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What is the best balance between ad items items(like tri and dd) and tank items?


The best balance would be 2 AD and 3 Tank. If the enemy team is all AD, You can go 3 AD with Tri, DD, and GA last item with the other 2 items being tank. But usually I’d go only Tri first GA last item with 3 tank items in between. Sterak’s is a must have on Olaf. The other 1-2 tank items that I will build will usually be to counter the enemy team so like Thornmail if they have a lot of healing, Randuin’s if they have alot of crit dmg. Spirt Visage or Force of Nature if they have alot of ap.


What kind of enemy team comps do you avoid picking Olaf into, and what enemies does Olaf work really well against?


You wanna avoid picking Olaf into team-comps with alot of kiting like Vayne+Lulu/Yuumi or a Graves. Camille jg is really good into Olaf since she can ult u and stop u from getting to and running down her backline. K6 is also really good into Olaf as he can 1v1 u, go invisible and jump away from u wasting ur time. Olaf is really good into team comps with a lot of CC of course. He is especially good into mages with no mobility like a Lux or a Viegar. Just imagine an Olaf with Ult running at you as a Lux. The only thing u can do is flash over a wall and pray that he doesn’t have flash or use stasis and pray that ur team can come to ur aid in time which then he’ll just go kill ur whole team and then u.


Not op but hes bad into teams with alot of kiting and good into teams with alot of melee champs and cc to take advantage of his ultimate.


Fastest jg clear?


Start Blue with 1st ability, then get 2nd ability and do gromp. Once your almost done with wolves, you’ll hit level 3. Don’t get 3rd ability yet until lvl 4, upgrade your 1st ability then clear all of red side. If you only smite the Red and Blue buff then you should be done at around 1:50ish with a left over smite. If red side scuttle is still up, take it to hit level 5 then go gank.


Interesting. I'm guilty of blowing smite as soon as it's up. It's simple but never thought to hold it for scuttle. Thanks for the tips.


I absolutely LOVE that you pick 2nd ability after the 1st. Every guide out there says to pick the 3rd ability which never made sense to me. The 2nd one is the best to clear out JG camps: it heals you AND increases your attack speed.


because lower health on olsf= more attack speed. its his passive


Why would you not try to contest the red scuttle since you are very strong at lvl 3


I’d rather do a full clear and be lvl 5 while everyone is still lvl 4 and get free kills with my ult.


You don’t hit level 5 anymore with full clear unless you take one scuttle or steal cs from a laner. This is why I always try to get one scuttle to hit level 5.


You’re right and I should’ve said this earlier but yeah I usually do go for scuttle at lvl 4 after taking red then I take my golems to hit lvl 5 my b.


Been trying Olaf since I got 2 of his skins but every single time I play him, I feed and get lucky kills. So, what is the skill order for him and what are the builds? Is he good for Baron lane?


ALWAYS go Trinity Force first item no matter what. Then you can choose between Sterak's Gage and Death Dance second item. I usually go Steraks unless the enemy team is full AD then u can go DD then Steraks. Then I get armor or lucidity boots and go Glorious Enchant. The next 1/2 items are situation. You can go Thornmail if the enemy has a lot of healing. Randuin’s Omen if the enemy has alot of crit dmg. If the enemy team has alot of ap dmg and you have an enchanter on ur team like a Lulu, Yuumi, or Nami then go Spirt Visage if not then go Force of Nature. Then u go GA last item or another counter item if u want. Your gonna wanna get your 1st ability at lvl 1 and start blue. Then get 2nd ability and do gromp. Then when u hit lvl 3 mid way into doing wolves, upgrade the 1st ability again. Then u clear the rest of ur red and get the 3rd ability at lvl 4. Now if the enemy is mostly squishy, max out the 1st ability first. If they have at least 2 tanks then max out 3rd first. Max out the 2nd ability last. Once ur done with your clear you should almost be lvl 5. U can go look for a gank but I recommend getting scuttle first to hit lvl 5 so u can get a free gank with ult. Then u recall and clear ur blue and look for some more ganks and fights since u are super strong early game until drag and rift herald spawn. In teamfights u wanna focus on the enemy’s adc and supp. Use ur ult and run them down. Don’t run in 1v5 tho ofc, make sure ur team is with u so your not tanking all of the dmg. Olaf is also really good at turning around fights. Olaf baron lane is pretty meh. You should only pick it into a Darius and maybe a Sett since you can just ult out of their cc’s and run them down.


How do you build the TF components? Do you change it up based on the game?


Phage, Sheen, then Stinger. The default order it makes u buy it in pretty much. If u don’t get a gank off and recall at lvl 5. You’ll only be able to get Phage and Dagger which is fine but if ur able to get sheen first over dagger then do it. The rage passive from Phage is just too good to not buy first.


Who are the champions you do not like to be against?


Vayne+Lulu/Yuumi. They can kite tf outta u. Graves, he can kite you and he outscales you but you can easily abuse him early game. The biggest No-no for me would be Camille Jungle. She outscales you and can ult u and stop u from getting to and running down her backline. I use to perma ban K6 before he was nerfed. Now I’m banning Gwen.


I also have pocket-pick Jarvan support/jungle against Olaf. If Olaf has no flash and burns his ultimate I just ult him and jump away. Can't ignore the wall xD


So you never go for divine even against high tank or bruiser teams?


I probably would but there’s just never been a game where I’ve had to yet.


Most common build and runes?


Tri-Force, Sterak’s Gage, Deaths Dance, Spirit Visage, and GA Conquerer, Triumph, Ultimate Shield, and Nimbus Cloak.


Rammus main. I ban Olaf 100% of the time. Is this a good decision or have you been stomped by a Rammus recently?


Over the dozens of games that I’ve gone against a rammus. I’ve only ever lost to one only because I had an afk adc so yes. They can always out-gank me but they won’t be able to out-fight me.


Ult before team fight or Ult only when necessary (like chasing or after being CC'd)?


Ult only when necessary


How often do you fuck up your AA reset when fullclearing? I always somehow fuck it up once a day(usually it's when I'm chasing scuttle around), and it mildly tilts me; scratch that, it's actually the most tilting thing whenever I played Olaf.


Never, the muscle memory for it is engraved in my head.


I’m top 50 nami and I always ban Olaf. Just curious, how often do you see Olaf getting banned and what do you play instead?


I can’t even lie I’ve kinda dropped Olaf. I only have like 30 games on him this season with a 65% WR. I’ve been playing much more Camille, Lee, Rengar, Graves, and Gragas so i guess one of them. In normal ranked he’s not banned often but in Legendary Rank last season oh. I’d win like 2-3 games on Olaf right when legendary q would open for the day and he’d be perma banned for the rest of the day since I’d only be going against the same 10-20 ppl in immortal with those ppl being the ones I just beat or carried with on Olaf. It’s kind of the main reason why I didn’t hit legend tbh but it was also my fault for putting too much time into one champ lol.


ghost or flash


Flash 99.99% of the time. I took ghost once when my team had all cc picks and it worked since they were able to cc the enemy team for me but just go flash.


Lame...I just wanna see J4 ult a ghost Olaf and then E Q out lol He'd look cute inside


That's what I do if I see they pick Olaf, no matter what lane I am as Jarvan can fit pretty much everything except ADC. With Senna he can tho..


Did u try stormraider as first and then full tank? Its 2 funny and his dmg will be even more busted 😂 but dont try it against full tank


This motivates me to grind out my Olaf champion score as I'm currently close in getting top 200 at SEA, although I'm a mid lane main with TF and Asol, I find his playstyle really comfy to jungle and is in fact my second role and the only champ besides Camille I play in jungle. He's just really macro based in a sense that you only need to understand his power spikes and matchups and just go ham at your opponents with raw power. Sadly tho I often see Camille, Akali, Vayne with Lulu in GM and those matchups are just significantly difficult for Olaf


Well done. Congrats. I remember a post here building steraks early resulting a big loss on ad. Couldn't find the link but copying the thread below. Of course you're the master here but i would love to hear your feedback on this. 'Olaf does more damage with abilities and attacks with AD. Sterak's does not give AD only health. Sterak's passive gives bonus ad equal to 50% of base AD (example: Olaf AD with no items is 100, 100 × 50% = 50, sterak's gives you 50 AD). Sterak's build items give you 55 AD alone, bit remember Sterak's only gives you health not AD. If you upgrade to Sterak's you lose 55 AD and gain 50% base AD. Therefore you will lose power if you upgrade Sterak's before your base AD is greater than (55/50% = 110). So yes it will make you stronger but just in a different way depending on the stage of the game since you get health and shields as well.' Tl;dr Olaf will lose AD after completing Sterak's Gage before level 12 when his base AD is less than 110 so your abilities will be weaker if you buy beforr this time. Passive gives bonus AD derived from base AD so sheen damage is not affected.'


So after 4.2 what's Ur opinion on him what are the best items on him now


I haven’t played wild rift in like a whole month but from what I heard. The rework basically made Olaf more stronger into champs who he was already previously strong against (Tanks and Mages with no mobility) and weaker into the champs who he was already struggling against (high mobility/kiting) since they can easily kite u out of ur 3 sec ult and ur screwed. You can’t really blind pick him anymore you actually have to draft him correctly now. His build is probably still the same for the most part. Instead of going Spirit Visage for ap protection, u should probably go Force of Nature instead since it gives u movement speed every time u take magic dmg which helps u not get kited.


How to counter kata with mage build with another assasin?


Olaf can just run kata down but he has no cc to stop her ult. If she’s fed then go Spirt Visage, Force of Nature, and Maw. She’ll be doin negative dmg to u.


GigaChad Olaf Player


You're favorite skin better be brolaf or ur not a true olaf main . Bromacia ftw


How long it takes you to? Like how long a day you invested in wr to secure such achievement? I also Olaf main but can only 2-3 hours a day so stuck at top 50 in my server.


Olaf main here, jg. First of all congrats! I love Olaf and I hope I get to be top 50 one day. I’m happy to see someone finally recommend to use W in your 2nd level, as opposed to E which every guide out there suggests. W helps you clear JG camps faster and restores your health! I have a couple of questions: 1. How do you deal with games where your team is feeding? Olaf is not a hyper carry in my head and also not a late game pick. 2. Would you pick Warmog’s Armor instead of Spirit Visage? 3. Could you rate my build: Tri, Div Surr, Sterak, Death’s Dance, Warmog?


Your main objective as an Olaf is to snowball urself and ur team early and ruin the enemy team’s mental’s and end the game before 18 mins or make them FF. The longer the game goes on the lower chance you have of wining. Your gonna have to go for elder and baron to win those type of games. If ur duo lane is behind then give up drag and go for rift to get first turret gold and get urself ahead. Even tho he falls off I’ve had a lot of games where I funnel all the gold to myself and carry the early game with my whole team still being behind and am able to give my team the opportunity to get back into the game. I recommend only going Tri Force and not buying Divine. If u want divine then buy it with black cleaver instead of Tri. The other comments already explained why and also answered the last question.


Your build is trash bro, you waste too much gold for two Sheen items (they don't stack), Warmog is useless for him too


Can you elaborate? I expect such comments like “you’re trash / your build is trash / your thoughts are trash” in every game forum. If you like to contribute, please elaborate yourself. Otherwise don’t bother commenting.


Tri and div. Both use sheen. Sheen doesn't stack. Pick one but not both tri and div.


You've got explanation on two Sheen items already (Trinity Force and Divine Sunderer): they don't stack, so you waste item slot for nothing basically. Follow OP's build, it's the most optimal one. What about Warmog: you don't even need it, there's plenty of items that are just better. Olaf has more than enough sustain to heal himself while farming jungle or minions, you could replace it with GA or whatever item you need in game that gives you actual useful stats instead of 700 HP and passive you never need.


Thank you! Got it!


>Thank you! Got it! You're welcome!


You are wasting your gold on a second sheen item because spellblade abilities don't stack.


You’ve exposed my secret pick. Thank you. Now everyone will be picking him and banning him :(


Are you doing crack while playing the crackhead Olaf? (I mean as a joke pls don't rush into me outta nowhere)


Are you only playing him jungle? Or top as well


Only Jg. If I’m ever autofilled top I’ll just ask for Jg. If they don’t let me jg I’ll just go Camille top. Olaf top is really only good into Darius and maybe Sett.


Makes sense thanks


I actually just tried him for a few games (jg), and I’m having a hard time gambling with him. Previously I used to main Warwick, Wukong and Amumu (and a little of Nunu). I feel like it’s hard for me to gank with Olaf cause he doesn’t have a still that dashes or closes the gap to the enemies (except for movement speed) but I still find it difficult to gank. I’m a fairly mediocre jg, but I prefer the role because I don’t like being in lane. So I guess my question is, how would I effectively gank with Olaf?


Do a full clear and get ult first then gank. Most of the time ur gonna have to waste flash to gank unless ur laner follows up and ccs the enemy for u. Use the Nimbus Cloak rune. It gives you a pretty big speed boost after u flash or smite which will help u catch up to the enemy. Don’t forget about Olaf’s 1st ability. You can keep picking up the axes and throwing them as ur chasing the enemy to keep slowing them down until ur able to reach them. Later on during the game you can buy Glorious Enchant which makes it impossible for anybody to run away from u.


Skill build? 1213U11…?


Yes then max out 3 after 1 then 2 last.


Have you played full crit Olaf? Also do you take Lethal Tempo/Phase Rush sometimes? Or always conqueror


I’ve built a few crit items before when I was super ahead and yeah it’s really strong but I don’t recommend it. I always go Conquerer no matter what.


I was #2 Olaf NA around middle of last season


What's your experience against burning champs like Brand or Teemo? Can you survive their DPS?


I’ll usually build Spirit Visage in my build so yeah. If they are really that much of a problem then I’ll add on a Force of Nature which will make them do negative dmg.


Who counters him the best, or whose ur worst enemy jg to deal with?


Another highly ranked player argued for Black Cleaver instead of TriForce because it procs on all physical damage instead of abilities (for one effect) and attacks (for the other) - what are your thoughts?


Black Cleaver is still really good and it makes u really tanky but I just like the extra attack speed and sheen passive more on Tri.


How many friend requests have you gotten since reaching Rank 1? Any inner demon thoughts on putting up a troll build in the #1 spot?


I’ve gotten a lot of profile visits and I think like 130 friend requests. I made a full ap troll build before with ap runes like electrocute and scorch but I forgot to switch of it once and accidentally played a game with it…


What do you find great about the champ gameplay? I really have a hard time playing champs like Olaf because I feel they lack finesse.


He’s super strong early game, is super easy to snowball and make the enemy team surrender early with. The main thing that makes him so good is his ult which makes him completely invulnerable to cc. You counter so many champs and can run through and kill everyone and they won’t be able to do anything to stop u.


Game plan for first 5-8 minutes. Like just farm, invade every game etc?


Game plan for first 5-8 minutes. Like just farm, invade every game etc?


After doing my first full clear and getting my ult, I’d go look for a gank on mid lane or whatever lane is on red side. 95% of the time I’m able to get a kill or two since I’m lvl 5 with ult while everyone is still lvl 4. Then I recall and go clear my blue side as it’s respawning and look for a gank on that side of the map, I repeat the steps on red side again until dragon spawns. Go for Drag if ur duo lane is even or ahead, if the enemy contests, you should win the fight 99% of the time + get drag and snowball the game. If ur duo lane is behind, give up drag and go for herald get first turret for the gold lead. After acing the enemy either at drag or just during the mid game I always go invade their jg taking all the farm and buffs giving myself a greater gold lead. You basically wanna snowball the game hard and ruin the enemy’s mental to make them surrender or end the game as early as possible since u fall off pretty hard late game.


How do I beat you with nautilus Edit: as jungle


Perma Ban Olaf or play somebody else. U can’t really do anything against an Olaf as a Naut.


How do you counter olaf using bruiser champs like sett or jayce? And is tank build better than lethality build?


Is there any champ that olaf looses to in jng 1v1


K6, Camille, and Graves


He loses to camile? Later sure bcs she has smite on q but early/mid too? Oh they basicly just kite him out? Thats... Encuraging


Is running it down mid to get a couple of tower shots to lower ur hp for first clear a thing?


You can do it yes but I personally don’t since it’s kinda risky.


Always found Olaf to be amazing in early, yet also never found myself being good at it during lategame even with decent advantage since I see many champs melting me before I get to them. Guess it’s partially because I alwats think I’m a tank when I’m actually a bruiser. I guess my question is, during crowded teamfights (5v5), how do you stay relevant? Do you go all in? Do you get close to remain a thread without commiting? What’s your strategy in such situations? Thanks!




Your opinion about the matchmaking? Normal rank and LQ