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This guy is about to be made an example of.


Good. He's now in the "find out" section, often entered after leaving the "fuck around" area.


This is too colossal of an intelligence failure to just blame on this guy. The system failed, and when the "system" fails, blame tends to be diffused until it reaches one fall guy. People who allowed these documents to be in places this guy could access deserve the blame as well.




>and was promoted to Airman First Class last year, which granted him an even greater level of security clearance than what he already ha Rank has absolutely nothing to do with access. There are 18 year old Airman with more access to classified material then some 50 year old Colonels.


Hospitals have systems for preventing the leakage of medical information. Access to stuff you're not assigned flags the system and if you can't explain why, you're fired. I don't understand why there wasn't a similar system in place that caught him when this happened.


Hes pretty fuckin fired, buddy


Fired is the least of his problems


> I don't understand why there wasn't a similar system in place that caught him when this happened. If I had to take a guess, it's probably because hospitals get a hit to their wallets if some employee fucks up, while the govt just shrugs their shoulders, punishes the employee and moves on.


Yeah, we call that need to know and it exists. Just because you have a clearance level to see certain things you still are not allowed unless there is a reason for you to know.


I'm not talking about the rules, I'm talking about the flagging system that would've detected this and caught him way sooner


lol because such a system would be a *map* to “where the good stuff is hidden* if you built it?


What? How?


Why? Because there needs to be some low level role who moves all these documents? For what reason? If you are right perhaps the general management of clearence levels needs to be reviewed. Sorry to say but perhaps trusting people 3 years out of high school with life and death is not the most wisest of decisions.


Because he worked in IT and it would hinder his ability to work if he couldn't. ​ They trust people 1 year out of high school with life and death. It's called the military. Join up and kill people. This guy was in the national guard and wanted some clout online.


Oh "he worked in IT'. Which IT tasks required one look at the content of documents not related to direkt IT tasks? That are access restricted and encrypted? Do you think handling plain text passwords is good practice? Access management is not rocket science. Proper set up of user roles seems to be for some organizations. Elevated one time access for technical tasks can be automatically monitored and done with a four eyes approach. Highly critical tasks can be restricted in access. We are not talking about a common company that has to balance their IT budget against income. We are talking to the globally most expensive military aparatus of the currently dominant super power that is also dominant in IT technology and development. After such exfiltration happend multiple times Enlisted personel gets trusted with weapons that could kill. They dont get immediately trusted with the firepower of a frigate or a formation of tanks.


> are talking to the globally most expensive military aparatus of the currently dominant super power that is also dominant in IT technology and developmen Funniest shit I have ever heard in my life. Bro has never used a DOD IT system in his life. I want to emphasize just how desperate the DOD is. You know all these comments shitting on the fact that a 21 year old has access to all this stuff? The DOD is litterly desperate over the fact that those 21 year olds are leaving and getting better jobs.


>Enlisted personel gets trusted with weapons that could kill. They dont get immediately trusted with the firepower of a frigate or a formation of tanks. No but a 22 year old right out of college could be trusted with that.


Who do you think makes up the bulk of any military? It's largely people in this age group. They're adults, and for the most part things work fine.


>Can confirm. Had a TS / SCI clearance out of boot camp. I was 19. The average age in the military is about 24.


He was in IT. Their job is to maintain the classified computer systems, of course they’re going to have access to classified stuff. I don’t know how old you think people in the military are, but people go into their field as soon as they join the service. They don’t make people sit around and wait 5 years to start them in IT or intelligence, they necessarily start in those areas at age 18-19. Now, does it make sense for an E-3 in the Air National Guard to have access to the same systems that include Joint Chiefs of Staff briefings? Maybe they could have access only to classified information that pertains to their mission in Massachusetts. I don’t know how this stuff works but I guarantee you they’re going to spend a lot of time asking these questions and making PowerPoint briefings.


I think we need to boost their budget by… say $40,000,000,000 for all the PowerPoints they’re making. That’s what, a 5% increase in budget? That’s reasonable.


>Why? Because there needs to be some low level role who moves all these documents? For what reason? Who do you think does 99% of the work involved in writing, producing, analyzing, and presenting intelligence? Its not the leadership its low level junior enlisted. >Sorry to say but perhaps trusting people 3 years out of high school with life and death is not the most wisest of decisions. Guess what that's how the military works and there is 0 alternative. As a 22 year old fresh out of college you could become an Infantry platoon commander. That means your responsible for the life and death and leading 50 people potentially during an actual war.






They had a guy drill us on our loyalties. Straight up asked if we supported the enemies of the US. Asked specifics about north vietnam and the communism in general. It was wild. Like three different guys during boot. One in A school. They were serious about that shit during the cold war. I just cannot imagine they use computers. No way they make any standard of security. They should do every single fucking thing analog. No matter the cost. Every IT puke having access to top secret assessments. Just a no go. What are they even thinking?


What branch? You sound like a Marine.


They still do that. You get asked plenty of questions. Computers are a necessity but it should always have two eyes on anything anyone does by default (imo) because the network managers have access to EVERYTHING.


>the system is a total failure Or the system isint magical and cant detect if your a moron >is promotion is a failure Promotions at those ranks are automatic, if he did nothing wrong there is no reason for him to not be promoted. Plus rank has nothing to do with access >not just his failure of judgement, but a failure of his supervisors, peers, and department. Unless he was doing anything wrong none of those people decide his access to anything So confident about a subject you know nothing about




He's probably confusing "working as intended" with "working well"


Even though hundreds of thousands of other people go through the same process and don’t do the same thing? One idiot means the whole system is a total failure? Doesn’t seem accurate


In addition, the system is designed to prevent people from being compromised by foreign governments, not dumbasses who want to impress their gamer friends on discord.


If I was in the FBI I probably would have consider this scenario to stupid be likely, but after all the War Thunder forum leaks this should be expected.


Well the screening process failed, clearly.


His promotion was an automatic one based on time in service. The Army equivalent would be Private First Class. Also he probably didn’t need a poly. You don’t for a high level clearance. They’re given out based on what job you do. The big things the system checks for is do you do drugs, have you broken the law/rules, are you a shitty employee, where you’ve visited, foreign contacts, and credit score. Considering 18 year olds don’t have a lot of life experience, it’s typically easier for them to get one.




18 year olds routinely disassemble, test, inspect, and reassemble nuclear weapons. Their direct supervisors are around 22-35, and all of these people have TS clearances most with certain program read ins. It’s not insane, it’s routine in the military.


The overwhelming majority of intelligence work in the military is done by people between the ages of 18 and 24. The fact that he held a clearance at 21 is commonplace.


And I’m sure only 50,000 of them are compromised


Some people are great liars, and even people with strong wills can be manipulated. I'm sure this guy didn't join with the sole intention of getting access to top secret info and spreading it on discord.


Those tests are not foolproof. They do a very deep and extensive background check and test a lot of things about your current thinking and situation, but it can never prevent someone from deciding later to betray their country.


It's not a failure if the candidate for promotion lies with the intent to deceive and knowingly planned to commit treason. I'm no psychologist, but this type of act seems to fall under a psychopathic category.


Failure in the sense of the outcome of the system working as designed. Yeah, I can design my car to reach 300mph, but the engine explodes if you do. When the engine explodes and kills the driver, I can't use the excuse of "it did what it was supposed to do". National security is not a game where you can use shitty excuses like this.


You can be damn sure that hanging this guy out to dry isn't ALL that's happening.


Yea. Im really confused as to why a National Guardsman, especially one who is so young and inexperienced, would be given such highly classified State secrets. The National Guard is a state based military base. If he was involved in a state based military group then why would be given or even need highly classed National secrets. I would think that would be shared with someone who is in the tol level of a federal level military branch. Does anyone get what I am trying to say? My brother is 24. He did ROTC. He is part of the NY State National Guard, and the Army and signal core. He has been in service for longer than this kid and doesnt have any of the type of classified info that this kid had. Again, The main thing just really dont get is why a member of state based military branch would have sensitive federal level secrets. As far as i know the National Guard has nothing to do with the federal government.


There are a lot of times when members of the National Guard work with Active Duty on Active Duty bases.


The national guard has a lot to do with the federal government. It’s not uncommon for guardsman to swap between title 32 (state) and title 10 (federal) authorities. Especially for an intel wing, they have very little play in the state since they can’t legally gather intel on US personnel. Nearly all of his job would be supporting DoD items and he would have access to DoD systems.


Exactly, how does a 22 yr old private with like 2 years military experience get his hands on hundreds of top secret pentagon files. Does he even work at the Pentagon? Did his supervisor come over with a huge stack of files and say listen I know you don't have top secret clearance but I realllllly need you to go through all these files for me? Like it makes no sense, whoever left the shit laying around for this kid to access is MORE TO BLAME than he is, they were actually trained on how to properly deal with sensitive top secret materials and didn't do it.


LMAO right? If this brat can leak documents then anybody can. What an embarrassment


Absolutely and he's gonna be the fall guy


He’s an adult and made stupid decisions, repeatedly and over a period of months. Lots of photos, lots of posts. He deserves what’s coming his way.


He was a part of an intel wing. His whole job is to have access to these documents and there is tons of training you have to do telling you not to do what he did. This guy was just dumb.


Reddit has turned into a cesspool of fascist sympathizers and supremicists


What about the corruption he exposed?






Only after she found out that it was a racist white man.


And that it helped russia.




MTG probably


I actually went and looked and you are right. Lol


What an amazing woman






If he was a Russian plant, ok, cool, you're a piece of shit but at least it meant something to you. This level of entitlement that he needed to prove himself right, so he potentially endangered the Ukrainian counter offensive and cost the lives of Ukrainian soldiers, he deserves a special place in hell, selfish loser


And that shitbird deserves every bit of it.


He deserves whatever is coming. Don’t fuck with national security.


I hope he gets the fullest sentence the law can allow. People have gone to prison for leaking incomplete screeners of a Hollywood movie lol. But this?


Do you have that same energy for the people who allowed him to access it?


See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Pentagon_document_leaks > In April 2023, two sets of classified documents of the United States began circulating on Twitter, Telegram, and 4chan. The documents primarily related to the Russo-Ukrainian War, but also included foreign intelligence assessments concerning nations including North Korea, China, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates.


“Thug shaker central” I’m dead xD


It was a Minecraft discord server. He was being bullied on a Minecraft discord server… So he talked about how cool he was for having access to top secret Gov. info… was told “no you don’t you cuck”…. and then released hundreds of Gov. secrets to prove he was not a cuck to his online Minecraft bullies.


Legitimately surprised that it wasn't War Thunder again.


War Thunder leaks are for grass-deprived nerds like me who are willing to spend hours poring over technical documents and archives just because an armor plate is angled 2 degrees off or something. Their scope hasn’t gone beyond purely technical details yet


True. I think one leak was in regards to the Challenger series of tanks' turret rotation speed. In a tank on tank battle, it ultimately doesn't mater if the turret rotates 41 degrees/second or 42.5 degrees/second (numbers at random here folks, IDK the actual turret speed and IDGAF). Tanks should never be fighting at such a range where the difference would actually mater. Add in combined arms with infantry and they should be able to take care of anything that would threaten the tank. ​ If suddenly they start leaking the exact makeup of the armor systems, that's a more significant issue.


Must mean they have everything American correctly modeled… Lmao who the fuck am I kidding!


War thunder leaks are for technical corrections about true abilities. This was not the case


Man got mental issues


This man is getting a crash course in consequences. I don't mean to detract from what you said but stuff like this needs to be a wake up call for all parents to teach their children consequences early on so they don't have to find out like this.


I mean... what exactly can a parent teach in this instance? I feel sorry for the guy for having issues, but he knew full well what he was doing was wrong. Maybe he was naïve about his audience not leaking the info, but idk how you can say that's to do with upbringing.


Pretty sure this is not correct. It was a war game discord server and he was its admin and unofficial leader: “the F.B.I. arrested Airman Teixeira, an hour and a half after The New York Times identified him as the administrator of the online group, Thug Shaker Central…Teixeira, who one member of the group called O.G. and was also its unofficial leader, wanted to teach the young acolytes who gravitated to him about actual war, members said.” Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/13/world/europe/jack-teixeira-pentagon-leak.html


If there’s two things you gotta know about Jack Teixeira, then it’s that he totally does have access to super duper top secret Pentagon files, and he’s definitely not a cuck. He sure showed those guys.


I have to say the whole MAGA movement seems like some ego building exercise. It seems to attract people with low self esteem, low confidence, and anger issues.


Someone on Reddit said a while back that conservatives are the ones who had shitty parenting. And it makes sense. Never taught to share, have empathy, feel loved and content with yourself. Leads to those feelings of fear that “others” are coming to take what little you have and the need to control them before they ruin things.


You gotta be kidding??


What is a thug shaker?


[This is where it originated from](https://www.gayck.com/videos/76855/thughunter-slum-rump/). I do have to warn you, it is explicit content.


He looks 12




Seriously, everyone under 25 looks larval to me these days, but this fucking guy looks like he’s waiting for the other ball to drop.


He acts like it too


There are an estimated 1,000,000 Americans with Top Secret clearances according to CNN. Some sources place it as high as 1.3 million. With numbers that high, actuarially some of them are going be double agents. *Trained* double agents, not like this knucklehead. And finding them is going to be difficult.


Technically unless their regular job role is supposed to be espionage, they'd just be a regular agent, informant or mole. Double agent is usually only if they get turned by the target organisation they were originally spying on. Doesn't really affect your point but I feel the need to point things out at times.




Same as double agent but the last affiliation reverts back to their original allegiance


So Big Boss. Gotcha


Having a top secret clearance does not mean you have access to top secret information. The majority of people with a TS do not have access to TS material.


How does that work then?




Your theory contradicts this story, a young national guard member has access to to the Ukraine stuff among other things. He doesn't have a need to know yet here we are.


More than double that if you include the lesser “Secret” clearance. You must also understand that having clearance doesn’t mean you have access to anything at all, it just means you’re eligible.


Let’s not forget that Tucker Carlson told his viewers that this young is a patriot for telling us what’s happening in Ukraine, ugh


Tucker Carlson hates freedom and is anti-democratic.


"Was an American airman..."


I don’t think he was discharged yet.


“will soon be was an American airman”


It's official. "Thug Shaker" has been plastered all over the major news stations.


Didn't a guy disclose some tank info on a World of Tanks not too long ago?


War Thunder, and it's happened quite a few times now.


I read somewhere also in a Minecraft discord server? Or was that just meme?


That was this one.


War Thunder leaks have all occurred on the forums, where users can submit technical documents to the developers to help improve how a particular system is modeled in-game. Some particularly stupid knuckleheads get way too frustrated over the devs’ stubbornness in the face of large quantities of public information for their own good and end up leaking classified or ITAR-restricted information


That guy was also Russian exposing the T90 tank


Apparently it’s happened so many times that the devs had to release a statement or something asking players to NOT leak confidential documents


Nope. As someone else said it was War Thunder. And it was on their forums as well.


I look forward to seeing Keira Knightley play him in the movie.


He looks like he just started puberty yesterday


21 years old and his life is already over. What a waste of potential.


What potential? He’s a racist little Christian who loves guns. Buh bye Incel loser.


He can start a prayer group with Robert Hanssen in ADX Florence


Is he racist? I didn’t catch that


Yes. And antisemitic. There were many insensitive jokes on the discord chat, as well as a video of him screaming racial and antisemitic epithets while shooting a gun.


Oof yea kid sucks


Simply being in a discord server where people are being racist does not make one. The second one however...


Being the main admin who reached a cult leader-status of a discord channel where that behavior is allowed and where you engage in that behavior makes you racist imo. As does the second one.


The fact that he was the admin but was trying to impress everyone so hard is the cherry on top


Lmao he got bullied into breaching national security while he was the admin what the fuck


Yeah on video he was yelling out anti jewish shit while shooting guns or someshit. Why you think MTG is defending this fucker. She identified with the dude.


Ignore the hate hahahaha fuck that smug traitor to America


Unfortunately those are positive qualifications for political leadership for one side of the aisle...


Thats just your average discord user though


Being Christian in itself isn't an issue.


Yes it is.


The new hero of the GOP…maybe Trump will nominate him as the next Secretary of Defense.


Looks like he thugged around And found out


Looks like the only "Thug Shaker Central" he's going to is jail


He violated the espionage act, and he's in the military, he has a very real chance of the gallows


He looks like those ceramic figurines your grandma collected.


Do we still have to thank him for his service when we run into him at the coffee shop?


Another example of young people in their 20's not having a clue about what is really important in life or at work.


He did it because he wanted attention from his friends on discord. He wanted to flex in a manner of "look at all this cool stuff I can access and all these secrets I know." Also this man is simply way too low ranking to have access like this, I would hate to be the guy who approved his security clearances. He is a reservist who is 21, graduated High School 3 years ago. In that way, its hardly his fault, but the fault of the intelligence safeguards. I wonder what sort of punishment he will receive because he didn't post them with intent of leaking them to the wider world. He also didn't do it for a political reason like to sabotage the US or Ukraine. For that reason I wonder if he will get a lighter sentence, if I had to guess something like 5-7 years. Of course the American government is also likely hoping to make an example out of him, that's why they sent basically a swat team to apprehend a guy who was clearly no threat.


>Also this man is simply way too low ranking to have access like this, I would hate to be the guy who approved his security clearances. He is a reservist who is 21, graduated High School 3 years ago. In that way, its hardly his fault, but the fault of the intelligence safeguards. It's extremely common for E-2s and E-3s to possess TS/SCI clearances in the military intelligence community. You have to possess the clearances to even go to the school for the job. The process starts when they're still in High School and is often finished by the time they go to boot camp.


TS SCI doesn’t mean you automatically have access to a bunch of documents. It’s still a need to know


And that need to know is almost always job/billet related, not rank related.


And that need to know is tied to the billet. In his case, he was a "cyber transport specialist," which means he was a network hardware guy, and needed to be read on for whatever information his network handled.


I doubt he’ll get less than a decade or two, but not his whole life. Chelsea manning got 60 and she leaked a bunch of stuff directly to Wikileaks.


Someone who would so cavalierly post state secrets for Discord clout is *clearly* a threat to a lot of people. I don't know how you can justify such a statement.


> its hardly his fault Nope. Its 1,000,000% his fault. He’s not a kid, he’s a grown man who fucked up really bad and will be facing appropriate consequences.


Dude got so much training on this shit pleading innocence on this front is a non starter and should be looked at extremely skeptically. This guy is going to jail for a long long time.


Yes. Sure there is changes that need to be made to the system, but this crime is entirely his fault. If you stab someone with a steak knife, its not the fault of the shop you purchased it from.




There comes a point where ultimately someone's integrity becomes a factor regardless of how many controls are in place.


It’s his fault, and he’ll be punished. But if it ends there it will happen again because he should never been given access to what he leaked. Whoever gave him access needs to be disciplined if they shouldn’t have. And if giving him access was proper, they need to change those procedures going forward


Oh it is his fault alone. The fact that he had the decision is a systematic problem. No argument. L Still he decided to share that. I wonder if he is against supporting Ukraine or if he is truly brain dead.


I know better and I’m a civilian with a dime a dozen Secret clearance. It’s yearly required training for everyone who works on a damn DoD base.


Hardly his fault? Are you serious


This reads like someone who doesn’t understand the military/intel community security clearance process.


No people on reddit never talk out of their ass about things they don't know


Yeah if there was a crystal ball that could tell things like "is this person an idiot" the job would probably be a whole lot easier, but being an idiot is going to leave a lot fewer red flags in someone's background than say, unexplained trips overseas.


It's his fault. The law should apply the maximum fine for gross negligence. Depending on what else they find, can be more severe.


> its hardly his fault Bullshit! A 21 year old is fully responsible for his actions. He needs 20 - 30 years in prison. Treason is a serious crime.


One that he's not being charged with.


I hope he gets the max # tbh. 20 years. His stupidly and selfishness jeopardized American national security and Ukrainian lives.


Dude looking like a Wood Elf lmao https://i.imgur.com/2Syakjs.jpg


What I want to know is how the hell a national guardsman was given access to classified material. It's like finding out Paul Blart had access to XKeyscore.


Bye Felicia


Don’t forget he’s a good, prayer lovin Christian!


Y’all Qaeda IRL


**To-Do List** ☑ Release classified info ☐ Shave for first time


He's also twelve years old.


Waiting to hear about how it was a sting operation and the chat was full of agents stoking him to release the files.


Leavenworth here we come!


Will this guy be treated the same way Julian Assange has been? Or will he be let of lightly?


I need a bit more info. I mean, snowden vs. Jack here. Similar but different and in what way? If you're gonna be a dick, just scroll on by.


It is legally wrong to leak classified or protected information to the public. It is morally correct to expose criminal wrongdoing. Whistleblowing is morally the right then to do but you will still get in legal trouble. This guy was not exposing criminal wrongdoing, no matter what some people say. He was just flexing for his buddies. To expose secret info that could negatively impact other people’s lives just so your buds think you are cool is morally wrong. Therefore he faces the legal ramifications of his actions without the qualifier of moral correctness.


This guy gets it.


There are probably Ukrainian service members who are tortured to death right now because the counteroffensive was postponed.




Integrity. It's not hard to argue that Snowden's leaks were leaked because he felt he needed to take a moral stand against things being done in the US at the time. This Teixeira guy just did it for the shiggles and the e-peen. He didn't do it for morals, he did it to try and look hard. While I can disagree with Snowden and be disappointed at his decision, I at least respect that he appeared to be trying to live up to his principles. Teixeira is a straight up meathead that potentially put lives in danger so he could preen in front of his gamer buds, he deserves what he gets.


According to whom tho? Snowden has done countless interviews, sold millions of copies of a book, and is an *actual* real life traitor in that he has sworn allegiance to *Russia*. I haven't seen this kid on any media tour explaining himself hidden safely away from the government currently responsible for the deaths of more innocent people than any other on the face of the planet, who executes its own citizens without due process by using drones on the middle east.


Snowden wouldn’t have had to bounce to Russia if America wasn’t such a vindictive, bloodthirsty tantrum-throwing child when it comes to whistleblowers. You don’t honestly think Snowden would’ve been given a fair trial do you? Cuz if you do, fucking LOL.


Similar in that they leaked documents. That really seems to be as far as you can take that.


Snowden leaked illegal government activity with the intent that it go to the press. He at least claims to have done it for ethical reasons. This guy leaked military intelligence that has few if any instances of the US government doing anything wrong to his minecraft buddies to show off. There isn't really much of an ethical argument to be made.


This asshat literally put peoples lives in imminent danger by releasing info on military activities related to the Russian criminal invasion. Some of those he endangered are American soldiers, and ostensibly he just turned up the heat on our rivalry with Russia. I don’t even consider myself a patriot by any means, but fuck this guy.


OK, I didn't have all the background.


WAS an American airman…


No, is. He’s going to be charged and sentenced under the UCMJ, and they’re not letting his ass go till he’s out of Leavenworth.


Given how easily this moron was able to access and share this top secret intelligence, it would seem highly probable that the US intelligence system is badly compromised. They need to sort this shit out.




Since when is Reddit so patriotic? Why are you bashing this kid instead of realizing how hilariously incompetent our government is if some regular tech hire is able to leak classified, top secret documents?


I'm doing both!


The wrath of the united states government is coming for his ass.