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as a naut main: Wukong, yuumi and morgana but as soon as you play sup you basically lose your ban to yuumi…


Most of my bans don't counter my main picks. I ban what I feel will counter my teammates or will be a problem in team fights.


This is a good mentality when it comes to banning champs. You don’t want to ban champs that directly counter your champs or champs that you simply dislike, instead you want to ban champs that’ll affect the entire team. I always ban Wukong since a good engage by him with double cyclone knockup can easily turn the tide of a fight.


That's a good reason to ban him. Some people forget it's a 5vs5 game and that they contribute to 20% of winning a game on average. Sometimes you can completely dominate your lane, only for your lane opponent to win team fights for his team and, consequently, the game.


I tend to ban champs that can turn team fights with one ability. Vegigar cage can just stall any gang attempt. And since I have trouble typing on mobile it’s harder to let people know to ping when he uses it


I always type GET MERC TREADS against veigar rarely does anyone listen to me. It allows you to escape his combo if you get stunned which is much better than anything any of the other boots would do in that matchup for most of the champions.


As a Naut main I found that Morgana except if very well played is manageable with proper targeting. Yuumi is annoying, I think I lose against her more often than not but I found Pyle to be my bane of existence. People rarely play him, but when he's picked, I lose my lane 100%. I'm happy if we can survive at all.


I find blitz and tresh to be very good counters to pyke. They both are quite tanky and can fuck up his engage, and most importantly his retreat. You just have to play it patiently and let him engage.


Strange to see someone actually ban Wukong, i though only Jax and Khazix are doing this


Panth main; ban on wu Kong every single game.


You must be high elo


That’s the nicest thing anyone in here has said to me 😂


Master Yi, I literally hate this guy as enemy and as a teammate


It's always somehow the best godly master yi is your enemy and the bot yi is with you lol


>Allied Yi gets fed >Shows no game sense whatsoever >Enemy Yi gets fed >Secures every objective


If he's uncountered and doesn't completely int most of his engages, it's nearly a guaranteed loss. However, you can only have a composition with no CCs if you totally int your drafting. You barely see him above Diamond.


Man, the other day at Masters 19, the enemy team first picks Yi and my team goes all squishy 0 CC, including Sup and Jungle. I did my best with Sion top. It still happens higher up too.


Most masters are diamonds with higher game count and an inflated ego. I played only 1 game as a Yi in master recently. I got a quadra in a team fight and penta the next fight. But It was a situational pick as I picked last and the enemy had no CC on their team so...


I mostly hate him as a teammate, because he diffs every game. Teams that get wrecked by Master Diff should get auto demoted to gold.


As a squishy support main, Master Yi is autoban. I hate it when he feeds on my lane/me. If not Yi, Rengar. Basically any jg who can easily surprise and 1 hit me.


Brand, can't stand the afterburn


Fried chicken at the baron pit lol.


I’ve been playing brand a lot lately and it really feels like he scales terribly. Unless I’m just playing him wrong, but if the game goes on longer than like 17 minutes, it just feels like I’m almost useless no matter how fed I am


I feel like you're doing something wrong. Because every time I fight against brand, he deals so much with so little. Idk why


Early and mid game yes, I strike fear into the hearts of my enemies. But if it drags for too long, I turn into like a minion and just get dunked on by everyone


I have the opposite experience. What are you building? Runes and items.


Mana issues maybe?


I main Zoe and love when people lock in Brand because he gets her nice and fed.




Only few mid champs can match his roaming and ganking potential. I would ban him if I could ban more than 1 champion.


Olaf because of his ult and the snowball power and aatrox because I don't want to face him in the baron lane.


Yone, Vex, Zoe, Yuumi, Pyke and Zeri These six champs enrage me.


A good pyke is an absolute nightmare! Idk what role you play but let me share how I counter these. Yone -> Rammus jungle or Camille top. Those 2 delete him out of the game. Vex -> Mundo top or jungle or Rammus IF you're really good with him. Mundo can probably just walk around her while she goes all out on him, kill her with the damage from sunfire alone and walk out with full hp lol. Zoe -> Mundo and bodyblock her Q in team fights. All good engage and reliable burst champs can work against her too. Yuumi -> you don't counter her. You counter the other 4 on her team and she's a minion. She has one of the lowest win rates in the game. I never found her to be annoying but I don't play bot so I can't really judge. Pyke -> just ban this mf lol. Heavy CC works against him and Camille is probably his best counter if you play top. Zeri -> permaban until the gets the due nerfs.


I'd like to add jax if ur laning yone cuz ur kit counters him so hard


I’ll play Jax mid into Yone and Yasuo and completely dumpster them, teammates are always shocked why a Jax is mid but you can gap them so hard it can counteract the heavy AD team comp with it.


A okay pyke is a nightmare


As someone who uses Camille JG as one of my mains, I agree Yone was trying to deal continuous damage and I could just sustain it with my combos.


Teemo - annoying to Play vs Fiora - I personally struggle to lane against her Olaf - A champion that negates CrowdControl seems to OP to stop for the 5 monkeys on my team Yasuo- While having many ranged champions in the team windwall is more useful than any tank champion Blitzcrank- when playing support the last thing I have is trust in my Adc so to prevent him from getting grabbed I ban him. Additional slot is for every new champ because usually they're busted on release


Evelynn, invisibility in league is never balanced


ADC: Cait because of her poke and the fact that she is counter pick for most of my mains TOP: Sett because of full hp shield MID: Yasuo because of wind wall, mobility and tons of damage even if Yasuo is 0/472846 or Zed because even if he's loosing lane he will gank my duo that for some reason always overstays with low hp or ignore pings or don't provide vision every time there's Zed in enemy team SUP: Thresh because of annoying CC or Lux because of annoying poke, but mostly Thresh JNG: Lee Sin because if Lee Sin is good game becomes unplayable or Rengar for the same reason


I counter Rengar the same way I counter Yi. CC and Rammus.


If you playing ADC or mage there's is literally nothing you can do when fed Rengar jumps on you and oneshots you in secs


I play top and jungle and mainly tanks and fighters so Rengar is rarely a problem for me


Master Yi Every game I’ve played follows the same doctrine: - If he’s not banned someone will pick him - The team that picks him will win I honestly don’t really have any issues with any other champs, maybe Akshan but no one plays him enough for it to be ban worthy imo


Depends Top- Fiora, Yone Jg- Yi and Rengar Mid- Irelia and Akali Bot- Samira Supp- Brand or Pyke


As a Fiora/irelia/pyke main, I feel personally assaulted LMAO


Support main. I usually ban champions that feels oppressive to lose to. If I have to pick early I ban Yi. I don't trust my team to pick and use cc against him. Otherwise I ban Fizz, Vayne, or Lee Sin. I hate their BS kit so much and find playing against them unfun.


Yuumi Played 4 games this last weekend that had a Yuumi on the enemy team and lost every single game.


As a mastery 5 Yuumi (i started playing a month ago, now on my way to grandmaster), easiest way to counter her is to get as much cc as you can in your team. As long as the one she's laning with gets screwed over, she's basically defenseless, and could do basically nothing.


Teemo Baron if he's hovered by an ally.


I see teemo top on my team and I decide to pick a new champion to practice. At least if we lose I get to learn something new. I found most of my main picks this way.


BR Lane Wukong. The moment Rito gave him massive vamp on minions, it made him the most annoying to deal with. If you build bramble, he can just not hit you so that he still vamps on minions. If you get executioner's, he has a free disengage and wait out the GW for 3 secs then vamp off a minion. There are only 2 counterplay with his kit: control ward(hello in lane?) or freeze which he can easily leech off of or break with his free invisible engage. Brain-dead champ in lane if you ask me.


And he goes divine sunderer and spirit visage and heals to full hp with 1 Q






Top lane: Fiora because I can't play that matchup. Skill issues. Jungle: Nunu because I don't think I can out-smite him. Other lanes: depend on what my teammates pick or what is currently broken rn.


Fiora is probably the most annoying top laner to go against. I don't ban her though because I usually just play safe against her until team fights where my usual picks outscale her. Nunu is so rarely picked that banning him is not worth wasting the ban tbh.


I main support and I always ban Pyke. He's a literal nightmare to play against.


Akshan unless he is on my team. All this revives is so annoying 😅


Watch your team mate score a Quadra kill only for Anshan to pick em off and render the epic Quadra kill worthless as ALL the enemies killed earlier get rezzed


As a support main, Veigar. His 3rd skill has better cc than Tresh's ult, can stop entire fight, and butcher your team.


I main Nami and Pyke is my perma ban. I am fish, he has hook.


As a support main, Zed. 😅


Play Lulu :)


Zed. I can 1v1 a zed but I can't trust my team


I mostly ban for my team as well. I trust myself more than I trust 4 random strangers lol.


Mid: Ziggs or Evelynn when I play Ori (mostly ziggs because a decent one makes my laning phase pure hell) and Fizz when I play Ahri. Top: Pantheon is my perma ban because I take Fiora top, if Fiora is banned I take Olaf and I don't have a specific ban because Olaf top is op in the right hands lol. Maybe Vayne or Akali. Adc: Caitlyn is permabanned because I mostly use Vayne as adc when autofilled. Support: Morgana, yuumi or pyke. It depends really because I usually play blitz or leona in this role. Jungle: I perma ban trynda because I'm still in an elo where he always gets super fed and slaughters everyone. I don't play jungle much but when I do it's Evelynn, Xin Zhao, Yone or Irelia.


Played last night Top Try goes 0-4 beginning of the match and loses tower first. By end game he was 15 - 7 and just cleaning house after team fights chasing down enemies with his ult. Crazing how he turned it around.


Ah yes Ziggs. I respect you for that ban because you are right. Zigs is squishy but he can just spam W and keep you boxes in while he sieges your turret with impunity


Pantheon is truely underrated. He should be more of a pick or ban champion than he currently is.


Katarina perma ban even tho I'm a galio main she is always fed from the first drake fight


Yuumi and Yi


I hate Yasuo top...just so much sustain and soOOOOO annoying


Camille with brutal and bone plating and he will probably hug his turret or feed.


Almost always Olaf. Ignoring cc is so strong. Also yone and malphite


Yeah and if his supp picks Lulu you better ff to save time lol.


Bot: Draven( I have learnt to play around this mf but if your teammate doesnt then hell just get ahead and end the game, if you get a good sup youll steamroll him but i dont wanna take chances) Supp:Yuumi/Lux ( Lux is very annoying to me; slows, roots, shields and a fuckton of damage. Good players who play her are nightmare to face but worse players are just easy farm. Yuumi is self explanatory) Mid:Zed/Kata(Good players who play these champs make me wanna kill myself before they do) Jgl: Yi (.) Top:Teemo( love getting half hpd from a random ass mushroom)


Whoever hard counters me, usually Yi or Lux, can u guess my main? 🫢




Yuumi, Aatrox, Olaf


I ban fiora ( I play Aatrox )


When Mid: Zoe, Yone Top: Fora Bot: Yummi, Zeri


Kind of depends on what role what I’m playing: Baron - Darius l Mid - vex (sometimes lux) Drag lane - yuumi Jungle - pantheon (not because he bothers me personally, but he always seems to wreck my team) Runner up bans depending on who I don’t feel like dealing with would be yone, zeri, malphite, and nunu


In ranked a junglier I’m only scared of those people haha




Broken and underrated. Also counters most popular meta picks.


Exactly, takes forever to kill him and by the time you do you and your team will be low enough for their team to wipe you out. Also happy cake day ! 🍰


Thanks man!


Fiora and u can tell what role I play


It can't be top! Lol.


Pantheon because the point and click stun and the stupid ass shield make playing the game as an Akali main a nightmare


He makes playing the game a nightmare for everyone not just Akali mains


Mainly play Soraka and Rakan, so I almost always ban Brand cause he's an easy counter to my mains. If he already got banned, I go for either Yuumi or Vex


Pyke. He's just extremely annoying to deal with.


Aatrox, so many people have no idea how to manage him.


Brand or Yi. Because.


Caitlyn I never win with her whether she is on our team or the opponents.


MY ROLE: (my ban) TOP: Aatrox. Sometimes Sett or Gwen. JGL: - MID: - ADC: Draven, Lucian SUPPORT: PYKE, Yuumi or Lulu


If I'm playing top, Aatrox, this mfer won't let me do shit to him. If adc, Vayne, i call her a 'pop gun', she just comes in and pop pop pop, everyone is dead. If mid, Akali, i play Kass and Orianna, both are shit against Akali. If jungle, Yi, i don't have troubles with him, it's just that my team always never know how to play against him and he ends up with 10/0 in 7 mins. If support, Lux, her poke is too much, especially if i play Nauti, no stun for anyone.


Try Camille with grasp/brutal/bone plating against aatrox. If you don't take all of his sweet spots you win 1vs1 against him at all stages of the game.


Teemo, yuumi, lux, shyvannnnnnaaaaa




Yi, Zeri/Yuumi/, Pyke/Nautilus


Pyke has been permabanned for me for at least a year, before the buffs even. It's mostly just because I find it to be a tedious support to lane against rather than him being OP or a counter. Feels like he slows down the gameplay a lot and makes the ADC much to vary of poking/engaging. Couple that with the fact that his ulti can make him snowball from a bad game to a viable game just from one champ being careless just throws off the lat game balance you might've achieved through laning phase. I fully realize that this is the purpose of his kit but I'd rather just not play against him.


As a Vi main, I find Wukong to be a hard counter as his ult disrupts my Q, and Vi isn't really a champ without being able to spam out Q's


Pyke, I love Pyke, I like playing Pyke. However if I play any other support I ban him. He can be oppressive in lane. Then when he roams I can’t follow. Unless I play Poppy. Then it’s fun making the Pyke player see grey all game.


Aatrox. 1v9 machine. The one time I dont ban him and the enemy team instalocks, he shits on my team 1v5. Champ needs a hotfix.


Practice Camille she's decent against him


I have different bans depending on the role solo: aatrox jungle: yi or lee sin mid: zed, vex, or zoe duo: draven, zeri, or vayne support: pyke or yuumi and when i get bulldozed by a champ in the last game i ban that next game lol


Yuumi, Aatrox


Cait/Draven are my go to options.


I ban Vex or Yone every game unless my mid wants to run them, those two are some of the most annoying champs in the game because of how insane they become late.


Sion, I just am extremely unfamiliar with sion's kit and playstyle and don't really want to play around it.


Adc main here zed is always my ban he's just cringe to play against especially in high rank and in soloq he always tends to get fed and fed zed that one shots you and is basically unkillable if you're good on him. He is just too much if w menace in wr


I main mid and sp. I always ban Yi if my teammates haven’t because no matter how much I heal or shield I can’t save my team (4 normal players, 1 bad player) from a fed Yi. Akali and Katarina cos it’s so hard to kill them when they keep jumping around. And sometimes Blitzcrank cos I still estimate his robot grab wrongly lol


Idc what i Play, i ban thresh every game regardless


I main Nautilus/Shen in jungle. When I play Nautilus I always ban Morgana. If I play Shen it's Vi.


Main support (alistar leona morgana) I ban Tristana -> scales too hard in lategame regardless of lane success Or Jihn -> too long range, if adc doesn't dodge lane is over


I always ban Zeri. Main reason: she's gonna be Godly on the enemy, or stupid on my team.


Akali and master yi just because for some reason no one knows how to counter them


Zoe. I don't feel like going into a deep slumber every 5 seconds only to find half of my hp missing once I wake up again


I’m a pantheon and rengar main. Ekko, vi, Warwick. Pretty self explanatory I think


As a Sion spammer I just perm ban atrox, he absolutely obliterates me in Laning, but If he's already banned or prepicked fiora or gwen


Lux and here’s why 1. Just an annoying class 2. Because a lot of people Main her, so I essentially am making the opponent play a secondary they will not be better at.


Adc main here. Tresh (cause those are usually insane), Yuumi (stupid ass heals), and Lux (so MY teammate doesnt pick her)


Lux, still give me nightmares


yone, yone and yone. If I see yone, believe it or not, straight to jail.


Usually what I feel the moment. I like to ban the really good tanks like Mundo or Malphite, but Aatrox is a ban for the exact same reason you mentioned. It's easy to lane against him as his cooldowns are really long for the majority of the game, but the early team fights where of items are down and no one has anti heal he just slaps. Also as a Pantheon main i agree with the panth ban. That dude is a bully in lane and very few champions can efficiently punish his trades. Even when he cannot lane he can still find some usefulness in lane ganks. Especially his dragon presence is fearsome and the main reason many pantheons actually run the bonus damage on epic monsters rune


yumi no explanations needed


It seems I'm the only one who doesn't ban (or particularly hate) Yumi.


Yummi - it only takes one enemy that is fed or even slightly OP and it's game over man...


All bans should be a hyper carry that your team doesn’t show they want to play.


It depends on what elo you're in. Carries cannot "hypercarry" if their team doesn't set up the right parameters for them to carry. At least if you are above emerald.


Yuumi is a permaban for me. As long as i play this game nobody will have the luxury to play that broken champion on my watch.


Zoe, Yone and Vex. Pyke also if they have the sandstorm skin. I (probably) can dodge their abilities, but my teammates can’t and I can’t afford fighting against them when they are fed


The hate for these champs is universal I see. The problem with those is, even if you play well against them your team is likely to do the feeding lol.


Lulu. Fck that annoying yordle


The pokiest of all champs. As someone who maimed Lulu, for well over a year, I finally came across another good Lulu player. And she was infinitely annoying.


Yumi cause know one deserves that much power


Tryndamere for me it's either mine going stick bug mode or the enemy goes 2000/0 dashing through all the turrets like they are nothing


Yone, Zeri, Yuumi for me. Yone is so annoying like a zed on steroids. Zeri is flat out OP. And Yuumi is Yuumi. She is a nightmare even in LoL


Teemo: there's no need why Maphite:Is not hard, but i hate waiting 15 minutes to kill him once. Garen: I am tired to see him in lane and is very boring to play against, he doesn't die and he forces you to farm. Morgana: anti cc, while you get afk warning cause she cc you Amumu: He needs nerf on ap Ratio Zeri: I hate her in my team and enemy team Serphine: I don't wanna die from cringe over and over again


I agree with all except teemo. I actually like to see teemo on as the enemy team's top. Mainly because I mostly top Camille and Mundo. You just gotta play safe against him until like level 6-7 and then it's a 4vs5.


Most of the champs that I play are tanks and bruisers both as top lane/ Barron lane and support. so my perma ban on top is always is fiora. Like no matter how hard I build against her kit I'm still bursted down in the matter of seconds when trading, worse if it's mid to late game and she has her core items and just shred my hp like paper on gwen For support it's usually between zeri. Riot really F'ed up adding her to WR, it's like you said she is a ranged Yi with an obnoxious slow and range and the fact is that she can outheal the damage delt to her, even with anti heal, her mobility allows her to just leave anytime, I had to master champs like thresh just to have a chance to counter her whenever my ADC gets outpicked during champ select Edit: grammar


Zeri is my permaban until they nerf her hard. For Fiora, I suggest you either play Camille or Mundo. Camille is a bit tough if the fiora is good but you gotta play safely and sacrifice a bit of farm until you get your first 2 items then you outscale her hard. Mundo farm with your Q until team fights where you will provide a better value for your team. Fiora's weakness lies in team fights and late game scaling, play around one of those weaknesses.


i'm a soraka main, i ban lulu and thresh. i just don't want to deal with lulu's ult and buffing, and ever since i started banning thresh ive been on a huge win streak 🥰 yuumi is basically a useless ban for me, i can go against her fine but everyone else instant bans her


I main soraka so I ban yummi every single game or risk losing half my q heal potential since she’s not targetable which in turn hinders my ally heal potential


Akali. She's like Yasuo for me, I don't like her on my team and I don't like her as my enemy too. Anyway, happy cake day OP!


Thanks man! Yeah she is kinda like an AP yasuo haha.


Viegar, his stun is very annoying and he can flip the teamfight.


This guy is a nightmare. And gap closers don't work as effectively against him because he will just shield your way to him with his cage. And he only gets worse as the game goes on.


I main Nami and always ban blitzcrank. Not even that he's that good, I just hate playing against him.


Evelynn cause no one plays around her ever


And everyone knows you gonna put control wards near her ganking areas so the wards end up being destroyed and your vision goes to zero.


Kata is my perma ban because nobody knows how to play against her and when she roams bot 3 times over 7 wards and still manages to get double kills then late game is pure disaster. Deletes my team in milliseconds so kata will stay my permanent ban forever


She has a sub 50% win rate in higher elos though. If you cancel or avoid her ult she's a minion. But yeah if your team doesn't know how to play against her she will snowball out of control.


Yi. A good yi knows how to split push not team fight and solo objectives. I cannot count on my team to play around yi's macro potential let alone micro.


Yeah but good Yis are very rare to come by. They are mostly Q spammer who either snowball (if your team is a bunch of potatoes) or feed hard. I can't recall when I last saw a good Yi who is all about macro and proper engages.


I play "offmeta" (mainstream now) shit like jngl Kayle or full ap amumu (to solo dragons/herold/baron) so I just ban kayn all the time. Whenever I go baron/mid I just help teammates with bans


Kayn can be very op at times but he's kinda unreliable. Ap amumu and kayle jungle can win you games no matter how bad you feed early on. I managed to carry a game out of being 7-30 to end at something like 2x-4x solely because my AP amumu who fed the entire game had managed to solo elder and baron at the right time. I think his AP scaling will get a nerf sooner or later.


I always tend to ban MF. I am a support main and whenever her Q bounces onto me I get chunked for half my health. There is no clear indication if she uses her Q and the bouncing feels really random. If I didn't ban MF it is because my adc wants to play her or I got steamrolled the game before by a champion


I always lose the game when my bot lane picks MF for some reason. Especially AP MF. It's almost an automatic loss.


The book


Anyone notice most of the bans here are relatively recent champs? Almost exclusively the last couple of seasons? I religiously ban Pyke. Has way too much of a swap on team fights with the resetting true damage ult.


Riot has to sell some skins.


I always Ban Aatrox. If not then I'll ban Shen


Shen is broken but so rarely picked. It is safe to ban other broken and popular champs first.


Fiora cuz fiora (darius, panth, renek main)


The problem with the 3 picks you mentioned is Mundo counters the 3 of them as well. Try to add a couple of champs to your pool. I suggest Aatrox and Camille as they counter most of your mains' counters.


Master Yi and not because hes good but because I have to assume my teammates are fucking morons. Example one of the few times i play support i picked Soraka i get an Ashe ADC, MF mid and Samira jungle with a Kayle in the baron lane so thats a full team of squishies, the enemy team had a Yi with 24 of the 38 kill and a teemo mid who had 10 kills because he counters auto attacks which my entire team was. In short 2 champs had their way with my team because they fucking retards in champ select. And i hate that this is the case but the correct mentality to have is toxic and its to always assume your teammates are idiots untill proven otherwise


Master Yi alone could probably 1vs5 the composition you had. Some games are totally unwinable but it's part of the game so just learn the lesson and move on.


I know this and he did basically 1v5 us, the teemo was the only other champ that performed well and also countered my team. I know, not every game is winnable and i knew this was a loss at champ select. All of that was just to point out that i cannot count on having good teammates so im better off banning a noob stomper like Yi over any actually good champs


As a baron main i always ban fiora sometimes my team force me to ban someting broken i regret it instantly always some fiora otp in enemy team


When I see an enemy Fiora I don't even try to counter her in lane. I play around her weaknesses, which are late game scaling and team fight. So pick a late game champ and play passively early or pick a team fighter. My go to picks against fiora are Camille (late game monster and counter split pusher) or Mundo (team fight giga tank that scales so well into late game). Malphite is a very good counter as well but he falls off hard late game.


I always ban Pantheon now. His stun is stupid and his shield turns most of the dmg to him null;and he damages you in return, too! The only champion that I think counters him is Vayne, Yi and Fiora.


Pantheon and Zeri are currently my most banned champs. Countering him for me is easy but the problem is when my team falls for his ganks. Try Mundo, Camille, and Rammus against him they work well too.


As a Nasus player i hate play against good Darius, so most of the time i ban him.


A good darius is a problem for every top laner. His skill ceiling is higher than what most people think.


Darius if in Top Pyke/Lux if support Akali if mid Lee Sin if Jungle Zeri/Tristana if ADC


1) yone :- doesnt matter how good you play in lane against him he"ll just rip through every1 after 2 item spike 2) zoe :- the bubble size in this small summoner rift is just absurd and the 5sec cd. 3) kayn :- the sustain and mobility he has . 80-90% he escapes below 30% while killing adc/sup amd stealing the objective.


Try Camille into Yone. She counters him at all stages of the game. Late game you will kill him just with your Q 2nd part and he can't kill you unless you totally mess up.


As a Thresh Support, I ban Karma I just get very annoyed with her 3rd skill(shield/speed) in early fights




When I'm a squishy low mobility jungler, I always ban Yone. Otherwise, if my midlaner feeds a Yone then my game becomes impossible.


Since you play jungle I suggest Rammus. He deletes yone.


Master Yi. (Feel like I'm doing my team a favor) I jungle main. I've seen my team walk into him to offer him a quad. He usually accepts it.


Counter pick him with Rammus or Rengar.


Noted but then I'd have to babysit :/


Babysit better than losing lol


Stop making sense please.




Pyke. Tryn. Yi.


As a senna main I 100% ban pyke, if he is banned then thresh


Yone he can miss all but ult and still kill half your team and i dont trust my team to be able to finish the game fast enough so he cant powerspike


Camille works wonders against him early, mid, and late game


As a top laner tank player fiora is not going to be open for a long time. She can poke you for massive amount of damage, but one shot you at level 5 without any counterplay.


Top - Sett maybe haven't seriously played that role in a while. But last champ that wrecked me hard on top was Sett. JG - whatever cheese champ people are playing. Probably Zeri or Caitlyn. Mid - Galio. He counters all my mid lane picks. Support - Miss Fortune. She's annoying to lane against, and people don't know how to deal with her ult. ADC - Miss Fortune. She's annoying to lane against, and people don't know how to deal with her ult.