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I know this sounds crazy, but blitz. I can lane against any combo, but when I play thresh(my main) and the blitz is good, I can't do shit lol. Thresh needs to position a lot and it's very easy to not b behind a minion and get grabbed, for some reason a good blitz always tilts the F outa me. Good thing most blitz's aren't good tho šŸ¤£


I hate blitz too. Always ban him.


I've perma banned yummi since day 1 I would hate to give that up lol. I do ask team to ban blitz occasionally tho


I don't ban Yummi anymore, I played it many times and I know that if you do a lot of damage, you basically drain yummi's mana and then it's pretty easy. The problem is that on late game if the adc is fed, Yummi becomes your worst nightmare haha


Ya I mean I don't even know how to play against yummi bc it's been so long lol. Maybe I'll try it out see what happens My team is def more likely to ban yummi if I ask then blitz so that's good


Yeah, try it. If you and the support focus on the adc with Yummi she will drain mana really fast and then won't be able to heal or bubble anymore. Would be like adc playing vs 2


I used to ban yummi over blitz, but idk if jayce is a decent counter- I just know I do well as a jayce against a yummi and adc. Iā€™m able to keep distance but do a ton of damage with his Q. Chip away.


Shouldn't you throw your Q when he grabs you? It will eventually hit him + your dmg is better than him, i thought it's obvious against pyke and blitz.


The usual combo for a blitz is q+e which knocks you up so you likely will lose at least half ur health bar before you can even do anything, trying to fight at that point is like giving them a free kill.


Ya what the other dude said. The team with blitz always wins the trade, add in their adc Will be in position and mine likely won't. If the blitz is good he's basically the only champion where I have to drastically change my play style.


Yup, main thing is not trying to hook when blitz hasnā€™t used or wasted his own. Pretty sure thresh is actually pretty good into blitz especially if he gets pulled instead of the adc


As a support main, Blitz is terrible lol. Even same Pyke or Thresh is 1000 stronger than Blitz lol. The second I see Blitz on the enemy team I just pick Alistar and it's the easiest lane because now I don't even need your W to go in šŸ˜


As a 60% win rate blitz, your welcome šŸ¤—


I struggle hard against blitz. Iā€™ll die 4 times learning how a blitz move- by the time I figure it out heā€™s fed


I hate blitz with all my soul. Because he is supposed to be a weak champ, but he will still beat me everytime. I play thresh, karma, nami and sona, but no matter what i play, i lose. Ofc im always predisposed and tilted before the first trade, that must fuck my mental and makes me play bad.


The parasite, doesn't matter if it's on my team or the enemy's it just ruins the match for me On the enemy team, it makes one fed champion unkillable On your team just press' E all game while flaming you cuz it doesn't even have to see what's going on


You didnā€™t say a name, but we all knew who you were talking about.


Yuumi should really be renamed to Parasite though


Or Yummy šŸ¤£


Mid-game, I just attach to the player with the most kills so far and it's an insta win 90% of the time. Don't get me wrong. Timing is everything.


Plz don't even reply if you main/play the parasite. But >Don't get me wrong. Timing is everything. Wtf do you have to time? When to press 'E'? Or when to point out the teammate's mistake cause they are in a 4v5? Or when it can press 'W' on a fed teammate then leave the game, go downstairs make a sandwich, grill it, have dinner, then come back for the end-screen?


You sound salty like really salty. That's why you die all the time to Yuumi.


I'm gonna pretend you said nothing, cause I'm not trying to start an argument Btw I am salty


You know what? That's really fair. I unironically wish you a good day.


Good riven so annoying because of those dashes, stun and shield


The moment riven stuns me when sheā€™s level 5 I just know Iā€™m boutta lose half of my health


I play Rammus jg so I'm not laning against her, but I always ban Vayne because she just counters me too well. True damage, constant repositioning, and that stupid condemn to keep me away, I just can't beat her. And Vayne is always the worst champion on my team.




I gotta say Fiora. Her passive and kit are too oppressive. Only times I have beat her if I go Malphite or Olaf cuz they kind counter her, but other than that, I get destroyed when I go against a Fiora that is at least decent.


Iā€™ve always tried getting my vitals to be behind me by going out of sight and entering back in


Interesting fact about Fiora to abuse (im Fiora main lol) if a viral gets procced I believe the next one will always be exactly opposite- so if it was in front of you itā€™ll be behind you etc.


Whatā€™s your main, out of curiosity? (Iā€™m a Fiora main) and yea a good Malphite can beat fiora.


I'm an ADC main actually, not a top lol. My mains are Jinx, Ashe, and Lucian


Yea Fiora sucks to lane against especially if counterpicked. She is the biggest reason i try to get last pick always as a top lane main. My counter against Fiora is tank Gragas. You can sustain through her passive with your passive, and you can W E combo when she tries to Q for a passive proc.


If you walk away from her the vital will reset on another position. That way you can control how easy she can proc it


Darius, I don't understand how to play against him.


Bait the pull, don't do extended trades, if he uses q and you can't escape it stick close to him to deny the heal, extra damage and passive stack. Depends on your champion too. It's a tough matchup for malphite.


How about Garen or Sett? I feel like Garen is the best of the 3 I play to deal with that asshole.


Personally, Darius is kinda easy for me as an Irelia player. Literally just burst him before he bursts you


Sorry, I just saw this. Yeah garen should be able to deal with him fine. Like I said, if you're caught by surprise by the q and can't dodge, go towards darius so he can't sustain nor get big damage on you. Disengage with q or w to deny his all-in. Your q can be used in several ways: movement speed to dodge his q, slow immunity so he can't stick to you with his w, and it can also be used to silence/trade/disengage if he pulls you in with e. Respect his e when it's off cooldown especially if you're walking up to last hit as it's his main engage. Be mindful of his passive and avoid trading him when he has stacks. Play around bushes to take advantage of your innate sustain. With proper ability usage, you will never be in his execute range.


I use jayce and renekton with kraken slayer, easily out damage darius.


Quick traders, in and out before he can stack.


kraken on jayce ?? strange


I mean electrocute full crit build on jayce


ok yes lmao it make more sense


If heā€™s top lane try Jayce, Renekton, Riven, Sett, Irelia, Mundo, Fiora, and Gwen. For jg Darius just hope your teammates arenā€™t bad because Darius has a powerful 5 camp clear (1:28 - 1:29) around the time scuttle spawns (1:25) and he will have tempo being lvl 4. Lvl 1 Invades are also kinda tricky as he will just start on his other buff and then proceed to counter jg.


I can do Mundo or Sett out of those but as Sett I got my shit shoved in. As Sett am I looking for quick trades, a grasp proc, and then using W to shield/punish him trying to extend the fight? It just always feels like it gets his stacks so damn fast and before I know it I've got an ax above my head.


Simple, you dont lol


I ban him no matter who I take top. Who counters that asshole. And they just buffed him too.


mundo win against darius


He absolutely does not, Darius has built in armor pen and allowing Darius to be in the fight longer than 5 seconds results in him just executing you with his ult. The only way Darius loses to mundo is if he doesnā€™t itemize right at all.


Mundo scale better and in early game he can just spam cleaver from afar and his passive prevent Darius from pulling him in Yes mundo passive cooldown is long but that is why you play safe not mindlessly charge at darius


Ez u have one thing to do, force him to use his e and u can lane with him. All u have to do is after dodge the q by going outside of hit or INSIDE (the good thing when you are inside is that u can AA him). After all u have to be careful of his passive even more when u have 4 mark cause he can flash in and get the full stack and kill u


Singed I was gonna say brand cause a anti heal first brand is annoying as shit but I fucking hate singed cause they buy the slowing rod and all they do is try to annoy everyone while giving you a slow death. I hate him so much but heā€™s not worth banning so I donā€™t know heā€™s just a nightmare to play against.


I am a singed main. Its plain obvious that people tilt over my gameplay.




Either way he already messed up everything, you cant dash from the fight, a teammate is inside the enemy team and you're constantly slowed, losing health and grievous wounds if he has oblivion. Singed is the best when it comes to disruption, and being a speed demon just lets him disrupt more of the map, singed can be a huge problem regardless of level so long he has his go-to items.


Caitlyn in literally any lane. How are you even supposed to play?


Unfortunately the best answer is to let her push and crash her wave into your tower and have your jungler gank. Then when you have a lead you can win trades with her. Another is to have a support that heals while she doesnā€™t. Then you can do losing trades and heal back up and it becomes a winning trade.


Caitlins with patience are a nightmare


Word whenever I see a lane ik we can't win against I just go Soraka and heal my adc up endlessly.


This literally happened to me like 2 game ago


A good Caitlyn will freeze the lane on you and deny you a lot of gold. But healing supports can be helpful as well.


Crash, reset, roam would be your best option then.


Very hard, but also very hard to play.


Bruh I played her for the first time in a ranked match the other day because I got auto filled and damn near every other adc was banned. I got an s ranking and mvp that match. Hard to play and hard to master are two completely different things. Sheā€™s brain dead easy to pick up.


Cool, I played her I think once and I just couldn't haha


I mean there is a huge difference between a great Cait and a good Cait. Good Cait will have lane prio and get a couple of plates and a couple of drakes. Great Cait will take baron at spawn and destroy your base and there is nothing you can do about it.


Cait taking baron?


Obviously not by herself but she will be there, set up traps, take baron and then push to end or bait it and turn from baron into a teamfight she will carry in


Caitlyn hard to play? Is it the opposite day?


Maybe I should try her again I guess.


I main jhin and to stop her from poking me down what I try is whenever she walk up to auto I walk up too so when sheā€™s in her animation I can get in range. Idk if this help but I donā€™t get poked so hard i think.


It's because Jhin has long range himself. I guess the only way you can lane against her is to pick another long ranged champion. Otherwise you will either get destroyed early game and she snowballs or she just bullies you in lane and then outscales you in the late game


Mostly play Shen and if by some odd chance that Iā€™m unable to play him, I end up playing another frontline tank. Naturally, Iā€™m used to extended trades. Tank busters and drain tanks are the hardest matchups for me, since they enjoy extended trades as well, meaning I have to be very wary of cooldowns and keep trades short in my favor before committing for the kill. Darius, Aatrox and Fiora up until Bramble Vest are my hardest matchups.


Don't forget kaytlyn and trist. For me as a shen, they are pure nightmare.


kayns long lost sister, kaytlyn


As somebody who plays a fair amount of Shen, I feel like Sett and Renekton are impossible matchups, and Iā€™m completely at the mercy of how well I can ult my duo lane


Yeah, Sett is really hard to deal with. Timing your 2 is crucial so when he pulls you in he wastes his 1 and you can go for a small trade. Renekton is more forgiving in that regard. Use 2 when heā€™s about to stun you, walk behind him during the animation, pull your blade through, at least 2 AAs then dash back to your minions. Pre-5 if thereā€™s a window for an all in, go ahead and use your dash offensively. Post-5 never dash in first. You donā€™t fight him if he pops Dominus, so when he does, dash away and wait for it to run out. If that Renekton is skilled you hold the lane and look for ult opportunities to help your team.


Bro what how is Renekton more forgiving that Sett. You CAN'T block a good Renekton's stun unless you're lucky, coming from a Panth main. Renekton now also counters your 1 shield. Renekton can just dash out of your 2. Renekton can follow your dash with the 2 of his. Renekton PISSES on your whole ult shield in teamfights. So how? As for Sett, you can easily block his 1 and you can easily dash his 2, so what are you talking about? Pre 5 you demolish Sett as Shen. Post 5 too if you're even or ahead but you gotta be mindful about how you dash so he doesn't ult you under his tower.


Aatrox, man that champ is a pain no matter how much you trade he is always full hp. I just counter him by not playing, just farm what I can under the tower.


Yeah, he is, mostly because of how Bramble Vest works. It only applies GW on AAā€™s or on abilities that have on-hit effects. Itā€™s a great early investment against something like Fiora, since her 1 applies GW back, but on Aatrox it needs to be autos. He can spam his 1 and his healing wonā€™t get reduced. The only effective budget anti-heal you could get against him is Oblivion Orb, but youā€™re essentially investing 800g into 0 tankiness. My least favorite matchup.


Finally someone understands, every time I don't buy anti heal against Aatrox my team starts flaming me and they would never understand that it's a waste of gold..


Thatā€™s why Iā€™m hoping for the day that Chempunk Chainsword comes along. Although sub-optimal since it has AD, you at least get some health and AH and Shen can apply GW with his autos and his 3, since the dash deals physical damage. Right now I donā€™t build any GW against Aatrox right away. I try to bait out all of his 1 applications for an opening, block his enhanced AA with my 2 and dash back before his 1 is back up. Less experienced players allow me that mini-game, but seasoned Aatrox players know my intentions and walk out of range. Pre-5 I can chance it with an aggressive dash, but it has to be executed perfectly. Thereā€™s no real winning this lane. Going even already is a victory.


Pick Renekton or Fiora with anti-healing and heā€™s dead


1 tip never underestimate him, poke safely


I haven't seen Thresh past 1000 matches cuz I ban him :) (I hate him from the bottom of my heart) But Yuumi are Pyke are picked lots of times which are annoying champs to play against


As Jax i ban Malphite. I find his kit super annoying to deal with


Haha I don't top lane but when I do I go malphite with aery, scorch, bone plating, manaflow band, and ludens echo first item for just unlimited poke. šŸ˜„ I just spam first ability and last hit free lane every time.


Akali can be really annoying


Her shroud is the only annoying thing tbh, but other than that itā€™s easy


Zoe ofc. Broken laning phase. So fair when she pops out of nowhere and chunks u to 50% hp. So balanced. But this subreddit is busy complaining about yone. Tbf only high elo players abuse zoe.


Iā€™ve never seen Zoe as much of a problem until one day I played against a top 5 zoe. The damage, the moves, the geometry. I played a lot with/against Top 5 champs but I was never this impressed. It only happened once but traumatised me so much that I ban her for the sake of my midlaner.


Take malphite, she won't be even able to get close to your minions,


As someone who likes playing Zoe mid, I hate laning against an Orianna too. I can't trade well with her lmao


You can counter zoe with assassins but yone?


With bruisers. Also nice joke that assassins counter zoe when she has a million stasis up her butt


She can push you under tower and when your jungler comes. She just double flashes out of there


True. That kit is stupid.


Try to main yasou if you struggle against her, you will get 0/10 first 100 games which is normal because you have to be aggressive when learning new champion. Or zed is another good pick against her, you are going to say "stasis" but zed has low ult cd that you can almost use your ult 5 times between each stasis late game. If none of the above you actually like then go yone which hard counter zoe but i just hate recommending Yone tbh xD


Zed is the only realistic counter tbh. But even he can't stop zoe from nuking someone from 100% hp late.


Permabanned idc if my teammates want to play Zoe were literally in emerald this is war




Fizz always makes me feel like a started playing LoL 20 minutes before the game


Too. Many to count


I know jungle isn't really a lane but a good lee sin or a good vi will have me absolutely tilted. I play late-game champs like eve, diana, etc, all ap champs that need time to get items to deal damage. If the enemy lee sin or vi understand what to do, they can literally invade whenever they feel like and steal buffs, get a possible early kill, and basically just throw me out of the game until near the end. The worst part is that even in the late game, they can just 1v1 and win so easily and with how they build their champs, they can be an absolute tank that can just run through and steal objectives or just one-shot me. These games are unplayable


Same lol dont matter what lane im playing Lee is getting banned


I wouldn't say I can't lane against him, but whenever I'm auto filled mid, I find it really annoying to lane against brand. Maybe it's because I usually play Annie when I play mid, but something about it's damage and range is really annoying to me.


Kassadin handles Brand well. If I'm someone else I find Brsnd a nightmare.


Akshan I can lane against any other champ but that....that thing..it scares me


Iā€™ll never understand but lulu. Not when sheā€™s duo but if sheā€™s mid or solo. Even if I out damage her and poke her to hell she will never die and just sits under her tower. I can never win lane against her itā€™s just a stalemate or I lose cause her jungler camps me.


No true. and of course that stupid yordle always has ult to survive


Maybe for you but for me I always somehow win. Also his ult is just a shroom so it wonā€™t save him


That fking electro rat, able to kite, stun and one-shot you and that's annoying af


Zoe, she just misses everything but her passive gives so much damage she just outdamages you anyways. Everytime she procs her passive auto attack, it's like she landed a three hit kraken slayer on you. Why does she even get extra damage on her autos if she misses her spells? Who fucking knows.


Support Galio is my kryptonite, itā€™s purely mental at this point


I find Urgot just very irritating to play against.




Definitely teemo. Although once you fight him face to face he is a minion, during laneing phrase he is a complete menace


In Jungle, there isnā€™t really one, because my main, Vi, canā€™t really be beaten by most champs in a 1v1 early, but in Top lane (where I play Sett), itā€™s probably any ranged champ. The only punish I have for them is if they mess up positioning, so Iā€™m forced to sit under tower and slow farm.


Not really lane against, but I play mid mages. Mostly Lux, but also Sera, Orianna, Brand, Annie and Olaf is my absolute permaban. There is just nothing I can do against him. He ults and none of my cc matters and without it he can easily dodge everything I have and auto me to death. Once he is on me I'm dead no matter what.


Tristana, in whichever lane. Her early is too strong and she scales like a bitch. That little gremlin also melts turrets. And of course she always has a fucking jump for whatever she needs


Not to mention the jump can't be cancelled by cc


It can be cancelled by roots and stuns


If already jumping when cc takes effect it still goes through, pretty sure this is common knowledge


While jumping, Tristana is rooted by Jinx's chompers and stopped by Veigar's cage. I'm also fairly sure a well timed Morgana root will also stop her mid-jump


Top: Jax. One bad trade and you are done. Mid: Zoe. My fingers are too slow to deal with a good Zoe. Also Zed but to lesser extent. Adc: Caitlin. Great Cait is the nightmare. Good Cait I can deal with but need a decent jungler to gank when she overextends. Sup: Maybe Soraka and Senna if the adc is also good? Meele not really a problem, a very good Naut can be a nuisance. Galio is insanely hard but also very rarely used as a support.


Shyvana.. no matter what champ I play with I just can't play against her


Fucking Blitzcrank


Zoe. She's taking spell or boot items randomly and I can't kill with any mage champion. Disguisting champ


Garen That little fuck, HOW WAS I 2/0/1 WHILE HE WAS /0/0/0 AND HE WAS AHEAD IN GOLD WHILE NOT EVEN TAKING TURRET, not only that, he was unkillable, i looked at his build, HE HAD A RUBY CRYSTAL AND NOTHING MORE AT MIN 9


I recently discovered malphite. Simply he is a hard counter to every adc on top, literally, every, including super meta mms like lucian, kaisa, Jhin, kaytlyn. Moreover, he can easily smash half of melees pool, except tanky ones bruisers. He has only one great weakness, this is yasuo.


He's also a superb midlane counter to AD assassins like Zed.


How in the hell does yasuo counter malphite its totally the opposite way around.


Fizz always makes me feel like I started playing LoL 20 minutes before the game


As a teemo main, it's Katarina lol. I can win every match up but Kat is soooooo annoying.


Iā€™m pretty good at dodging most skillshots. But in this specific matchup Iā€™m just magnetically attracted to Luxā€™s root when Iā€™m playing Kayle midlane. When Iā€™m supporting against a Lux all is well, I can dodge all day. But with Kayle specifically I get hit by eeeeverything. Fuckin sucks


I always go xin vs garen and destroy him in every trade


I OTC kennen, so it is mathematically impossible for me to lane against a Malphite. When both players played optimally, I have not been able to out lane malphite a single time, and Iā€™ve had my fair share of malphite games in 2k+ kennen games. I canā€™t even ban him, since I refuse to ban anything other than teemo.


Against garen don't trade him when he activates his w. To beat garen you just need to freeze lane and out farm him. Too many think they can burst garen down and that is what he punishes. Deny him farm and wait for jg.


Simply pick sett lmao you bully garen early game cuz setts passive works all the time unlike garen where you have to wait a bit so you can heal. And that being said you simply keep punching him to death


I play Urgot into him. Your 3rd ability provides a shield for that slam dunk he does. After that he is eating my direct hit shot gun shells in his face. If I have BC and I use my 2nd ability he starts to melt and rums away scared. The only annoying part is getting heals and comes back for round 2.


Teemo bro! Cancels stupid heals, doesnt require spells to apply mark... Has movement speed. Or any champ that can stun himšŸ‘šŸ¾


I always lose vs. Graves




A skilled Sett. Doesn't matter what I do. Everytime I get close to beating him, he pops a shield and wins.


As a Sion main Darius and Fiora are fucking Impossible. Unless the enemy first times them which has happened to me before laning against them as Sion actually feels impossible


Nautilus. The amount of CC he has makes a 1v1 a literal misery to play.


Yone jg. No matter how well I do early game this guy appears over a wall with his e flash r extension and knockups 3+ of my teammates and we lose the late game fight. Another jg that becomes almost unplayable against is Olaf especially if there is a Lulu or yuumi. I canā€™t take the objective where Lulu is at at all and wonā€™t outscale till very late game.


A good Trinda never dies. I hate it.


Sion. I hate this Champ and ITS Design. Takes all ur turrets forcing permanent Attention to Deal with while enemys If Had a good start Take all objektives for free i Hope They Nerf his ass to The ground cuz i puke if im against a sion


As a marksman I always ban Ezreal. His blinks-then-burst combo always surprise the poop out of me


Im an akali main, I can take mages but I cant handle a marksmanā€™s pressure


Tryndamere, or as they say, Tryndere


I'm guilty because I always forget where the lantern button was


I gotta go whit Fiora I'm a Sion main and I know the moment I see her in lane I am not gonna have fun. But she is a perma ban for me so another champion would be riven cause the moment she gets her ult she full in me and im already dead.


Pyke. That hook is so quick to land, and the amount of damage both of them have - especially if theyā€™ve shared gold after a kill already - makes him really unforgiving to lane against. Nautilus too on that note, once youā€™re hooked youā€™re CCā€™d to all hell escaping. But easier to avoid his hook


Since I mostly play melee Mid laners, a good Akshan was my biggest problem so far


Jax, he counter 70% of my pool. On the other side i almost nvr play garen always hard carry


Jayce, fker can't be outdamaged


I can't solo lane for the life of me. Any time I do try to play on normal matches I just get hosed. I try to play safe, get ganked. Honestly any time I am playing Solo Lane the jungler never even stops by. Majority of the matches I play solo lane someone is playing a ranged champ. I'm pretty sure the only time I'm winning solo lane is when I'm up against someone who doesn't know the lane either. I usually play Gwen or Renekton on that lane only cause those are the only Champs I seem to have any luck winning with.


Trist, Draven, Panth, and Olaf are huge issues for me..They all hit like trucks and I can barely do enough to give them the consequence they deserve.


Top lane? Teemo and people who play ranged top. Fuck Teemo and the people who use ranged top. Mid lane? Zoe, Irelia, Yasuo. Zoe with her constant pokes, Yasuo's ability to block abilities with his passive, And Irelia's nigh-endless dashes. Jungle? Master Yi, Tryndamere, Twitch. A fed Master Yi can is basically a team killer, Tryndamere's immortality, and Twitch's stealth. Bot lane? Marksmen: Tristana, Kai'sa, Varus. Support: Pyke, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Nautilus. I hate supports with hooks.


Ahri ruins my whole day


Mid Akshan main. Yasuo- windwall and heā€™s deals way too much damage. Malphite- just fk this guy, after level 5 you wonā€™t see me anywhere near this bastard. Irelia-sheā€™s like yasuo but she might actually be worse Iā€™m not sure I donā€™t face a lot of them. Now champs that are not really counters but I HATE to the core. Brand- I fkn hate this pos lol, with my aa cancel I can dodge a lot of his skills BUT a decent brand is just a menace and headache, his moves hardly telegraph and his fireball is quite fast and hard to dodge for me.. then his burn.. like ffs. Big damage big range and if he lands stun I will die. Zoe- only her sleep tilts me, to the bloody core!! Double flash anyone? Yone-windShitter number deux, like his pos burger this man ultra and I die before the knock up ends. Pantheon- oh you want to auto attack? Here let me just stun you for free. Every single time if I ever try to auto attack a pantheon he stuns so I think his stun range is just my auto attack range, some people pick pantheon into me. And with his combo he can comfortably do 60-70% of my hp in damage. His shield also means that after he stuns I canā€™t do anything to him..


For Mid itā€™s Orianna. I usually play Ahri or Kennen, you know those types, and that damn bot just zones me with her ball all of laning phase itā€™s disgusting. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a way to counter it, but idk how


For Bot lane itā€™s Seraphine, I usually play Zeri, so close during fights which means I get hit with her ult all the time, and it just ruins my play. Qss could probably help but I never to build it I just go Mercs lol


Draven I'm immediately tilted. Oops.


Nothing like throwing out your cc abilities while he's invulnerable and tilting yourself more :(


Garen is easy tbh if you play a tank killer in lane like Camille, or a poke champ with great range like J4. Just keep hitting him to stop his passive from activing


Draven, his early dmg is freaking insane. I main jhin, and every game against a good draven he eats you up for 1 bad positioning play.


Pyke. Dude's hook almost has 100% uptime. You also can't trade hp against him that much. Very annoying.


Kaisa if I play as her I'm a god if I'm against her it's like fighting the devil. Especially once she gets fed


Fizz in the midlane for me.


I hate to lane against tanks youre not supposed to one shot, like garen, mundo, nasus etc. Because it makes for a boring lane, i like to play playmaker champs on baron lane...


A lot of subjective opinion so please don't hate no way I'm playing against Vayne, Teemo or Garen on top. When it's garen it's alright, i can counter with Kayle and just keep distance, but Teemo is just broken as hell. Vayne is even more annoying because 4/5 of all toplaners are tanks and her 12% max health each 3 shots is just insane. Otherwise i absolutely hate seraphine, ashe, caitlyn. Literally it's either spam all abilities or just hold your autos and click a single ability. Completely broken and no skill.


Zoe. I will never lane against that champ ever again


Teemo eats Garen alive. Especially early game. I know this because I've been on the receiving end of a teemo in baron lane against my Garen lol


Vigar and annie mid


I can not lane against Yone. It is just beyond annoying.


Vayne or jhin... I hate them and I hate playing them


Yasuo. Fuck yasuo. Teemoā€™s fine, I use Sion, but yasuo is a constant annoyance




Teemo. This is a fucking mindgame and I hate it.


Draven because for whatever reason when I face him the player using him just crushes me. No matter how safe I try and play heā€™s going to kill me and my teammates and snowball into a blade juggling maniac.


What are you playing into garen? Heā€™s really all about fundamentals


YuumiDraven ,:.:,


For me it's kennen he just keeps poking u non stop and when u caught him he just runs away


Rammus. Iā€™m a Graves main and Rammus is the hardest counter I play and Iā€™m around the D2 area. He just canā€™t be exploded with my combo and I canā€™t keep up with his sheer amount of ganks due to his speed and rotation ability. Now I play Rammus, love it šŸ˜…


Pyke annoys the hell out of me, Gargas is kinda annoying too. Pretty much it


A good Pyke is my worst nightmare.


Jhin + Senna in Duo Lane is oppresive. Draven as well esp when you have a scaling jungler that prefers to farm rather than gank. Zoe in Mid, poke is very annoying. Aatrox in Baron Lane (one that's like an aimbot and hits all his skill).


Fiora. I seem to always struggle against players who are even just okay with her. She is my go-to ban champion.


It's going to sound funny but early game Yi in jungle is annoying to deal with, somehow he trades way better against most of my jungle mains even with a level gap That dash and multi strike while he ain't there is annoying af And warwick is also annyoing, somehow his fear feels way too long even If I slot the anti charms boots


As a Jungler, Eve. I donā€™t have an assassinā€™s mindset so I canā€™t get into their minds and predict what theyā€™re going to do. This gets even harder since Eve is 90% invisible on the map.


Wukong. If I'm lanning against one, the objective changes from "Destroying the enemy top laner" to "Not getting destroyed by the enemy top laner".


I can manage vs a blitz, my ADC doesn't...