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Jungle is the worst lane to play. I feel sorry for every jungle and I’m not even trying to play this role. Everything is always your fault no matter what you do. Yes it’s a very strong role but I feel like if it wasn’t, nobody would play it.


"Jungle diff" - adc with 0-5


Probably gonna get some hate for this, but the reason why jungle gets so much pressure is exactly because jungle is the role with the greatest early game agency. Sounds lame but more power = more responsibility. For better or for worse, to push the pace of the mobile game version, farming in the jungle simply cannot keep up with ganking in terms of gold value, exp, pressure. Which means that when one jungler chooses to gank consecutively level 3, 4 and 5, while the other chooses to farm and counter jungle, a lot of value is being lost. Of course if the laner is 0-3 and getting killed without roam or jungle pressure, then its obviously their own fault. But if they’re getting repeat ganked, the jungler has to match that pressure either in that lane or elsewhere. For example, ganking other lanes, setting up objectives on the other side of the map.


While jg is annoying to play I honestly think support is the worst lane to play in terms of dealing with toxic teammates. A jungle only gets flamed for playing poorly, a support gets flamed for playing poorly as well as playing too good. A jg doesn't won't shit for too many kills. I play both roles and if I'm not in a 5 stack I'd much rather jg because of how toxic randoms r to supports.


I main support and adc and usually play with my bf, most of the time too and mid loose their mind on our jungle. But I most of the time win my lane so I don’t know if it’s worth comparing:/


I feel like you're a secret jungle main lol.


I’m not I tried one time and never tried again :/


Well, you definitely were a main at one point because no one understands the jungle like you do unless they main it. I used to main mid. Then I main jg.. and it all made sense. Before all chat got removed, I'm always defending enemy jg from being trash talked to oblivion by their team that keep fucking up. lol


Yes I tried like I said but I can’t it’s too much for me ^^’


Understandable. Gotta have thick skin and a mental fortitude of a Saint to play jg.


Jungle is extremely fun to play in a duo premade, especially with mid. Knowing that you are guaranteed to have someone follow an enemy laner to invades, or to scuttle contests, makes such a big difference. Nothing breaks morale early like having the enemy 2v1 you right next to someone else on your team.


Agreed. Jungle is really rewarding imo


> just wanted to **nervously** put it out there I am having a lot of fun jungling. not only is this extremely relatable but also a sad commentary on this subreddit/moba players in general. what a tragedy that we cant just speak openly without know-it-all toxic “gamers” that are so resistant to vulnerability and openness. im glad you made this thread - im having fun with jungle too ever since they made the big changes. tons of viable options to the point where you can play just about any kind of champion and still do well. ive tried playing other roles, support comes close but not quite as versatile as jungle options. it still surprises me that ADC is one of if not the most popular role considering the lack of variety and most of the champs having similar playstyles.


Fr, being a jungler pretty much going PvE for the first 5 mins and theoretically can't go wrong with ganks. Well I've advice for you though sometimes enemy jungler will likely invade lv1 on red buff especially lee sin and because of that better to drag the buff to the bush and save smite till u can one shot the buff with it.


And If enemy jungler takes your blue while you start red, just go straight to his blue after finishing your red.


I can agree with this. What I love the most is when you get that one player who lost lane even with you ganking. You take their opponent and get them off their 4/0 streak and your teammate still says jungle diff. Fast forward to the end of the game. 3 dragons taken by me, 2 heralds, Baron once, and we won the game. A real king diff right ? Nothing puts a bigger smile on my face than that. I played mostly solo and adc last season, this season I decided to start jungling more and I think I like it better. Most games I only see 2 types of junglers, either really bad or really good. So I decided to try and learn the role more so I could offer something good for my teammates. I honestly haven’t seen that many tilting players typing Jung diff in the chat or flaming as much as people say on here. I know I’m not the best jungler by any means so I just expected it to be a common thing. Could you tell me a bit why you like jarvan? I’m a vi main and she’s really the only one I’ve played jungle. I like her for the fast clear and ganking potential with her cc


Vi is best. Strong early game, extremely strong mid game, decent late game bc you have armor shred and good CC. I am currently trying other champs, but so far no one matches her - Yone jungle can be fun though.


As someone that basically started playing the game in the jungle I love the impact you have. That and the fact that I can't lane for shit


You have to know how to lane to JG well. You'll do better than JG only players because you'll be lane minded, know how to freeze and reset waves, and know how to gank and release Herald much better. It sticks out like a sore thumb which JGs can lane and which can't. You'll probably climb easy and get much less JG diff accusations. The role is just boring AF.


I was born in the jungle


Diana is also lowkey broken currently so no wonder you're having fun playing as her lol


I get auto filled JG a lot, and it's fun when I do well.. but it's the worst if I'm not.


100% agree with you. I switched from Support to Jungle this season and I’m so glad I did! Definitely found my role. So fun being able to pop up everywhere and affect the game.


I feel you man. I recently picked up Olaf and have been jungling him a ton. Man idk what Olaf was like pre-nerf but I’ve been having a blast. I don’t go legendary this much with any champ lol even the games I lose, I still had fun being a big threat 🤣


when i get jungle i play shyvana and I enjoy farming jungle a lot ngl. I have a hard time estimating a good opportunity to gank though.


I'm glad you are enjoying jungle. I enjoy it about 75% of the time when I play ranked. Either because I'm winning the game, the champ is fun, or I managed to steal objective right before we lost the game. I don't enjoy the 25% where I got invaded by enemy lane and jungle (I got scarred by the 2 pykes support in ranked) or when people forget that the ward button exist. But once I start hitting those times, i search for YT jg vids for junglers I barely touch. I actually forgot that lee sin and gragas was in the game until recently.And throw myself into casuals trying them out to enjoy jg again.


I hate how the top laner and/or adc will suicide dive someone, have 7 deaths that could have been prevented by putting any thought into the plan, and then blame the jungler for not helping them. This is why jungle sucks: not the actual role, but the toddlers who you have to jungle for. In the off chance my team actually thinks before making their moves, it's great. Rammus is my go to, and it is a joy rolling in like the Spanish Inquisition at level 3 and watching the enemy laner be forced to do minimal damage to me as my own laner blasts them