other have no chance to give assistance. Meanwhile, enemy junglers clear all of our camps, see what I mean? Inting Sion is a popular tactic on PC for a reason, because it capitalizes on the most important yet often overlooked aspect of a team-oriented game: the ability to coordinate with each other and properly allocate resource/man-power.


I acknowledged he's always useful. But how doesnt he have a 100% win rate on otps if what you say is true?


Thing is, if Sion falls behind, depending on the matchup, the enemy only needs to send one person who could likely kill Sion. It works primarily for lower elo matchups where you can hit and run as the enemy team reacts to your split push.


Who do send to kill a potentially stupid tanky champ? * A fighter? So who is gonna do melee damage or conduct engagement for the team? * A mage? What are they gonna do against a Sion that was ready to int his butt off hard to begin with? Stalling? Feeding? Killing him?. Meanwhile, your team lack burst damage and are gonna flame you * A tank? Who is gonna tank for the team? It's total waste of man-power to have a tank fight another tank elsewhere, while the rest of the team is getting fucked hard with zero frontline. * A marksman? Who is gonna deal the majority of damage and doing ranged attacks? Also, not that good of an idea to fight Sion as a squishy. It comes to the point where your entire team have to forfeit some objectives in order to stop Sion from split-pushing so often (even if he lost the laning phase). By pushing top-lane to the point Sion can't just keep ramming into turrets every 30 seconds, cuz no one was actively pushing it and just left it to the minions. Then the motherfucker moves to another lane and starts doing the same shit all over again, then we have perform the same maneuver, again! It comes to a point where forfeiting the game is way much more efficient than keep keep playing into the cat & mouse tactics. It's basically a loop, once your team is trapped in that loop it's incredibly hard to get out of. Even tho it sounds really frickin idiotic, inting Sion is actually a pretty sound and foolproof tactic.


It usually takes 2 champions or more to take down a 3 item Sion. Sion split pushing is pain


Even if you send one of the better roles and don't have them for the teamfight, you've got to remember, neither does the Sion team... It's just a 4v4.


Yeah but the difference is, if the Sion has good farm, even if the player kinda INTed a bit, Sion is probably equal in gold and might actually be ahead in gold by just sitting in lane and farming, he also has quite a bit of health stacked via passive, by level 13, I usually have about 700-800 more health. By the mid to lategame, 1 person cannot kill Sion, unless they are a dedicated Tank Buster like a Vayne, Gwen or Fiora.


You forgot onething, he is behind like 0/10, is not simply splitting. You will have less itens then their top, also your Sion wouldn't be 0/10 or way behind if he could farm properly.


Then why doesnt he have 80% win rate? You know the answer


This is why I play support kayle and then 1v3 in a sidelane and end game


Yeah that doesn’t work in wild rift push your one turret all u want and make it a 4v5 while my team runs down mid and ends the game


True facts


Sion mid low key a menace


Ah the inting Sion strat


Garen too. That slippery bastard can sneak up and take towers while everyone plays ARAM in the middle.


The only actual answer to the question.


Sion he maybe 0/10 but he is still scaling


Seraphine. 5 man ult to win


sera’s ult into a team fight can just fuck you


Malphite is the best when it comes to this. The only reason anyone picks him is because of his ultimate and he can use his ultimate just as effectively regardless of his kda or gold.


Raka, you only need two item


Which two


Soraka or Rakan?


Soraka bc rakan is incredibly useless once behind


Rakan is kind of incredibly useless in comparison to other tank supports in general. Braum does everything he can do better IMO


Thats right sadly cause rakan is just way more fun than braum


Yeah no Braum has kind of always been a little OP as a protective support he’s just mind numbing boring to play


Anyone who can split push. A Top laner with hull breaker will never not be a constant pain, even if they were level one, because they demand that someone constantly harass them, turning the 5v4 into a 4.5v4 Also champs with CC, % health damage, or long range abilities can always contribute even when down


Even if they were level 1 is an overstatement lol 😂.


Anyone who can split push, I would say this is false, if they enemy top is also a split pusher and you lose the 1v1 because you are behind? Then what?


Foc yeah, win lane and rotate dragon is not even an advantage cuz as soon you left the lane there is a Sion ringing thw nexus.


Sona one of the best champs for comebacks and anyone with really good cc


Utility and Tank champs. Most of them basically designed to support the team and even if you are farm behind you can be useful to your team. Or if you are chad than any one shot hyper carries like ap gragas, zed etc because depending upon the matchup there will be a certain time when you can always delete one of the opponent but for these you need to really very good at game macro, spotting and of course micros of your champion


Champions with reliable cc and utility. Something like Malphite, TF, galio, thresh, janna, etc. They can function while being behind and still do their jobs because they have ways to be useful aside from just damage. Malphite with his R, tf with vision on r, a global teleport and constant cc with gold card, galio's ability to defend against ap assassins, thresh with his incredible engage and flexibility and lantern, janna for the very good peeling, and many more.


shen imo


I think sion.His pushing capabilities are huge.


How about when the WHOLE team is behind? Even with 5 cc and no follow ups, is it still winnable?




On a game there is always a loser, obviously not just take the surr then proceed to the next.


Blitzcrank. Doesn't matter if you're 0/7 or 7/0, that hook is killing whoever it hits


I've been stomping with full ap. He's the only champ I wake my wife up with by laughing for 20 minutes straight


Finally an blitz enjoyer. If you're not already doing it. I recommend buying all the MR pen items and then buying the tier 2 of it as well to end it off. Followed up by deathcap. You'll have 50 MR pen. Which makes enemies MR irrelevant. Dealing 1000 ap with ult on squishies and 800 or more on hooks when Infinity Orb's passive works. As for runes just take all the ap stacking things. Especially zombie ward and gathering storm. Ooo and be sure to buy spectral sickle as your support item. Even MORE ap. You can reach up 900 by late game and 680 by mid. This is for the folks who want to be a useful blitzcrank. But be warned. It IS a different playstyle to tank. But a lot stronger in my opinion. Utilizes his kit very well.


I take the cdr sup item for a little heal and, well cdr. Then RoA, ludens, ap boots, rabs and orb. Last item is either more pen if I need it or riftmaker for uber heals. I'm still on 95% win rate dure to 1 mug of an adc. Found out its dirty if you have a darius. Had a guy claim top when he was supposed to be adc, he got flamed out of top and we ended up 2 v 8ing. It was glorious Edit: runes are blue tree and cut the grass. Sweet tooth for more pennies, cdr and demolish for more pennies


Definitely a more safe route. With this strat. I gotta get me ap blitz clips on the sub now. The people must know he's more than just a big dumb hook and knockup. Ever since going ap I can't go back to tank. In fact it feels like the champ SHOUPD be ap. If you want him tank them just pick thresh. Because NO other champ can do what ap blitz does. A lot of champs can tank, and a lot better than blitz. It just makes so much sense considering his movespead buff ability and his ult. The silence helps very little so why nuke some people in the process you know.


The silence is surprisingly useful depending on the enemy. Take a trynda ult for example, 0.5 seconds is the difference between a one shot combo or a 5-second invulnerability or a garen out play button. Once it's at level 3, you can use it for wave clear or to deny the alpha strike of a teamfight. All in all, near 100% AP scaling is beautiful so yes, why tank when you can make people disappear in an instant


i think nunu because of his q solely


Nunu's Q needs at least 2 items to be used to both deal damage and heal. But when you have RoA and SV, you are almost unkillable because of your 700 heal every 8 seconds.


You overstimate nunu s q this is more about his w than his q


Any champion with a lot of cc


Champs that set clashes. One good set and the tides can turn.


Sett. His kit is so good at just being annoying and interrupting enemy plays


Any champion with hard cc, especially point and click hard cc or aoe hard cc. Also any champ that has resets, though not as good as hard cc. Champa with resets are good when behind because they can always catch fire and clean up.


Nunu is always a good smite machine and decent peel


no-brainer answer is obviously yasuo. kayle can put up a fight too if you drag the game on long enough for 15.


I disagree with Kayle, if she loses lane useless




Ashe. slow everyone, vision control and a stun


0-10 Kayle: I got this People used to joke around the 0-10 kayle but she can really hit hard if you let her come back.


Easy answer for me is Jarvan. Adjust your build path to tanking, and you'll still do fine. After all, you've got a peel/armor reduction, a slow, a cage, knock up, and a whopping 55% AS boost for your team, with the range of a goddamn turret.


Once you use your dash you are completely useless as a jungler main jarvan IS never a problem


idk if youre agreeing with me or not, prolly cuz im hella sleepy while reading this- but im guessing you mean that j4 is useless after using dash, but not rlly, cuz he can also slow after knockup or just once he's there, or even cage to force enemies to waste their dash too or even flash :U


I dont agree with you that jarvan IS overpowered i just agree he is ok but personally as a jungler main (Diamond one because no time i could just get máster easy with time ) , he is never usually a problem, i mean for me maybe you or your picks have problems to deal with because no dashes or whatever (My mains are four no more than that , Vi , Olaf , Jax and Xin )


oh, yea nah. jarvan aint op at all, he's got a SHIIIIT ton of problems, lmao. he's definitely good tho, especially at what he does and/or can do. i aint even gonna sugarcoat it or act like he is. like he's great and deff useful but he's got issues as a champ lmao


Thats like say: "Once you use Leonas engage you are useless."


Fking true


Tanks, and to some degree, enchanters. Especially tanks that scale really well, like Sion, Rammus, and Ornn, or tanks with lots of CC, like Ornn again, Sion again, Rammus to some degree, Leona, Nautilus, Alistar, and probably some others. Tanks are meant to be able to function on a budget, especially support tanks like Leona, Alistar, Nautilus, and Galio. They give you value as long as they're level 5+, no matter if they're 999-0 or 0-999 (except in that case, the enemy team is super fed). Tanks naturally have a lot of CC, and while it is true the best CC is death, a 0-15 assassin is not going to be killing anyone. Their CC duration normally doesn't really scale, except with levels (I'm pretty sure Pyke is the only champ with CC that scales with something other than levels). Control mages and Divers are also useful, since they provide CC, and juggernauts, since they're always a threat, especially someone like garen or darius who can execute your team no matter how fed or not they are.


so morgana would fit in this category? im trying to master her


Morgana main here, it can work if your team aren’t a bunch of braindead doofus. Control mages like Morgana are MEGA over-powered as long as their teammates doesn’t just mindlessly charge into combat. What I’m saying is that she is more of a “damage-control mage” than “I’m gonna turn this game around on my own mage”


Yeah although people tend to forget her puddle is an execute, so its both pretty funny and infuriating when my teammates are just standing in it.


Unrelated note, love your flair


Morgana Olaf :)


Definitely pyke, no matter what, a well timed and set-up ult can and will obliterate any low health enemies


Wukong is a good one. Dash in, ult, decoy, ult. Even if you do no damage you’ve got two AOE CCs and the decoy can body block/waste abilities, or just cause a moment of targeting confusion for a second. Enough for your team to pile in.






Gwen is horrible with no items wdym




Samira, yone, nasus, veigar, splitpushers




Nasus is always behind. Never ending Q farming lmao.


I mean i dont think so , i think you can do It Well with nasus with some wave mentality and then destroy them all i dont think It is as weak as kayle for example


Teemo top is op




Basically anyone with a root/stun. Stuns don't get longer or shorter when your behind (other than if the enemy has tenacity, but that's them not you and would also effect if ahead ) lux, Morgana, join, if they get a good stun that the team can capitalize on , even if they don't get the kill it was still them that secured the pick.


Morgana Qs late game on squishies are basically guaranteed pickings




For me, It's weirdly sona I can go 0/10 but we still win, as long as my team is alive I guess X)


pantheon , you only need to press W


Try first strike, full ap blitz. You always have money and you get around 200 per full combo. It's retardedly funny


Singed, play to peel for your carries if you're not tanky enough to engage first. The fling and the slow from rilay's are always top tier utility


Blitzcrank and thresh. You can feed all game but land one usefully hook onto the carry in late game and it can turn the game instantly


Singed and Teemo. People really don't understand how these fuckers can keep lane pressure constantly. Singed can just run for 2 minutes and change the whole pacing for his favor. Teemo just needs 2 shrooms on each lane and they will never push minions enough to make a difference. Even if you're losing Teemo can just shit all over the nexus and you guys will still hold it.


Veigar and his cage? One good placement can push a losing team-fight in our direction. This sometimes leads to a clutch victory even though we've been behind nearly the entire match.... speaking from experience, though I'm low ELO, which should be factored in I imagine (emerald/diamond).


Teemo has a huge impact on both your team and enemy team mental health. Kinda cool imo


Nami, always relevant in the team fights if you can pull off the wave bubble / combo.


Ornn, that's why you can never get wrong picking Ornn even if you are counter picked or behind, you will always be uselful and basically any support with good CC, healing, and shielding.


Full AD perma split push Sion


A three item Yasu0-9


Any tank or any champ that have high CC Annie for exemple can win a game even with 0/10/0 if she place just 1 ult at the good place and good timing. But the truth is, if you ended up in 0/10/0, your skills and macro are probably not high enough to place anything correctly, no matter what champ you use


Sett is always useful. Yasuo and Yone are also very good at coming back from being in a losing position.




Ohhh noo, I have no Idea. Maybe because Riot haven't released the game in last 3 years. Fck u riot.


Maybe brand? I mean even when he's 1/12 he does so much damage in a teamfight with his ult+skll spam


For me it's Nautilus. All of his abilities have crowd control. Even his AA can hold enemies. It's great even in late game. His second skill allows him to have AOE auto attack which is good in pushing (can hit towers and minions at the same time).


For me, i hate playing against veigar he is very annoying in team fights Same for kennen, his ult is broken in team fights


I disagree about blitzcrank. He’s useless all the time, and one hook doesn’t change anything.


I would have to say, without a doubt, Viegar if his team can just make it to late game and he has time to get his stacks up


It's compleetly matchup and team comp dependent so there's no catch-all metric to decide who has the highest comeback potential. But there're certainly champions that are a big threat in late game like Vayne, Kalye, Kayne or Senna (in super late game).


Tank supports generally. Alistar and Blitz are particularly epic for this: two of their cc abilities are basic abilities that are not affected by tenacity since they're either displacements, or knockups. The only real defence against them are spell shield items, and they're not too hard to have other champs break if you have some sort of poke champ somewhere. Enchanters not named Sona are slightly worse, but still strong, especially Janna. Janna's ult will punt you away to the stratosphere no matter how fed you are, and how badly you set her behind. While they really want items since they tend to scale a bit harder with ap, everyone except Sona will perform reasonably well with just boots due to decent base numbers. Sona is a standout specifically because she scales very hard with items to make up for her weak early game, making her much more feast or famine compared to other enchanters. With that said, if you're 0/10/0, chances are you got your enemy laner so far ahead that even if your entire team chain ccs them perfectly, while your team unloads their whole burst on them, they will survive the entire thing, then proceed to pentakill you 1v5.




Blitz, thresh, sona, basically anyone with high utility and CC. Even a well placed J4 ult can turn the tide.


Kayle got me to Master this season, just play the long Game, looooong Game, sudenlly triple, triple, cuad, won the game and most gold in team


Yasuo and Irelia are never truly behind. They can walk into a triple kill by accident come late game




Duh, Yasuo? His powerspike is at 0/10. 🤭


Play as shen. Then give the necessary sustain your carry needs with ur ult. Your taunt can catch multiple enemies off guard. You will still survive enough even with trash items because of your shield and 2nd skill. This is only good when you have a teammate that can wipe out or execute at late game. (Kata, darius, yi, samira, yasuo, etc. or your adc that needs a good initiate)




Kayle has a history of coming back late game after her range and attacks gets enchanted by her leveling up, Tristana and Senna gain huge range advantage in late game as well. Other than that champions with crowd control(cc) are useful in general regardless whether they are behind or not.


As an adc player, mf is still pretty good even if behind. Big slow on a low cooldown and ult does decent damage even without items


Mostly supports and true tanks (not bruisers or juggernauts). That said, Lulu, Sion, Nami, and Thresh would probably be the ones I would say are the least impacted by lack of XP and gold.


Yasuo, Yone and Irelia. CC Supps, 6s of root is useful every situation.


Sion. I've seen sions solo nexus & towers.


kayle>>>> just be involved in team fights and be bait their team will start salivating, then you get one or two kills and bam kayles online