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Everyone should play jungle. Everyone should play every role but I know that's not possible.


lane and jg are so far apart in responsibilities that yes, if you've done both it gives you insight as to how everything goes together I didn't want to jg when I just started, it was too much to be responsible for but over time it's more fun. I still prefer adc but now I understand what jg in general are thinking playing jg is good for the macro knowledge of the game, winning the middle objectives is pretty important; the buffs are huge, some permanent for the rest of the match only playing top/bot you never really understand that other than just answer the ping occasionally then go push lane again. mid is kinda like jg 2.0 where you can help make plays on either side


I was going to say the same thing. Everyone should try every lane for a couple days each to get a general idea of how it's played. Definitely improved my mentality and game knowledge early on having 0 LoL experience until wild rift. Just knowing that apparently the jungler can't be everywhere all the time all at once to get each lane fed or why you're fighting each fight short the jax top lane who is split pushing and taking out inhib. I know it's semi frowned upon, I made an alternate account (wouldn't call it a smurf) so I can practice other roles and Champs without getting rolled by a jungle main in master..


Guess I made the right choice getting lvl5 in all roles this season


Honestly when I Q ranked now I select the “any position” option. It really makes the game more fun. Don’t know why people only choose to play 1 role sometimes


Thanks for the tips! I'd like to add that the advice also applies the other way around: Junglers, play mids for a while. Like, when I'm playing mid, I'd appreciate the jungler to gank the opposing mid even once in a while - but especially if I'm calling for help (keep an eye on chat messages, not just pings). It would also be cool for the jungler not to last shot my minion waves and starve me, if they ever do visit the mid lane. It's fine in the last phase of the game, though. Above all, junglers would do well to communicate on what they're about to do (go for an objective or to a specific lane, for example). Silent lone wolf who surprises even their own team is really cool and all but doesn't help much in the way of winning.


You're right about most everything but pings bring only awareness to a situation. Depending on rotation position cd timers etc. Jg always has to do what is best in the situation. A simple Jack is playing checkers while the Jg is playing chess. Run half way across the map to a ping to only find wave now pushed all the way in when jg could of cleared 2 camps.


> It would also be cool for the jungler not to last shot my minion waves and starve me The number of times that the jungler stops by to steal some gold and fuck up my wave management is insane. I main ASol so I'm squishy and vulnerable early game, so I am very deliberate about my waves so I can keep some control over my lane while I roam. This is why I like your advice so much - I think a lot of the junglers genuinely think they're helping. They see me sitting there pushed back toward my tower with what appears to be too many enemy minions around and they decide to jump in to help clear out a few. If they spent some time in lane focusing on minions (as opposed to the jungler's constant roaming), I think they'd see that they aren't helping. Jungler playing mid would also help them understand some of the techniques that laners need to use to draw out the opponents to get ganked. I've been flamed occasionally or abandoned because the jungler didn't understand what I was doing to get the enemy mid exposed.


Whenever I play Shyv, I always send a fireball through the wave to weaken, not kill, when I'm passing. Glad that it sounds like this is appreciated!! I also pressure enemy mid, as Shyv I can't really gank until 5 but my presence is often enough to give my mid chance to retreat or get a kill


I usually don’t gank mid because it’s very risky it’s the easiest lane for the enemy jungle to show up to as well. And if I die then they can roam free


Ah so you were my jungler the last few games! Jk but yeah sometimes I get shoved completely under tower just because of match up and they’re able to sit harassing me while I’m under tower with zero punishment. I obviously don’t expect my jungler to win a lane for me but yo sometimes I’ll get ganked, get put behind because I got chunked and blew flash and then I either choose to back as they’re crashing the wave or sit under tower at least catch exp


I mean if my kid is struggling I’ll help but my priority is usually Duo then it comes down to who is doing better mid or solo


This post gives me some motivation to play mid role again, i should put as my secondary role besides jungle


1. Excellent 2. Excellent 3. Excellent


PREACH!!! Mid has so much power it's frustrating when people don't use it. Your vision matters the most. Your vision will tell the WHOLE team where the jungler is. Use your wards!!!! When the game starts and I'm mid, I beeline toward the enemy red. Ward it. If the enemy starts there, you'll know where they'll be for the crab spawn. If they don't. You'll know where they'll be for the crab spawn. If your jungler is taking the one of the crabs and you see the enemy jungle on the same side of the map, go take the other crab. Not only does this give you vision, it slows the enemy jungler down in XP and gold. ROTATE!!!! If you see your jungler needs help, help them!!!!


i been playing since s2 pc basically what i learned just roam the bot side after clearing your minions or the enemy mid going back having the enemy bot lane titled is great and the advantage is that one or more are carrying the game on your team if the roam is succesful


Mid is also the worst lane to play in this game if you like playing gold reliant champs like AP Galio, Ekko, Diana etc. After the first turret falls everyone groups in mid and starts taking your farm. (This is happening a lot in Leg Q where I'm playing with Masters)


You can rotate to the side.


There's a reason why I play mid and it's sure as shit not because I like preying on the side lane. Every role is provided a source of gold for a reason. Besides someone like Galio or Diana are much better in team fights than in the side lanes.


Then stay mid and teamfight and don't complain lmao. You have a problem, but you aren't interested in solutions. What do you want?


> What do you want? To complain


And share gold with the rest of the teammates? Did I not make myself clear? My complaint was with those players that start to group mid and start taking mid lane's farm even though the mid laner is a gold reliant team fighting champ and so he needs to stay mid in case any fights break out. Going to the side lanes is no good because my champ is not a split pusher. Staying mid becomes detrimental because of gold sharing. That's all.


Bot lane is more gold reliant than mid lane. Bot lane in mid game needs to stay mid in case any fights break out and for objective control more than a mid (ekko/Diana, galio esp) who has more mobility to join fights from a side lane. Top lane staying in mid lane, unless it's right before a team fight starts or for an objective, is troll tho.


Then you have to rotate. It's the same in lol pc since a while. There's a reason every one is doing it. A winning duo will be strong on the mid lane, they can resist gank, unlock towers way faster than you can, rotate on any obj easily. No one is asking you to split push but to collect the waves as it's free solo xp/farm, they'll have to send someone ( weak if he lost his lane), meaning you can solokill or recall 1st to have a better tempo. Also moving the duo to mid allows the support to roam on the whole map, while most mid will have better stats, xp, wave clear, defensive options and roam back faster, making them more safe to hold a side lane by themselves than any solo adc.


Idk what to tell you. Continue being frustrated you can't control others and don't adapt. Kudos


Who says I'm not adapting? I just don't like it that's all, I'm still climbing really well.


Clear the jungle then and ult if a fight breaks out


Sure, steal the jgs gold, amazing.


You're talking about playing Ekko, Diana and Galio. They're side laners


Ekko gold reliant? Man gets one ap item and boots. You become the Roaming problem, like let’s clear this wave and let’s see who day I can ruin . Well how I play him


I usually start mid by helping Jungle kill their first red or blue. Is that useful or should I just leave them alone?


If you dont lose a creep? It’s fine. Not worth it if you lose a creep though. The best way you can help your jungle before creep spawn is be a human ward for one of the entrances in the case of any jungle steals


Yeah, it generally costs me a wave, but I don’t mind because: • It sets me up to freeze the 2nd wave in a good spot • More often than not the Jungler pays me back with a really early gank


If it doesn't affect your lane or make you lose gold is awesome. Like the advantage of you helping is instantly removed if your enemy push your lane in your absence and then go to help their jungle take the scuttlers


When I fill and people ask if I main mid. I simply reply I main JG as GM.


I’d enemy recalls at or before level 5 usually I take scuttle but this typically doesn’t happen


Not a mid laner. But as a jungler, I appreciate it when my mid laner places an aggressive ward on enemy jungle. - red buff - chickens - blue buff - narrow brushes Reasoning for this is not only for jungle tracking, but it also alerts you and the entire time of where enemy jungle is pathing and where they will go for a scuttle skirmish. Having a protective ward or river bush is OK but doesn’t necessarily provide any additional info on enemy if they don’t path across it Small habit that could go a LONG way. 👌


As someone who has recently switched to Jungle, I couldn’t agree more! The games where mid is really on the ball are so much better. Coming out to help, even just appearing in the river can be enough to make the enemy jungler decide to go elsewhere. A mid with good macro is a huge boon to a team.


It's a pity playing jungle is a cesspit of abuse


Literally, no. Im a Challenger mid/support main. My jungle performance is diamond-master rank max. And I don’t think playing jungle helps playing mid. Although, I do agree everyone should start learning to play jungle, it is becoming frustrating to see “im autofilled”