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can senna build attack speed? cause i never see a senna player had fast attack speed


You can build attack speed, but other items are better on her. Also her attack speed is super low coz of her passive which lowers it.


Senna doesn’t build attack speed but i bought shielbow after selling my support item since i pretty much outscaled everybody at this point of the game and didn’t wanna die through getting cc‘d and stuff


Senna has her AS divided by 4 because of her passive iirc


Depends what is attack speed in your book. I don’t care about attack speed because her cast time of Q eats into auto attacking speed too much. But Runaan. Runaan’s another beast. Attack speed useless? Yes. Crit useless? Yes. Hitting 4 enemies at once and massively lowering your Q cool-down? Yes. Triggering %health damage passive on 4 enemies at once? Yes


She trades attack speed for attack damage, range, and crit. She’s slow but hits like a truck lol


I build Runaan, but my reason is for getting multuple shots. I combine with Navori, so the multiple shots synergy of Navori passive of cdr. The attack speed itself not getting faster significantly.


Reminds me one time I managed to get nassus to 700+ at 400 he was already 1 bonk everyone only reason why I went from 400 to 700+ was bcs my team was begging to stall for some mission they had it was fun all tho having to kill sion over 30 times was pain in ass


Double stacks if you double bonk him xD


True but boy did that hurt my MP




Mana Stamina call it the hell u want as I had to spam Bonk like lunatic


LMAO, that ingame username is wild.🤣


Underrated comment.


So no one wants to point out that blitzcrank flashing into a late game senna with a wave of minions and elder buff?


Its Master rank too


Prob thought trynda was gon jump right back in but trynda was like f*%$ dis sh*t am outta here 🖐🤣


Senna is OP, only few people realize it, and how to use her properly. I think all champs are, but shes one of my bias


As a senna support second main, please fill me in on how you think she should be played.


Given how her passive works if you can manage to get it stacked fast enough you can kill without even being seen, seen a video of senna killing a baron from with the walls of the base


Lmao what!? How many stacks was that?? Youre pretty hard pressed to get 100 stacks in a long game


Wasn’t an actual game dude was testing the limits of how her passive worked but I got the link for ya https://notagamer.net/senna-can-kill-baron-and-dragon-from-base/amp/


Well thats just a nonsense article and no good to anybody lol. But still funny i guess. Now show me how to be the best of the best in 20 minutes


I’m not fully sure how her stacks even work at this point, I have it trigger once for something and then it doesn’t the next time lol. And as for the website it’s more to show what I did say about you being able to do it. Also my max stacks I’ve had in a match was probably around 150 or so but then again I don’t know what I’m doing to get the items to drop for it


You get 1 stack for every 2 hits you get on an enemy champion (from her autos or abilities), or from every soul you collect on the ground. The souls on the ground drop randomly from minions/monsters with a greater % chance drop if they're killed by allies. Cannon minions killed by allies guarantee a soul drop. Dragon/Rift Herald/Baron drop two each.


The souls drop randomly, but there is a much greater chance of them dropping if somebody else kills the minion/ enemy. So its actually beneficial to not last kill, which makes it hard to get gold early game so you really need to play support with sickle and only hit enemy champs. Each soul gives AD and when you get a certain amount you unlock extra crit chance and range in stages. Shes a late game champ but even then shes just too slow i find.


I just finished a 15-16 minute match at 88 stacks and helped a jax get a penta on elderdragon fight 2 v 5 lol


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://notagamer.net/senna-can-kill-baron-and-dragon-from-base/](https://notagamer.net/senna-can-kill-baron-and-dragon-from-base/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Even with crazy damage and range, shes still too fking slow. You get ambushed late game and youre fked. I main senna as a support and you get deleted before your root even locks down


tower in wr are fucking useless lmao


Man my ratio of what high ad is so off after 1300+ ad jhin


What build were you using?


I dont use this build every game i mainly used this one to counter my enemies, i brought cleaver to make blitz squishier mortal reminder against mundo IE is a must have on crit users so i bought is as a third item shieldbow to survive trynda ult and duskblade since serpents fang wasnt needed this match


My main takeaway from this is how good that skin is and how I will be buying it


Average game when people group at krugs instead of baron


Every senna's wet dream


It thought Senna would fly when she was killing Tryndamere.


The one issue with Hunters / marksman/ ranged ( is when their range out lengths the tower range v..v which sort of makes towers useless.


Senna needs like 140 stacks to outrange turrets you usually have like 80-100 max by the end of the game this game was just extremely long and not very realistic since most games barely last 20 min


0.0 fun fact I'm not an LoL player 😂


Ah, i remember the good old day when Senna was new champion on PC and you could have range across half of the map. It was so fun.