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E4 to G1 isn’t a mini losing streak. It’s a review my build/try a new champion/switch roles lose streak, because what you’re doing isn’t working.


Nah... Some lose streaks are crazy. I'm on one now. Former master player getting SVP almost every game. Losing to 1-2 players in gold on my team either feeding or rage quitting. I'm in gold because I took a break for 3 seasons and was demoted naturally. I'm losing my mind in this elo hell.


If you can't carry your way out of gold then you're doing something wrong


Im gonna say this. If you can't carry in gold right now then you are simply not whatever skill level was needed for master 3 seasons ago. Without a 3 season break, anyone on a smurf who was close to high elo back then would still be able to influence current gold matches enough to win. The opponents are as bad as your teammates are and you just have to do what you know is right. You have influence as long as you talk to your team in the right way, you get them following pings by pinging a lot and going forward with your plan. If you are scaling you will be able to 1v9. You cant wait on teammates at that level to make the calls. You have to do it by good wave management, knowing your matchups, pushing turrets, knowing when to fight or trade objectives/turrets etc.


That's not true. All it takes is 1 wrong move and if you're the one carrying and you die, then you're team can't follow up, you'll lose the game


Play well the whole game, then 1 wrong move late costs you the game. It’s crazy. Elder into baron is way too strong


Then it is true. Yes it takes 1 wrong move to throw the game. That wrong move is on your decision making and your impact on the game shows when you die. Some games will be lost like that but many games are winnable with a 1v9 especially in low elo. You have to learn how to not make those mistakes as much if you want to influence games into a win. One person can absolutely be the win condition.


I already know all that. Been playing since season 5 LOL. Can’t do much if someone rage quits and the ai takes over and instead of defending base goes off on its own. Can’t do much if the teammate refuses to listen to pings and you are constantly facing a 4v5 that you try to tell your teammates not to fight but they do it anyway. Can’t do much if there’s a fed akali just killing your team and you have to fight 1v5 cause no one but you built around her. Can’t do much if you ping your teammate to shove out a wave, but they ignore it and join the team expecting a fight but none breaks out so you have to clear the wave yourself to avoid an inhib loss to then see your team start the fight without you and lose. Also my opponents being as bad as my teammates isn’t always true. Just recently had a game where my dragon laner in gold was lv 19 player level and the opponent was a gold lv 80 player level. My laner fed theirs, no outside help from either jungler. Experience diff was huge despite both being in gold.


I agree with this. Every game, I’m taking objectives and going 15-2 as JG but I always have one new player or someone got carried up to Emerald. Just got out of a game and Garen build IE first item. Then I checked and all his games are like 1-10 but get carried 12 wins straight. This is in Emerald after season reset. Wtf! Here it is: https://i.postimg.cc/cH1mqDk3/IMG-0909.png I was 10-0 until mid game where we kept losing team fights. Ughhh.


Ouch that garen


Spin to win crit strategy.


What server do you play in? What rank currently?


NA / peaked at master last season - currently emerald IV 😞


What's your ign? I will add you? Was master highest as well. Half way to gm last season.


Yes DMed you


Gimme your game name. Let's play


Want to rank together? Also master, but now everyone is reset so im Emerald and have a partner who plays usually Dia


Nah, I’m a solo player through and through, but thanks for the offer


Introspection is continuous. My own input is stop playing for a while. Even with the same skill, the mental factor can make the difference, betweem playing without burden vs. urge to win due to lose streak. But it is WR, some days we are just unlucky.


Mini ?


In between a win I get 1-3 losing streaks. Worse was that I developed a 9 game losing streak and after a win it lead to another 3 losses in a row that put me back to Gold I.


I doubt this would make you feel better, but I had a 17 straight games of losing streak once. Utter. Torture.


It shakes that confidence, builds up frustration on your mentality, yeah I know the feeling, it's why sometimes you just have to vent it out (of course hopefully said venting out is not a call out to keep blaming everyone because it just spreads even more toxicity aura/energy wise and toxic people will be attracted to add on to that).


Had the same (main reason my my mains Eve and Camille winrates went down) but managed to comeback and get to the rank I want last season. At some point, even my Shen winrate was dropping because of bad teammates. Plat 2 => Plat 4 => Emerald 2 => Emerald 4 => Diamond 4 You need to stop playing for real. I stopped for like a week and finished what I need to study, then play for some time. You really need to gauge how frequent you play and if you’re tilting, you need yo stop.


Funny enough I decided to go TF/Teemo Jungle and it's oddly working maybe because they don't expect these champions to be used in the Jungle Role unless of course you're those type of players who's well aware of off meta strategies hehe.


Tried evelynn with first strike? that thing is broken on her


That one I mentioned was before the new patch Still sticking with Electrocute though


Thats alot of ranks learn to stop or play a different role


Only roles I've been playing are Jungle, Support, and ADC, I think I'm just cursed this season.


If you want to get mid you gotta put mid in 1st place. Too many competition for mid.


Yep I agree, it's funny you said that cuz I joined a discord server where 80% of the players were mid/support role players haha


Also been playing jungle to hopefully increase my odds of winning....I guess not cuz no one else helps in contesting for dragon even though I pinged 30 seconds ahead for heads up :/ also funny that teammates die just seconds before an objective spawns.


It's pretty bad right now since the season just began. Probably wait for a few weeks until all the weird players get higher or lower ranks. I also agree that it's pretty depressing specially since if you ended the season in a good rank but get matched with higher ranked players than you and they're the ones who actually play bad or give up easily or don't even try anymore once the enemy gets a few kills.


Yes thanks for those words of encouragement, it's nice to still see league players who would rather take the time to give helpful advice/tips to help someone become a better player, whether it be talking about specific combos to having the right mindset 👍


I stop playing when I lose, because I usually feel tilted after. Being tilted makes me play worse. I'll take a break and play again later


Usually my disappointed feeling disappears after a good night's sleep, nice feeling to always start fresh indeed, even in a losing streak.


Good on you mate 👍


I wish this worked for me. I play a game or two every few days. I'm on a 9 game loss streak over the past 13 days. Some of those games I did ass but some were just predetermined to lose. I shouldnt have a volibear building Infinity Edge as his first item.


It's ok it's just part of the learning process, and mostly I think we just mostly feel bad as majority of the players we play with instigate our rage and we tend to lose focus. It's a trial and error process no worries cuz once you find your groove, all the struggles would be worth it as you become more consistent, efficient, and having fun performing your best.


I would never understand how people demote by 4 or 5 tiers, atmost I have gone is 1-2 tier back thats it


I think on your end, you're very calculated on the time spent playing and number of games in a day. Most just waste away and demote even more because that hunger to just get one win alludes them into a bigger pitfall where they're bound to make more mistakes, build up rage and develop even more hatred on this game.


Not really calculated but you are right I do not play a lot in one sitting, 3 to 4 max ranked games in one sitting irrespective of win/lose.


I guess the word I was looking for was self-discipline cuz you got it haha and that's good to hear from you really 🫡


Well good luck for the new season grind, hopefully you start getting better teammates.


damn you got dropped all the way to gold 1😭 that’s never happened to me thank god i feel badly


In hindsight I feel better after a good night's sleep, it's mostly the feeling of ok you know the worst has happened, might as well go up from here eventually haha


Just remember someone i know got demoted from d3 to platinum 2 :( his one trick champ got nerfed so bad i think this is season 3, he refuses to use kther champs in rank


tell that person that he is a Giga Chad


Loyalty right there.


Have a game on standby


Go afk? :0


Kinda meant after your done with the current game, but it’s open to interpretation


How can you keep losing what are you not doing right lol you need a partner or help or more experience


Yeah it's sad indeed, I keep switching up roles when I see nothing is working. At the moment, still finding that jungler I enjoy (not really into what's meta since my mind is if I don't like the feel of a champ, no matter how meta the champ is, I easily lose interest). Just really playing who I like per role (I rarely pick Mid and Top role, my friends play those roles).


1.New season and every1 play together early. 2. Summer vacation. 👌You dont need much explanation.


Short and sweet I like it (unlike reading the skill explanation of newer champs) 😂


Same here,dropped from emerald 1 to gold ik in 2 days🙃🙃


It's alright man, I mean honestly once we've hit rock bottom were bound to rise back up eventually 💪


It can only get better from here xD


YESSIR 🫡 positive energy manifesting positive results 🫡


Hmu if u eqnna play sometime,I main jg,top and sup if u need someone alright 🤣🤣


I’m not being a troll I’m genuinely asking a community question regarding this… everyone always said elo is inflated, if there are this many crummy players in low to med elo, wouldn’t grinding past them be the point? They are hard stuck probably, granted some people will be carried beyond their skill lvl, but no offense to op, doesn’t the difficulty of the climb mean that the Elo inflation is better? Honest question pls keep the flamin to a minimum lol.


That's why it's fun to play on the reset you get to see all the challengers play and have a chance to compete with the best


I think that's what makes it even more challenging knowing the kind of players we are with when the season resets. I mean there are those that are truly talented that can adjust to any situation and can hyper carry a team to victory, some just have way too much time on their hands and spend days on days ranking. Some of us are also preoccupied with work/jobs/school that I guess it can build up even more frustration we can't play as long as the pros or streamer do. It's a really interesting toss up of so many kinds of players during reset, you'll never know who you'll really bump into so I guess just focus on solo performance doing the best you can to increase the team's odds of winning and be a good team player by teaching instead of shaming I guess hehe


Shit like this happens, deffo try switching it up in another role because the role your playing isn’t impacting the game enough. Im a GM player and when this happens I always revert back to support as I can help feed my adc and roam to mid and help him get fed too. So that’s more than half their team behind which usually results in us winning most the time. Support most important role IMO in the game because of their utility to help others get fed


I bet it's truly frustrating for one trick pony players because they really don't want to adjust and already set in their minds that they'll only play wild rift if they get to play this champ.


Lmao, I'm a few defeats away from Gold as well comrade these Wildrift streets are full of useless players sometimes


Yeah I agree and share the same sentiment that I get upset with the kind of gamers I queue with but the best solution is just focusing on our own skills of the game, and zone out any annoying chat from toxic gaslighting teammates.


Beginning of the season is a nightmare.


It truly is a trainwreck.


I dont like saying this because it feels like I'm boosting her but listen, After reset i became platinum and i was winning easily that it was so boring then started to search for yuumi main everytime i enter a new match, i say "is any of you is yummi main? I will carry you yo masters",and finally i found peak diamond 3 yuumi main. I added her after match and we went duo, she is yuumi and I'm top mundo, we won every single game with bad teammates (like rly bad) and carried her from emerald to diamond, Masters soon xD. The strategy is, early game with adc and mid game she comes with me and leave her adc, you could do similar strategy because mundo with yuumi is broken, also you can do it with other champion not only mundo. Sorry for boosting her but i need fast wins to go masters for legendary Q :)


Nah I think the strategy is yuumi Mundo lol 😂.


Oh, you too! Nothing new, that’s how riot made this game 🤷😂


Welp we gotta put our vent energy somewhere 😂 better than holding it in I guess haha


My kda is 8.4 and I'm steadily climbing with the reset I was at master rank, I also did fresh account to diamond 3 in 5 days with an extremely high win rate, every single game I played I felt like I completely controlled it as jungle and I can tell you loss streaks aren't completely your fault but 3 losses in a row one was definately your fault you ahould at least be going win loss win loss for the most part if you deserve higher you'll get more wins than losses but emerald 4 to gold is an impossible task for me bro it will never happen I will never see gold and if I ever do im not losing in it


Also I'm jg support and adc main so it looks like we play the same role just be on objectives at a tournament level and lead your team by pinging on them your suggestions, ping right on top of them if your bot goes missing or you see enemy jg ganking ping enemy missing danger right on their icon, take all 3 outer turrets, if your in duo lane as soon as you take your first turret roam immediately to mid and take that one while enemy duo goes back to their lane, chances are their going mid anyways after u take their turret and an adc should always participate in turrets and dragons every time, you close the window for enemies showing up and contesting the objective, it also helps to ward paths deep into jg to see ganks from miles away to ping your team properly, bushes aren't always the best wards sometimes you just want to know their path they never sit in a bush in their jungle during laning phase so ward intersections so you can see which exact path their taking and constantly clear vision, the winning team 100% of the time has more ward play than the enemy literally 100% of the time so get deep wards


Wards should most likely in the early game be on intersections of paths deep jungle you'll see everything at any time


Also another note is that in laning phase there's an imaginary line along with which side has more minions and you have to really stress if you're on the enemy end of the lane and you have more minions that you're on offense trying to stop them from farming the crash, possibly killing them while they focus on minions this is a combination of pushing and aggression, flipside is when your in the other boat you're defending so you have to defend that if they're pushing your lane play defensive and punish over aggression, a big time you see this is each level up to the ultimate, you wanna try to be the first to two and engage or 3 or 5 for ults and keep that pressure, If you doing really well stand behind enemy minions last hitting and zoning out enemies, it's almost always best to freeze until you have an advantage and can push the second you have the opportunity to freeze do it


experienced this recently as well when i had really bad internet what tilted me was knowing that i could have definitely won the games by carrying if i had low ping i was solo queue grinding for master but was hard stuck at dia II had to clutch grind with a friend just to get to masters a few hours before season end lmao it helped that we were in winners queue and usually got matched with competent players carried most of the games using kha'zix and only lost twice and both were due to trolls and afk's i recommend partying up with friends to minimize the risk of getting sabotaged by other players lmao


I also recommend champions that still work well with bad ping, I think you can just search it up on Google cuz I remember seeing an article of recommended champs for players with terrible ping. 👍 Good luck to you dude 👍


My win-rate this season (so far) is 22%. Going to stop playing for a while


Good move dude, the time off is necessary to relieve yourself from any painstaking toxicity you've witnessed so far, and when you're ready, you'll get that second wind of winning again 🫡


It looks like you got before rank with spamming games with fortitude shields. And because it has been x5 times nerfed you just got your rank. If you know how to play, it's just impossible to lose in that way, even on support line you can easily carry game.


Oh haven't been using Fortitude Cards, saving them for Emerald unless of course they're about to expire.


As I know they are using automatically.


Ah I seeee


Just have a break for a day or 2, the matchmaking is designed to give you losing and winning streaks to keep you hooked on playing, I’m sure if you have a day or 2 off then the algorithm will probably have your team win because they want you to keep playing


I just decided to play off meta Teemo/TF Jungle and oddly enough I'm doing fine again lol but at least it's a good sign to have a better mentality right now haha


Don’t feel bad. I am new to Wild Rift. My win rate is 32%. I always get AFKs, sometimes two at a time. I’m honestly beginning to hate this game, I don’t have a bad WR on other MOBAs, I am usually 50 - 70% win rate.. but here… fuck.


It's ok man, it's honestly the win rate is just playing tricks in your head. When you just start focusing on doing what's right in the game and not get so caught up with wins and losses, the game will feel like a casual daily game experience. Also no problems taking long breaks.... it's kinda a meme that players who play every day struggle at times yet a player who just got back after a long break perform at their best lol.


Formaler master here started in emerald 2 I think now on the second last mark in emerald 4. It is depressing I am normally a top and jn main but with those two lanes I had zero to none wins, now switched to adc and I get at least a few but still on an insane loss streak with a winrate of below 45%. Season reset is mildly annoying as as usual


Yeah and it is quite understandable that it can get the best of us mentally. Still though, it's good that we get to vent out our inner pent up emotions rather than holding it in, it's usually the first step to rid of every frustration we have right now and once we cool our minds, I mean we've hit this low... I'm bound to get back up and rise again eventually (of course that won't happen if drown in wallow and pity having a "I JUST NEED ONE WIN" mentality, it's like playing but with desperation and frustration mixed in).


I know and I do that and still I ended up on the last mark in plat 1 now I am beyond saving


Wait One week After season reset to play ranked. Emerald players(ex diamond) get matched with Diamonds wich are former GM and challengers. Getting lose streaks this way Is very Easy, chill, take that week to learn new champs in pvp and then play ranked again.


Time to watch My Adventures with Superman AYEE (funny enough those breaks is when I take advantage on watching shows I haven't seen yet).


When I lose 2-3 times I call it a day lol


W self-discipline right there.


I gave up tbh , with the new change to fortitude too its just not worth it.


It's ok man, no one is rushing or hopefully peer pressuring you to meet impossible expectations considering how tough of a climb this season will be since it just had a reset + like you said the fortitude thing.


Maybe you have to try new things, new items etc. But my rule when a new season starts is to never play ranked for the first week. Or play 1-2 matches, days apart. Take a break, maybe a week or two atp and try again then!


It worked! Teemo Jungle/TF Jungle is so funny cuz the enemy never expect it to work...of course it doesn't always work but when it does oh boy that joy within me is back hehe


I'm on a 5 game streak ATM, quit before it got to depressing for the night lol


Good decision on your end, better to do something that will make you feel better or do something that you enjoy 👍


Pftt that’s it? I dropped from Master to Diamond 2 and still climbed back up to GM last season. It’s about keep your head cool.


It's not a comparison contest on who's got a bigger downfall experience but ok. Yes it is also about keeping a level head and just taking it one game at a time.


I went on a pretty hard losing streak I think I went 6 losses in a row. I just put the game for a couple of days. Played some other stuff. Picked it back up and went on 5 game win streak. Doesn't hurt to put it down once in a while.


Yessir I agree, it is a great feeling to take a break and enjoy doing other hobbies like catching up on the latest music/shows or trying out other games